Getting Married While Drunk!

By cheyenne16

175K 1K 216

After a wild night of dancing, drinking, hooking up, and reckless behavior. The next day Tues wakes up in a m... More

Ch:1 A Beautiful Lie
Ch:2 Dine n' Dash
Ch:3 Gas Station Freak Out
Ch:4 A Little Devil Just Like Me
Ch:5 Dinner with the In-laws
Ch:6 Infinity On High
Ch:7 An Unforgettable Party
Ch:8 3 Cheers for Sweet Revenge
Ch:9 Time to Ditch the Cops
Ch:10 Good Morning Revival
Ch:11 Daddy's Little Girl
Ch:12 Move Along
Chapter 13: The Carnival
Ch:14 Tell All Your Friends
Ch:15 An Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 16: Brand New Eyes
Chapter 17: My Stupid Job
Chapter 18: A tricky Bet
Chapter 19: His Ex- Girlfriend
Chapter 20: Mine Is Yours
Chapter 21: A trip to the Hospital
Chapter 22: The Bowling Ally
Chapter 23: Food Fight!
Chapter 24: Rise & Fall, Rage & Grace
Chapter 25: Lights, Camera, Action!
Chapter 26: Only by the Night
Chapter 27: Good & Bad News
Chapter 28: Winter Break part:1
Chapter 28: Winter Break part: 2
Chapter 29: A Thousand Miles
Ch:30 Dear Agony
Chapter 31: Can't stop, won't stop
Chapter 32: Secrets are Reveal
Chapter 33: Black Out!
Chapter 34: Just Breathe
Chapter 35: Reckless & Relentless
Chapter 36: Green with Envy
Chapter 37: New Surrender
Chapter 38: Over the Edge
Chapter 39: All the things I Regretted
Chapter 41: Dreaming Out Loud
Chapter 42: Welcome to My Life
Chapter 43: What Ever Happened?
Chapter 44: Famous Last Words
Chapter 45: My Cheating Ex-boyfriend
Chapter 46: The Trial of the Century part:1
Chapter 46: The Trial of the Century part:2
Chapter 47: Every Tear Drop is a Waterfall
Chapter 48: Waiting for your Letter
Chapter 49: All Downhill from Here part:1
Chapter 49: All Downhill from Here part:2
Chapter 50: Need You Now
Chapter 51: Guess Who's Back? Part:1
Chapter 51: Guess who's back? Part:2
Chapter 1: New Beginnings

Chapter 40: Here in Your Arm

2.5K 15 5
By cheyenne16

(Tuesday's Pov)

"So do you guys want to go back to school" Lola asked. "Pff no way! Why don't we go to Tues's house" Ash suggested. "Okay I don't mind skipping because I kinda got into trouble before I left" I said shrugging. "Wow typical Tues" Charlie said giggling.

"How about I drop you guys off at Tues's house because I can't skip" Lola said while driving. "Really why not?" Ash asked curiously. "I've been absent too many days and if I skip I'll probably fail" she said sheepishly. "I'll miss you babe" Joey said sincerely.

"Aww thanks Joey. I'll miss you too but you're still not coming over my house this weekend" she said grinning. He pouted at her but she ignore him and kept her eyes on the road. As we were driving pass our high school to get to my house. I saw Milo on the bleachers talking to CREE?

What the hell is he doing with her. They were holding hands and I saw her giggling. Is Milo dating Cree? They have to be dating otherwise she wouldn't talking to him.  When did this happen? And most importantly why do I feel like my heart is sinking from watching them together?

When we arrived at my house Lola said "So I'll see you guys later." We all got out of her car and I said  "bye." "See ya" Ash said smiling. "I'll text you later" Charlie said winking. Joey lean toward her window to kiss her good bye but she drove off leaving him standing there like a idiot.

We all started laughing hysterically while Joey was glaring at us. "You're really gonna have to make it up to Lola to get back on her good side" Charlie said chuckling. "Shut up it's all your fault she is piss at me" Joey snap at her.

Charlie shrugged her shoulders and said "What can I say, don't get me two weeks of detention next time." "Oh dude she told you" Ash said grinning. "Ash you're still not off the hook" Charlie said narrowing her eyes at him. Joey smiles smugly at Ash and he glared at Joey.

We went inside my house and I collapse on the couch. Joey and Charlie were fighting for the remote and Ash was watching them amused. "Ugh forget it you could have the remote" Joey said giving up. "Yay" Charlie said and did a victory dance.

Joey roll his eyes at Charlie while Ash and I were chuckling at her. "I could use a smock" Joey said all of a sudden. "Really? and after what happen yesterday" I said amused. "Yeah! You know how tiring it is to get into a bar fight" Joey said complaining.

"Then don't get into one next time idiot" I said obviously. He went upstairs into my room ignoring what I said. "Found it" he yelled and rush back downstairs with my stash of weed in his hand. "Joey you're not going to smock all that by yourself" I question him.

"No I brought some for you guys" he said while rolling up a joint. "Oh you can count me in but Ash is out" Charlie said smiling. "What?" Ash said confused. "Yeah consider it part of your punishment" Charlie said while lighting up a joint.

He groan at her and said "That's not fair." "Too bad life isn't fair" Charlie said sticking her tongue at him. "Aww come on Charlie please" he begged her. "I'm sorry" he apologized. Ash looked at her desperately and I knew by the look on Charlie's face she would give in.

"Ok fine" she said surrendering. Ash smiles at her and he tried to kiss her. But she turn her head and Ash ended up kissing her cheek. "I'm still piss at you" she said smirking. He sigh and mutter "Fine be like." "What was that" she said glaring at him. "You heard me women" he shouted.

"What!" she said and hit him on the back of his head. "Ow Charlie! I was just kidding" he said rubbing his head. "Don't call me women " she scolding him. He smiled cocky at her and said "then what would you like me to call you a man?" "Alright keep being a smart ass" she challenge him.

"Dude if I were you. I would shut up before she cut you off completely" Joey said smirking. "Yep your just digging your hole deeper Ash" I said agreeing with Joey. "Relax guys! Charlie knows I'm just kidding" he said calmly.

"Really? because right now she really looks like she wants to chop your head off"  Joey said laughing.  "Bring out the axe" I said chuckling. Joey high five me and Ash just roll his eyes at us. "All I'm going to say right now Ash, is you're lucky I'm stone right now.

Otherwise I would get you" she said giggling. Ash smiles at her and took the joint out her hand. He smock it then passed it to Joey. He grab it and took a drag and asked me "Tues you want a hit."  Well it's been a while since I smock weed since my dad's death.

Even since then I haven't touch the stuff. "Come on Tues take a hit" Charlie chanted. I sigh and took the joint from Joey. I put it up to my lips and took a drag. Soon we were all were high in my living room."So you nailed Lola yet dude" Ash asked Joey.

Charlie slap Ash in the back of his head again. "Charlie you seriously need to cut it out" he said glaring at her. "It because you deserve it. You can't just ask someone that" Charlie said. Joey interrupted them and said "yeah I nailed her."

 "You guys are such jack asses" I said shaking my head at them. "Don't act all innocent Tues, you probably did it with Jake already" Ash said. "What? No I didn't" I said honestly. "Really? You haven't" he said surprised. "No I wanted to take things slowly with him" I said truthfully.

They all started to crack up. "What's so funny" I said crossing my arms. "You wanting to take thing slow" Ash said laughing. I hit him on the back of his head. "Ow" he said rubbing his head. "I was serious dumb ass" I said fiercely. "What is this 'Hit Ash over the head' day" he said annoyed.

Joey smirks at Ash and hit him. "Dude what the hell" he yelled. Joey shrugged his shoulders and said "What? You did said it was 'Hit Ash over the head' day and I didn't get a chance too." He roll his eyes at Joey and then turned to face me. "Really? You haven't slept with him" Ash said smirking.

"No!" I said annoyed. "Pff it because of Milo" Joey said. "Oh yeah! your right Joey" Ash said agreeing with him. "What does this have to do with Milo" I asked confused. "He likes you, you like him but you're still with Jake" Charlie said obviously. "What!" I said surprised.

"Yeah it's pretty obvious he likes you. Every time you mention Jake he gets really jealous" Charlie said while taking a hit. "He doesn't like me" I denied. "Yes he does" Ash said. "He is in love with somebody else" I said. "Who?" Ash asked curiously.

"It's Cree! That girl Joey fooled around with" I said bitterly. Joey started coughing and said astonish "He loves her?" "What the hell!" Ash said shock. "Eww he loves Cree" Charlie said disgusted. "Yeah he told me from since day one I met him" I admitted.

"He has bad taste. I mean she is Kinda hot but Cree is very clingy, bossy, and annoying" Joey pointed out. "Well today I saw them together and I guess Milo is happy since he finally got back with her" I said. "Wait wait wait this doesn't make any sense" Joey said stopping me.

"What doesn't make any sense" I ask confused. "Remember on the phone you said you're mad at Milo why?" he asked curiously. "Because he yelled at me and-" I was saying but Ash interrupted me. "What was he yelling to you about" Ash asked.

"About how I shouldn't be dating Jake but I-" he cut me off again and said "he probably jealous of Jake and took his anger out on you." "What?" I said confused. "That's what probably happen. It's wasn't brain science" he said shrugging his shoulders.

"Whatever you say doctor Phil but it doesn't explain why he is with Cree" I said reminded him. "Yeah I don't know the answer to that but you shouldn't be mad at him" Ash said. "Yeah he's right Tues" Charlie said agreeing with him.

"What! now you're agreeing with Ash all of a sudden" I said to Charlie. "Because it's true" she said smiling. "So what? I should just forgive him" I said. "Yes!!!" they all said. I roll my eyes at my friend and thought about it. Maybe I should forgive Milo.

~The next day~

(Milo's Pov)

"Okay let me get this straight. Cree called and wanted to talk to you. When you got to school early, you saw Jake and Tues. Then you trash talk Jake and yelled at Tues. And now she hated you and you got back with Cree" Cole said summing up everything.

"Well I guess when you put it like that....." I started to say but Cole interrupted me and asked calmly "Milo give me that book you were reading for a sec." "Okay here" I said confused and handed over the book. "You idiot! You idiot! You idiot" Cole said while hitting me with the book.

"Ouch stop hitting me" I yelled while shielding myself. He stop and shake his head in frustration. "What was that for" I snap at him. "For being an idiot" he said obviously. I roll my eyes at him and said "What did I do?" "Well for starters let's see..... you yelled at Tues and you got back with Cree" he pointed out.

"Tuesday hates me and well I always wanted to get back with Cree" I said honestly. "That's the biggest lie I ever heard" Cole said while shaking his head. "What! It's true" I insisted. "Okay then! Why are you acting depress right now instead of being happy you're with Cree" he said cleverly.

"Uh... Cuz Tuesday is my friends and I don't want her to hate me" I said quickly. "You're lying!" he said. "No I'm not" I denied. "Yes you are! I think that you like Tues but you too afraid to admit that to yourself. And since you got into this argument with her you're using it as an excuse to get back with Cree."

"What? Why would you think that" I asked confused. "Because it's true" he said smirking. "No it's not" I said denying it. "Yeah keep saying that to yourself. Well I'm going to go find Oliver" he said getting up to leave. "Bye" I said. While I sitting on the bicycle rack I thought about what Cole said.

But then out of nowhere I felt somebody jump on my lap and I almost fell off the bike rack. "Hey Milo" Cree said cheerfully. "Hi Cree" I said. "What's wrong" she asked concern. "Nothing" I mutter. I wasn't really paying attention to her because I saw Tuesday getting out of Charlie's car.

She was talking to Ash, Joey, and Charlie. When she looked in my direction and our eyes made eye contact she looked away. Then she continue to talk to them. I felt kind of crush when she looked away from me. I guess she is still piss off about what happen yesterday.

I heard somebody yelling my name and I relies Cree was shouting at me. "What" I said annoyed. "Are you paying attention" she ask me. "Yeah I am" I answer her. "Then what did I say" she asked while putting her hands on her hips. " asked me if I was ok" I said trying to remember.

"Milo that was five minutes ago" she said rolling her eyes at me. "Ok fine I wasn't paying attention to you" I admitted. She sigh and said "Well there is this party next week that we should go to" she said cheerfully. I starch my neck and said "Ughhhh I don't know Cree."

"Come on Milo it'll be fun. Plus everyone is going to be there" she said pouting. "Okay fine" I said. She smiles at me and give me a quick peck on the cheek. The bell ring and people started to walk into the school. I saw Tuesday walk pass me and didn't even bother to look in my direction.

Oh this is great, now she is ignoring me and not speaking to me anymore.  I sigh and walk to my next class with Cree. The day pass by very slowly because I still couldn't stop thinking about Tuesday. She keeps popping up in my mind and invading my thoughts.

Why did I have to yell at her. What was I thinking? Oh right I wasn't thinking I was just angry she was dating a douche bag and I took out my anger on her. Yep I'm really smart. Well at least I have lunch next. When class was over I went to my locker to put away my books.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turned around to see it was just Cree. "Oh hey Cree" I said. "Are you ready to go" she asked smiling. "Go where" I asked confused. "This morning I said we should eat lunch on the bleachers again. Didn't you remember" she reminded me.

"Oh right" I said shaking my head. I really need to pay attention to what she said. I close my locker and she grab on to my hand as we walk down the hall. I was about to open the door to go outside but I heard somebody calling my name. I turned around and saw it was Tuesday.

"Hey can I talk to you" Tuesday said. I can't believe she is talking to me. I thought she was mad at me because of the way she acted this morning. I'm so happy she is specking to me. And by the looks of it she doesn't seem mad at me anymore.

(Tuesday's Pov)

I needed to talk to Milo alone but Cree is there with him. When I saw them together sitting on the bike rack this morning I wanted to puke. I really didn't really want to see them together because every time I do, I feel like my heart is sinking. "Wait Milo" Cree said pulling him back before he could move.

"Who is this?" she said in a snobbish voice. "Cree this is Tuesday and Tuesday this is Cree" he said introducing us. Pff like I wanted to meet this b*tch. I was trying to avoid seeing her ugly face. I mean come on! Why the hell is Milo with Cree after the way she treated him.

Sometimes I understand Milo at all but it's his life so I guess he can do anything he wants. I fake smiled at her and said "Hi." Milo looked happy to see me but Cree on the other hand was glaring at me. "Milo where are you going with her" she said rudely.

"Actually I just need to talk to him for a sec" I butted in. She roll her eyes at me and said "No Milo you promise me you would eat lunch with me outside." "Don't worry it will only take a sec Cree" Milo said reassuring her. "But Milo I'm hungry and I don't want you talking to some skank" she said whining.

Ok I can't take watching this crap anymore. I grab Milo hand and ran towards the parking lot. Cree was yelling for Milo to come back but I ignored her and ran faster. Oh great I don't have a ride since Charlie drop me off this morning. I looked through the parking lot and saw Milo's car nearby.

"Give me your key" I said quickly before Cree shows up. "What" he said confused. I saw Cree marching towards us looking piss off. Ugh I don't have time for this! So I push my hands down Milo's pants pockets to search for his key. "What are you doing?" he asked uncomfortable.

I ignore him and got the key. I unlock the car and push him in the backseat. Then I got in the driver's seat and quickly reverse. I started to drive out of the parking lot. But I saw in my rear view mirrors, Cree was stopping her feet in frustration and yelling at Milo to get back here.

I chuckle to myself and smiled evilly. I roll down the window and stick my middle finger at her to go fu*k herself. That's what she gets for calling me a skank. She is lucky I'm letting her off so easy. Believe me the next time I wouldn't hesitate to punch her in the nose.

The whole time when I was driving Milo didn't say anything. He looked like he was in deep thought. I decided to pull up to a coffee shop because I still didn't get a chance to talk to him and I need some coffee. It started to rain heavily as I was parking the car. "Crap it's raining" I mutter

"If you want you can wear my jacket so you wouldn't get wet" he said handing it to me. "Are you sure? Wouldn't you get wet" I asked him. "Nah it's ok. You take it" he insisted. "Thanks" I said while putting it on. We got out of the car and Milo hold on to my hand.

"Ready to make a run for it" Milo said giving me a genuine smile. I felt that warm tingly feeling in my stomach again. I squeeze his hand and nod my head yes. We ran full speed toward the coffee shop. When we reach the coffee shop entrance I started laughing and Milo looked at me weirdly.

"You're soaking wet" I said giggling. He smiles at me and tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "Tuesday I'm sorry I yelled at you" he apologized. He looked into my eyes and they were held with such regret. "It's ok I forgive you" I said smiling.

He hugged me and at that moment I felt a spark spread thought my body. Even though he wes soaking wet, I could still feel the heat of his body pressing against me and I didn't want to let go of him. But I started to shiver when the wind was blowing.

"I'm cold" I whisper in his ear. "Come on lets go inside" he said smiling. We went inside the coffee shop and order two mocha coffee. Then I sat down next to him at a table by the window. I took a sip of my coffee and said "So can we just forget about what happen and be friends again."

He smiled at me and said "yeah I'll like that." I rest my head on his shoulder and sigh in content. "So you and Cree huh" I said. "What do you mean" he asked confused. "You finally got back with Cree" I said. "Oh yeah I guess so. I was worried that you were going to stay mad at me" he said.  

"Milo I can't stay mad at you" I told him honestly. "Um Tuesday can I ask you something" he said nervously. "You already did" I said grinning. He roll his eyes at me and said "Remember when we first met." "Oh how could I forget the first day we spend in holy matrimony" I said chuckling.

He laugh a little and said "well you know how I was.... um." He looked unsure what to say. "Yeah" I said encouraging him. "Well how I kinda wasn't nice to you" he said hesitantly. I nodded my head for him to continue.

"What I wanted to ask you is do you hate me for the mean things I said to you in the past" he asked nervously. That's what he was so worried about. I chuckle at him and said "do you hate me for being annoying to you when we first met." "No" he said.

"Well then I guess my answer will have to be no too" I said smirking at him. Relief swept thought him and he said "oh good." "Hey do you wanna go back to school. I bet Cree went crazy since I drag you away from her" I said lightly chuckling.

"Nah I just want to stay here a little longer" he said putting his arm around me. "Okay" I said smiling. We sat there quietly as I listen to the rain droplets fall on the window.  If only I could stay like this forever.


Hi guys! I hope you like the chapter & the next one is going to be very interesting. Vote/Comment/Fan :)

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