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Chapter Forty Six


[Third Person]


There was barely any noise coming from anyone in the Sheriff's station, just the occasional sound of a chair moving or radio buzzing. Each of the deputies had been around Autumn since she was a little girl hanging out with Stiles as he waited for his dad, the newer ones even grieving due to them just knowing her for a short amount of time. Isaac, Scott, and Lydia just sat there, their minds still running back to what had just happened not even two hours ago. Isaac had lost not only someone he was beginning to fall in love with, but he also lost someone that saw him when nobody else did. He lost the girl he had the biggest crush on for the longest time, the girl that had become one of his best friends. Scott had lost his first love, the girl he would always love, and his best friend that he loved more than the world. He wished it would have been him, he could heal, he wished that he would have gotten there just a moment earlier.  He wanted to break down, wanted to punch the wall, but he knew he had to stay strong for everyone else like he always did. He had to pretend to be strong. Lydia, she felt completely broken on the inside. A part of her was gone, there was a hole in her heart that was vacant. She could literally feel the loss of her sister, she could hear her death ringing in her ears. She lost her sister, her blood, her best friend from the beginning. She lost her other best friend, the one true girl friend she had, had since Autumn. Lydia wasn't exactly sure how she was keeping herself together, it could be shock, maybe a numbness, was probably a matter of time until she broke down again like she did back at the camp. 

Now, Stiles on the other hand...he had no idea what had happened. His health was deteriorating by the minute, they didn't want to put anything on him that would make things worse. They wanted to be able to save him, they couldn't save Autumn or Allison. The thing was, he could feel it, he knew there was something they weren't telling him when Autumn wasn't by his side as he came to at Kira's house. They just kept telling him she was safe and with Allison, but there was a coldness inside of him, a coldness he had never felt before. His gut was telling him that something was really wrong, but he wanted to believe that she really was safe, that they were both safe, that Autumn would be walking through the door any minute with the bright smile on her face that lit up his world even in his darkest hours. He would rather himself die if she was gone, and as of right now it seemed as though that was  exactly what was happening. Maybe it was meant to happen. But, he would keep himself together until he knew the truth, until he had proof that this bad feeling inside of him was just that...a feeling, not his reality. 

"Can you guys follow me into the office?" Parrish asked, breaking everyone out of their trance for the most part. He was grieving along with everyone else, he grew fond of the two girls when they would be around. Scott nodded slowly, helping Lydia stand to her feet as her body trembled. "I know this is going to be hard, but...I need you to tell me everything that happened, everything you can remember. 

Scott nodded once again, taking a seat on the couch in the office. "Yeah, um...I called Mrs. Martin and Argent first...I–" 

"We know that from the records, but what happened at the scene, Scott?" 

He was doing everything he could to hold the tears back, "Oh, right...Um, there were two of them. They tried to steal our car...They-they wore masks, I think one of them had a knife. I saw something sharp and metallic. We were all yanked out of the thing I remember one of the guys started going after Allison...Autumn screamed and jumped in front of the weapon." A single tear slipped from his eyes, "But then the second guy got Allison because she tried to retaliate."

Parrish nodded as he took down notes, "Do you both remember the exact same thing happening?" 

Lydia and Isaac kept their eyes on the ground, just nodding in response. "Stiles wasn't there?" 

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