But Was It Worth It? //Ed She...

By -_sheerio_-

7.9K 221 137

When you already have a shit life, then you go to your idols concert and he completely ignores you pretty muc... More

1) The Concert
2) He Saved Me
3) But Was It Worth It?
4) The Date
5) I Fucking Love You!
6) The Text
7) The Fight
8) It's Gone
10) I'm Sorry
11) Over Again
12) The Date. . . Again
13) See Edward, She Exists!
14) The Newspaper Article
15) What Can I Do?
16) No, Liam!
17) I Don't Trust You
18) The Today Show
19) Will You?
20) I Do
Bonus for dirty fuckers
Not An Update :/

9) Game Time

240 6 7
By -_sheerio_-

Eds' P.O.V

I couldn't help it. I had to make sure she was hurting as much as me. I've never yelled at someone, and she made me yell at her. I was hurt by what she said, the way she left, and by the fact she made me yell. I know I shouldn't have fucked Taylor, but Chloe wasn't meant to find out. I know that sounds really bad, but that's the way it is.

From Liam XD
Received at 9:11am

Hey bro. You ready? I'm about to leave now. Be there in 10

Yes! Game plan starts in ten minutes. I've figured everything out. Lucky Megan is friends with Liam and the lads.

To Liam XD

YES! See you soon man. I've figured out the plan and it should work.

Within the next ten minutes, Liam was at my door as he said.

"Ed ya old fart! Let me in!" Liam shouted from the front door.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming."

As I let him in, he hugged me and sat down on the lounge.

"Okay. You ready for the plan?" I questioned.

His smile grew, and he nodded his head like a frantic puppy.

"Okay. So you have to go to Megans house and act as if you need to talk to her about Niall or something. Then you get sidetracked, and start talking to Chloe about us. Make sure you have a few beers as well, so you can't drive, forcing you to stay for the night. If there aren't any beers, say you can't drive, and you were dropped off. If they question you about credit, say you ran out. Make sure that you don't tell them I know you're there! That's the most important part! That's all you gottta do." I demanded.

"Okay! Let's do this!" He shouted in excitement.

I smiled at him.

"We can't go yet! It's only 11:30! We'll wait until one, and then we go." I told him.

"Okay. Sooooo, what are the key things I should do?" He asked.

"Stay calm, don't be sus, remember the plan, don't fuck it up, and make sure you don't let them know I know you're there!" I listed.

He nodded his head. "What about if they do get sus?"

"Don't let them get sus. But if they do, say you need to take a phone call and tell me the situation." I demanded.

"Got it." He assured.

This plan is gonna be awesome! I don't know what it is with me and making sure she's as hurt as I am, but I just gotta do it. Before we knew it, the clock said 1:08pm, so we left.

"You sure you got this?" I questioned.

"Positive!" He assured as he nodded his head.

He walked up to the door, and I drove off. Now all I can do is cross my fingers, and hope everything works out well....

Liams' P.O.V

I walked up to Megans' door, and I was really nervous. What if I did fuck it up?

I knocked on the door, and Chloe answered.

"Oh, hey Liam!" She welcomed me.

"Hey Chloe!" I replied. "Uh, is Megan around?"

"Yeh, come in!"

I walked into the room, and Megan was in the kitchen. I looked at the clock and it said the date and the time.


Awesome! Almost Nialls' birthday!

"Hey, Liam!" Megan shouted followed by a hug. "What's up?"

"Uh, I was wondering what you were doing for Nialls' birthday." I questioned.

"Oh, I was just going to have lunch with him, and give him a present." She replied. "Why?"

"Oh, I was thinking about throwing Niall a surprise party. Wanted to know your thoughts about it. I was gonna have Nialls' family flown down, and invite a few of our friends." I told her.

"That sounds great!" She agreed. "Who were you thinking about inviting?"

"Well you guys, Hazza, Lou, probably Zayn, even though he isn't in the band, he's still our mate, uh macklemore, oh and Ed!" I declared.

I looked at Chloe, and I could see that she was hurt by looking in her eyes.

"Uh, Liam." Chloe said to draw my attention.

"Yeah, what's up?" I asked.

"Well, you said Ed would be there. He. He hates me." She choked out.

She was about to cry. She was hurting a lot, and I couldn't help but get teary as well.

"He doesn't hate you. What made you think he hates you? He just doesn't know how he feels. Give him time and he'll come crawling back to you, and begging you to come back." I lied. I knew he didn't feel the same way, and he probably won't feel like that ever again probably.

"He yelled at me. He said he wants me dead. I want myself dead. He's gone, I have no reason to live." She cried. "Sorry you have to see me like this. I'm a mess, I know, I just miss him. And I still love him, but I hate him as well. I'm just really hurt I guess."

I walked up to her and gave her a big, supporting hug, and Megan joined in.

"Look, he feels the same at the moment. I think. I don't know how he feels. I haven't seen him for a while." I lied, again.

She broke down. She walked over to the wall, and slid down the wall and sat down as she put her head into her knees.

"I don't know what to do anymore. I've lost everything. I have nothing." She sobbed.

"You haven't lost me Chloe. And you never will." Megan assured her, as she sat down next to her and hugged her.

It was really sad seeing her like this. Ed was nothing like this to be honest. She was an absolute mess! Ed was just a bit hurt, and got over it fairly quickly.

"Look, I can call Ed and you can talk to him if you want." I suggested.

She shook her head.

"He'll tell me to fuck off, and tell me I'm a slut, and how he hates me, and how he can't believe he loved me." She cried out.

I let out a sigh and joined Megan in giving Chloe a hug.

"Come on love. Let's go have a drink. Alcohol helps a lot in these situations." Megan demanded. "Want one Liam?"

"Sure!" I agreed.

We had about 8 drinks each, and I was absolutely smahed! I was as drunk as a skunk. I could hardly walk, and thought a chair was a unicorn.

"Heeeyyyyy Meeeeegan." I slurred. "Cannnn I ssssstayyyy toooooniiiiight."

"Sssuuuurrreee!" She slurred back.

I was really wasted and tired so I crashed out on the couch. Let's just say I wasn't fully dressed when I woke up....

Chloes' P.O.V

I had no fucking idea what happened last night. We got so drunk, I could hardly remember anything. I walked downstairs and Liam was a sleep on the lounge. Well. Naked. Well, he had his boxers around his ankles, but you could see EVERYTHING.
Megan walked down after me, and didn't keep her comment to herself.

"Holy fuck Liam! Your dick is fucking massive!" She shouted.

He jolted awake at this, and stared at Megan.

"What!?" He asked her as he yelled.

"I said. Holy fuck Liam! Your dick is fucking massive!" She repeated herself.

"Well, I agree. It is pretty big. Don't wanna brag, but its 10 inches." He bragged in a cocky tone.

"How was that not bragging?" I sarcastically asked him.

"Well, I guess I was bragging about my dick size." He cackled.

"Seen bigger." I announced.

"Who's?" He snarled.

"Someone who hates me now, at least I'm pretty sure he hates me now." I muttered.

"Oh! Ed?" He guessed.

I nodded my head in disappointment. I didn't mean to see it. I just sorta walked into the bathroom while he was taking a piss.

"Okay, let's stop talking about Ed. I'm still pretty hurt about everything that happened."

He nodded his head in agreement.

"Who wants to go out for lunch!?" Megan shouted.

"Me!" Me and Liam said in unison.

"Okay, let's go!" She yelled.

"How about pizza for lunch, guys?" Liam suggested.

For fucks sake! I swear to god everything Liam says, reminds me of Ed! I just wish we could have sorted it out in a better manner so I wasn't as hurt as I am.

"Uh, can we not?" I asked.

"What?" Megan replied.

"Well, uh, have pizza. It reminds me of Ed. We had pizza the first time we had lunch together. I told him everything over lunch, in which we had pizza." I informed them.

"You really are hurt aren't you." Liam pointed out.

I nodded my head, looked down to my feet, and let out a little sigh.

"How about we go out for ice cream instead?" Megan suggested.

"Yesssss!" Liam and I said in unison.

I'm cool with ice cream. Ice cream is nice. Doesn't really remind me of anything, other than Springs and Summers. Ice cream brings good memories.

We all went to Megan's car, as she hopped into the drivers seat, I jumped into the passenger seat, and Liam stepped into the back seat. And with that, we drove off to the ice cream shop.

Megans' P.O.V

I knew Chloe was pretty fucked up from the breakup with Ed, but whenever anything is mentioned about Ed or if anything reminds her of him, she looks like she's ready to breakdown and cry.

I gotta admit, I felt bad for the poor thing. She's never really showed any emotions to people other than me really, and she'd always suck it up if someone else was around, but even though Liam was around, she was still about to breakdown and cry. I can't help but feel sorry for her.

"So, how are you handling the breakup, Chloe?" Liam asked.

"Fuck off!" Chloe hissed.

"Jeez! I was just asking!" He replied.

"Well, if you really want to know, Liam." She spat. "I'm not dealing with it at all! I'm about to fucking break down and cry! Is that what you wanted to hear!? I'm not o-fucking-kay! And no, I'm not only saying that because of My Chemical Romance, I'm saying that because it's the dead truth! I'm broken, okay? Everyones finally broken me, AGAIN! Is that what you wanted to hear!? Cause it's the fucking truth!" She cried.

She was definitely broken. She's never let her emotions out like that. I just hope she's not just going to do anything stupid again.

Liam sat there dumbfounded, as if he wasn't expecting what she just let out.

"I. I'm sorry, Chloe." Liam slowly stuttered.

"It's okay, just don't bring it up again." She pleaded.

Liam nodded his head. "I won't."

With all that being said, we had arrived at the ice-cream shop. I looked inside before anyone got out, to see if there were any tables. It was just an old habit I had. As I was scanning my eyes through the shop, I seen Ed. I decided not to say anything, just in case he left before we walked in.

"Okay, guys. We're here!" I announced as I unbuckled my seat belt.

"Just gimme a sec, love. Just gotta clean up a bit, and I'll be in. Save us a seat, would ya?" Chloe replied.

"Of course. I'll see you in there, and there'll be a seat next to me for ya!" I told her.

"Cool, see ya soon."

Liam and I walked in, and Ed was still there. We found a seat without Ed noticing us, and without Liam noticing Ed.

Soon enough, Chloe was walking in, and found us.

"Hey guys!" She softly yelled.

"Hey, love!" Liam and I said in unison.

"Okay, so who's gonna order?" Liam asked.

"I will!" I demanded. I didn't want them noticing Ed. It would cause to much drama. "So what do you guys want?"

"Ooohhhhh. I want a scoop of bubblegum, a scoop of cookies and cream, a scoop of vanilla, and a scoop of choc fudge brownie with sprinkles, please!" Chloe ordered.

"Uh, just a few scoops of chocolate chip ice-cream will do for me, thanks." Liam ordered.

"Okay, got it! I'll be back soon, guys."

"Okay." They both replied in unison.

"Want me to pay?" Liam asked.

I shook my head, "nah, I got it mate. My shout." I demanded as I walked up to the counter to order.

We sat at the back of the shop, so I made my way to the front of the shop. I walked past several tables, and didn't see Ed so I thought that he was gone. I thought wrong. I was fourth in line, and Ed had seen me and approached me.

"Hey, Megan." He breathed.

"Hi," I replied.

"Is Chloe okay?" He questioned.

"Why do you care?" I replied.

"Cause. I do."

"She's fine!" I lied.

He looked at me, then scanned the shop, and found her sitting with Liam. "She looks upset." He pointed out.

I looked over at her, and he was right. She looked really upset.

"No, she's fine! She's just tired. Had a big night last night." I once again, lied.

"What can I get you?" The lady behind the counter politely asked.

"Hi! Can I please get one ice-cream with one scoop of vanilla, one scoop of cookies and cream, one scoop of bubblegum, and one scoop of choc fudge brownie with sprinkles,"

"Yep," she interrupted me.

"One ice cream with four scoops of chocolate chip ice cream,"

"Yep," she once again interrupted me.

"And one ice cream, uh, the same as the first one please."

"Yep! Is there anything else I can get you?" She asked.. I'm guessing she has to say that.

"She can give me that arse." Ed whispered as he giggled.

"That's disgusting!" I spat.

"Is that all today?" The counter lady asked.

"Yep, that's it!"

She walked away to make our order.

"You sure she's okay?" Ed asked.

"Yes, Ed. She's fan-fuckin-tastic! Now, you treated my best friend like a piece of fucking shit, and you're lucky I don't punch you in the fucking face right now, so if I was you, I'd be leaving right now, and you won't say shit to her when you walk past, okay!? Do you under-fucking-stand me!?" I hissed at him.

"Yes ma'am, right away ma'am!" He said, as he walked away.

With that being done, the lady gave me my order, and I gave her the money, and I walked back to the table.

"Here ya go guys."

"Yesssss!" Liam and Chloe said in unison, as they went digging for the ice-cream they ordered.

After we finished our ice-cream we headed back to my place.

"Thanks again, Megan!" Chloe and Liam said together.



They're both fuckwits. Wow.

"I'm glad you guys had fun!"

"We did!"

"Just before anyone says anything. Are you sure you're okay, Chloe?" Liam sweetly asked.

She nodded her head. "Yeah, I am now." She replied.

"Good!" Me and Liam both said.

"You're actually a pretty cool guy, Liam. We should hang out like this more often!" Chloe stated.

"YASSS!" Liam and I both agreed.

This has probably been the funniest and most fun day I've had in a while!

Liam's P.O.V

So, their definitely not sus, and now I know how Chloe feels.

Mission accomplished!

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