The Bus Ride of Doom

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Chapter Twelve 


"Autumn...Sweetheart, you're gonna have to get out of bed at some point. It's been four days." 

Four days since Stiles and I had our argument. 

Four days since we've even spoken to each other. 

Four of the longest days of my life.  

I brushed my tear stained cheeks off with my blanket, "I just wanna lay in my bed and listen to sad music all day. Please leave me alone." I said as I pulled the blanket over my face, digging myself deeper into my bed. 

My mother let out a heavy sigh as her body made its way into my room, "Honey, you have a cross-country meet to go to....I don't think coach would appreciate you skipping out on it, and I've already let you take a day off of school. You need to get up." 

"I didn't even sign up for the stupid cross-country team, Scott and.....and Stiles signed me up." I mumbled into my blanket, as my eyes brimmed with tears once again. 


"Mom." I heard Lydia say sternly from the doorway, "I think it's time for a sister to sister chat, yeah?" There was a moment of silence as my mother apparently left the room, letting Lydia plop down next to me on my bed. "Alright, Auttie, enough drowning in your tears. It's time to grasp onto that Martin strength, and try to pull it least make people think you are. I can't stand to see you like this. I understand your heart's broken, but you guys didn't officially break up, correct?" 

My eyes peeked from underneath my blanket, narrowing at hers that were staring directly into mine. "Lydia, we haven't talked for four days. One of the last things he said to me was that he didn't wanna talk to me. Does that sound good to you?" 

Her hand rested on top of my arm, a look of sympathy on her face. "Autumn, you have to understand why he's upset. Especially since everybody knew before him, and I mean that was a huge thing that happened.... he's kinda a huge part of your life, so keeping that away from him..... Look, I'm sure he misses you just as much as you miss him, alright? He's probably just needed some time to think. There's no way he's gonna let this whole not talking thing go on much longer. I mean, seriously, have you seen the way he looks at you? The kid is head over heels for you. True love always just may take a little time." 

I sat myself up just so I could switch to laying on her lap, "I don't know if I can sit on a bus with him for that long, Lyds.  I–"

"I'll be there, okay? Not on the bus, but behind it. Allison said something about going with her anyways. Everything will be okay...if you need me I'll literally be right there. Now come on, beautiful. Rise and shine, and throw on that gorgeous smile mom paid so much for. He's gonna forgive you, and everything will go back to normal."  I reluctantly sat myself up, almost feeling too weak to go against the gravity pushing me back down. Everything will go back to normal? What's normal even mean anymore?  

I've barely eaten, slept, or talked in days. What if he doesn't forgive me? What if I've lost not only my boyfriend, but my best friend? I've always thought of myself as an extremely independent person, but I'm really not as independent as I thought I was.

 I need Stiles.

I need him more now than ever.

 I need him more than he will ever know. 


I solemnly drug myself towards the bus lugging my track bag. Someone might as well come kill me now, cause there's no way I'm ready for this. 

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