The One (Justin Bieber love s...

By sweet_dreams27

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The One (Justin Bieber love story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chaoter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 29

626 2 0
By sweet_dreams27

Chapter 29-beginning to be friends or getting back together faster then planned

Justin- katie?

I couldn’t say anything. I missed him so much but im still heart broken a little.

Me- h-hey justin

Justin- what are you doing here? I havent seen you in….. about 3 months.

Me- I was invited to come here by your friends. And I know… been busy

Justin- I know…… same here and I listened to your cd

Me- really?

Justin- yea. You are an awesome singer katie. And very talented. Did you write all of the songs.

Ryan- she wrote two

I looked at ryan and laughed a little. Then turned to look at justin,

Justin- oh cool which ones?

Me- umm…. It doesn’t matter really ummmm chaz can you take me to my room please

Chaz- sure…

We grabbed my stuff and headed to a room. It  my was actually a room that was my style.

Me- this is like a perfect bedroom for me

Chaz- I know….. justin had it  decorated and designed when you guys were dating.

I just stayed quiet. I miss him so much. It just brought memories when we were dating.

Chaz- sorry I brought it up

Me- its fine… was just thinking about when we were dating.

Chaz- you really miss being with him don’t you

Me- yea…. I been lonely for the 3 months we been apart and when I saw him down stairs my heart skipped a beat. I just want to be with him so bad

Chaz- then why don’t you

Me- I want him to show me he still loves me and wants me back. He has the whole week to do so.

Chaz- well come on lets go down stairs

Me- im gonna stay here for a while and unpack.

Chaz- ok… come down when your ready

With that chaz left and I started to unpack a little bit. I must have unpacked for 10 minutes, but at least im done. I just layed down on my bed to think.Then I heard a knock on the door.

Me- come in

Just came through the door. I was shocked and I sat up on the bed.

Justin- can we talk

I just nodded and he closed the door. He walked over to the chair and sat down.

Justin- katie….. the past 3 months has been hard for me. I cried…… I actually cried when you left. I felt horrible about what you saw but I just have to clear it up and tell you what really happened.

I just nodded I couldn’t talk if I did I would cry and I just know it.

Justin- well caitlyn wanted to talk to me and I thought it wouldn't hurt and tell her I want you and i sat down on her bed. She took her shirt and shorts off pushed me down on the bed, got on top of me and kissed me right when you walked in.

I just let a single tear run down my face. Justin came to me and wiped it with his thumb. I looked at him and he was staring at me. He was a couple of inches away from my face. I wanted to kiss him so badly its killing me inside. I tired to hold back, but he started to lean in and I just kissed him from there. We started to make out. He was hovering on top of me kissing me rouch with a lot of passion. I missed this so much. He lips against mine. Sparks flying. Soon he pulled away with both of us breathing heavy. I just looked at him and he looked at me smiling.

Justin- do you know how much I missed doing that

Me- same

Justin- please katie be mine again…. I miss you so much that’s its killing me

Me- justin….

Justin- please katie i love you

Me- justin I love you too…. But I don’t know

Justin- please I just need you back in my life katie

Me- you want me back

Justin- more than anything

Me- then prove it

Justin- what?

Me- prove to me you want me back. You have the whole week and I will let you know by Saturday before I leave. (just to let you know its Sunday)

Justin- ok but can I ask something

Me- sure

Justin- can I still kiss you……. Well when we are alone please I don’t think I can go a week being with you without kissing you

Me- I don’t know….

He cut me off my kissing me. He makes it hard to say no. He pulled away and stared at me.

Me- once a day………. At night only. No morning kisses or anything. We have to act like friends and you have to prove to me you want me back into your life

Justin- (sighs) fine at least its better then no kisses at all.

I just smiled kissed him on the cheek and went down stairs. When I got down there I saw everyone in the living room. I walked in and sat on the couch. They all looked at me with smiles on their faces.

Me- what?

Kayla- are you and justin back together yet (smiles)

Me- no guys ok im giving him until Saturday.

All their faces dropped then justin came in and sat next to me.

Justin- what do you guys wanna do. Play a game? Pool?

Everyone- POOL!

I laughed and so did justin. He looked at me.

Me- pool it is

We went upstairs to change. I found one of my cutest swim suits.

I came down stairs and every one was waiting. They all looked at me and justins mouth dropped. I just laughed. He couldn’t stop staring though.

Me- heyy bieber…. Take a picture it last longer

Everyone laughed and went outside. I saw justin didn’t move but his head was down and his face was red. Aww he was blushing. I walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek. He looked up at me.

Me- I said no kissing….. I didn’t say I COULD kiss you on the cheek

I started to walk away and when I got to the door I turned around and faced him.

Me- oh yeah….. you still look cute when you blush

He blushed even more and I just giggled. I walked out in amazement. The back yard was amazing. Even with the pool.

I looked at london and kayla and they were looking at it in amazement as well. This is unbelievable. Justin came up behind me and put his arms around my waist. GOD I missed his touch. It still brings shivers up my spine.

Justin- (whispers) amazing huh?

I could barely breathe. I tried to talk but nothing cam eout so I just nodded my head and smiled. He pulled away from me and ran to the pool and jumped in. So did chaz and ryan. The girls came over to me.

Kayla- so how is you and justin

Me- I don’t think I cant last until Saturday

London- Then go out with him now

Me- I cant I was thinking…. Playing hard to get though but I want to kiss him soooo bad guys

Kayla- well play hard to get like mess with him

Me- (smiles) maybe

We all got in the pool and I went oveto just and put my arm around him and smiled. From the corner of my eyei could see chaz and ryan point at us and justin nodded his head no. This should be fun.

                                               Justins POV

Katie all of the sudden comes over to me and puts her arm around me and smiled. I looked over at chaz and ryan and they just pointed at us and gave me a look. I knew they meant if we are going out again I just nodded my head no, but I wish we were. Im gonna try my best to get this girl back. I just turned to face her with our faces just inches apart. I could feel her warm breath on my skin. I miss this. I put my arm around her waist and I knew she liked it cause out bodies were touching and I can feel her heart beat. I leaned a little bit clsoer with our lips almost touching. She bit her lower lip so I know she wants to kiss me as bad as I want to kiss her. Then she decided to speak.

Katie- Im glad we are talking again

Me- same I missed you

Katie- same…… I wish we were together though

My eyes went wide. Did she just say what I think she said.

Me- what?

Katie- I wish we were together….. like we use to…. But I don’t know if its best to be together again

Me- I know….. I will fight for you…. You are the only girl I want to be with. I love you and I feel dumb when I fist saw caitlyn take off her clothes I should have left. I cant believe we didn’t talk for 3 months. It killed be every day not being able to talk to you, cuddle with you, kiss you, hold you close, kiss you forehead, see you smile. You were the reason why I got up every morning and since you left……….. I couldn’t. I would cut down the concert to once or twice a week cause I would cry. I just couldn’t live if I didn’t have you. Then when we kissed…… I didn’t want to stop I wanted to kiss you forever. You are my baby, I found somebody to love when I found you. I never EVER wanted to hurt you….. I tried to make you happy and  then I made a HUGE mistake. Couples fight and some do stupid thing but soon enough they make up. I want to be with you my whole life. I want to marry you one day when we get older. I want to have children with you when were older. I just need you in my life…… not as a friend….. more. I want you to be my love, soul mate, girlfriend, baby, shorty. I just need you back.

She just looked at me in awe. She must really liked what I said. I just want to know if she is mine.


She turned around and looked at her, but right when she turned around she kiss me with so much passion. I enjoy every second of that kiss. I pulled away and had out foreheads touching each others.

Me- so does this mean your mine again…. You will be my shorty (smirks)

                                                                  My POV.

Justin- so does this mean you mine again…. You will be my shorty (smirks)

I just smiled and kissed him again. I pulled away and nodded.

Justin- what about the tour?

Me- I don’t know about the tour

Justin- well I don’t care as long as your mine again (smiles)

Then he kisses me again.

Chaz- YAY!!! HAPPY COUPLE AGAIN!!! I swear if one of you cheats on each other i-

Me and Justin- WE WONT!

We looked at each other and smiled.

Chaz- Well lets get out of the pool and get something to eat im starved.

We all got out of the pool and got dried off and head inside. We ordered pizza so it should be here soon. So we all just layed on the couch and watched a movie. Im just glad things are back to the way they are……….. Or so I thought.

Let me know what you think. Please comment!

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