Bad Girl 101 [5SOS AU//comple...

By whimsicaIity

21.9K 886 273

Luke Hemmings, Calum Hood, Michael Clifford and Ashton Irwin become the most annoying persons for Christina H... More

1: "How I Got Involved"
2: "The Deal"
3: "Lessons Start"
4: "From Good to Better in the Bad Way"
5: "The Transformation"
6: "Smile"
7: "I Hate You More"
8: "Guitar Lesson"
9: "A Hint of Blue"
10: "Crumbling Down"
11: "Unrequited"
12: "The Confession"
13: "Reminiscence"
14: "The Revengers"
15: "Datewreckers"
16: "Datewreckers p.2"
17: The Befriending
18: "Tina's Plan"
19: "First Real Hang-out"
20: "Red Bull"
21: "Puked Luke"
22: "The Arrival of Prince Charming"
23: "Kirby the Wimp"
24: "Officially Hers"
25: "Bad Boy"
26: "Gearing up Badness"
27: "Tina the Worst"
28: "Gym Tragedy 2.0"
29: "Just Hanging"
30: "A Bit Over the Line"
31: "We The Kings"
33: "Drama Class"
34: "Couple Act"
35: "Fake Date"
36: "The Art of Love"
37: "An Act or Not?"
38: "Love or Leave?"
39: "The Despair"
40: "Words Do Hurt"
41: "Heck of a Roadtrip"
42: "The Jealousy Battle"
43: "The Amazing Horse Race"
44: Dr. Fluke
45: "Everything I Didn't Say"
46 p. 1: "Text Thread"
46 p.2: "A Whole Lot of Awkwardness"
47: "Persistence
48: "Dawn Knows"
49: "The Get-back-Tina Plan"
50: "Luke Cheesy Hemmings"
Dramatic Thank You Note

32: "Drama Project"

308 16 5
By whimsicaIity

I realized only Michael haven't had his P.O.V yet, so why the hell not? It sure would be interesting in the magical and colorful hair -i mean 'mind'- of Mikey :D And plus, he deserves all the love right now. Fuk em bitchez who spread false rumors, you hoes. And I hate Fifth Whoremony. #soznotsoz

[Michael's POV]

Should I dye my hair red again? Striped blue and yellow? Polka dots of orange and violet? Hey, why not pink with yellow lightnings? Why not rainbow!!

How about brown, something normal?

HAHAHA no. Nothing's ever normal with me.

Let's stop talking about my hair and move on to something really serious...


"Earth to Michael!" Calum snaps his fingers right infront of me.

"Oh, sorry." I smile cheekily, still in thought of my goddamn hot Australian arse.

If Ashton is the normalest, I am the normaLEAST.

You get the word play? No? Too bad.

"So Kirby has this brilliant plan. Our drama class teacher, Mr. Carson, is still deciding whether to let us perform a Romeo and Juliet play as final project, or something more interesting." says Ashton.

I nod, slightly looking at my side butt.

If girls have side boob, then why can't I name the side of my butt, side butt?

"And I planned that instead of a cheesy play, why not do a Couple Act?" Kirby adds.

I paused and moved my stare away from my side butt and onto the three lads, "Wait, what is a Couple Act?"

Calum clears his throat, as if preparing his Presidential speech, "Couple Act is when two students are paired, no matter what their gender is, and that pair must act as a couple till they do their final act by the end of the week. Their final act is any scene about romance and cheesy stuffs. Somehow related to Romeo and Juliet."

"How do we make sure that Mr. Carson will pair Luke and Tina?" I asked, once again glancing at my other side butt.

"We'll tell him to pair students up alphabetically. Hepburn follows Hemmings in alphabetical." Ashton winks.

I shot my head back up and smirked at them, who were now smirking at me too. "What an incredibly brilliant idea!" I exclaimed, excited about our plan.

Calum told us we're We The Kings. I didn't like it though, not because I don't like that band, but because I wanted originality.

Asides from my side butt, I was always thinking about summer. And in 5 seconds I made us a new name...

5 Seconds of Summer!

That rings a bell, but whatnot, I like it.

Except that I don't like Kirby being a part of it, so it's renamed to 5 Seconds of Summer with annoying gay Kirby.

Just kidding, it's 5SOS with -excluding the annoying gay- Kirby.

"You want to tell it now? Mr. Carson seems to be unoccupied," Ashton triumphantly smiles.

All of us nod in unison and hurriedly ran towards Mr. Carson's classroom.

As we stand, I grab the chance to fully see my glorious behind.

If it couldn't make my millions of imaginary fangirls cry, I don't know what will.

My gorgeous gaudy hair maybe.


"Remember, talk professionally if we want Mr. Carson to consider our suggestion." Kirby reminds us, we were now at the door of our Drama class.

Calum, Ashton and I chuckled slightly. When are we ever 'professional'?

"We'll try," the three of us replied in unison.

Kirby rolled our eyes as we ambled our way in. Calum knocks on the door even though it was open, and Mr. Carson lifted his head. His gaze fell to ours, away from his work sheets.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Carson." Kirby greeted, "We were wondering if we could have, a small chat?"

Mr. Carson raised his dark brows, me slightly amused when his moustache moved. It looked like a dead gray squirrel.

Who killed it and placed it over his mouth?! Sick bastards!

"Is it something important?" asked Mr. Carson, doubt flashing in his eyes as he recognizes Calum, Ashton and me.

I am offended.

"Yes sir," Ashton replied.

"We are here to discuss an important matter. A suggestion for our Drama project, perhaps." Calum says, using his stern tone that we barely hear.

I, again, discretely eye the dead squirrel over Mr. Carson's mouth.

Is it possible to bring it back to life?

Damn, Michael, be serious would you?

Hahaha no.

"What is it?" Mr. Carson asked, urging us into empty seats infront of his desk.

Each of us takes up a seat and we scooted to his desk closer, trying our best to plaster serious faces. But I fail as I chuckled slightly.

Mr. Carson looked at me weirdly, while I see Kirby rolling his eyes at me.

"Uhm sir, our suggestion is, instead of an old school cheesy Romeo and Juliet play... why not a Couple Act?" Kirby cleared his throat, gaining attention from Mr. Carson.

"Couple Act, you say? Enlighten me." Mr. Carson's eyes filled with slight curiosity. I could tell that the four of us were internally fist pumping.

Of course I did not only fist pump, I did awesome dance moves in my Michael Land.

Don't ask me where it is. Only Michael Clifford is allowed.


After what seems forever, we had done convincing Mr. Carson that we indeed had a brilliant plan. He'd change things up a bit, knowing that some might not participate and will just accept an F. Most of the students here I'd say, didn't give a damn about grades.

Luckily, Mr. Carson thought about it. What if Luke refuses and just head on with an F? He'll do everything just to ignore Tina now, and Tina surely would do the same. Except we could easily make Tina agree with the threats of a failing grade.

Mr. Carson came into a conclusion. Being the free-spirited, travel-loving teenagers are, he decided to give a special treat if a pair scores the highest.

One, he'd let the pair be excluded in the quarterly test, assuring an A+ on their cards already. We're sure Tina would love that, and maybe Luke too, knowing he can't submit a blank sheet and he sure as hell doesn't like exams.

Two, it's some kind of a trip off to somewhere out of town. Not exactly to another city, but like far from Sydney. Like at Sydney's edge.

I was secretly hoping it would be at the beach, because damn, I'd love to see seahorses.

And Patrick Star.

Oooh, and David Hasslehoff. If he's there anyway. I hope he is, I'd love to slow-motion jog with him across the seashore.

Plus, the trip is not exclusively only for the pair, but the pair gets to choose 3 other pairs. So that means me, Calum and Ash could go too. In that way we could make sure Tina and Luke would have some grand time together.

See? Not only a week of pretending as a couple, but also another week of trip to somewhere I'm sure will be ever romantic.

I honestly didn't know why Mr. Carson thought of giving a prize that might be slightly too much for a simple Couple Act project, but he says the money that was originally saved for the Romeo and Juliet play had no better use, so he will spend it over the trip.

That or he just wants to have an excuse to go along to a trip to.

"Pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Carson." I said, shaking his hand.

"Doing what?" he asked, puzzled from his expression.

The guys sighed at me, "What? That's what most people say when they're off a proposal." I said in my defense.

"You watch way too much TV, Mikey." Kirby places his hands on his hips.

"Aww boohoo." I mocked and punched Kirby on his shoulder, making him whine.

What a wimp.

"Let's go plan this shit up!" Calum exclaims happily.

"Oh look at you two, finally using your brains." Ashton wipes an imaginary tear off his eye, and ruffles me and Calum's hair.

"We are using our brains all the time. As living organisms, our brain is fully at work. It is responsible for every single thing we do. The brain actually does control the involuntarily muscles. Like we can't breathe, not even stop our heart beating. The brain is the central processor of our body afterall." Calum said, our faces clear with shock at his scientific explanation.

"Woah," Ashton breathes out, eyes wide.

"Woah," Calum mimicked Ashton's tone, but he was shock too. "I actually learn Science and shit!" he laughs.

"We're Little Einsteins, am I right?" I grinned at him. We exchanged hi-5s and bumped each other by our arms.

"Am I witnessing The Evolution of Stupid right infront of me?" Kirby crosses his arms, sighing for what seems the 100th time today.

"You're just jealous Grandma." I stuck my tongue out at him. He rolled his eyes again.

"Celebratory snack!" Ashton exclaims, bring his fist up.

"For the succession of plan and our hidden smartness!" Calum raises his fist up too.

"On forth to KFC!" I shouted with glee.

We all look at Kirby, giving him a look that says do-what-we're-doing-or-you're-a-lame-fuck.

"Wohoo." he sarcastically cheers and brings his fist up too.

Then we headed on running outside the school, from the back, since we're going out even if it's not dismissal time yet.


thank you for waiting, as always, my lovely shitheads xx

#StayStrongMikey because again, fuk dem hoes who said he molested them. like damn, i would want that. and i secretly am doing it myself to michael at the back of my head.

and Fifth Whoremony should keep their chill, those hoes care about awards too much. they're not even Worth It ;)

get it? no? too bad.

i hope you liked this chapter. so go on and be nice to me, vote and comment.

this is seriously one of the longest a/n and it's boring bye ilysm xx

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