A New Beginning

By Epicunicorn200

24.6K 627 358

~~~~~~A Steven Universe human AU~~~~~~ Sapphire is the high school sweetheart with the vocie of an angel. Rub... More

.:Beauty And Grace:.
.:Just Talking:.
.:Pop the Question Already!:.
.:Step It up:.
.:The Diamonds Arrive:.
.:The Protector:.
.:True Angel:.
.: Deja Vu:.
.:Don't Mess With The Quite Ones:.
.:I'm Free:.
.:Time Flies:.

.:One Step At A Time:.

2K 52 23
By Epicunicorn200

.:Ruby's pov:.

Well my crush never fadded. It so happened that I have Sapphire in 6 of my classes. I also made a friend, his name is Greg. He is in pretty all of my classes. It's eighth period now, science. I'm sitting behind Sapphire and next to Greg. "Rub? You okay there??" I heard him say. I looked over to him "y-yeah..." I sighed "you sure? You seem to zone out a lot." He said "..yeah sorry.." I said admiring Sapphire. Her hair flowed perfectly down her back. I noticed that Rose, her best friend, leaned over and wispered something to Sapphire. Sapphire glanced back at me then turned to Rose and they both giggled. I blushed. "Hey..." Greg said "huh?" I replied looking over at him. "You like her don't you?...Sapphire?" He said with a smirk "i...uh..n-no............yes" I said "is it that obvious?" I asked "heh, yeah....you seem to zone out while looking at her...but don't worry, I like....kinda...like Rose." He said "maybe...we can help each other out" he said and with that the bell rang. I smiled and nodded at him and waved at him as I headed to my locker. I grabbed my stiff from locker and head over to the school bolliten board. Basketball tryouts was in 2 days. I was reading the information when Sapphire walked over next to me. I glanced at her, she was looking at the choir club and student council. I got lost again just looking at her like an idiot and she looked at and me and smiled. I smiled back. "You trying out?" She asked me "huh....oh..oh yeah." I said smiling. She smiled back " what about you?" I asked trying to keep the conversation "well I'm trying out for chior and I want to get into student council...me and Rose are going to try for both.." She said. "Well....I'm sure you'll make both...y-your really smart and I'm sure you can sing...I know you're probably better than me" I said. She smiled and giggled "aww..your so sweet...." i smiled. I made her laugh. Yea!! "well I have to go...we should hang out more...here..." She got a pen and a piece of paper out and she was writing "here's my number...we should text and maybe...hang out some time?" She said handing me the paper. I took it and smiled "yeah...sure I'll text you later tonight.." I smiled. Holy crap! She gave me her number! In my mind I was going nuts but I knew I had to keep cool. "Okay...well..see you tomorrow!" She said smiling and waving at me as she left. As soon as she was out of sight I jumped up in excitement!! Things were going my way!!

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