Wonderful Accident {mpreg ZAR...

By voxgestyles

134K 6.4K 786

When proposing to the person you love you expect them to say yes and everything goes as planned till the ties... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thrity Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thrity Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Epilogue (Louis)
Epilogue (Liam)
Cover Reveal


3.6K 178 17
By voxgestyles

{The first part is a dream and abuse does happen so if you not comfortable with that skip the italics. You wouldn't miss anything if you do}

I'm sitting in the bedroom conner dreading from Liam to come home. He scares me to death, especially when he's mad. I need to figure out how to get out of this relationship but I'm to scared to try to break up with him.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I hear the door slam. I coward into the conner as Liam walks into the bedroom. I yelp as I'm dragged up from the floor by my shirt collar, I look at Liam scared that if I don't I'll get hit again. When I do he looks pissed, my face pales a little waiting for something to happen but he just throws me down on the floor again as hard as he can. I grunt in pain as I hit the floor.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask in a small voice.

"No! It's none of you fucking business anyway!" He screams at me. I push myself in the wall hoping he would get his anger out already and leave me alone like normal but he doesn't. He picks me up throwing me on the bed, he straddles me grabbing my wrists putting them above my head.

"Why do I still have you? Your pathetic. You can't do anything." He says as he slaps me hard. I can already feel the tears coming.

"You're also a whore. You'll never get anywhere in life I hope you know that. I've never loved you."

I sit up straight in bed with a jerk. I'm sweating and panting, I look over at Harry to see him sleeping peacefully even if he has a bruise on his cheekbone. I get out of bed looking at the clock, 2 am. I walk to the bathroom running a bath to maybe get over the painful dream and today's events. I sit down into the warm water, my stomach coming out of the water a little bit but I just smile and rub my hand across it. I jump when I hear the bathroom door open to see a naked Harry staring at me, he walks over to the tub and gets in.

"Are you okay baby?" He says wrapping his arms around me putting his hands around my stomach.
"Yeah, just upset about today."

"Why? I'll protect you from that asshole."

"I know you will, but I don't like you getting hurt cause of me."

"It doesn't bother me, I would do it anyways cause I love you." I smiled leaning into his chest. I still had today's events running through my head, Harry jumped on to Liam attacking him. Liam fought back of course hitting Harry in his stomach, but Harry didn't give up. They went at it till I started yelling at them to stop and I dropped to the floor crying. My hormones getting the best of me, I remember feeling Liam's arms trying to wrap around me to hug me but I started to yell at him and Harry came and pushed him off threatened to call the police.

"Baby please stop thinking about it please. I'm fine. Focus on us not him." He said kissing the side of my head.

"Did you know that sex is good for the baby?" Harry said smirking, I burst out laughing.

"Really?" I said still laughing.

"Especially water sex." He comments kissing my neck.

"Oh my god." He kissed me hard turning me around in his lap so I was straddling him my stomach gently hitting his stomach. I grunted feeling something in my stomach, I pulled away bring my hands to my stomach. Harry quickly sat up straighter asking questions if anything was wrong, then I felt it. The baby kicked.

"Harry give me your hand." I grabbed his hand and put it on the same spot that it happened and when his hand got on to my stomach the baby kicked again. I looked up at Harry and he had tears in his eyes smiling. He looked up at me,tears falling when it happened again, and kissed me.

"Oh my god she moved! Hey princess!" He said pulling away leaning down talking to my stomach.


"Yeah I feel like it's a she. But we'll see tomorrow, remember you're appointment?"

"I totally forgot. Now I wouldn't be able to sleep!" I said laughing as my own tears stared to fall.

"Now not to ruin the mood but that water sex?"

"Oh god Harry really? We were having a moment!" He shrugged kissing me.


The next day I was basically jumping around wait for my appointment. I was so excited, we are lunch and are on our way to the doctors. As soon as we got there I was still jumping around till Harry had to calm me down.

"Baby calm down. It's just an appointment."

"I know but I want to see if we are having a little princess or prince." He chuckled walking to the waiting room.

We sat there for awhile watching couple go and leave, getting weird stares cause I was the only guy there but it was getting more common. When the nurse finally called our names I shot up from my chair walking over to her, Harry still laughing at me.

I sat on the chair when we got into the room pulling my shirt up as she rubbed gel on my stomach, then rubbing my stomach with a wand. I look up at the screen they had then to Harry. He looked so excited, he grabbed my hand kissing the top of it.

"So here's your baby," the nurse said point to the screen, I almost started to cry as I saw her or him.

"Would you like to know the sex?"
"Yes please," Harry said with eagerness, I nodded.

"It's a girl!"

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