Salt Skin - Thor X Reader X L...

By BerjhawnGideon

268K 8.5K 4K

(Y/N) is from the realm of vanaheim, after an event that leaves her the carrier of an infinity stone she is b... More

Chapter 1 - Young Thor
Chapter 2 - Stark's Assistant
Chapter 3 - Loki
Chapter 5 - Feelings
Chapter 6 - Coulson
Chapter 7 - Coming in Second
Chapter 8 - Battle of Manhattan
Chapter 9 - Asgard
Chapter 10 - Jail
Chapter 11 - Who are you?
Chapter 12 - The Party
Chapter 13 - Virkeligheten
Chapter 14 - Waking up
Chapter 15 - Thor's Ending
Chapter 16 - Loki's Ending

Chapter 4 - Remember

18.6K 676 266
By BerjhawnGideon

Thor's POV

As he watched the events unfold before him on the device the humans called a monitor he was still confused as to whom she was and why she had been so fast to defend Loki. There had only been one other that had defended his brother that much when they were children but it couldn't be her, his father knew how much Midgard meant to him so there was no way he would have sent her there.

"Wait, this is not possible how are you here?" He hears his brother say and his attention is frozen on the monitor.

She sighs as she says, "I take it you remember me then?"

Loki nods slightly and then smirks as he says, "So this is where Odin sent you all those years ago."

Thor tilts his head as he says to himself, 'Father sent her here?' Thor watches her closely as she says, "It is, but why are you here, what do you possibly hope to gain from coming to Midgard and harassing the mortals."

Loki smiles as he says, "I take it my dear brother hasn't noticed you yet, that is kind of ironic wouldn't you say." Thor squints as he thinks hard at whom she could be, the answer avoiding him.

"Loki you forget I'm the one who taught you how to avoid a question by asking another, you cannot fool me. Why do you want earth Loki and do not forget I can make you tell me the truth."

Loki scowls as he says, "If you must know, Odin wants Thor to rule Asgard and it is only right that I get a realm of my own and Midgard is the perfect realm for me."

Thor's heart tightens as he watches his brother open up to this mystery woman as she says, "Loki, what happened to you to make you want to cause so much pain to your family and the people of earth?"

Loki's eyes darken and he growls as he says, "They are not my family, they lied to me. I am a frost giant not an Asgardian!"

The next thing she did shocked them all, she walked through the glass the room froze in silence as they all stared around at each other in shock. "How did she do that?" Steve Rogers asks as he looks around at everyone confused.

"Would you like to explain Agent Coulson?" Fury asks as he turns from the monitor toward the agent.

"Ms. ________, is from a very old race of beings a lot like Asgardian but a bit different. She was sent here actually from Asgard when she was a young girl because she has something called the Virkeligheten inside her protecting her and it is just as powerful as the Tesseract."

Thor's body tenses as he realizes that it is in fact the young girl he was thinking of; but how could his father send her here and not tell him. He looks back at the monitor and his jaw tightens as he sees Loki holding her hand. "You know had you not left Asgard I would have told you how much I," He stops talking and clenching his jaw pulls away from her and walks over to the other side of the cage and says, "You need to go,"

She stares at him wide eyed but nods as she says, "Okay," Moments later she leaves the cage and the monitor screen shuts off.

Thor feels his emotions trying to get the better of him as he leans down against the table and clutches it very tightly in his hands. When ________ makes it back up to the bridge Thor stared at her eyes wide and full of longing. She quickly averts her eyes from his as she turns to Fury says, "Can I leave now, I don't want any part of what either of you are doing."

"I'm afraid that isn't possible. We have a feeling Loki is up to something and you might just be our wild card. Coulson, Please show Ms. ________ to her room."

She rolls her eyes as she mutters, "This is bullshit."

"Right this way Ms. _________," Coulson says as he motions her back toward the elevator. Thor watches completely at a loss of words as the elevator doors close taking her away. He clenches his jaw as he tries to control his anger and emotions.

After a few minutes Fury released them to go to their own ways and Thor knew where he wanted to go first. He had to know; even if it wasn't her he had to be sure; because if it was there was no way he was letting her go again. Even if it cost him everything he wouldn't let her go without a fight. He takes a deep breath as he hastily makes his way toward her room hoping and praying that he wasn't wrong.

As he reaches her door he reaches up and with a quick deep breath knocks on her door. When she answers her eyes widen at the sight of him and he knows he isn't mistaken it is __________. His emotions get the better of him and he leans forward and wrapping his arms around her brings her lips to his a wave of passion and heat filling his body.

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