Feels Like Home

Galing kay PLCMD1

1.3K 179 17

Working her ass off everyday and no time for anything else, Andy wasn't your average girl living on her own... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66

Chapter 6

34 4 7
Galing kay PLCMD1

Looking through her new phone, she noticed that Austin's numbers were all recoded.

"Who has this many numbers?"

She saw his office, his cellphone, his home number, his second cellphone, his secretaries and his grandfathers. Each already had a picture of himself with the person and as the wall paper was our wedding date as written on their wedding invitation. In fact there were pictures of everything wedding, including the damn six tear cake. Everything was so over the top and she didn't even know who was invited. Of course her family wasn't invited as she didn't any except Leo. Friends, she had none so the three hundred guest were probably all of Austin's.

Andy was so distracted by the pictures that she didn't notice Austin at her door shaved and showered, ready to go through more things with her. He watched her get more frustrated as she went through the pictures and laughed when she finally threw her phone on the bed.

"That bad?"

Andy looked up, then back down with a groan.

"It's so froofroo."


"Fancy, big, fluffy and so white."

"There's color."

"Where? It's just white, I mean it's pretty, but..."

"You want blue."

Andy shrugged, she always wanted lights that reflected blue off everything.

Austin went into her room and sat down on the floor, lifting up her chin to look at him.

"Is that what you want?"

Andy shrugged, laying her head back down, looking away from Austin.

"I guess if I had a choice I would put more crystals and some kind of blue, maybe lights so it looked like a winter wonderland."

Austin started texting the wedding planner for the added requests.

"Is there anything else?"

Andy shook her head and sighed.

"We're really getting married."

"Yeah and we have a couple more things we should go over."

"Can we do it tomorrow; I'm really tired right now."

"The engagement party is on Friday night, I would really like for us to at least be on the same page and I would really like for you to look at me."

When Andy wouldn't turn, Austin sighed and got up to sit on the other side, but Andy turned her head and that's when he noticed that she was crying.

"Are you crying?"


"Don't lie to me, I saw the pillow."

Andy got up, but didn't face him as she wiped her tears.

"Then don't ask if you know the answer."

"I know you're scared, I'm scared, but it's not like...."

"Like I have a choice? That I have time because I don't and it's a little hard to think that I'm about to give my life away to someone I barely know because my brother asked me to."

"I asked you too and you accepted."

"You asked me in a hospital, who does that?!"

Austin was about to answer when there was a knock at the door and Leo came in.

"Andy, can I talk to you?"




She walked out and Leo quickly took her by the arm, taking her outside.

"Walk with me."

"Like I have a choice."

"Will you stop it?! You're acting like a child and you need to stop!"

Andy looked away.

"You're making things so much more difficult than you should be. Now you're going to marry him and you're going to get your act together. Stop acting like a little kid and act accordingly, mom didn't raise you to be like this and I would appreciate it if you remembered that. Now get yourself together and go up there and apologize. You have two days until the engagement party and people are expecting you two to be in love so I suggest knowing as much about him as you can before then or at least pretend, now do you understand me?"

Andy nodded, but that wasn't good enough for Leo.

"Answer me."

"Yes Sir."

"Good, give yourself a minute and then go back up there like I asked you too."

"Yes Sir."

With that Leo walked away feeling sick to his stomach because he had never spoken to his sister like that. He had suddenly turned into his father and that made him hate himself, but Andy needed to stop acting like a child and get the idea that she was going to be married in less than two weeks' time.

Andy took a couple minutes to herself and walked around the block before going back into the house. She had gotten her heart to stop hurting and the tears to finally stop before she made her way into the house and made her way upstairs.

Austin was in his room, on his computer when Andy knocked on his door, but never made a move to go inside and she wasn't about to go in.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have spoken to you like that and I promise to behave from here on out."

"I just wanted to talk."

"I know and I'm sorry."

Austin nodded, going back to looking at his computer screen.

"As you know we have the engagement party on Friday, but before then we need to take you shopping, so tomorrow we'll head out to some of the stores. You'll need to wear comfortable shoes, but look decent. Thursday we have our first class with the priest who will be marrying us and after I have my tux fitting which I would like to have your opinion on. We'll have lunch and dinner together accordingly, where you can ask me anything you'd like. Here is the schedule for the upcoming days."

Austin then held out a piece of paper for her to take. Andy walked into the room and took the paper, looking down at it.

"Dance lesson's?"


Andy could sense his resistance to talk to her, but she understood it and for some reason it made her sad that she had done that to him.

"I'm sorry again, good night."

"Good night."

Andy turned then and walked back towards her room, feeling the tears again.

Austin watched her walk away feeling sick to his stomach that he was so cold with her, but she had disappointed him. He really thought she would be more willing, but it seemed he would have to be hard on her and strict, something he really didn't want to do.

In the morning, Andy got up early with Vivian and made breakfast for everyone then took care of the baby so Vivian could take a shower. Austin and Leo left early as well to tend to the farm, with Leo heading to the office and Andy was to meet him there.

Andy was looking down at the baby as she slept on her bed when her phone beeped. Grabbing her phone she looked down to see a text from Austin.

Austin: Change of plans meet me at the farm.

Andy: Which side?

Austin: Our house.

Andy: Ok

Andy got up and started getting ready with baby Chloe sleeping like an angel. It wasn't until she went to return the baby that she noticed Vivian sleeping, so she decided to take the baby with her, leaving her a note and calling Leo to let him know she had the baby.

She made her way to the farm arriving just as Austin was looking like he was going to blow a gasket. He was looking at the plans and shaking his head and it didn't help when she stepped out of the car and all the men whistled at her.

"Enough, get back to work!"

Andy bent into the car and pulled the baby out, then headed up the stairs.

"What are you doing with the baby?"

"Vivian was asleep and I didn't have the heart to wake her up, so I brought her with me."

"We have a lot of stuff to do today."

"I know and I can do it."

"Fine, grandfather is meeting us at the tailors, he wants to approve the tux and then we'll go meet the stores."

"Okay, but can you just relax for a second?"

"We don't have time, we're late, get the baby in the car."

She could see he was still upset with her so she did as she was told and got the baby and herself into the car. Austin didn't like that the baby would be with them today, but then again she knew his sister was having a hard time being a new mom, so he didn't say anything.

Austin did have a problem when Andy was giving the baby more attention than him and that wasn't sitting well with him. It didn't sit well with his grandfather either.

"What are you doing with Vivian's baby?"

"Andy thought Vivian needed a day."

"Did you not know we had things to do today young lady?"

"Yes, sir, but..."

"But nothing Andy, I gave you a schedule last night for a reason."

Andy was getting frustrated and she knew this was one battle she wasn't going to win.

"I apologize, I'll take her back."

"We don't have time, just leave her."

So she did and kept her quiet and herself as they went through the fitting. Apparently a good suit took time and Austin was taking a little over three months to make. Only the best for the precious grandson and his grandfather.

"By the way young lady, I saw the dress you picked out and returned it. No future lady Caldwell will be seen in such a dress. I've picked out some new selections for you to choose from on Sunday."

Even though Andy didn't really care for the dress, it was something she had picked out herself with her brother and it was the only thing she thought she had a say so.

She didn't bother looking at Austin, she knew he would agree with his grandfather and she had to understand that. Her brother made it very clear that she was to shut up and agree, so that's what she did, even when it came to the wardrobe that both Austin and his grandfather picked out.

"Your brother has a gym, have you seen it?"

Andy's heart sank, feeling her muscles sink, but she looked ahead.

"No, sir I didn't know."

"Well it does, you should look at it."

"Yes sir."

"We're done, keep that outfit on."

Andy stepped away from the mirrors and went into the changing rooms to see the baby still sleeping. Andy smiled at her and sighed.

"You're so lucky you're just a baby."

"Andy, it's me Vivian."

Andy turned and opened the door.

"How you holding up?"

Andy shrugged, picking up the baby.

"I just fed her, changed her and burped."

"You shouldn't have brought her, but I'm glad you did, I needed the sleep."

"I know and we had a great time together."

"Well anytime you want to babysit."

Andy laughed for the first time in hours and it made her relax.

"What are you off to next?"

"Lunch then dance lessons."

"Ah the famous dance lessons, careful, grandfather is particular with the wedding dance. Have you picked a wedding song?"

"No, I wouldn't know where to start."

"well I'm sure you two can pick one before the next lesson. Well I better go, Grandfather is probably having a fit because he hasn't ate."

"Right, here let me help you."

"Oh don't worry, Austin already gave me everything."

Andy nodded and kissed the baby goodbye before turning back around and folding up her clothes and going out where Austin was waiting for her.

"Vivian took the car, we're going with Grandfather."

Andy nodded and followed him out as he held the door out for her.

At lunch, Andy hardly ate as she felt completely out of place and all they spoke about was the wedding and everything they still had to do.

"Are you always this quiet Andy?"

Andy looked up and smiled.

"Yes, I was taught at a very young age to keep quiet until spoken too and to mind my manners."

"Well your mother taught you well. Tell me about them, are they still together?"

"I'm guessing, they past away when I was nineteen."

"Grandfather I told you this, it's why Leo will be walking Andy down the aisle."

"Yes of course, I must have forgotten."

Andy knew it was his way to verify information and she was fine with that.

After lunch they headed to the dance studio and it was there that Austin would finally be able to hold her.

"Ahh and this must be the famous Mrs. Caldwell."

Andy smiled and shook her hand.

"Hello, nice to meet you."

"Austin wasn't kidding, you're gorgeous and the perfect height, but you didn't bring your wedding shoes."

"Actually they're right here."

Grandfather pulled out a box and handed it to Andy. Andy took the box and opened them up to find Louis Vuitton's that were covered in lace.

"They were Austin's mother's wedding shoes."

"They're beautiful."

"Let's hope they fit."

Andy took them and changed her shoes, it was a perfect fit.

Grandfather was happy and Austin was too, it was one thing they both really wanted Andy to wear.

"They look good on you."

Andy looked up at Austin to see he was smiling down at her, but she was quick to look away.

"Well let's start then. Andy do you know how to waltz?"


From the look on everyone's faces, she knew she had surprised them and internally she laughed at them.

"Austin and Andy take your places."

Austin took Andy's hand and he led her to the floor.

"Leo didn't tell me..."

"That's because he doesn't know."

They positioned themselves and as soon as the song came on, Andy let him lead. She wasn't surprised that he was better than her, but then again he's been taking dance lessons since he was a kid and she's only been dancing for two years.

They went a couple of rounds until Austin's grandfather was satisfied.

Andy was exhausted and her feet hurt, but his grandfather wanted to see their slow dance.

"Let's go."

Andy sighed and got up again, going into Austin's arms.

"This is the first of three, hope you like them."

"I'm sure they're fine."

The song came on and Andy's heart dropped to her stomach. How did he know this was one of her favorite songs, not even Leo knew?

"Please look at me."

Andy shook her head, but Austin made her look up at her and it was then that he saw the tears.

"Plan on forever with me Andy."

The song then changed to yet another song she loved. It was then that Andy opened her eyes up at him.

"How about this one?"

"How do you know?"

Austin smiled down at her, placing his forehead to hers.

"Because I know more about you than you think."

"What's the last song?"

"Forever by Jessie and the Rippers, take your pick."

Wiping her tears, Austin couldn't wait anymore and kissed her.

Sparks flew immediately and Austin wasn't surer than he was right at that very minute that Andy was the one for him. Andy didn't know what to feel, but she did know that she's never felt like that before in her life. Her entire body was feeling the electricity and if it wasn't for Austin's grandfather clearing his throat, Andy would have done something stupid.

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