Sweet Shop | Seventeen

By xkenta_

82.7K 2.7K 561

Trying to keep you entertained with oneshots of the SVT boys! More

Accents (Vernon/Hansol)
School Reunion (Mingyu)
Welcome to Woozi's Blog! (Woozi/Jihoon)
A Midsummer Night's Sweetness (Hiphop Team x Reader)
Movie Night (Hoshi)
Christmas Shopping (Dino)
Accidentally Neighbours (Mingyu)
Partners (Joshua/Jisoo)
Maid Madness (Jun/Junhui)
The Popular Kid (Jeonghan)
Tied Together (S.Coups/Seungcheol)
Class is in Session (Woozi/Jihoon)
Don't Love You No More (S.Coups/Seungcheol)
Rose Among the Thorns (Jeonghan)
Third Time's the Charm (Jeonghan)
Third Time's the Charm (Seungkwan ver.)
Drink Away (Jun)
Don't Cry Over Spilled Coffee (Wonwoo)
Runaway (Wonwoo)
Aviophobia (S.Coups/Seungcheol)
Shut Up and Kiss Me (Vernon/Hansol)
Mirror Mirror (Mingyu)
Red String of Fate (S.Coups/Seungcheol and Joshua/Jisoo)
Maybe In Our Next Lifetime (Hoshi/Soonyoung)
Scraped (Mingyu)
Scored (Vernon/Hansol)
A/N | Update

Playing with Fire (ATLA!au) (Wonwoo)

5.1K 102 45
By xkenta_

"Come back here, Dagon!" You chased after your polar bear dog as it ran towards the fountain in the centre of Ba Sing Se. Your pet, Dagon, had leapt into the fountain and was swimming around in it. You groaned as you jogged over. "Dagon, we have to go find somewhere to stay. It's getting late!" You chided as you leant on the edge of the fountain. Dagon let out a whine and climbed out the fountain. "I know, boy. You haven't gotten to swim much, but we really need to go." Bending the water out of Dagon's fur, you placed it back into the fountain.

Holding Dagon's collar, you walked together to find a place to stay. However, none of the hotels wanted to take the both of you in, they couldn't accomodate the polar bear dog by your side. Sighing, you walked into an alley and slumped against a wall, sliding onto the ground. "Looks like we're stuck here, buddy." Dagon curled up in front of you, and you huddled together for warmth.

The sun shone in your face as you rubbed your eyes. "I think we'd better start searching again." You shook Dagon up, and began to walk around again. After several attempts (and lunch), you stopped at an inn at the outskirts of the city, and politely asked for what must have been the hundredth time if there was any room for you and your polar bear dog. The innkeeper agreed to host the both of you, as long as Dagon could sleep in the stables. You thanked her, and led Dagon to the stables.

You saw a teenage boy, around your age, feeding the pig hybrids. Leading Dagon to a stall, you opened the door and patted his head. "I'll be back soon, just going to find some souvenirs for mom and dad." As you walked out the stables, the boy called out to you. "If you want a tour guide, my brother can help!" You nodded, thinking it would be a good idea, in case you got lost.

Turns out the boy's brother was a couple of years older than him, and happened to be really good-looking to boot. "This is Wonwoo, my older brother!" The boy, who's name was Mingyu, said. "Wonwoo, take her around and show her where everything cool is, okay?" Mingyu shoved you both out the door, and shut it. Wonwoo flashed you a grin, and took you by the wrist.

He brought you around Ba Sing Se, while striking up conversation. You found out he was a firebender, and that he loved swimming when his family took trips to the seaside. He even showed you some cool firebending moves. "I'd actually love to travel and see the South Pole, and I'm sure Mingyu would too." He said, staring in front of him as you walked together. "You know, I'm from the South Pole. I could take you guys there on vacation." You snapped your fingers. Wonwoo's eyes lit up, immediately agreeing to the idea of that. By the end of the day, the both of you had discussed plans for visiting the South Pole.

Wonwoo took you to a shop to eat, instead of bringing you back to the inn. You asked, "Aren't we going back to the inn, Wonwoo?" He grinned, before pulling you to a table. "I'd like to hang onto you for a bit more before Mingyu takes you from me." Cheeks turning pink, you agreed and sat down in front of him. "This place has the best bean curd puffs. Have you had those before?" You shook your head, motioning for him to order.

As the two of you drank and ate the night away, enjoying each other's company, you remembered Dagon. "Wonwoo, I really should go and feed Dagon." Wonwoo laughed, "Is that your polar bear dog? I bet Mingyu is curled up next to him. He loves animals." You grinned, taking out your wallet to pay, at least for your share. Wonwoo called the waiter over and handed him some money. "Thanks, bro. See you next time." Attempting to hand Wonwoo some money, you fussed over it. He scrunched up his face and shook his head. "It's ungentlemanly to let a girl pay, especially on a date."

Not giving you any time to answer, Wonwoo took you by the wrist once again, bringing you out the shop. You were speechless, until Wonwoo asked you a question. "Did you have any friends back in the South Pole? Tell me about them." You did. Talking about your family, friends, and your other pets at home, Wonwoo listened to every word, nodding as he did so.

When you reached the inn, you took out the food you'd got for Dagon out from your bag. Walking over to the stables, you found Mingyu patting Dagon's head, and had to smile. "Mingyu, would you like to feed Dagon?" He smiled and took the bag from you happily. Wonwoo stood next to you, nudging your side. "What did I tell you?" You had to smile. That's when Wonwoo's eleven other brothers came out and started bombing the both of you with questions.

Soon, the week was over, and you knew you had to leave if you wanted to make it back to the South Pole anytime soon. Mingyu gave you a hug, even though he was towering over you, he acted like a little brother. "I'll miss you and Dagon, but I wanna visit you soon, okay?" You patted his shoulder, and smiled. "Come by anytime, Mingyu." Dagon was waiting patiently for you, your belongings all saddled on his back.

You turned to the innkeeper, thanking her for her hospitality. She smiled, giving you a hug. "You've been a pleasure to have around, making this place lively. Come back soon to visit us too, alright?" You nodded, handing her the money for your stay and meals. "It's been nice to stay here for the week." She quickly went back into the inn, and called Wonwoo out.

Wonwoo ran out, huffing. He threw his arm around your shoulder, and tossed Mingyu a bag. "Hey little brother, remember I promised that trip?" Mingyu's eyes widened, and he threw his arms around Dagon. "You really mean it? Mom let us and everything?" Wonwoo smiled, and that was all the confirmation Mingyu needed. You, on the other hand, were lost. Wonwoo tapped the side of your head with his hand, "We're going with you. I managed to convince mom to let us go, and she has plenty of help here." Needless to say, you were happy. You were heartbroken at the idea of leaving Wonwoo (and everyone else too), and now he was going with you?

You let out a squeal and tackled him in a hug. His mother had a camera on standby, and snapped a photo. "This one's going in the family album!" Mingyu snickered at this, and patted Dagon. You ran to your polar bear dog, and it sat up. "Let's go, boy. Mingyu and Wonwoo are coming too, are you happy?" Dagon barked, licking Mingyu's face.

Wonwoo grabbed your hand and laced your fingers with his. "Ready to introduce me to everyone back in the South Pole?" You took in his grin, and his sharp features.

You were definitely ready.

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