Shattered • Stiles Stilinski...

Par ArgentWarrior

808K 19K 12.7K

❝I feel like I'm going to break into a million pieces.❞ They went a whole summer without any kind of supernat... Plus

Poor Betsy
Bites, Birds, and Blow Torches
Blanket of Darkness
Code Blue
Welcome Home Autumn
Risk and Reward
Ice bucket challenge? More like Ice bath challenge
Sassy hour with Peter Hale
What the heck is a Threefold death?
Scream, Autumn.
Authors note :)
The Bus Ride of Doom
Glen Capri Motel? No thanks.
There's Always Hope
Weight Lifted
Telluric Currents
Surprise visit
Mission Separate Voltron Wolf
The Wailing Woman
Hospital Chaos
Three More Sacrifices
Saving the day
Figuring things out
Let go, give in
Finding Malia
Scott's the hot girl
K i Ra
Lurking in the Shadows
Masked's me (i had to)
Surrounded by the Oni
Breaking Point
Gut Feeling
Never Trust a Fox
Oh look...I've been tagged
this is awkward
i made a snapchat?
Echo House
Echo House pt. 2
Echo House pt. 3
Youtube Channel
Unbelievable Loss
Divine Move
[Important] Authors Note

A Moment of Normality

13.2K 327 179
Par ArgentWarrior

Chapter Twenty Two 


Lights illuminated the hospital hallway as every single deputy in Beacon Hills showed up along with the FBI, Stiles and I had been sitting here waiting for them for awhile. After Scott ended up going off with Deucalion we found Derek lying unconscious on the elevator floor, which resulted in Stiles throwing a few harsh slaps to his face before he finally gained consciousness. Of course he ran off to find his sister leaving Stiles and I to deal with the cops. Guess this shouldn't be too bad, we should be used to dealing with them by now. 

As I glanced towards the doors my mouth gaped open when my eyes saw who was making their way into the hospital, "You've got to be kidding me..." 

Stiles furrowed his brow at my comment before taking a look himself, "Just perfect." He said as he let out a heavy sigh. 

"As if this night hasn't been bad enough...Is it too late to run?" 

Scott's dad made his way quickly over to where we were sitting, "A Stilinski at the center of this whole mess. What a shocker. But a Martin...that's a little surprising." 

I narrowed my eyes at the tall man, "You know what's surprising? You showing your face in this town."

"Think you can answer some questions without the usual level of sarcasm?" Agent McCall asked Stiles, completely ignoring my remark. 

My boyfriends head cocked to the side, "If you can ask the questions without the usual level of stupid." 

"Where's your dad, and why's no one been able to contact him?" Agent douche bag asked, a smirk tugging at his lips. 

"I don't know, I haven't seen him in hours." 

Scott's dad nodded, "Is he drinking again?" 

Stiles gave his head a small shake as he let out a sigh, "What do you mean, again? He never had to stop." 

"But he did have to slow down. Is he drinking like he used to?" 

I could tell Stiles was tensing up as he shifted in his seat, Scott's dad better watch out or he's gonna face the wrath of Stiles. "Alright, how about this? Next time I see him, I'll give him a field sobriety test, okay? We'll do the alphabet, start with F,  end with U." 

My hands folded across my chest as I became more irritated, "Is this honestly any of your business? How about you go back to doing whatever your little job is elsewhere, kay? This town doesn't need your help." 

"How about you two just tell me what happened here?" He asked, obviously not getting the hint that we both wanted him gone. 

"Neither of us know what happened here. We were stuck in the elevators the whole time." Stiles answered. 

Agent McCall narrowed his eyes, glancing at both of us. "You're not the ones who put the name on the doors, are you?" 

My eyes shot towards him, "What do you mean? What name?" 


Stiles and I walked into the Argents apartment right behind Allison and her father since they were just getting home themselves. We left the hospital the moment we saw "Argent" written in red on the elevator doors. If that doesn't scream that he's the next sacrifice, then I don't know what does. "I'm so sick of this..." I whispered to my best friend who was walking by my side. 

"I know, me too." She replied with a small frown before turning towards her dad as he unlocked the door. "Dad, how are you not worried about this? Clearly you're–" 

"The word is Guardian, Allison. More than anyone, you know that's a role I haven't exactly lived up to lately." He replied as he took a few steps into the dark apartment. 

Allison gave her eyes a roll as she sat her bow down next to the office door, "But she took Scott's mother and Stiles' father. That's not a coincidence." 

"Yeah, I'd also consider the fact that someone put your name up in large block letters on the elevator doors. That kind of felt like a warning to me." Stiles said as we all took places around Argents desk. 

I nodded in agreement, "Personally, I think it screams warning. I don't understand how you're not worried about this." 

Allison appeared next to my side, "I think it's Morrell. She knows a lot more than she lets on, and she might even be trying to help us." 

"Well, she needs to get on that a lot faster, okay? Seeing as how the lunar eclipse is less than two freaking nights away." My boyfriend stressed, taking a seat in one of the empty chairs. 

Argent leaned up against his desk, "Stiles, don't give up hope." 

"They could already be dead." 

I shook my head and walked a little closer to him. "Don't say that." 

"I don't think so. There's something about Jennifer's tactics. It's like she's still positioning, still moving pieces into place." 

Allison let out a sigh, "And you're one of them." 

"Then let's not wait around to see the next move." Argent replied as he pulled out a map, placing it on the desk in front of him. "Everything she's done has been on a telluric current, so Melissa and Sheriff have to be somewhere on one of those currents, right? Stiles, if we're gonna find them, we need your help." 

"Mr. Argent, I really don't think that you should be trying to find them when we're pretty sure you're the next one to be taken. I understand you wanna help, but–" 

"You seriously want to go after her?" Stiles interrupted, his voice raspy and low. "I mean, what if she just takes you like the others, huh? No offense, but what's the difference between you and them?" 

Right as Stiles finished the clicking sound of a gun caught my attention. Argent stood there with his gun in hand, and a look of determination on his face. It didn't matter to him that he was potentially in danger, the only thing that mattered was finding Stiles' dad, and Scott's mom. I loved that he cared so much, but I'm terrified that he's gonna walk himself right into a trap. Then Jennifer will have her third sacrifice, and another one of my best friends will lose a parent. Stiles and Allison have already lost one parent, and technically Scott has also, just in a different way...they don't need to lose the only parent they have left. 

"I'm carrying a forty five. Maybe she can heal from a shot to the leg and a few slashes to the face, but personally, I'd like to see how she holds up with half her skull blown off. We've got one priority right now, and that is to find Melissa and your dad. We've got a map and every clue we need to figure this out. The only thing we don't have is time, which is why I need the three of you." 

Stiles let out a small sigh before giving his head a small nod, "Where do we start?" 

"The place where the sacrifices have been committed have usually been different from where the bodies have been found." Argent explained as we all gathered closer to the map, "I think the placement has to do with the strength of the current, so there's the school, the animal clinic, the bank." 

I cocked my head to the side, "You don't think she would use the same place twice, do you?" 

"Only if she didn't succeed the first time." He replied as he tapped the location of the bank. 

Allison's eyes widened, "Scott's boss." 

"Deaton..." My boyfriend muttered. 

Chris nodded, "It was her only failure. That could mean something." 

"That's just one place so far. We're gonna need a lot more help." 

My best friend shifted towards me, "What about Lydia?" 

Argent furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "Lydia? What can she do?" 

I let out a small sigh as Chris' eyes shifted towards me, "Same thing I can do. We have this awesome talent of casually finding dead bodies...without even trying..."

"What are you? Psychic?" 

"Apparently, we're something." 


After a long discussion in the office we began following Argent down the hallway to grab some much needed supplies. Right as Allison and Chris entered the room Stiles grabbed onto my hand, pulling me to the side of the hallway. "Look, how about you go check up on Lydia? Maybe get a tiny bit of rest before the day starts?" 

"Are you crazy? No, I'm not leaving–" 

"Please...You look absolutely exhausted, and we need to talk to her anyways. I'll be there soon...maybe you can get a little nap it for me..." Stiles begged. 

I let out a heavy sigh, "But–" 


My eyes shifted towards the ground as I gave my head a small nod. He was right, I'm so tired I'm pretty sure I'm gonna start hallucinating at any moment. But, I don't want to be sleeping while all of this is happening. "Fine...Okay, but before anything happens you better be at my house for Lydia and I, okay?" 

"Of course." He said softly, as he grabbed onto my hands. "Thanks for being here for me...I don't think I could get through this without you by my side." 

I smiled softly and placed a small peck on his lips, "I'm always gonna be here, you know that." 

"I know...Alright, you better get going. Take my jeep, I'll have them drop me off at your house." He said as he pulled me into a tight hug, "I love you." 

"'re gonna let me drive the jeep? You must really love me...I love you too." I mumbled into his shoulder with a small chuckle. 

"Please be jeep is my baby." He sent me one last smile before walking into the room where Argent and Allison went, and I made my way to the front door. 

One of the things I absolutely hate the most is being in an elevator by myself. They've always spiked my anxiety ever since I was younger, but when I'm alone the anxiety gets twenty times worse. I mean, imagine how bad it would be if it broke down and you were the only one in it. The walls would literally feel like they were closing in on me, and I honestly don't know what I would do....

Thankfully the doors opened and I rushed out, running straight into none other than Isaac Lahey. "Oh my–Isaac? Okay, why do I feel like we always run into each other? Literally..."

"Well,'s you always running into me, but..." 

"Okay, Lahey....okay..." I said with a small chuckle, "Here to see Allison?" I asked with a wiggle of my eyebrows. 

His eyes widened a bit, "Um, not exactly. I'm here to help out, where are you going?" 

"Home for a little bit. They're up there gathering stuff together and discussing a plan, while I'm being forced into going home and getting some rest...and I need to talk to Lydia. Nice change of subject...." 

I could tell he obviously had a thing for Allison, now who knows what can happen between them though because of Scott. That should be interesting...

He nodded slightly, "I think we could all use some rest, but you definitely look like you need some." 

"How sweet of you." I deadpanned, "Alright, well...I'll see you guys soon, I guess...What time is it?" 

I watched as he swiftly grabbed his phone out of his pocket, "Almost five..." 

"Awesome." I groaned, "Okay, well watch out for my best friend, alright?" 

He nodded, "Always do." 

I sent him a small smile and turned towards the front door to the apartment complex, "Oh, and Isaac?" 


"I know you have a thing for Allison..." A smirk took over my lips, and I quickly made my way outside to my favorite blue jeep. 


After sneaking into my bedroom window I managed to get somewhat comfy in bed, but with all of the thoughts racing through my head, there was no sleeping happening for me any time soon. I'm hoping once my adrenaline begins pumping again I'll feel like I got a good nights sleep. I won't be much help if I drop over in the middle of doing something important. 

I grabbed my phone and began checking my social media accounts, something I haven't been able to do recently 'cause my lack of being a normal teenager. Maybe a few minutes of "Normal" will be good for me, maybe it'll help me forget about the world around me for just a moment and my anxiety can calm down. 

There was a light knock on my door before my mom slightly cracked my door open, taking a look inside. "Oh, good morning sweetie...I didn't hear you come in last night, I thought you were gonna stay with Allison? And what are you doing awake so early? I'm usually banging on your door trying to get you up." She had a suspicious look in her eyes, that look where she knew something was up, so she would use the look to break you before you could even come up with a good lie to save yourself. 

"Oh..." I said as I let out a yawn, "Just got a good nights rest I guess." I shrugged, "And I decided to come home since Allison and her dad had some things they needed to get done. Didn't wanna interrupt father, daughter bonding time. Anyways, how's Lydia?" 

She nodded slightly, "Okay...Um, she's doing well. I just did her hair for her. Listen, I'm just curious...How did you find your sister when she was being strangled? And did they try to hurt you also since you found them? She mentioned that you–" 

"Got there just in time to save me." Lydia replied, rushing next to my mothers side. "I told her how you caught them attempting to choke me to death...Mom, we already talked about this. No need to bring it back was just as traumatizing for her as it was for me." She has no idea...

"You're right...I'm sorry. Well, I'll leave you girls to talk, and go get ready for work." She awkwardly glanced between my sister and I before closing the door and making her way to her room. 

My sister ran over to my bed, and jumped under the covers next to me. "Don't worry...she's still completely in the dark." 

"Good...I think we should wait awhile before throwing all of this at her." 

She nodded in agreement, "Yeah...Anyways, lets just try not to talk about our supernatural problems for a few minutes. Whatcha doin?" She asked, gesturing towards my phone. 

My eyes shifted towards the screen, "Just attempting to be a normal teenager before Stiles gets here...there's some stuff we need to catch you up on." 

"Great..." She muttered, "So, how's the whole normal teenager thing going for ya?" 

"Ehhh," I shrugged, "Not bad...I'm just catching up on instagram. Oh my–Okay, so you know how I love Five Seconds of Summer, right?" 

Lydia's eyes narrowed towards me as she nodded, " an unhealthy amount, why?" 

"Well, since I've been catching up on everything I've missed, I've just found out that Ashton totally has a girlfriend now! Look–" I quickly tapped on a picture and shoved my phone into my sisters face. "Aren't they like grossly adorable?" 

Her face scrunched up due to the bright light, "Give me a second, you just blinded me." She blinked a few times as her eyes adjusted, "hmmm...she's pretty. Who is she?" 

"Her name's Ellie, she seems super sweet. She's not famous or anything, well...I mean, now she kinda is 'cause the whole dating a celeb thing but they're precious. I've been liking her pictures like crazy...I may or may not have posted a picture of myself on Instagram with the unicorn head that you got me for my birthday forever ago because she posted a unicorn picture, and I may or may not have tagged her in it." 

Lydia let out a small chuckle as she grabbed my phone out of my hands, "Oh, I gotta see this." 

"I mean, I know she probably won't see it because she gets so many comments and likes on her page, but I thought it was funny." 

"Um...Well, Autumn....I think she did like your picture." 

"What?!" I exclaimed as I snatched my phone out of her hands, "You're lying." 

She snatched the phone back out of my hands, and pointed to one of my notifications. "It clearly says,  'yoellieg liked your photo.' Oh! And look at that, she followed you too. Guess she likes you for your love of unicorns." 

My mouth gaped open and I couldn't help but just sit there and stare at my notifications. "She....Ellie....I.....What?" 

"You're totally fangirling right now, aren't you?" 

My head nodded quickly, "I think so, yeah....Do you realize how cool this is? Like she's Ellie....Best friends with 5SOS and dating Ashton Irwin....And not only that but she's normal and cool! How much you wanna bet her life doesn't involve the supernatural, because I would bet our house." 

In this moment, all the crap we're going through was moved aside. I don't care if I'm fangirling right now, like this is amazing. 

"You and your fangirl moments, I swear." My sister said with a laugh as she placed my phone back in my hand. 

"Oh whatever," I replied, hitting her on the head with one of my pillows. "You would totally be the same if–" 

"Autumn!" My mom yelled, completely cutting me off. 

I let out a small sigh, "Yeah?"

"Stiles is here." 

"Great...Awesome timing. Way to ruin the moment." I groaned before dragging myself out of bed, "Well, the five minutes of feeling like a normal teenager were nice while it lasted." 


YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY I'VE BEEN WAITING FOREVER TO POST THIS CHAPTER BECAUSE OF THIS LAST PART!!!! I'M SOOOO EXCITED FOR THIS CROSSOVER WITH MY GREAT FRIEND deputyjparrish!!! IF YOU GUYS HAVEN'T GONE AND READ HER STORY INSTAGRAM YET, YOU TOTALLY SHOULD BECAUSE IT'S AMAZING!! (No seriously, really is amazing, I swear. It's legit my favorite.) Getting to bring such an amazing character like Ellie into my story  is such an honor and jdhsflkjashdkjhasdf I just love it so much. I definitely advise you to go check out the rest of Laur's writing also, because literally her writing is just amazing.  

Just a reminder Autumn does have an instagram, theautumnmartin, annddddd so does Ellie! yoellieg! You should definitely check them out! 

I really hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Let me know what you think! :) Just an episode and a half to go until we hit season 3b. Better go ahead and stock up on tissues guys, it's gonna be intense af. Seriously....I've already made myself cry with some of the stuff....

Thank you so much for reading! 

Continuer la Lecture

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