Living in a Dream - a Joe Sug...

By JKRtotallypink

4.4K 220 41

Hi, my name is Cora Foster. I'm 19 years old, and live with my best friend Aspyn Clicke in the heart of Minne... More

My Name's Cora
The Three Mystery Men
Dream Come True
The News
Surprises Good and Bad
Mistakes Were Made
Familiar Faces
The Hotel
Embarrassment and Excitement
Sometimes Nervousness is Okay
Take Risks
With Love Comes Great Sadness
Ask Them
The Dance
Cute and Clumsy
Hurt, Love, Choices
The Girl
Radio Lies
Who are They Against
Lies and Sadness
I Will be There
Guess Who's Back
Where Did He Go?
Something Special
Nothing Lasts Forever
Make The Most of It
Is Everything Okay?
What is Happening?
Don't Be Afraid
Beautiful Silence
All Is Not Well
So... That Happened
I Can't Do This


173 7 0
By JKRtotallypink

Cora P.O.V.

"I thought you said this would help me get over Joe!" I screamed at Aspyn and Britta.

"Cora, I'm sorry! How was I supposed to know they were going to be there... and that you were trying to avoid them," Britta said, sounding embarrassed. I sighed and paced around the room.

"Why do things like this happen to me?" I ask myself, I couldn't believe what was happening. It was my dream ever since I was fourteen to meet Joe. This is not at all how I thought it would happen.

"Listen Cora, it could've been worse," Aspyn tells me, trying to cheer me up.

"Oh, yeah? How?" I challenge her. I was so irritated at that point, that I just wanted to curl up and stop existing.

"Um, well, ya' see..." Aspyn couldn't finish, and I saw a look of total concentration take over her face.

"That's what I thought," I bark back.

"Hey, you need to calm down," Britta tells me calmly, I wasn't going to listen to her though.

"Why? This is a nightmare! I just wanted to get over him, but you made me leave my room, and you chose to go to Mall of America, and you-" Britta cuts me off.

"Actually, you chose to go to the Mall of America," Britta corrects me. I can feel myself getting more upset.

"Whatever!" I yell, throwing my hands in the air. I left the living room quickly, and bolted to my room. I laid on my bed with my laptop, and went on twitter. I scoured Joe's twitter, and he hadn't posted anything since the diner. The reason I looked at Joe's twitter was because, honestly, I did still love him; I just didn't know if I wanted to.

Joe P.O.V.

"I thought you said this would help me get over Cora!" I shouted at Caspar and Oli.

"Joe, I've told you sorry. I didn't know she was going to be there," Caspar said apologetically.

"Yeah, but you left me with her!" I exclaimed at him. Fire racing through my blood, all I wanted to do was disappear.

"Yeah, I know, but I thought you wanted some time alone with her; you know, so you could tell her what you really wanted to."

"No, no, no! Oh, man. What am I supposed to do, she hates me now," I said, trying to figure out how to fix this mess I've made.

"You don't know that, she may like you. Maybe not, but she could," Caspar said, giving me hope for about point three seconds. I didn't know what to do anymore, until I remembered what Zoe said. Be a gentleman. That's it!  I thought to myself. Now what I do to be a gentleman... I have no clue. I sat on my bed for about twenty minutes, when I finally figured out what to do.

"Yes!" I shouted, getting Caspar and Oli excited.

"What?" They asked simultaneously.

"I finally got it!" I exclaimed, grabbing my money and leaving the hotel.

"Joe! Where are you going?" Oli asked me.

"To be a gentleman!" I yell quickly before the door to our room shut. I hailed a cab, and asked the man to take me to the florist. Once I arrived, I went in and bought a dozen red roses. The freshest roses, with the deepest red hue. I started walking, realizing I have no idea where she lives. How in the world, am I supposed to get these flowers to her if I don't know where she lives!  Great job Sugg, you did it again. I thought to myself, why do I always screw things up? I felt like a complete failure, until I passed by this salon place; and someone very familiar was inside.

"Sawyer?" I ask, as I walked in the hair salon.

"Joe! What are you doin' here man?" He asked me, looking a bit surprised I came in.

"Listen, I need your help. You know, um, that girl Cora? You know the one who works at the diner?" I ask timidly.

"Oh, yeah. I know her, why?" Sawyer asked, raising one eyebrow.

"Um, I need you to do me a favor."


"Well, I was wondering if you could possibly drop these off at her apartment, but without telling her it's from me." I say shyly, handing him the bouquet, but quickly slipping a note inside without him noticing.

"Yeah, sure. Why not. I'll be leaving work early anyway, so I'll just stop by and drop them off,"  Sawyer tells me, and I feel a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I decided to do a bit of a scavenger hunt, and I headed to the diner to leave my next note. The note that was in the roses just said to meet me at the diner, the note at the diner said to meet me at Whisper Hill. I went to the hill and waited.

Cora P.O.V.

I sat in my room when all of a sudden I hear,

"Sawyer!" Aspyn declared excitedly.

"Hey, boo. Um, someone left some flowers here, they were here when I got here," Sawyer lied, but everyone believed him, so let the plan commence. I slowly made my way out of my room, when I saw the beautiful red roses. I started to walk a little quicker, when I saw a small amount of white, peaking through the blood-like color of the flowers. I walked straight past everyone, and went straight to the flowers.

"Whose are these?" I asked confusion in my eyes, thinking Sawyer brought them.

"I'm not sure," Sawyer lied again, still we were convinced.

"You didn't bring these?" I ask.

"No," he replies. I grabbed the piece of paper that no one else seemed to notice.

"Dear Cora, meet me at the diner around 8:00 tonight. And then there are two kisses," I read the note out loud, including the two "x's" I assumed were kisses.

"Ooh, Cora! Who's the guy?" Aspyn asked me suspiciously.

"I have no clue!" I answer her honestly.

"Well, are you gonna go? It's already 7:30, if you're going you better get ready," Aspyn tells me, as she grabbed Sawyer's arm.

"You think I should go? What if it's some kind of murderer," I say, trying to figure out who it could be.

"Well, I don't think it's a murderer, and I think you should go," Sawyer tells me, he knows something.

"What makes you think that, Sawyer?" I question him.

"I just think you should go, ya' know, maybe you'll end up really liking the guy," Sawyer says to me, I squint my eyes suspiciously as I headed to my room.

"Okay.. I trust you," I say to them, peeking my head out of my door. After I was done getting ready I said goodbye to everyone, and walked to the diner. When I got to the diner, there was no one there, just a note on the counter.

"Dear Cora, as you may have already noticed, I'm not currently at the diner. Sorry for the confusion, please meet me at Whisper Hill. I can't wait to see you again. Again? Who is this?" I ask myself, since no one was in the diner. I left the diner and locked the door on my way out. I walked farther and farther, until I saw Whisper Park, which was where Whisper Hill was. Not too many people came here, I went and sat down on the very top of the hill and waited. After a while I started to think maybe there was another note I had to find, but I waited and it was so quiet I then heard footsteps, dragging along the gravel path. It was also dark out, so I couldn't tell who it was at first, they came and sat down next to me.

"Hi," the man said to me, I wasn't afraid really, I was more confused.

"Hi, um, who are you?" I asked, as he grabbed his phone and shone the light on himself.

"Joe! No, I'm sorry, but I have to go," I stand up and try to leave, but he grabbed my hand.

"Wait! If you have to go," he paused, squeezing my hand a little tighter.

"Please miss  me," he finished, and let my hand free. I looked at him, and I could see the same number of stars that were in the sky were also in his eyes. I didn't know what to say, so I just sat down. One part of me didn't want to stay with him, but then another part didn't want to leave him.

"Thank you," he said gratefully.

"Yeah, well I don't know how much longer I'll stay, but you've convinced me for now," I say, as I adjusted my sitting position.

"Now, I'd like to be able to tell you what I wanted to in the first place," he stopped, I just looked at him and realized why I liked him in the first place.

"You know, you have a really great smile," Joe said, causing me to smile and blush.

"Yeah, like that! Also, when you blush, it's really adorable."

"Well, thank you," I say to him, as I crossed my feet and laid down in the grass.

"I'm in love with your dimples," he said, my eyes darted up to his.

"What?" I asked, I am so confused. I thought he didn't like me.

"Um, yeah, and I'm in love with your voice and laugh, and your eyes. Your sweet eyes. Your eyes that are the color of beautiful, winter roasted chestnuts with rims of the darkest chocolate," Joe said, in a world of his own. After a long silence I sat up and whispered to him (we were on Whisper Hill so I thought it was appropriate).

"Same," I whispered, and I managed to keep a straight face, until Joe spoke.

"What? That's it? I'm not meaning like, oh why didn't you say something romantic about me, but like 'same'? That's all you're going to say?" He questioned, and I couldn't help but laugh, he joined me and we laughed for a while. After talking for a long time, I stood up.

"Where are you going?" Joe asked, looking disappointed.

"Well, it's getting late," I tell him, he stood up and took off his jacket.

"Here, it's a bit chilly tonight," he said, handing me a jacket that looked too big for him even.

"Oh, thanks," I said, slipping on the jacket, as I gave him a quick hug, and walked away.

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