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Chapter 12: Drunk?


I felt hot tears sting in my eyes and I ran out of my room. The tears were spilling down my cheek and I couldn’t stop them. What is wrong with me I never cry? I wiped my cheek but the tears just kept coming. “Annabelle? Are you okay?” I heard a familiar voice behind me. God I don’t want anyone to see me. 

I tried to hold down my tears and wiped the reaming ones from my eyes to face the person behind me. Please don’t be Chase; I don’t think I could handle that right now. I spun on my foot and came face to face with the one and only Chase. 

One look in his perceiving blue eyes, I broke down. My tears came down faster and they were uncontrollable. I felt strong arms wrap around me and whispered “It’s going to be okay in my ear.” 

I had to be strong. Crying was a weakness. I pushed myself out of Chase’s embrace, and wiped away my tears.

“What do you want?” I asked dryly. 

“I wanted to make sure you were okay, I saw you crying so I was worried.” I could see in his eyes that he looked worried but I still wouldn’t let myself accept it. “Well I’m okay, thank you for your concern.” I said monotone. I turned around and began walking away. 

He grabbed my arm and spun me around, “Whoa, time out. I came over here because I was worried something was wrong, I didn’t come here for you to give me a crappy attitude. Now you’re coming with me whether you like it or not!” He yelled back at me and began pulling me in the opposite direction. 

I tried struggling but what was the use, he was ten times stronger than I was. We ended up where the library was. I didn’t even know this school had a library. Well I guess all schools did, but I didn’t know where this one was. 

We walked in and it was absolutely beautiful. There were thousands of books. Why hadn’t I found this place before? I could do some serious reading. Chase looked in both directions then led me up a narrow staircase. 

“Chase” I whisper yelled. “Chase!” He didn’t reply he just kept dragging me until we reached the top. “Here we are.” He let go of me as my eyes ran across the room. It was small with green carpet, and white walls that were lined with bookcases filled with books. There was a big brown couch up against a wall with a blanket and pillows all over it.

There was a small desk over in the corner with an old TV next to it. “Where are we? Are we even allowed to be up here?” I asked still mesmerized by this place.

Chase chuckled, “It’s my secret place I found my freshman year, and I have no idea, but no one comes up here.” He motioned for me to come over where he was standing, “This is the best part though.” He pulled back the curtain. I looked out and I could see in the faint distance the ocean. You could almost hear the crashing of the waves and smell the salt water. I awed in amazement. 

“It’s a beautiful view.” I said turning to face him. “Nothing compares to what I’m looking at.” He said with a smirk on his face. I could feel the blood rise to my cheeks as I barely managed to get out, “How many times have you used that one.” 

It looked like he was counting in his head, “I think I lost track around 200.” He said cocking his head to the side, still wearing the same smirk he loved to wear. You could hear in his voice that he was joking. I felt a smile form on my face, I pushed his arm, and I muttered “Player.”

“What was that? I couldn’t hear you Riding Hood.” He joked. “You’re a player” I repeated myself as I walked to go sit on the couch. “One of the best, don’t ever forget that Riding Hood.” I just rolled my eyes at him. 

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