Love's Complicated

By S_Cheeks

188 3 3

Lily found a mysterious boy in her forest one night. As she becomes friends with the boy, she starts uncovers... More

Chapter One: We Meet At Last
Chapter Two: Your True Self
Chapter Three: Who I Am
Chapter Four: I Cant Leave
Chapter Six: The World Of Creatures And Beyond
Chapter Seven: Lets Get Out
Chapter Eight: I'm Finally Home
Chapter Nine: The Past Reminded
Chapter Ten: The Beginning Of A Journey
Chapter Eleven: The Dark World
Not An Update (Sorry!)

Chapter Five: King Desmond

13 0 0
By S_Cheeks

Lily's P.O.V

I turned to see who it was when Marcus said, "King Desmond."Is King Desmond Marcus's father? He looks terrifying. The fireball in his hand grew 3 times the size it was when he growled. I guess he doesn't like to see humans near vampires.

"Who is that? He asked in a low raspy voice.

"Lily..... She's a human." He said but mumbled the last part.

"What is she?" he asked.

"A-A human" Marcus answered stuttering.

King Desmond growled again making the fireball grow bigger. He raised his arm and was ready to shoot at me but was stopped when Marcus shouted "She didn't do anything wrong! Why are you doing this to every human you see?! They're defendless and useless. You don't have to kill them! They're innocent like her! Lily cared for me when I was just about to die from hunger. She's kind and helpful. Humans aren't like what you think they are!"

Marcus shifted back to his human form and turned towards me and said "Lily you got to get out of here. It isn't safe to be here anymore. King Desmond is in rage of anger right now and if you don't go he's going to take it out on you. I love you Lily, but you really need to go. Now!" he pushed me trying to get me to run, but I couldn't. I was frozen once again by the vampire.

King Desmond lunged at me but Marcus pushed him away "Stay away from her!" he growled. "Go Lily! Get the fuck out of here!" he yelled at me. He pushed me again and this time I turned on my heels and ran as fast as I could and getting as far as possible, but stopped when I heard scream of pain and yelling.

Marcus's P.O.V

"Arrghhh! Shit!" I cursed under my breath as I was thrown towards the road. I was electrocuted. It hurts like hell, but I have to stall some time for Lily. I got up to my feet and created a fireball. It was small but powerful.

Usually vampires have red fireballs but special ones can have red or green fireballs with lightening around it. Green ones are more powerful so I created one. I threw it at Desmond but missed. I haven't perfected it yet but that's not the reason I missed. I was losing conscious. Getting electrocuted about ten times really does do all the damage.

I stumbled across the dirt trying to get as close as possible the king Desmond without getting hurt, but it's no use. Desmond threw a fireball at me and it hit me right in the stomach. It hurts. I yelped, but was cut off by another strike in the stomach.

My vision was getting blurry by the second. As I was about to lose my conscious I saw Lily. Lily?! What was she doing back here? I thought I told her to go already! Shit! I must've yelled too loud. "Lily? Why are you back here?" I asked.

"I'm here because I care about you idiot. I heard you yell out in pain and I couldn't leave you here dying because of me. Now just shut up and rest because you're losing A LOT of blood." She said.

She then turned towards King Desmond and started fighting. But she was losing. She was losing really badly. She was a human fighting a vampire. What an idiot she is. But I love her. I did as she told me and rest on the ground.

Lily's P.O.V

"You're going to pay for what you did to him!" I said before I ran up to him and tackled him down to the ground. I threw punches and kicks but it didn't do that much of damage. He scratched me right on my arm. My arm started bleeding. Blood gushed out like a never ending waterfall. I bit my lip and tried to hold in the pain. I held most of it but let out a small whimper. That's when Marcus woke up and got up to his feet again. He formed a green fireball and threw it with full force aiming at King Desmond. It hit him! Yes! I smiled and turned to Marcus and hugged him.

King Desmond took that moment as a chance to strike. He quickly created a fireball and threw it. Marcus saw this and reflected it back to King Desmond. It was a direct hit and he fell to the ground.

"If you know what is good for you, you'd be smart to not get up" I said. I turned my attention back to Marcus. He was still bleeding. I asked him if he could get out of here and he said no. He slumped down into the grass and silently cried. I hated this sight. I hate seeing people cry. People don't deserve to cry. They deserve to live and be happy.

Not like me. I'm the only one and should be the only one that should be crying in sorrow, pain and hatred.  

I ripped my shirt into a long strip of cloth and wrapped it around Marcus. I heard footsteps behind me so I got really scared. I didn't know what was happening to me but now I could see everything. From Light to Dark. Evil to Good. What was happening to me?


Sorry this one was a really short one. 😕 Sorry I also in a rush so I didn't have time. I think that the next few chapters are going to be short as well.... I'm sorry! (>_<)

Love you guys.

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