You can't hide love ( Lawson...

By gaspshockfics

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You can't hide love (Lawson Fanfic)
Chapter 1- The knock on the door
Chapter 2- Happy Birthday Princess
Chapter 3- A familiar voice
Chapter 4- Here take this
Chapter 6- A feeling I've never felt before
Chapter 7- Everything will be okay
Chapter 8- Off into the wilderness
Chapter 9- Bolton
Chapter 10- Lovely New Fish tank
Chapter 11- Love At First Sight
Chapter 12- The Start Of Something New
Chapter 12- The One's I Love
Chapter 13- Night Of You're Dreams
Chapter 14- There's One Question I'd Like To Ask
Chapter 15- It Would Break My Heart
Chapter 16- Lots Of Love Joel x
Chapter 17- Goodnight Beautiful
chapter 20- The beach
Chapter 21- New Apartment
chapter 22- Our baby

Chapter 5- White Ceiling, White Wall

83 1 0
By gaspshockfics

Max's P.O.V

As soon as I heard the sickening cry for help off Pollyann I blamed myself for what had happened. If it wasn't for me getting Riley involved she would be safe and sound. I kept asking and asking if she was okay but all I could hear was the traffic driving by, Nath came over and asked what was up, I explained everything which had happened. I passed him his phone and he tried calling Poll's name, Still nothing. I was feeling sick with worry. What had happened to her. I felt so worthless because I was unable to help her. I was supposed to be caring for her but there was nothing I could do. I just had to wait, it was the worst few hours of my life.

Pollyann's P.O.V

I woke up with a bunch of people surrounding me. I could see a white ceiling with white walls, I guessed that I was in hospital. I coughed and tried to sit up. As I tried to sit up I felt a  hand lock into mine. The room was all blurry because I didn't have my glasses  on. " Wh what happened?, Why am I here" I shouted in a distressed tone. " It's okay sweetie I'm here now, You sustained a head injury and a couple of cracked ribs, You are going to be okay I just know it" Max replied in a warming tone. "Max what are you doing here? How long have I been here, I want to go home please let me go home"I said with tears streaming down my face. "I came to see you, You've been in a coma for 7 weeks and I have been here all day everyday. You need to rest as you are still very fragile, As soon as you are better you can come and live with me and the lads" Max kissed my head " 7 weeks?, Oh Max I'm really sorry that I'm causing you all this upset you don't deserve this. Are you sure that you want me to live with you and the lads?"I replied with a shocked tone. Max gently lifted my hand and held it close, He said, " You have done nothing wrong, You have been such a fighter these past weeks and I'm so proud of you. I should have invited you to come to America with me and the lads sooner I have been a crap brother and I'm really god dam sorry, Please forgive me" Max let go of my hand and waited for me to answer. " You didn't have to, You were out living you're dream you didn't need to worry about me. You haven't been a crap brother actually, What you arranged for my Birthday was amazing I was the happiest I have ever been in ages and I felt special and loved and that was because of you. Of course I forgive you Max, There is no need to apologize". I sat up and tried to pull him into a hug. He helped me get back into a comfy position I told him that I was tired and needed to go to sleep he kissed my head then left to get a coffee. I'm so glad I had Max there because I knew he would keep me safe.

A few days had past when the doctor agreed that I was well enough to go home, I was so happy because I didn't think I could stand another day in that side room. Max had left to go and pack me some things to go home in and i thought to myself how lucky I was to be alive. The police still hadn't found my attacker and they arranged for me to see a councillor but I told them that I didn't need one because I had max and the boys. Once Max had brought me some clothes I managed to get myself dressed and ready to go, A Doctor came in and did some final checks on me once those had been done I was allowed to leave. As we left i took a deep breath and thanked the nurses for their care they each gave me a hug and wished me luck .As we got to the door Max grabbed my hand and said " Are you ready?" I looked at him as I said " As ready as ever, I don't think i could spend another second in that place" Max laughed " Come on then lets get you home". " Do the boys know that I'm going to be moving in?" I sighed. " Of course they do, They told me that they can't wait to meet you properly" Max seemed so happy as he said that. " Oh, I'm worried that they wont like me and and and what if they decide to gang up on me or something. What would I do then?"Max looked at me with a confused look on his face. " Poll, What isn't there to like about you?, You're funny, clever and such a loving and caring person, The guys are going to love you. And once you settle in Tom said that  he will invite his  sister  Hannah  round for a few days and maybe you and her could hang out " I looked up and smiled at Max "That's really nice of you to say. Thanks Max, And okay I'm looking forward to it" " Good good" max replied.About  an hour later we got to the house and little did I know what was going to happen when we got there.................................................................................

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