
By book_lover4610

105 10 0

Follow Avery, a 15 year old girl, as she fights her way through a zombie apocalypse. It was a normal day at... More

Chapter 2: Conversations
Chapter 3: Seven o'clock
Chapter 4: Truth or Dare Part 1
Chapter 5: Truth or Dare part 2
Chapter 6: A Death
Chapter 7: Training
Chapter 8: Fights
Chapter 9: Sprained Wrist
Chapter 10: New
Chapter 11: A Discovery
Chapter 12: Zombie
Chapter 13: Dream
Chapter 14: Tree House
Chapter 15: New Leader
Chapter 16: The Note
Chapter 17: Dummies and Stuff
Chapter 18: Fire

Chapter 1: The Dream

31 1 0
By book_lover4610

"Get up! Get up! They're coming!" I hear Emerald yell in my ear.

"Who" I scream back.

"Them! The zombies!"

Emerald places her hand on shoulder and pulled me out of the pallet of blankets and pillows I made.

"Oh no we've come so far. We can't die now." I say as I start standing up.

Suddenly, the grip on my shoulder begins to loosen as Emerald was pulled away.

Over her shoulder I see one of the ugliest things I've ever seen.

It's green with blood red eyes. It's entire eye is red. No pupil. Just red. I see an exposed brain. But that's not the creepiest part there are bright blue veins running through it's face and brain.

It's shirt is torn exposing most of its stomach. The same green and the same bright blue veins. It's tan shorts show the same. It's horrible looking. Absolutely terrifying.

I scream in horror as Emerald's head was bit into.

Suddenly, I couldn't move. I was froze in spot.

"No! You can't! No Emerald!" I yell.

"Calm down Avery! Calm down!" But that was the voice of... Alexa. But where is she? I woke up.

"Wha- what happened?" I ask as soon as I see people leaning over me.

Alexa: brown hair, green eyes, tan skin, and a little freckles.
Levi: brown hair, brown eyes, and skin tanner than Alexa's.
Carter: dark brown (almost black) hair, brown eyes and pale skin.
And Emerald alive and well: dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, tan skin, and a little freckles.

I sit up as Alexa starts "You started talking in your sleep and I thought you were having a nightmare. You seem to be having a lot lately so I didn't think anything about it. I was the only one up at the time. But it got worst. You started moving around. I got worried. You started screaming and it woke up Carter, Levi, and Emerald. They asked what was wrong so I told them. So we all gathered around trying to calm you don't. You started screaming something about Emerald. I started calling your name to wake you up and it worked. Now that you know what's going on, can you tell us what happened in the dream?" Alexa asks.

I explained the dream and by the end everyone had a horrified look on there face.

"Wow I didn't know you cared about me that much" Emerald said trying to make us laugh and forget the dream but it was still fresh in my mind.

"Well we are friends and besides this dream could've happened to any of us, about any of us.  It just happened to be mine about you." I get put from under the blankets and look around.

Sawyer, Kyle, and Zach are still sleeping in the front right corner of the room with Levi's empty pallet.

In the opposite corner from me, back left, is Tess, Audrey, and Jasmine, sound asleep.

On the back right is Carter's, Alexa's, and Emerald's empty pallet along with mine.

"Should we wake them up it let them wake up by themselves?" Alexa asks.

"I think that me and Levi should go get the guys and Emerald, Carter, and Alexa should go get the rest of the girls." I say.

Everyone mumbles some sort of agreement.

Me and Levi walk over to the guys. "You get Zach, I'll get Sawyer, and whoever finishes gets Kyle. Agreed?"


I walk over to Sawyer and yell "get up in his ear. Sawyer is a very tan, brown hair, brown eyed guy.

He sits up really fast, looks around, and says, "What the fuck Avery?"

"Well I needed to wake you up so..." I trail off.

"What time is it?" He asks slightly annoyed.

"It's about... I don't have my watch on me. Maybe noon."

"Why'd you let me sleep this long?"

"I think everyone is going to ask that. I'll explain later. Kyle get up!" I yell the last sentence while looking at Kyle.
Kyle was pale, had brown eyes, and red hair.

"Wha- why?" He asks, scrambling to sit up.

"Well I needed to wake you up and yelling seems to work." I laugh soon Kyle and Sawyer were laughing too.

I glance over and see Levi struggling to get Zach up. I scream "get up Zach!"

Zach opened his eyes a little before rolling over. "Zach!" I sternly say.

"Fine I'm up I'm up." He says sitting up. Zach had dark brown hair, brown eyes and tan skin.

"Wow Levi you suck. I'll leave you guys to do whatever." I stand and walk towards the girls.

I'm proud of myself. I got all three guys up. If you count while I was asleep then six total.

I see Emerald and Alexa had successfully woken Tess and Audrey but Carter was having trouble with Jasmine.

Tess is a dirty blonde (mostly blonde) girl with blue eyes and tan skin.
Audrey is a brunette with brown eyes and skin tanner then Tess.
Jasmine has dirty blonde hair that she dyed pink.

"Yo Jassy get up!" I say slightly louder than I normally talk. To no surprise she sits up. "Wow what's with people sucking at waking other people up today?" I ask rhetorically. "I just woke up all the guys and Jasmine. Alexa should we tell everyone why they're up so late?"

"It only ten a.m. It's not that late." Oh shit.

"Sawyer it's not noon it's ten." I tell across the room. It looks like Levi was explaining my dream so I will too.

"So I had a nightmare. That's why you weren't up as early as normal. They were trying to wake me up from it. "

"What was the dream about?" Audrey asks.

I explain and she walks over and hugs me.

"I'm fine now. It was just terrifying while I was having it." I lie. I don't want them to worry about me.

"Guys get over here!" Emerald yells.

As the guys arrive Jasmine says "What if it means something?"

"Come on. It was just a dream. It's not like it was a vision or anything."I say. But what if she's right? What if Emerald's going to die and I'm not going to be able to help her? What if the dream becomes reality?

AN: New story! What do you think of the characters so far? What do you think about the dream? I actually started writing this in March or April (I think) and just never put it on Wattpad. It gets better (hopefully) so don't worry.

Please vote/comment if you enjoyed.

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