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Chapter Forty One


"This looks just like me..." Kira said as she took a look at the picture Stiles had found. After Oliver got him with the stun gun it slipped out of his hands, so before Lydia dragged me out of that horrible place I made sure to grab it. The resemblance to Kira was uncanny, if I didn't know that the picture was from 1943 I would think it was her. "This has to be my grandmother." 

Scott shrugged, "Autumn was the last one to see Stiles at Eichen House-" He said, gesturing towards me. "He found this picture and this..." He grabbed a sword from behind his back, which was also located on the Nogitsune. "They found it with a body buried in a wall. The same backwards five that the Oni put on us was on the wall that the body was behind. It sounds like it all goes back to your family. Your grandmother...your mom..." 

I nodded quickly, sending a glare towards Kira. "Yeah, it does all lead back to you. Why don't you tell me why a picture of your grandmother was with the Nogitsune? It's funny how you show up and everything just goes to complete sh–" Scott's hand flew up onto my mouth, and no matter how hard I tried to speak it only sounded like a jumbled mess. 

"Calm down." He whispered, "Now, I'm gonna take my hand off of your mouth but that doesn't mean I won't put it back." 

"I really don't know, Autumn. I'm just as confused as you are about this whole thing..." She gave me a semi sympathetic look before grabbing her phone that was vibrating on the bed, and I had a horrible feeling about the look on her face. 

Scott must have noticed too, "What's wrong? What is it?"

"My dad." 

"What about your dad?" 

Kira's eyes met mine as she gulped, "Stiles...he was there." 


I busted through the school doors faster than I ever had before, Scott and Kira following closely behind. Instead of finding Stiles in the room I was only greeted with Kira's dad on the ground gasping for air, and her mom rubbing his back. 

"Kira, did you bring it?!" 

She nodded in response before handing her mother a small object, "You gonna tell me what it is?" 


"You're not seriously giving dad magic mushrooms?" Without responding Kira's mom shoved the magic mushroom into her fathers mouth, and he began choking even worse than before. Although, now it was like he was coughing something up and so he quickly grabbed a tissue. A small puddle of blood appeared as he stood up from the ground, no longer choking. 

"Are you okay?" 

He nodded slowly in reply, "Stiles did this?" Scott asked, a look of concern on his face. 

"He wanted the last Kaiken." Kira's mom responded, showing us something that looked to be a knife. "I've kept this near me since your friend disappeared." 

"Mom, you need to talk to us, about everything." 

I tugged on Scott's arm grabbing his attention, "Can we talk out in the hallway, please?" 

He gave a small nod in response before turning back towards the others, "Excuse us for just a minute." 

The both of us walked back outside, closing the door behind us so we would have a little bit of privacy. "Scott, I can't stand here in this room with these people right now, I'm sorry. I can't shake the feeling that they have something to do with this, with all of this. Ever since they showed up in our town haven't you noticed that things have majorly gone downhill?" 

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