You can't hide love ( Lawson...

By gaspshockfics

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You can't hide love (Lawson Fanfic)
Chapter 1- The knock on the door
Chapter 2- Happy Birthday Princess
Chapter 3- A familiar voice
Chapter 5- White Ceiling, White Wall
Chapter 6- A feeling I've never felt before
Chapter 7- Everything will be okay
Chapter 8- Off into the wilderness
Chapter 9- Bolton
Chapter 10- Lovely New Fish tank
Chapter 11- Love At First Sight
Chapter 12- The Start Of Something New
Chapter 12- The One's I Love
Chapter 13- Night Of You're Dreams
Chapter 14- There's One Question I'd Like To Ask
Chapter 15- It Would Break My Heart
Chapter 16- Lots Of Love Joel x
Chapter 17- Goodnight Beautiful
chapter 20- The beach
Chapter 21- New Apartment
chapter 22- Our baby

Chapter 4- Here take this

97 1 0
By gaspshockfics

I whispered to Riley " Who's next?" Riley replied with a soft tone " I have no idea, Max and I only discussed Lawson, Sit tight and I'm sure we'll find out" Seconds passed and the stage lit up, this time a lone figure entered. Me and Riley looked at each other with excitement in our eyes and like before a familiar voice started singing.............

Gonna sing you an old country song, from the heart

So I can cry your name and call you when I'm sad

When you have gone, run so far from me in the trees so far

Walkin' down that old country lane, drops of rain

Call upon the ones who call your name

Will I see you again and please just come on back home to me

So I'm not all alone

Gonna sing you an old country song, from the heart

From the strings of this old rusty guitar.

After the voice had stopped singing I got up and applauded them. Me and Riley looked at each other and squealed. The second performer was Jake Bugg Riley and I are huge fans of him so we were so shocked and excited to see him right before our eyes. After I had shown my appreciation I sat back down. Jake invited me onto the stage he said he had something to give me. " Urm hey Pollyann I'd like to invite you up here, I have something for you" Jake's soft Clifton accent made me melt it was just so lovely. I got up and joined him on stage. I haven't met Jake befoe so I felt pretty nervous and some what starstruck. " Urm hi Jake, Thank you for coming" I chirped in a nervous tone "It's a pleasure, Hope you have a lovely rest of the day, Here take this" Jake passed me a medium sized box which was wrapped in baby pink gift wrap. I thanked him and started opening it. As I opened it I was confused as to why Jake was buying me gifts when he hasn't met me before I guess this was all down to Max. I gently handed the empty paper over to Jake and looked at the lovely present which he had bought me. The present was a musical jewelry box and inside it had 12 pairs of pretty earrings. I thanked him and in return he gave me a kiss on the cheek. He said goodbye and hoped that we would meet again one day. I hurried over back to my seat and I chose one of the pairs of earrings, I chose a pair with adorable hearts on. I put the box carefully into my bag and looked at Riley and said " This truly is the best day of my life I'm so happy" "I knew you would love it, I'm guessing Max has chosen correctly so far?" Riley smiled as he answered. " He sure has , I can't wait to see him" I chirped. " You don't have long to wait for that do you" Riley replied with an evil cackle. " You know about the tickets too?" I questioned. " Of course I do, Max asked me to travel with you" "Thanks" I replied. A little while later the third performer took to the stage it was the lovely Olly Murs he sang Dear Darlin which brought a tear to my eye as its such a beautiful song. After he had sung he invited me to join him on stage he handed me a lovely hand crafted card and inside was £200 worth of Forever 21 vouchers which meant I would be able to buy some clothes while on my trip to LA. I was so thankful to him. Why were all my favorite artists being so kind?. 

Once Olly had left the stage and I had returned over to where Riley and I were sat a projector type screen turned on which made me and Riley jump out of our skin. " What on earth is going on?" I asked " I'm just as clueless as you are" Riley answered. "What ever it is needs to hurry up because we have a flight to catch in roughly an hour" I remarked " As I said before just be patient and you'll find out." Riley huffed. " There was no need to answer me like that Ri I was only asking, What's got into you?" I asked. " Just leave it out Poll"I really didn't understand why he suddenly turned on me like this, What had I done? was it down to jealously. I moved away from him to let him calm down because I really didn't want to row with him especially not on my Birthday. Out of no where Riley got up and lept onto the stage he ripped the projector screen off of the stand and ran out of the arena leaving me sat alone. I waited and waited as the minuets turned into hours I didn't know what to do. I looked at my watch and it said 22:30pm meaning I had missed my flight to LA my only way of getting to see Max this side of him being away. My phone buzzed and I had received a message from Max as I opened it my face dropped and tear's streamed down my face.

* 1 New Message from Max*

"Riley told me that you chose not to accept the tickets, He said that you didn't want to come out and see me? Why sis I'm so confused what have I done which is so bad? I haven't seen you in months maybe its best that we don't see each other for a while longer. Will see you when I get back. Bye"

I threw my phone into my bag got up and tried to find my way out of the arena. Why had Riley done this to me? he was supposed to be my best friend one of the  only people in which I trusted which is another reason why  Max asked him to spend my Birthday with me. I eventually got to the entrance of the arena it had taken me a while to find my way out because I have never really been to the O2 before. I realized that I didn't have any money on me only the forever 21 vouchers. I got out my phone and looked through my phone book to see who I could call for help. I tried calling Max but it went straight to answer machine. I rang Nathan, Max's band mate and he eventually answered. " Hello, Poll you alright?" Nathan said " Hey Nath, Is my brother around please its kinda important?" I replied with tears streaming down my face." Urm yeah he is babe, want me to go get him for you?" I sighed with relief " Yes please if you wouldn't mind" " Okay one minute" Nathan said while running off to find Max. A few seconds later Max spoke " What do you want, I'm busy right now, After you're ungratefulness I really don't want to talk to you so make it quick yeah?" Max has never used this tone towards me before so I was really scared. " Listen, All the things Riley has told you are not true, I don't know what was said but I really need help, Riley has left me stranded in London, I have no money only the vouchers which Olly bought me, I have no idea as to where I'm going to sleep tonight I'm really scared Max please help me" Before Max had chance to answer a group of lads approached me. One of the lads knocked me to the ground. I felt blood pour out of my head and felt a boot kick me in the stomach. Surprisingly they didn't take my phone. I screamed Max's name and I could hear him saying " What's happened are you okay, Please answer me" I tried to reach for my phone and the next thing I knew everything went black.......................................

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