I Found You

By KayleeMarta

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Annabelle and Isabelle are two very different girls, they are also twins. When their parents were in a car a... More

I Found You: Prologue
Time To Go
Let's Go
Let's Talk
Lessons To Be Learned
Time to Party...or Not.
This Should be Interesting
Fights, How Fun
Let's Eat
So...about your sister.
Didn't see this one coming
Let's take a Walk
Confessions Part 1
Confessions Part 2
Time to tell
New Relationships
First Dates
Not Accepted
Broken Promises Part 1
Broken Promises Part 2
I Love You
Reach for Hope
Wake Up
Secrets & Pasts
Moving Forward
Starry Night Prom
The Letter

Running Away

1.2K 13 0
By KayleeMarta

Chapter 16: Running Away


“Okay see you later guys!” I waved goodbye to Jordan and Annabelle as their figures disappeared into the distance. I sighed in retreat as I realized that Annabelle was just running away from what happened last night. That reminds me, I need to go talk to Chase. I don’t know what the hell happened last night but I plan on finding out!

I ran upstairs to change into my white track shorts and my white and navy striped shirt. I let my hair down, falling in its fiery force. I hated wearing my hair down but it was better than putting it up wet. I glanced in my mirror and found that I wasn’t wearing my necklace. “Where did I put it?” I questioned as I dug back into my memory. “Oh, on the desk third door down.” I remembered, picturing it in my memory.

I quickly jabbed open the drawer and placed the gold chain around my neck as I checked to see if I had the bracelet that Patricia had so kindly given to Annabelle and I. Okay I guess everything is checked off my list and I have no more excuses not to go downstairs and face everything as it plays out.

Oh wait I have to go talk to Chase! I hurriedly ran downstairs and just as I spotted Sam I ran over to her and placed my body in front of hers. “Hey have you seen Chase?”

“He’s not the one you should be looking for.” I heard her mutter as she picked her plate up and sauntered over to the sink. “Have you?” I asked her again, ignoring her last comment. “Uhm, I don’t know. I’m not his babysitter.” She jabbed at me. Okay I will admit, that got to me a little but Annabelle had taught me to be less angered during the past few months.

“Sorry I just thought that since you want to spend every aching second with him that you would know where he was.” And with that I turned on my heel and ran upstairs. Hey, I never said I wouldn’t be mean! Annabelle and I hadn’t gotten to that part of the lesson yet.

Where to look where to look? I poked around in Chase's room but he wasn’t there, I went to Annabelle’s room to check if maybe he had tried to look for her there but no such luck. I ran back downstairs and out of the door as I was met by the morning gust of wind that had become my familiar haven, that is until I spied the most unwanted face.

“Izzy, how are you? How have you been?” Mona’s screeching voice came at me like nails scraping a chalkboard. She hung on Jace’s arm as he placed his arm firmly around her waist. Okay I will admit that that sight right there kind of left me stunned. “Oh fine Mona, how have you been?” I tried to be a bit nice but I clenched my jaw tight.

“I see you’ve kept my man happy, how much do I owe you?” she smirked at me.

“Hmm let’s see,” I began as I tapped my chin with my right pointer finger. “You owe me an actual intelligent comeback and—oh wait! You can’t even spell intelligent.” I spat as I approached her. “It’s okay wittle baby, maybe your sugar daddy over here can get you a lollypop if you’re good.” I mussed her hair and pulled back, not once looking at Jace. He clearly moves on fast so I’m just going to go look for Chase elsewhere.

I walked back into the house and stopped as I found Cameron and Valerie clearly making out in the living room. Wow, okay that one hurt a little more. So both guys have clearly gone from liking me yesterday to making out with some other girls. Okay then!

I ran up the stairs and into a room that seemed like an entire library rather than a room. The shelves were stacked with books and I stopped mid-step to admire the beauty. “Wow, this is great.” I whispered.

“Isn’t it?” Chase came into view. He was slumped down in a plush cushion reading the Princes Bride. I glanced at the book and walked over to him. “Reading Annabelle’s favorite book I see.” He stifled a humorless laugh and looked at me sadly. “Pathetic I know.” He sulked.

“Why didn’t you tell her you liked her back?” I questioned.

“She didn’t allow me to even answer. Her outburst just came as a shock—she—she just, I don’t know.” He threw his hands up in exasperation as he got up and began to pace. “I thought about going to talk to her but she wouldn’t even look at me! She—she just, I didn’t think that she would actually come to like me.”


“I don’t know. It’s just that sometimes I feel like she’s just this great person but I can’t seem to live up to her standards.” He finished in a whisper.

“Do you think that I would let you near my sister if you weren’t good enough?” I cocked an eyebrow at him and he laughed. “You’d break my neck first right?”

"Nah, just shoot you right in the back of the head.” I paused, “to lessen the hurt. You are the brother I like better.” I stated matter-of-factly. He looked at me and cocked an eyebrow. “Really? I thought you liked Jace better.”

“Nope” I said popping the ‘p’ and walked up to the bookshelves. “These are a lot of bo—”

“Why didn’t you accept my brother?” the question came out of the blew but I just flipped my hand dismissively. “Ah, it’s fine. The poor soul already found consolidation in other arms, he doesn’t need me.” I said referring to Mona.

“Dang it! Mom called Mona didn’t she?” he breathed. I turned around and looked at him suspisciously. “What?”

“Okay, every year our parents come home for Thanks Giving and they always invite Mona and Valerie because we uhh,” he paused as he scratched his head. “We dated them in the past. But I told her not to this year but I guess she didn’t get the memo.”

“Well then maybe Annabelle and I should leave, tomorrow is Thanks Giving and they always invite Mona and Valerie because we uhh,” he paused as he scratched his head. “We dated them in the past. But I told her not to this year but I guess she didn’t get the memo.”

“Well then maybe Annabelle and I should leave, tomorrow is Thanks Giving and I don’t need to see Valerie sticking her tongue down Cameron’s throat again thank you very much!”

“But you can’t go—wait did you say Valerie was making out with Cameron? Doesn’t Cameron like you?”

“Yea but turns out I can’t have a guy like me for more than a day.” I stated nonchalantly.

“What are you talking about? Jace and Cameron have both liked you since the day they met you!”

“Eww.” I said as the thought of them liking me came to mind. “Don’t say that.”


You know I hate relationships.”

He nodded briefly but walked toward me. “Just please don’t go and leave me here with them! Plus I have to try and win Annabelle back. And you have to help me.” He stuck his lower lip out as he pouted.

“We’ll see what she says.” I breathed and before I knew it he was almost out the door. A thought popped into my head. “Hey did Sam know you were in here?” he nodded and asked why.

“Nothing, nothing.” I said dismissively. So Sam did know that Chase was in here. Interesting. I need to save this for further investigation.

I sauntered over to the door and looked around again, ah the smell of knowledge. I bet Mona’s never smelled that before!

Walking down the stairs I sneakily draped myself on the wall as to not be seen. I heard voices coming from the living room and I cringed at the sound of Mona’s high pitched voice. She seemed to be whining about something but then again when doesn’t she?

I decided it wasn't worth my while to be listening in so I walked down the stairs and propped myself up on a stool in the island centered in the kitchen.

I picked at a bag of chips sitting infront of me as Chase walked in as he argued on the phone. "No I told you mom!" I offered him some chips as he shouted into the phone. He got a hand full and shove it down his throat.

"YeshmamaIknows" he spoke. He gulped loudly and I laughed as I pushed some chips into my own mouth. "Okay mom I guess I'll see you tomorrow afternoon." he paused. "Yea I'll tell Jace. Okay mom, love you too." he nodded.

I scowled as he said 'I love you too' to his mom. I've never heard that, I thought. I'll never hear that. I sighed deeply and stuffed some more chips into my mouth which almost made me choke. I caughed loudly which made Chase run over to me in panic and begin to slap me on the back.

"Water!" I screamed and finally Chase got me some water. I gulped the cold liquid down even though it burned my throat. "Thanks, I almost--" Chase suddenly beamed at me from the other side of the "What?"

"You said thanks! You've never said thanks!" he screamed as he ran over to me and hugged me. "I guess you do like me better! But remember I told you I'm lovable!" he laughed giddily and I just tried not to cringe at the happiness in his voice.

"Uhm, Chase I know this is a big breakthrough but I'm not at the hugging stage yet." I laughed humorlessly as he let go of me. "I'll teach you." he smiled. "You and Annabelle are perfect for each other. You are both attempting to make me a better person." I laughed.

"How could that nerd be any good for our little Chase?" I hear that annoying nasal voice and I felt the hairs on the back of neck stand up. I was about to yell but Chase beat me to it. "Shut the hell up." he bellowed as he came and slumped next to me. "Why so glum Izzy? Can't find a guy?" she took a piece of my hair and flung it over my face as she moved toward the refrigerator.

"Well, I just want to leave enough for you seen as you're so easy that they come crawling back to me." I spat at her venomously. She turned around red faced and smiled evilly. "I got the guy, you didn't. You andyour sister are so pathetic." she breathed.

"Mona shut up!" voices bellowed behind me. I knew it was Cameron and Jace so I didn't even bother to turn around, instead I stalked off out of the room and out of the house. "I really really hate people." I breathed as the hot sun soaked into my skin.

"Sorry about Mona." I heard Jace's familiar voice behind me. "You pick them out great." I commented as I began to walk to the shore. "I did pick you" he replied.

"Is that an insult? I mean you pick me yesterday but turn to Mona today." I smirked at him. I kicked my shoes off and stepped into the water. I felt the sand seep into my feet as I heard footsteps retreating into the house.

I crouched down to the beautifully colored water as I splashed it up. I spied some pebbles and began tossing them into the ocean. Light taps filled my hearing as the slow motion of the beaches waters overcame me, calming my nerves. 

"What are you doing?" Cameron asked me as I began kicking the water. "Oh I'm dancing the salsa in a yellow polka dot bikini." I remarked sarcastically. "That's cool." his voice sounded strained and I allowed myself a peak at him. "I know." he answered.

Suddenly my phone went off, I looked at the screen and smiled to myself. It's Ashton! I haven't heard from him in so long.

"Who is that?" Cameron asked curiously. "Oh Ashton!" I smiled to myself as I walked back out to the shore. I opened my cell an pressed the answer button. "Ashton?" I asked as I spoke eagerly. No one answered so I tired again, "Ashton?" still no answer. I sighed. Maybe he butt dialed, he used to do that a lot, anyway he's probably still mad at me.

"Is he the reason?" Cameron asked through gritted teeth. "The reason for what?" I looked at Cameron confused a he looked at me intently. "The reason you won't pick me? The reason you won't accept either Jace or me." his voice was harsh and I looked at him incredulously.

"No! Ashton is my best friend, was my beat friend." I shook my head angrily. "Why do you even care? I saw you and Valerie together, why don't you go back to her?" I growled as I stalked off into the near distance, leaving Cameron alone. God, I will admit it now, I don't just hate people, I really hate their stupidity too!


“See you Isabelle!” I yelled as I walked off with Jordan. I knew I was running away from the problem I created but I couldn’t help myself; I wasn’t ready to handle all of it.

We arrived at the town. It looked like a tourist site because there were thousands of people there, all in their shorts with palm trees on them and cameras hanging around their necks. I silently laughed to myself as I watched people swarming around me.

“Oh look Jordan, let’s go in.” We went into the old looking store that had a bunch of odd magical looking things like crystal balls and really old looking books. I looked around and figured it must have been a magic/psychic store. Must I always wander into the strangest stores?

“Freaky stuff” Jordan said coming to stand by me, “Remind me, why are we here?”

“Oh shut up, this place looks interesting.” he just rolled his eyes.

I picked up a small book and read the title, The Seven Steps of Palm Reading. Interesting, I thought as I placed it down. It looked like no one was there so I headed back to the door, Jordan following.

 “Wait right there.” A women’s voice spoke behind me. It was soft but stern sounding. I turned around and saw a women wearing a dark blue velvet robe standing in front of a beaded door.

“What’s your name?” she asked as said pointing to me.

“A-Annabelle” I stuttered.

“Ahh, meaning loveable, and grace. Listen Annabelle have you ever had your palm read?” I shook my head. “Well how about I do it for free?” I looked at Jordan and he shook his head.

“Oh I was--” she cut me off and started pushing me to the back of the room saying “Come, come.”  She gestured to the seat and I sat down, not really knowing what was going on. Jordan sat down next to me and she sat across from us.

“Now give me your hand.” I placed my hand on the table and she picked it up delicately as if my hand would crumble before her.

“Such pain and sorrow.” She murmured to herself. She traced the lines on my hand. Her eyes widened and she dropped my hand. I took it back giving her a confused look.

What the heck just happened? “What did you see?” I looked at Jordan and he just shrugged his shoulders obviously thinking all of this is a waste of time.

“You have dealt with many hardships in your life making you a strong and smart person but because you haven’t faced what lies in front of you, you will be weak and stupid. So don’t be afraid to ask for help.”

“But what lies in front of me?” What was she talking about, why couldn’t she just say I was going to become rich or win a prize, life would have been a whole lot less confusing.

“You’re in love.” Was all she said before she moved on to Jordan.

 In love? Could it be possible? No love isn’t real, and I am definitely not in love with anyone. Love is only meant for ink and paper.

She picked up his hand, “You are also in love.” A devilish smile came upon her face, “But she doesn’t love you back, and you know.”

Say what now? Jordan’s in love? I turned to face him with one eyebrow raised. He looked at me and a blush formed on his cheeks. “Ahh but you see, your friendship means more to you. But don’t you worry someone else’s heart you will capture soon.”

Okay this is the last time I ever see a psychic, they are just crazy. We got up and thanked her and  walked out of the store. “Jordan what was that all about, you being in love?”

“Nothing Annabelle, it wasn’t true.” He said but I knew he was lying because he wasn’t looking me in the eyes

“Oh come on Jordan who is she, and why doesn’t she love you? I mean why would anyone not love you? Please tell me.” I pleaded.

“You want to know why she doesn’t love me? Because she is in love with my best friend.”

“Wait but that-” I stopped in midsentence putting two and two together. Jordan’s best friend was Chase and I like Chase, or so that's what I felt yesterday.

“You love me?” it came out more of a statement than a question.

“This isn’t really how I wanted to you to find out. Look Annabelle you have become one of my closest friends, but I want you to be happy even if it means you don’t love me back and I’m okay with that.”

Was this really happening? Was my best friend just telling me he loved me? I reached out and poked Jordan in the stomach. “Ouch what was that for?” he asked rubbing where I poked him.

“Just making sure I’m not dreaming.”


We came back to the house and everyone was on the beach, Jordan went to go join them but I told him I didn’t want to.

I wondered into a bedroom. From what it looked like, it was a guys room. The walls were painted a dark blue: on one side there was a king size bed with a grey bedspread; on the other side was a desk and bookcase made out of the same rich wood.

I walked over to the bookcase that was overflowing from books. I scanned the title. Most of them were the classic books, but there was a lot I had never heard of.

“Snooping again?” A familiar voice came from the door. I turned around to see Chase leaning against the frame.

“Is this your room?” I asked. “Sure is.”

“Why is it full of books?” I asked confused. Chase doesn’t like to read. He isn’t that type of person? But why else would his room be full of books?

“Haven’t you figured out my secret, I’m a bookworm. Always have been, always will.” he said with a smirk on his face.

Now there is something you don’t see every day. Realization finally hit and I realized I was standing in Chase’s bedroom. A faint blush found its way on my cheeks. “Well I was just going.” I mumbled heading for the door.

“Wait Annabelle we need to talk.”

“No I think I’m good.”

“Please Riding Hood, for me?” He pleaded throwing in my nickname.

“Fine. You have got 2 minutes.” I said annoyed crossing my arms over my chest.

“About yesterday-“he started but I cut him off, “Oh the outburst, already forgotten and moved on. No feelings hurt.” I said trying best to hide my pain that ached in my heart. I thought this was supposed to be easy?

“You didn’t let me finish. I was taken back yesterday, because I wasn’t expecting you to ever do that. But I should have guessed something like that would have happened since you never let me do anything.”

I gave him a confused look. What was he talking about? “If you would have just waited five more minutes and not broken my lamp.” He said walking closer to me as I took a step back placing myself up against the wall. “If you would have just waited we wouldn’t be here right now and I would get to do this.”

He leaned in closer and I swear my heart was going to beat out of my chest. It was beating so fast. He pressed his lips against mine. Heat instantly swarmed into my body. He wrapped his hands around my waist pressing lightly on the small of my back moving me closer to him. He held me so lightly as if I would break. His kiss was soft and light on my lips.

He broke away and gave me one of his award winning smiles. “I like you.” He said using the same words I used yesterday.

“I- I can’t. I’m sorry.” I stuttered and ran out the door.

I ran leaving behind all my fear, all my problems. Running away was what I knew how do to, it made everything simple in life, and it was something I was good at.

Q/A: Will Annabelle ever stop running away? Will Isabelle ever confront Jace and Cameron? What will happen on Thanksgiving?

Hey guys its Kaylee. I hope you loved this chapter! So today is father's day and I just want to wish all the father's out there have a happy day!

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lots of love<3

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