I Am The Alpha (Part 1/2)

By EllaCharlotte

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Erin Daniels is part of the East Forest Pack, not only that but she's the Alpha. In a male dominant race this... More

I am the Alpha
I am the Alpha - Part 2
I am the Alpha - Part 3
I am the Alpha - Part 4
I am the Alpha - Part 5
I am the Alpha - Part 6
I am the Alpha - Part 7
I am the Alpha - Part 8
I am the Alpha - Part 9
I am the Alpha - Part 10
I am the Alpha - Part 11
I am the Alpha - Part 12
I am the Alpha - Part 13
I am the Alpha - Part 14
I am the Alpha - Part 15
I am the Alpha - Part 16
I am the Alpha - Part 17
I am the Alpha - Part 18
I am the Alpha - Part 19
I am the Alpha - Part 20
I am the Alpha - Part 21
I am the Alpha - Part 22
I am the Alpha - Part 23
I am the Alpha - Part 24
I am the Alpha - Part 25
I am the Alpha - Part 26
I am the Alpha - Part 27
I am the Alpha - Part 28
I am the Alpha - Part 29
I am the Alpha - Part 30
I am the Alpha - Part 31
I am the Alpha - Part 32
I am the Alpha - Part 33
I am the Alpha - Part 34
I am the Alpha - Part 35
I am the Alpha - Part 36
I am the Alpha - Part 37
I am the Alpha - Part 38
I am the Alpha - Part 39
I am the Alpha - part 40
I am the Alpha - Part 41
I am the Alpha - Part 42
I am the Alpha - Part 43
I am the Alpha - Part 44
I am the Alpha - Part 45
I am the Alpha - Part 46
I am the Alpha - Part 47
I am the Alpha - Part 48
I am the Alpha - Part 49
I am the Alpha - Part 50
I am the Alpha - Part 51
I am the Alpha - Part 53
I am the Alpha - Part 54
I am the Alpha - Part 55
I am the Alpha - Part 56
I am the Alpha - Part 57
I am the Alpha - Part 58
I am the Alpha - Part 59
I am the Alpha - Part 60
I am the Alpha - Part 61
I am the Alpha - Part 62
I am the Alpha - Part 63
I am the Alpha - Part 64
I am the Alpha - Part 65
I am the Alpha - Part 66
I am the Alpha - Part 67
I am the Alpha - Part 68
I am the Alpha - Part 69
I am the Alpha - Part 70
I am the Alpha - Part 71
I am the Alpha - Part 72
Questions and Answers....
Character Index (based on from before any pack changes and deaths)
Announcement - Ps: there's a second part

I am the Alpha - Part 52

38.7K 632 34
By EllaCharlotte


Thank you so much for all your support!!! You guys are epically awesome!!!

I promised to upload soon, so here it is and its rather long, so please apreciare it : )

I'm tired so this is a short message for once...


enjoy ; 0


As the car comes to a stop at the school on Monday, a sharp feeling hits me in the stomach and I let out a small growl. Intruders. My senses tell me straight away as I step out of the car that there is something unwelcome here, something or someone who shouldn’t be on my territory. Another growl passes through my lips and the guys all stop to look at me questioningly. Surely they could feel it too?

< ‘Intruders,’ I snarl letting the one word display a thousand feelings. >

A low echoing growl shoots through our grouping and I shake my head in frustration, who? I take a few deep breaths then push my senses further reaching out to the unknown threat and am hit by a wave of pure anger. Does he not realise that if I feel the need I have full right to kill him for infringing banishment? That fucking mutt is going to be begging for forgiveness when I’m through. Another burst of anger sears through me as my sense pick up that he’s not alone, there are around six others with him, more than half a pack. Is he trying to declare war?

My pack are all tense around me as they watch for a signal, any signal which tells them what to do, how to react other then by ripping his bloody head off.

“Alpha?” Jack asks in a low voice so no one but us can here him.

“Cole has broken his banishment and brought friends with him this time too,” I tell them viciously trying hard to keep my power reeled in. If I let it show normally now that it is this strong I have a feeling the humans might feel something, not strong enough to question my humanity but enough to make them act submissively, which I would not freaking stand for.

I look at each of their faces before holding my head high. “We can’t make a big deal out of this at school or we could get into major trouble when one of us gets angry and changes in font of students but we will make sure they know who they’re messing with don’t you worry.” I tell them naturally using my Alpha voice before flicking my hair dramatically behind my shoulder and making a dramatic sigh before walking off towards the main steps. I hear a few chuckles behind me before the guys fall in step around me.

I walk towards the others from our tribe like any other school day but my body is tense, constantly scanning for the Blood Valley assholes who have decided on a field trip to my territory. As we walk over Aiden, Dylan, Mark, Ollie, Lucas, Rick and Jay, along with a few others all look up from their conversations. I watch with amusement as Seb and Calum tackle Lucas, Rick and Jay in greeting and they all start to talk and joke as usual.

I look over at the others and see them looking kind of bored. “Aiden, Dylan, Mark, Ollie; you don’t have to hang around us all day, go.” I tell them and then grin before going off to hang out with their friends. The younger members of our tribe don’t have enough of them to be their own social groups so they end up hanging out with normal students. Whatever floats their boats.

“I’m going to the office; I’ll see you guys later.” I tell them before rushing off. But of course I’m not aloud to even move an inch without one of them guarding me…

“Erin, wait up!” Sam calls as he bounds up beside me.

“You on guard duty?” I ask slowing my pace for him to catch up.

“Don’t be like that Rin, it’s for your own good.” He grins as his arm slips around my shoulders casually and I lean my head onto his shoulder affectionately, without nuzzling him which is what part of me wants to do but would look incredibly weird to anyone watching.

“What are we doing in the office anyway?” he ask curiously

“Checking on some transfers,” I tell him simply before slipping inside the small office. Immediately I get hit by the same intruder smell from before, faintly of course but they have been here.

I walk up to the office desk and approach Ms Hammond to get some info. As I arrive she smiles over at me, her light blue eyes sparkling happily. “How can I help you Miss Daniels?” she asks in an extremely cheerful voice.

“I heard there were some new transfers and I wondered if you could tell me about them.” I ask in an extremely innocent voice.

“Erin, Sam? Not going to hassle the new kids are you?” She asks in a knowing voice. She knows me too well being a tribe member.

“They’re from another pack Jenny,” I tell her seriously and she blinks a few times in shock.

“What, but I would’ve felt something.” She tells me desperately.

“They know how to disguise there scent, I just want to look at their files if you don’t mind.” I tell her.

“Of course Alpha, come round and take a look.”

I walk around to the small door leading to the space behind the desk, followed by Sam and walk over to Jenny embracing her in a small hug. “It’s not your fault,” I whisper to her before sitting myself down at her desk and pulling up the transfer files. My eyes scan over the pages before they come across ‘Cole Suruat’ followed by six others; ‘Blaise Callahan, Quinton Peterson, Asher Chilton, Edward Koehler, Zane Keuran and Marcus Phil Graham’ all around 17-19 years old and from a name that I recognise from the Blood Valley territory.

Before I was angry but now I am pissed. Who the hell does he think he is? I banish him so he brings back six members of his pack!! He is lucky that I don’t just walk up to them and rip them to shreds on the spot, to many witnesses. Of course!! That’s exactly what they’re doing; marching into our territory then staying shielded behind the school knowing we don’t want to draw attention to ourselves. Then again their reputation is ruined if this ever gets out, hiding in enemy territory to save their own hides. What a joke.

I look through the computer and find their schedules and hit print. Seconds later I have seven timetables in my hands.

“Erin?” Sam asks nervously.

“Yes Sam,” I ask while scanning their timetables with my eyes.

“What’s going on?” he asks unsurely his eyes boring into the back of my head.

“There are seven of them including Cole, two in my year and five in yours, though some of them seem like they might be too old for high school by a few months at least, they are in fact Blood Valley and all live together on Cole’s property in town.” I tell him while my eyes still trace the timetables.

“What!” He yells in anger but I hold up a hand to silence him.

“They are in several of your classes and the two in my year are in nearly all of mine though so are some of the other tribe members.” I mutter knowing he can hear me.  All of a sudden the bell goes and I turn around quickly to meet Sam’s worried face. “Go to class, tell the others and remind them not to do anything stupid.”


“I will be fine, I’m going to need some more information and will be going to class late.” I interrupt him.


“For god sakes; go you moron.” I demand and he whines before running off to class, leaving me and jenny in the office.

“What else do you need to know?” Jenny asks suddenly from behind me.

“Can you call Coach up for me, we need to discuss something.” I ask her with a smile and start searching through the computer once more.

“Here,” Jenny passes the phone to me.

“Erin? You wanted to speak to me?” Coach asks probably in his office at the other end of the school writing plays for the next few games.

“Yes Coach. You see there are some new transfers and I know they are interested in joining the team.”

“What is the problem Erin?”

“I think it would be a mistake changing players on the team, the guys work really well together but I know some of them have issues with the new kids and I have a feeling it would end up a weaker team because of it.” I tell him honestly

“I think you’re right Erin.”

“Thanks Coach.”


I hang up the phone letting the relief wash over me. Thank god the coach and I see eye to eye, even though he isn’t one of us, he respects my opinion when it comes to the guys. He knows I know them better than anyone, including how to push their buttons – which is useful sometimes in training. \

I get up tossing the timetables in the trash as I go then turn to Jenny. “Thanks Jenny, don’t worry about it.”

“Thank you Erin.” She grins causing little wrinkles to form around her eyes.

“Anytime.” I reply before strolling out into the now empty school grounds and heading to my locker. I walk through the silent halls until I reach my locker and quickly out the combination in before pulling it open. I grab a notebook and pen, slam it shut then stroll down the corridor until I reach my first class which started fifteen minutes ago.

I take a deep breath knowing exactly what I’m walking into. Not only are Lucas and Rick in my English class but so are Quinton and Blaise, both Blood Valley members. I push the door open and the class falls silent while Ms Lorimer looks up from the board.

“Ah Miss Daniels, Why are you late?” She asks for the sake of procedure when we both know she doesn’t really care.

“I was helping Ms Hammond and we lost track of time,” I shrug and she laughs quietly before turning back to the board and continuing to write.

I walk down the isles knowing every eye is on me and take my usual seat in-between Lucas and Rick who both grin at me completely aware of Ms Lorimer’s selective behaviour. Usually anyone late for this class would have got a week of detention and a stern look.

I pretend not to have noticed the two unwelcome werewolves staring at me from across the room as I twist my hair up into a high side ponytail not bothering to make it look neat, just out of the way. A chuckle comes from Lucas and I grin at him.

“Class please copy the notes on the board.” Ms Lorimer calls out her eyes scanning the class. I take the time to examine the two new ‘students’ as everyone begins to write. One of them has shaggy black hair and a strange shade of dark blue eyes while the other has wispy brown hair and grey/blue eyes both the same muscled build you’d expect for a werewolf and I must admit are incredibly hot but then again, what werewolf isn’t? Both are radiating curiosity and are getting aggravated at the lack of interest taken of them by us. They’re getting plenty of attention from the younger members of Katrina’s group that are in this class almost throwing themselves on top of the guys.

Time to make my presence known… “Candi, Jessie, Samantha, Amber!” I call over to the members of Katrina’s squad of hoes who are all over Quinton and Blaise at the moment. They stop immediately and whip their cake faces around to look at me expectantly. I smile and look over to Ms Lorimer who is currently looking through her emails, leaving the class to do whatever they want the back to the four girls and their copy cats that haven’t made the cut yet.

I stand up and lean against the edge of the row of desks that Rick, Lucas and I have been sharing signalling for them to come and join me. I can feel there reluctance but they get up none the less, knowing I’m not the one to mess with. The four sluts stand around me frowning and waiting for  me to tell them what I want.

“The two new guys you’ve been talking to for the last half an hour have spent the whole time giving me sideways glances and sizing up my friends.” I tell them getting four equally annoying gasps.

“The whole time?” Amber asks desperately

“Hmm, and they have been saying things about you to their friends.” I tell them sadly shaking my head in false remorse. Candi and Jessie probably won’t give a damn as long as they get a good hook up but Amber being the youngest is fragile and Samantha is very protective of her.

“What did they say?” Sam asks angrily holding onto a now weeping Amber.

“The usual that you obviously don’t mind but they were also saying you looked cheap and need to get in better shape,” I tell them matter of factly getting the perfect response, complete and utter shock followed by anger. “You should also know that Jack and the others don’t like them,” I tell them in an excited whisper, getting another set of shock then determination.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe I liked them!” Jessie gasps and all four of them storm off back to their seats now completely ignoring Blaise and Quinton. The other girls soon realize that they’ve been deemed unworthy and go back to gushing over each others new nails and whatnot. I take my seat and sigh, my work done for the moment.

“Nice!” Lucas exclaims and we fist bump as all three of us crack up laughing. I feel agitation creeping over to us from the now lonered wolves sitting in the middle of class. I turn my head to watch them staring at the cheer whores who are bluntly ignoring them and flirting with a bunch of baseball guys who seem quite happy with the attention.

“I do believe my badass acting skills just kicked ass once again.” I grin turning back to the table.

“Did you make that all up on the spot?” Rick asks curiously.

 “Well most of it was true so I didn’t need to do much, just make it seem innocent.” I shrug

“Wait your telling us they have been staring at you all lesson?” Lucas growls his dark greenish brown eyes searching mine.


“Erin!!” they both exclaim sounding extremely frustrated… oops

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