protect me (stiles stilinski)...

Von AmericanBum98

85.4K 1.5K 320

season 1 & 2 of teen wolf Mehr

Dead body I think no.
A wolf Really.
A choice
some convincing....
A date.
Dont die Derek!
Heart Monitor
stuck in school
Day off... (part 1)
Day off (part 2)
Happy birthday & day off part 3 (part three)
Back to the super natural..
Not in the mood.
winter formal
season 2
Seriously Naked.
another wolf really.
Erica and Boyd
Study group.
Out of the loop.
Happy birthday Lydia
Message ❤


1.3K 35 0
Von AmericanBum98

Do you ever just ever have to think about your life before the crazy stuff happened well I'm doing that right now. I'm sitting in the parking lot of the school and have exactly almost an hour before school starts. I'm dressed up a little with black heels with tan and a nice skirt black and tanish white along with a white top and a burgendy cardigen. As I sit there I finally decide to get out, as I do I go straight for my locker. No I don't look for Stiles or Scott, Scott pissed me off so as of right now fuck him. As I close my locker I scream at the sight of Jackson cause well he scared me.

"Whoa sorry Shay." Jackson holds his hands up in surrender.

"Oh hey sorry, you just well scared me." I fake smile.

"Shay, are you feeling any better, I mean after last night?"

" no actually no not at all, Lydia won't talk to me she feels I'm lying to her Allison she is fine with she hasn't known Allison sense she was 3, then my best friend basically called me useless and no my boyfriend is grounded for getting a restraining order you put on him, so no I feel like shit." I say running a hand through me hair.

"Whoa, look as for your two idiots I can help but with Lydia, Shay give her time she will come around I promise." Jackson says hugging me I hug back, and rest my head on his chest.

"I missed you dummy, this is the Jackson I missed." I say.

"I know I'm sorry." Jackson say squezzing a little until I hear someone clear there throat we break apart and see Stiles.

"Okay I have to go, before your boyfriend get put in a cell, bye Shay talk to you later." Jackson smiles before walking away.

"Bye Jackson." I smile. I turn to see a pissed off stiles and he grabs my wrist and pulls me to the library great.

Jackson's pov.

I hate watching her leave with that moron. I loved Lydia for a moment till I realized that was a mistake and that I truly wanted Shayla, all Lydia cared about was popularity and me being the captain all Shay cared about was how I felt my pain my feelings, she didn't care who I was and that's why I fell for Shay. Lydia was a distraction, and when I was gonna tell her Stiles the idiot got her how fucking dumb, but she will be with me if it's the last thing that happens.

Shays pov.

Stiles pulled me into the library only for me to talk to Scott and Allison.

We go being a book shelf and pull our books so I can see Allison and Scott.

"Stiles you seem tense no,you are tense I can smell it." Scott says.

"Its nothing okay." Stiles mumbles.

"Why am I here." I frown.

"Shay we need your help okay, you can't back out please." Allison says.

I shake my head. "What?" I ask.

"Okay the kanima seeks a master, we need to find who is controlling Jackson." Scott says and I ignore him.

"Okay, does it say how to find out who's controlling him?" I ask Allison.

"Not really. But Stiles was right about the murderers." Allison says.

Stiles does a quick fist pump. "Yes!"

Allison rolls her eyes. "It calls the kanima a weapon of vengeance. There's a story in there about this South American priest who uses the kanima to execute murderers in his village..."

"All right, see? So maybe it's not all that bad." Stiles says.

Allison shakes her head. "Until the bond grew strong enough that it killed whoever he wanted it to."

Scotts eyes go wide. "All bad, all very, very bad."

"Here's the thing, though. The kanima's actually supposed to be a werewolf. But it can't be..." Allison doesn't finish cause I interuppet.

"Until it resolves that in its past which manifested it." I say she nods.

Stiles lets out a sarcastic remark. "Okay, if that means that Jackson could use a few thousand hours of therapy, I could've told you that myself."

I shake my head till I realize something.

"Shay what?" Stiles says.

"What if... It has something to do with his parents? His real parents."

Scott nods. "Yeah, does anybody actually know what happened to them?"

"Shay don't you." Allison ask.

"Only a little, but its not how they died one person who might really know is Lydia, but she isnt talking to me." I sigh.

"Okay well she wont talk wait he doesn't have a restraining order against me so... I'll talk to him myself." Allison smiles I shake my head.

"No he won't talk to you cause of Scott, but he know I'm not talking to Scott and I have know him sense middle school. I can talk to him, Jackson will open up to me." I say.

"What no, no Shay you can't no." Stiles shakes his head.

"Yea Shay you can't do this alone." Scott says worried.

"Like you actually care, and I won't go alone Allison will wait guard." I say.

"Shay I do care okay, So what do I do?" Scott says.

"You have a make-up exam, remember? Promise me." Allison says.

Scott groans. "Fine but if he does anything to you shay run the other way."

"I can take care of myself." I says.

"Shay seriously, I will literally die. If you get hurt please for me be careful." Stiles says I grab his hand and squeeze it.

"Shay, if you get hurt while I'm busy with some stupid test, someone's going to need to take care of me. If he does anything to you or Allison." Scott says looking at me then Allison.

"Guys I'm a big girl, okay I have this I mean Jackson won't hurt me, I know he won't." I say the nod as the bell rings I nod and start to walk away till Stiles grabs my hand.

"Shay wait, will you just please be careful. I'm not Scott okay I won't know if you get hurt.... if something was...." I didn't let him finish as I kiss him.

"Stiles I will be fine, I'm not going anywhere I promise okay." I smile he nods.


"Come on let's go you have to go talk to Lydia, while I go find Jackson." I say reaching out my hand he grabs it and we start walking out when we exit the library Stiles gives me a Peck and leaves I look and see Allison waiting she walks up as Stiles leaves.

"Ready for this?" I nod.

"Yea let's get it over with." We walk towards the locker room, I tell Allison to wait here as I take off my heels so the won't make noise as I go to find Jackson. As I walk I bump into someone, it's Matt.

"Oh jeez I'm so sorry," I say collecting myself he kinda scared me. "This seems to be how we meet up now." I chuckle.

"Oh, you just scared the hell out of me, it okay though." He smiles.

"Sorry, I Was just ... um looking for Stiles." I say moving my hair out of my face.

"Ah, I think I saw him talking to lydia in the parking lot. Oh and nice heels." He chuckles.

"Really didn't see him thanks. And Oh! Yeah, uh, my feet were hurting."

"Yea that's the same reason I never wear mine." Matt smiles I laugh at his comment he laughs as well.

"Very wise." I smiles.

"Yea hey, did you hear about the underground show? Apparently, they've got some big name spinning." Matt says nervously, why is he nervous.

"Oh, you mean like a rave?"

"Oh, is it still a rave if you don't roll? I just call it a party. But hey, I got a friend who can hook us up with tickets if you're down. Want me to get you one, we can go together....not like that! Just as friends you know, um we haven't really talk or hung out outside of school you don't have to if you dont wants to I mean I won't..." I cut Matt off from his word vomit.

"Matt I would love to go. I know what you mean and Stiles won't mind I'm sure your a friend." I smile.

"Yeah? All right, cool. Um, it's Friday, I can meet you there." Matt smiles I nod.

"Okay Yea I will see lyou later Matt." I smile he nods and walks away, I sigh and carry on walking to a locker room and find Jackson.

"Jackson?" I ask.

I hear him mutter. "In here. Is something wrong?"

When I see a fully naked Jackson, everyhting is out i put my hand up to cover my eyes. "Y... You could've warned me, Jackson." I hiss.

I hear jackson chuckle. "You're the one that walked into the boys' locker room."

"I thought I heard you... I th... forget it." I say about to turn around.

"Did you wanna talk about something?"

"We can talk later."

"No. Let's talk now." Jackson say I feel him come closer and move my hand from my eyes.

"I... I have to get to cl..."

"Oh, no, no, you don't. No, you have perfect grades. You can skip one class. Are you okay? Your heart's beating like crazy." Jackson says well shit.

Stiles pov.
I was talking to Lydia till she denied telling me about Jackson parents. But when I turned around crazy bitch Erica was behind me.

"Erica just leave okay I'm not telling you why I was asking." I say trying to move.

"Come on Stiles tell me.... your gonna go find her, tell me this Stiles why do you want hee when you can have me. What is so fucking special about Shayla fucking Matthews, huh I'm just as better." Erica says rubbing down my chest, I grab her hand a push it away.

"Erica, it's because I love her okay no one can make me wanna leave Shay or cheat on Shay with someone as shallow as you." I says.

"Stiles do you know what I hear, a heart beating fast, but it's not yours. Do you knows who's hear is beating really fast." Erica says coming closer to my ear. "Its Shaylas." As soon as she says that my heart stops I look at her and start walking off with Erica following.

Scott's pov.

I can't focus, somthing is wrong, as I fill out a bubble. I hear someones heart beating extremely fast I know that hear beat it's... shays.

Shays pov.

"Jackson I'm gonna go." I say.

He shakes his head. "I thought you wanted to talk."

"I... I... I changed my mind."

"You sure? Because you look a little stressed. Is it Stiles? Is it that whole thing? I still can't believe you actually think your little Romeo and Juliet story is gonna last. You know he's eventually just gonna give in to Erica and leave you she is truly one of the hottest girls right now, and what is Shay. If you don't realize that, then you gotta be the stupidest bitch in this town. Well, other than Stiles since he's a pretty stupid bitch himself." Jackson taunts coming closer to my face.

"Stop. Just stop!" I say shaking my head.

"What are you gonna do, Shay, hmm... When your stupid bitch of boyfriend turns on you? For Erica, or scott protects allison before you, They killed Kate. They almost kill Lydia oh wait the almost killed you as well. Who do you really think's gonna be next, hmmm? Is that what you tell yourself. You know shay they wont protect you and if that's what you believe, then you're already dead. I just... I just hope your parents and the agents have been teaching you moves to protect yourself." Jackson says with one of his hands on my waist and another whipping hair out my face he squeezes my waist hard I can feel his claws start digging in my side.

I sigh, "Actually Jackson, they have." I grab Jackson's collar and kick him away then Scott runs in as Jackson falls from Scott pushing him.

"Shay? What are you doing here?" Jackson shakes his head grabbing a towl and wrapping it around himself.

"Shay oh God your bleeding." Allison says running to me, I hold my side as it hurts.

"I... 'm fine," I tell her as she looks at it i wince when she tries and touch Scott sees it and his eye go wide with anger. "I'm fine. Scott, I'm fine. Scott!" I pant yell so he will stop going towards Jackson.

"Mccall I have a restraining order!" Jackson says as Scott comes closer.

"Trust me, I restrained myself." Scott yells before tackling Jackson, they start fighting and breaking stuff, seeing Scott in pain I wince I try not connecting myself.

"Shay look away." Allison says I close my eyes till hear Stiles.

"Whoa Scott stop!" Stiles yells his eyes meet mine and he sees my side and runs over. "Oh my God Shay what happened." He says.

We break apart our stare when I hear Mr.harris yelling. "What the hell's going on? Hey! Enough! Enough. What do you idiots think you're doing? Jackson! Calm down! Mr. McCall, you wanna explain yourself? Stilinski!" He calls, then Matt walks in only to look lost.

Mr.harris looks pissed, he points at allison and I along with matt. "You and you... Actually... All of you... Detention. Three o'clock." He yells, and storms off, I groan and look at myside and it's still bleeding. I should have ditched school like I planned.....

I walk into detention with Scott and Stiles Allison is coming a little late we see Jackson and Erica along with Matt seated at different tables I roll my eyes at this situation.

"Oh, uh... We can't be in detention together. I have a restraining order against those tools." Jackson says pointing at Scott and Stiles.

"All of these tools?" Harris ask.

"No, just us tools." Stiles sighs.

"Well these two, I'm not a tool." I smile.

"Fine. You two, over there. Shay you sit where ever." Harris sigh going to sit down, I just go and sit next to Stiles as we sit, stiles pulls my seat closer to him. So he can wrap an arm around me I smile and kiss his cheek, turn and look at Scott who is looking at Jackson while bouncing his leg very fast.

"I'm gonna kill him." Scott states looking at us okay now he looks like Stiles when he takes to much adderal.

"No, you're not. You're going to find out who's controlling him and then you're gonna help save him." I sigh running my hand through my hair.

"No. Stiles was right, let's kill him." I look for Stiles to talk sense into him,but he is nodding with Scott I nudge him and give home a what the fuck look.

"Shay what, he hurt you. You could have died, so Scott if your gonna do it go for it."

"Shay he is right when he was hurting you,I wanted to murder him. I feel like I can do it now... no Yea I'm doing it now." Scott says.

"Scott no." I say sternly.

"Wait, wait guys what if Matt is the killer. I mean, this whole thing comes back to the video, right?"

I shake my head. "Danny said that Matt was the one who found the two hours of footage missing." I say.

Stiles jumps a little pulling me with him. "Exactly! He's trying to throw suspicion off himself."

"So he makes Jackson kill Isaac's dad, one of Argent's hunters, and the mechanic working on your jeep?" Scott says.


"Why?" I question.

"Because... He's evil." Stiles mumbles.

"You just don't like him." Scott smirks.

"The guy... Bugs me. I don't know what it is. Just look at his face." Stiles says glaring at Matt.

"Or it's because you don't like how he likes Shay." Scott smirks.

"He does not like me." I say chuckling.

"No Scott's right, it's cause he likes you. I mean if he asked you out I would probably comit murder." Stiles mutters, okay now I'm freaking out I just told Matt earlier I was gonna go to a rave with him, Oh my God...

"Shay your heart is beating really fast like so fast that should not even be possible." Scott says confused.

"Shay what's wrong?" Stiles ask.,

"Ugh nothing." I say reaching to run my hair though my hair, but decide to scratch, the back if my neck so they won't suspect anything.

"Shay you just lied whenever your trying not ty o show you lied you go for you neck." Stiles says.

"Shay what's wrong?" Scott says, I sigh knowing they won't let this go.

"Okay so when I was going to look for Jackson I bumped into Matt, and he asked me to go to this party thing with him.... but it's not like that I took it as friends so now I'm think he took it as a....."

"Date." Stiles says angrily.

"Stiles I didn't know..." I was rushing to says.

"No, it's fine I mean you wanna go on a date with him I might as well go out with Erica. I mean she is kind of hot so why not." He says even more angrier.

What he says pisses me off, as we glare at each other.

"Stiles that wasn't...." I interrupt Scott not caring anymore.

"You known what, I was saying sorry. I didn't take it as that and I'm not attracted to Matt, so you know what Stiles fuck you and fuck off. You go have fun with Erica you peice of shit." I say standing up and and slapping him and walking over to Allison, who only walked in moments ago.

I sit down and groan. "Nice slap, what did he do now?" Allison chuckles.

I see Jackson get up and run out.
"No one move!" Harris says before running after him.

"Nothing Matt asked me out but I took nothing of it you know, I love Stiles so I was going with Matt as a friend cause well. I felt bad he has asked me to hang out before but I always blew him off. I took it as friends, so when I told Stiles that he got all mad and told me he might as well go out with Erica, cause she is kinda hot." I say glaring at Erica.

"Wow if Scott said that I would kill him." Allison says as the innercom comes on.

"Scott McCall to the principals office." It call I recognize that voice.

"Isn't that your mom." I ask, as she nods. We see Scott get up and leave, then Stiles moves to Erica I roll my eyes.

"Hey I know what rave your talking about Danny wanted me to go but I turned it down. I can text him do you want me to tag along." Allison smiles I nod.

"Oh my God Al your the best." I smiles.

Soon Harris and Jackson come back and scott who might I see looks scared for his life. Harris collects his stuff so we do to and stand to get up.

" no sorry yes I'm leaving you guys aren't not till you put all the books on the shelf." He chuckles and leaves I groan and put my stuff down and grab a cart and pull it to where I and Allison are gonna stack it.

"This is abuse." I say to her causing her to laugh.

"Trust me, not even close." Allison laughs I just roll my eyes.

As we stack the books on the shelf Stiles and Scott sneak I'm the same row as us so they can talk to us.

"We have a problem a big one." Scott says.

"Jeez another problem how surprising." I sat with most sarcasm.

"Shay." Scott says I just huff.


"It says Jackson parents died on the June 14th 1995." Stiles says I shake my head.

"No not possible, he was born in the 15th." I say annoyed he even is talking.

"Shay we know that means..." I interrupt Scott.

"They didn't, he told me he was born by C-section. Thats means they.... took him out of her dead body." I say totally shocked.

Allison speaks causing me to lwave my thoughts. "So was it an accident or not?"

"The word all over the report is "inconclusive." Stiles says using quotation over the word inconclusive.

"Then his parents could have been murdered?" Scott says.

"No it means they we're, my mom says every time something like that comes back. It mostly means the we're murdered they just can't tell you how really." I say seeing Jackson stacking books I feel so bad for him.

"If they were, then it falls in line with the kanima myth. You know? It seeks out and kills murderers." Stiles says.

"But for Jackson? Or the person controlling him?" Allison ask.

"We have to talk to him. We have to tell him." Scott says shaking his head obviously overwhelmed.

"How are you guys gonna do that if....." I didn't finish as someone screams.

"Erica?" Scott questions we look and see her on the ground shaking.

"Whoa, hey, hey, hey, hey! I think she's having a seizure." I say just as Matt falls i turn and see a book case falling almost on him I run grab his leg and pull him as the book case falls.

Allison rushes over. "He's alive." She says.

"She, need to get her to a hospital." Stiles says.

Erica pants and shakes her head. "Derek... Only to Derek."

"When we get her to the hospital..." Scott says only to be cut off.

"To Derek. To Derek." Erica stammers.

"We can't Erica we won't know if you will die." I tell her.

"You can see where I will be safe just please look." She cries, I nod and connect myself, and see possiblites Oh my God she is gonna die.

"Derek," I mutter. "Take her to derek." I say.

Scott looks at me then Allison. "Go."

"Hey, Scott!" Stiles yells holding Erica.

"I'm staying here with you guys."

"He can't take her alone. Not like this. And Matt... I've got to call an ambulance for him, just go." I say as Scott looks at Allison, I know why he doesn't wanna leave.

"This doesn't feel right." I hear Stiles mutters.

"Scott It's okay." Allison tries to convince as I hold Matt up his breathing is slowing.

"No, it's not. No, it's not right." Scott states.

"It doesn't... It doesn't mean anything." Allison tries to convince Scott.

"But it feels like it does." Scott states painfully.

"Scott, go. Go. Please she is dying I connected myself she dies I die." I say trying to get Scott to leave. Stiles eyes go wide at my statement.

"Scott we need to go." Stiles say sternly.

"Okay! Okay." Scott says as he gets up and leaves while Allison and I sit here with Matt. Until the ambulance comes my life just keeps getting more complicated...

After today, I still have enough energy to do homework, I have ignored Stiles for the rest of the day he and I need to be apart for a couple hours, I look at the time it's midnight I grab my phone to check it I see a text from Stiles.

My Man ❤: I know your mad cause I'm and idiot, and I'm sorry for the biilionth time but I wanted to make sure your okay, but anyway I wanted to say I love you and goodnight. Sleep well and if you have a nightmear call me I will cone over in a heartbeat, promise.

After seeing the text I find myself smiling. I text back a sweet goodnight and that I love him, o know he is smiling right now man do I love him..


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