Living in a Dream - a Joe Sug...

By JKRtotallypink

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Hi, my name is Cora Foster. I'm 19 years old, and live with my best friend Aspyn Clicke in the heart of Minne... More

My Name's Cora
The Three Mystery Men
Dream Come True
The News
Mistakes Were Made
Familiar Faces
The Hotel
Embarrassment and Excitement
Sometimes Nervousness is Okay
Take Risks
With Love Comes Great Sadness
Ask Them
The Dance
Cute and Clumsy
Hurt, Love, Choices
The Girl
Radio Lies
Who are They Against
Lies and Sadness
I Will be There
Guess Who's Back
Where Did He Go?
Something Special
Nothing Lasts Forever
Make The Most of It
Is Everything Okay?
What is Happening?
Don't Be Afraid
Beautiful Silence
All Is Not Well
So... That Happened
I Can't Do This

Surprises Good and Bad

181 6 0
By JKRtotallypink

Aspyn P.O.V.

I woke up that morning to the continuous beeping of my alarm clock. I did not want to get up, but then I remembered where I was going for lunch, and I shot right out of bed. I quick threw some clothes on and did my makeup. I had work today, so I just had a quick breakfast, like coffee and toast. While I was finishing my small, but tasty breakfast, I saw Cora come out of her room all ready for the day.

"Hey Cora," I said to her, Cora seemed so happy this morning.

"Hey Aspyn. I can't wait to go to work! Oh my gosh can you believe they wanted to come back? That's insane!" Cora responded to me, excitement coming out her ears.

"I know! That's crazy I can't believe it either! But ya' know, speaking of work, I should probably get going. See you at lunch!" I said to her, as I grabbed my shoes and left the apartment.

When I got to work I could see Sawyer was already there. I went inside, and he walked over to me.

"Hey Sawyer! How are you?" I asked, feeling privileged just to be able to look at his flawless face.

"Hey, yeah I'm good. How about you?" He asked me. I could barely focus on what he said, because I was distracted by just how incredibly perfect he is.

"Uh, me? Oh yeah, I'm good. I am good," I told him, and he let out a small laugh, which I followed with a giggle.

"So, I was wondering, if you wanted to get lunch sometime?" He asked me. He caught me off guard; I never thought he would ask! I gather my thoughts, and quickly say,

"Yes!" Short and sweet. He flashed his stunning smile.

"Okay then. Do you have a date that would work?" He asked me, grabbing his phone from his back pocket.

"Would today be okay? I was planning on going to the diner that Cora works at for lunch," I said sheepishly, hoping that would be okay with him.

"Yeah, I think that would be fine."

"So it's a date?" I ask suspiciously.

"Yes, Aspyn. It's a date," He said to me, and I had a smile permanently glued to my face from then on.

Cora P.O.V.

I went to work, and could barely contain my excitement. I looked at the clock, and it said 11:12am. They'll be coming soon... I hope. Throughout the day, I found myself constantly checking the time. It's only been about ten minutes, but it feels like three hours.

"You doing okay hon? You look a little worked up," Martha asked me; she sounded slightly concerned.

"No, no I'm fine, just waiting for someone. You know the people who came yesterday?" I ask her, trying to explain.

"Yes, the idols," She tells me, and smiles.

"Uh, yeah. The 'idols'. Well, I overheard them saying they wanted to come back! So I'm just anxious about that. Oh, and also Aspyn's coming for lunch," I told Martha. I looked out the window for what seems the hundredth time, still nothing.

I looked at the clock, it was already noon. When will they be here? I shot a quick glance out the window, and saw Aspyn with someone much taller than her. Aspyn was walking to the diner with a guy, and I think I know who.

Aspyn got close enough to the diner to see in the windows, she waved at me excitedly, and ran inside leaving the guy behind. She gave me a big hug, then gestured at the man to come inside. He walked in, and gave me a sweet smile.

"Hi Sawyer. How are you?" I ask him, wondering how Aspyn convinced him to join her.

"I'm good and you?" He asked me, he was pretty cute I can see why Aspyn would like him.

"Pretty good," I reply, somewhat distracted as I continue to look at the clock. I chatted with Aspyn and Sawyer for a while, when I heard the beautiful sound of the bell on the door when I hear someone yell out,

"Sawyer Hartman!" Joe said excitedly, in a fake American accent.

"Well if it isn't Joe Sugg. What are you doing here?" Sawyer asked Joe.

"I'm just visiting with some friends. You know Caspar, Oli, and of course Zoe and Alfie," Joe replied, with the brightest smile.

"Oh yeah? Where are they?" Sawyer asked him.

"They're back at the hotel, but they'll be here soon. So, do you live around here Sawyer?" Joe asked. I couldn't stop looking at him. Cora no, don't stare. Whatever you do don't stare! I thought to myself.

"Yeah I do, actually pretty close. Same with these girls," Sawyer said, gesturing at me and Aspyn.

"That's cool," Joe said, as he took a seat at the closest table.

We talked for a little while, when Aspyn realized her lunch break was over, and her and Sawyer had to leave.

"Oh, you gotta go? That's too bad. It was good catching up," Joe said to Sawyer, as he left holding Aspyn's hand.

"Hi, so what was your name again?" I ask Joe, even though I know almost everything about him.

"Joe, and your name?" He asked, as he tilted his head slightly to the left which made me almost fall over. I grabbed the counter nonchalantly, to try and keep my balance.

"Oh right. I'm Cora," I say, trying not to be too awkward.

"So um, have you been to Minnesota before?" I ask him, even though I know the answer.

"No, I haven't. I really like it here though," He states, and I can feel my cheeks turn red as he gave me the signature 'Sugg half smile'.

"I'm glad you're enjoying your stay. So what do you do for a living?" I ask him, giving him a small smile.

"I'm actually a youtuber. My youtube name is ThatcherJoe," He states, looking at me with his hypnotic blue-green eyes.

"That's awesome. I don't know if I've heard of you, but I'll have to check it out," I lie, letting out a smile and a little wink. Joe blushed slightly, and just smiled back.

"So um. I have something to ask you," He says nervously.

"Yeah?" I say, running all the possibilities it could be through my head.

"Um, will you-" He gets cut off by Caspar grabbing his shoulders, and Oli right behind him. Really!? Right now!?

"Oh, hey guys." Joe almost looks disappointed, but a little relieved.

"Hey Joe! Who's the pretty girl you're talking to?" Caspar asks Joe, causing him to blush, and me as well for that matter.

"Uh, um. T-this is Cora," Joe stuttered, and I could see embarrassment in his eyes. Does Joe like me? Ha yeah right; like that would happen.

"Hi Cora, nice to meet you. I'm Caspar," Caspar says, with no hesitation.

"Hi Caspar, nice to meet you too. Weren't you the guys who came in here yesterday?" I ask, with a small smile causing Caspar to smile back.

"Yes we are. I'm so glad you remembered us!" Caspar says to me; he's actually very easy to talk to. I let out a light laugh, when I realize I'm supposed to be working.

"Oh, sorry guys; can I get your orders?" I ask, slightly embarrassed.

"Oh, right. I think I'll wait for now. Anything for you guys?" Joe says to me, as he asks his friends. Caspar and Oli order and while they're eating, Joe and I talked a bit. It turns out that we actually have a lot in common. He was about to ask me a question again, when Aspyn came back, and I saw her grab the door frame when she saw Caspar.

"Hey Aspyn. How was work? You got done early," I say to her, as she walks up right next to Joe.

"Yeah, work was good. How's it been here?" She asks me, even though she knew the answer.

"Works been good here," I say with a smile.

After about an hour, Caspar and Oli decided to go back to the hotel, but Joe said he needed to do something, so he stayed at the diner. Everyone had left, so it was just Joe and me.

"So I um, have been trying to ask you this," he says, making my heart race.

"Yeah?" I ask, with a slight head tilt.

"Um, I-I know we like just-" He gets cut off by the sound of my phone. I glance at it, and it's Aspyn. I let it ring.

"Go on, it's just Aspyn," I say to him eagerly.

"Well, I guess I just wanna know if you would... go out with... Caspar," He asked me, regret filling his eyes, and I could actually feel my heart drop.

"Um, yeah maybe. Well, it's getting late, I should get going. It was nice meeting you, Joe," I say, feeling completely broken. I actually thought he was gonna ask me out; I'm such an idiot for getting my hopes up. I start to walk home when I can feel heavy drops of rain fall on my shoulders. I tried to keep from crying, but a large tear escaped and rolled down my cheek.

I walked in the door and saw Aspyn sitting on the couch. She gasped when she saw the state I was in.

"Cora! What happened?" She asked me, extremely confused, but I ignored her and walked to my room. Have you ever been in one of those moods where you just want to grab everything and rip it off the walls and break everything because you feel broken and you want to scream and kick and cry because nothing feels right and its all wrong! That is how I feel right now.

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