Echo House

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Chapter Thirty Eight


My lips lingered on Stiles', not wanting to move one bit, afraid of how long it will be until I feel his lips against mine again. The fear of the unknown was killing me, none of us had any clue what was going to happen. The fox inside of him had been poisoned just as Deaton said, so when Stiles came to he was truly himself. After I passed out at the animal clinic I woke up at Scott's house, both Stiles, mama McCall, and himself hovering over me. Melissa was checking me over for injuries, and Stiles was just sitting there gripping onto my hand as hard as he could without hurting me. I could immediately tell it was him the moment my eyes met his, and regardless of the slight pain I was still feeling, I flung myself into his arms.

"I don't want you to go." I whispered, keeping him pulled as close to me as I possibly could.

His hand slowly and gently wiped a tear from my cheeks, "I know, baby...but I have to go."

It had been a day since he returned back to himself, I absolutely hated the idea of him leaving so soon after, especially to go to Eichen house. "Stiles, you've heard stories, we all have. This's not a good place to be."

"I know...but until we can figure this out, this has to happen. I'm sorry..." My face dug into his chest until a knock sounded at the door, resulting in both Stiles and I looking in that direction.

"Hey, I'm sorry to interrupt but um...if you wanna do this, then we gotta leave now." Sheriff seemed to be feeling the same way I was about this whole situation, he didn't want his son to be placed in such an awful establishment.

Stiles nodded, quickly grabbing my hand before grabbing his bag off of his bed. "Yeah, let's go."


The car ride was silent except for the pelting sound of the rain hitting the windows, none of us could really find words to say. Stiles chose to sit in the back of the car with me, so my head stayed glued to his shoulder the entire time. He had one hand holding mine firmly, while the other hand rubbed my arm for comfort. Occasionally he would place a kiss on the top of my head, little did he know he was breaking off a little piece of my heart with every touch of his lips.

Emotionally I wanted to keep myself together for his sake, but once you've been through as much as I have in such a small amount of time, it's like those strong walls that you've built up for so long start to crumble little by little. I didn't want to turn into this weak girl, but sometimes you just have to say it's okay not to be okay. This was one of those moments.

"Hey..." Stiles sat up a little in his seat, lifting my chin so our eyes were locked. "You're crying again..."

"I'm sorry." I apologized quickly, attempting to wipe the tears but that only made space for more to fall. "I'm trying not to–"

His lips slowly placed themselves on mine, causing my eyes to close lightly. "Don't be sorry." He whispered, his warm breath hitting my face. He pulled back a bit, and as my eyes fluttered back open they immediately locked onto his once more. This time tears were noticeably forming in his eyes, "Everything's gonna be okay, we can get through this. You can get through this, you're so strong, Autumn. You always have been, and it amazes me. I know this is gonna be hard, but if anyone can make it through this, it's us."

The squeaking of the breaks broke us from the moment, and I could literally feel my heart drop into my stomach. I glanced up to find Papa Stilinski looking at us through the rearview mirror, sorrow covering every inch of his face. "We're here."


We all clambered out of the car, Sheriff and I both sharing the same look before following Stiles to the large gates that Eichen House sat behind. The place just gave me the creeps looking at it, it was exactly like a place you would find in some horror film. Stiles wrapped his arms around my waist and was about to say something until the sound of a motorcycle filled the space around us. Scott's bike finally came into view, and he jumped off of it faster than I had ever seen. As he tugged the helmet off his head, a look of confusion and sadness was shown. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, eyes directly on Stiles.

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