I Am The Alpha (Part 1/2)

By EllaCharlotte

3.4M 55.4K 3.4K

Erin Daniels is part of the East Forest Pack, not only that but she's the Alpha. In a male dominant race this... More

I am the Alpha
I am the Alpha - Part 2
I am the Alpha - Part 3
I am the Alpha - Part 4
I am the Alpha - Part 5
I am the Alpha - Part 6
I am the Alpha - Part 7
I am the Alpha - Part 8
I am the Alpha - Part 9
I am the Alpha - Part 10
I am the Alpha - Part 11
I am the Alpha - Part 12
I am the Alpha - Part 13
I am the Alpha - Part 14
I am the Alpha - Part 15
I am the Alpha - Part 16
I am the Alpha - Part 17
I am the Alpha - Part 18
I am the Alpha - Part 19
I am the Alpha - Part 20
I am the Alpha - Part 21
I am the Alpha - Part 22
I am the Alpha - Part 23
I am the Alpha - Part 24
I am the Alpha - Part 25
I am the Alpha - Part 26
I am the Alpha - Part 27
I am the Alpha - Part 28
I am the Alpha - Part 29
I am the Alpha - Part 30
I am the Alpha - Part 31
I am the Alpha - Part 32
I am the Alpha - Part 33
I am the Alpha - Part 34
I am the Alpha - Part 35
I am the Alpha - Part 36
I am the Alpha - Part 37
I am the Alpha - Part 38
I am the Alpha - Part 39
I am the Alpha - part 40
I am the Alpha - Part 41
I am the Alpha - Part 42
I am the Alpha - Part 43
I am the Alpha - Part 44
I am the Alpha - Part 45
I am the Alpha - Part 46
I am the Alpha - Part 47
I am the Alpha - Part 48
I am the Alpha - Part 49
I am the Alpha - Part 50
I am the Alpha - Part 51
I am the Alpha - Part 52
I am the Alpha - Part 53
I am the Alpha - Part 54
I am the Alpha - Part 56
I am the Alpha - Part 57
I am the Alpha - Part 58
I am the Alpha - Part 59
I am the Alpha - Part 60
I am the Alpha - Part 61
I am the Alpha - Part 62
I am the Alpha - Part 63
I am the Alpha - Part 64
I am the Alpha - Part 65
I am the Alpha - Part 66
I am the Alpha - Part 67
I am the Alpha - Part 68
I am the Alpha - Part 69
I am the Alpha - Part 70
I am the Alpha - Part 71
I am the Alpha - Part 72
Questions and Answers....
Character Index (based on from before any pack changes and deaths)
Announcement - Ps: there's a second part

I am the Alpha - Part 55

37.2K 571 37
By EllaCharlotte


I am so incredibly sorry for leaving it this long!!!!! I really hope you all haven't given up reading in the last week!!

Lately i've has assignments that go towards school certificate, exam results coming in, major catchup works due to the school musical and a whole load of annoying crap.... :\ 

In the last few weeks this book has reached the 3000 votes mark!!! Aswell as 225,000 + reads!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! XXXX :) I am so glad you all enjoy reading and really appreciate your support.

In my absence "I am the Alpha" Has slipped off the Hot list so please vote, comment, tweet, like, recomend... etc to get it back on there!!!!



ella xx


PS: just read back on the comments and found something very hilarious that you guys might have picked up on the wrong way :)

In one of the parts Jack calls one of the guys his "mate"



..... none of the guys are...it doesn't happen among wolves because they have an instinct to reproduce that overides everything else....like in nature

its an Aussie term for 'friend' 

okay thanks x



Yesterday those bloody Blood Valley mutts were nowhere to be seen so they must have got Erin’s message and scampered off with their tails between their legs. So much for their deadly reputation.... I look up in time to see Sam strolling through the door with a smirk on his face.

“Hey man, what’s got you in such a good mood?” I call as he grabs a bag of chips out of the pantry and begins to stuff them in his mouth.

“Knowing the Blood Valleys are long gone...” he grins, and then mutters “wimps” as an afterthought. I can’t help but agree with him, they just high-tailed it.

“Yeah,” I agree before sighing as I remember the way Erin was acting yesterday afternoon.

As if reading my mind Sam sits down next to me offering me the bag of chips before sighing in agreement. “What do you reckon was up?” he asks curiously, his good mood dissipating along with my own.

I stuff some of the chips into my mouth savouring the cheesy flavour on my tongue before replying. “I don’t know, that’s what bugs me,” I answer honestly.

“Yeah, shouldn’t she be happy, they’re gone?”

I pull my phone out of my pocket and checking the time before flipping it shut angrily, she should be with us right now heading to the tribe land to run patrols. Every other Tuesday we skip school to handle pack business and hang out with the tribe.

“Something has got to be up she’s never late,” Matt’s voice calls from the other end of the kitchen as he comes strolling in along with Mitch and Chase who both look pissed. They’re right. I get up from the sofa, chucking the chips to Chase before walking down the hallway to the stairs to go get Erin. I can hear them following me as I climb the stairs and walk along the hallway towards Erin’s room. She’s in major trouble.

I barge her door open without bothering to knock and storm into her room taking in inhabitants and let out a fierce growl as I see Jordan, Seb and Calum longing around her room obviously waiting for something. My ears twitch as the sound of a shower running comes from her bathroom witch by the looks of it is locked. Jordan, Seb and Calum all stare back at me innocently as I stalk into the room.

“What’s going on?” I demand.

“We came to see where she was and she was in the shower, so we’ve been waiting here.” Seb answers. Great, just great, she’s having a shower while we all worry our asses off.

I walk up to her bathroom door and knock loudly, three times before shouting “Erin, get your ass out here,” than I stalk over to her sofa and sink into it growling softly to myself as the others all pile in and do the same creating a buzzing growl that makes the room vibrate under our feet.

We wait for what seems like 10 minutes before the sound of water stops creating an eerie silence that is broken only by our breathing and the lingering growls.  My head flicks to the door as the lock clicks and then it swings open revealing Erin in nothing but a small towel, her hair glistening with moisture and droplet of water rolling down her skin. What the fuck is she doing? I let out a sharp growl but she ignores me walking to her wardrobe and grabbing something black and hanging it over the chair next to the wardrobe.

“What the fuck Erin!?” I yell angrily as I watch her hands unclench the towel and it drops to the ground revealing a set of plain black underwear that isn’t slutty but is no way near enough clothes to be wearing in front of these morons. I rush forward in a growl and put my body in front of hers blocking her from the guys before they can take in what she’s wearing. What the fuck is she playing at? Since when has she ever let any of the pack see her in anything less than shorts and a crop top?? Even that is far too little!!!

I growl at the guys whose eyes are gleaming from the seconds they saw of her body with my back to Erin who better be putting some clothes on or I will make her. The lust in the room is so much that even I can feel it emanating around us like a whirlwind. She is in so much fucking trouble!!!

I hear a shuffle and Erin steps around me now in skinny jeans that have massive rips and wholes all the way down the front from just above mid thigh and a thick jumper with no shape along with her combat boots. Thank god, but I don’t like the look of those jeans. I growl once again as she brushes past me without a word. “ERIN?”

She finally seems to have recognised that we’re even in the room and looks around shocked as if she only just realized we were here. How could she have only just seen us? Is she acting?

“How long have you all been here?” She asks in a voice that seems both truthful and shocked. How is that even possible? She usually so damn observant and aware, could this be what’s going on?

“We have been here the whole time, since just after you got in the shower.” Matt replies, finding his voice before the rest of us snap out of our confusion.

“What?!” she yells her face turning slightly red in what I assume is embarrassment.

“Erin, what’s going on?” I ask pleadingly needing answers before I go insane.

“I was going through Luke’s mind, searching his memories, thoughts and emotions so I can figure out what’s going on with his reactions to Cole. I wasn’t looking through my own eyes much, just reacting with my surroundings automatically.” She replies with a shrug 

“What did you find?” Sam asks his eyes glinting with amusement that quickly turns to horror as I smack him across the back of the head for even thinking about it. I know that look of his to well to let it slide when it falls into terms with Erin.

“Nothing, he’s clean as a whistle and I will have to allow him to join the pack sooner or later.”

Clean as a...? How the hell can someone have such a hatred for someone who they have never even had a confrontation with?!

 “And then there were ten...” Matt mutters under his breath mysteriously, making Erin chuckle, a warm smile forming on her face.

“Come on,” Erin calls as she walks out of the door.

I rush to follow her knowing the others are doing the same and we all race through the house and out the front after Erin. I run through the familiar forest towards the Tribe houses, my feet pounding on the earthy floor.  I Glimpses of brown hair a little ahead of me and rush to catch up with Erin. I emerge through a thick clump of trees and find myself right on Erin’s heels. She lets out a small laugh looking back at me with her eyes glinting full of amusement.

“Eat my dust!” she shoots off through the next thicket leaving a trail of tinkling laughter. Suddenly Sam appears beside me before shooting off to catch up with Erin with a smirk on his face. Damn that fast bugger. I push myself faster finally arriving at the Tribe houses at the edge of town and find that Erin and Sam are nowhere in sight. A branch snaps and i spin around to find the others emerging from the forest with grins on their faces.

“Come on lets go find them,” Mitch yells before launching himself into a sprint towards the Pack house. I rush to follow him and dart to the sound of hysterical laughter coming from the field near where the Bon Fire had been. Rounding the corner I spot them immediately watching with amusement as Sam sits onto of Erin and tickle-attacks her to the point where she’s rolling around underneath him. Suddenly she pounces on him and attacks him the same way he was before. I can’t help cracking up as Sam begins to squeal for mercy underneath her begging for relief.

<’Come on guys help me!!’ Sam begs >

“No chance!” We all yell back at once now howling with laughter as he curses under his breath between gasps of air and laughing. Sam growls playfully at Erin and I decide I better help him, being my best friend and all. I walk over and loop my arms around Erin’s and hoist her off him, allowing him to roll out from under her. I Put Erin down on the ground and she turns around and pouts at me batting her long black eyelashes playfully. I close my eyes to avoid the power of her adorable puppy dog face.

“Sorry Rin but you were torturing him.”

“He’ll live” she tells me in a singsong voice and I open my eyes to find her standing with her hands on her hips looking at Sam who’s hiding behind Jordan. I can’t help but grin as I grab Erin around the waist hoisting her into my arms watching as her playful pout returns and she crosses her arms grumpily. “I can stand you know,” she growls playfully.

“But it’s much more fun carrying you.”

“We all know perfectly well that if you didn’t want to be there you wouldn’t” Chase yells. That’s true; if she really didn’t want to be there I would be on the ground the second my hands made contact with her skin.

“On ward my minions!!” I look down at her with a bemused expression, minions? That’s a new one.

“Where is it you wish to embark to, my lady?” Mitch asks from beside us.

“To the Pack house!” I wonder if the other tribe guys will be here or if they’ve forgotten about our Tuesday traditions because we haven’t done it in a while. We race through the field and voices reach my ears from the pack house, really noisy voices... yep they’re here.

We round the corner and find the guys are all already here along with Oscar, Dad and John O’Hara. They all spin around to look at us and crack up laughing, yeah it’s not every day you see Erin get carried bridal style by me of all people. I look down at her to find her once again pouting. “You can put me down now.”

“Why would i do that?” I grin as everyone once again burst into laughter.

“Jack....” She warns letting a small growl out her pout turning into a glare.

“Fine, fine,” I remove my arm from under her legs and she swings gracefully to the ground with my other arm still wrapped around her shoulders. She slides out from under my shoulders and runs over to Rick who grabs her into a warm hug and spins her around in a circle. She drops out of his arms and does the ‘guy shake’ with Lucas before fist bumping Jay and then rubbing his hair playfully making him pounce on her playfully trying to catch her.

“You fucked my hair Erin!!!” Jay yells dodging between Luke and Aiden. Sucked in dude, you’ll never catch her. I watch with amusement as Erin stops and grins at him and he stops chasing her with an irritated look on his face.

“Doesn’t look like anything’s bothering her today,” Matt mutters beside me and I agree. “I still don’t get what was up with her though,” he confesses with a bitter edge to his voice. I know how he feels, it’s been irritating all of us lately, what could possibly make someone as carefree as Erin suddenly seem distant and upset? What would she feel the need to hide from us?

“I can’t believe she was so hooked up in Luke’s mind that she didn’t even notice us earlier.” Seb joins in the conversation. I wince as the memories linger in my mind, thank god she had already put underwear on or god knows what would have happened, Werewolves have a much higher level of lust than humans... well towards other Werewolves.

“It’s never happened before but it must be possible.” Matt answers.

“Yeah, you lot won’t be allowed to wait for her in her room while she’s in the bathroom from now on.” I growl in irritation. There is no chance I will allow that to happen again.

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