Its A Kind Of Magic (Previous...

By GalaxyDefender1201

3.9K 296 93

(Previously known as 'Deciding') Jess is your average college girl. She's quite pretty, has a bright future a... More

Chapter 1: The Boat Ride
Chapter 2 - Morning Selfie
Chapter 3: New Kid On The Block
Chapter 4: Date time Cupcake
Chapter 5: One Question, One Argument
Chapter 6: Making Ammends
Chapter 7: Party Pooper
Chapter 8: Jacks POV
Chapter 9: The War Zone
Chapter 10: Second Chances
Chapter 11: Party Planner
Chapter 12: The Dress
Chapter 13: Jacks POV
Chapter 14: The Birthday Party
Chapter 15: Jacks POV
Chapter 16: We need to talk
Chapter 17: True Pain
Chapter 18: I'll be ok
Chapter 19: Little Monkey
Chapter 20: The Best-ish Time Of Year
Chapter 21: Christmas Day
Chapter 22: Your secret is safe with me
Chapter 23: Punishment
Chapter 24: Mouldy Pumpkins, Frappes and Sleepovers
Chapter 25: New Years Eve
Chapter 26: Jacks POV
Chapter 27: Goofy smiles and Good News
Chapter 28: Long Time No See
Chapter 29: His True Home
Chapter 30: Brotherly Love
Chapter 31: Phone Conversations... with who?
Chapter 32: Big Fatty Blobby
Chapter 33: Hide and Seek
Chapter 34: Confessions
Chapter 35: You need some TLC and to get ready to KTA!
Chapter 36: Can't Live With Them, Can't Live Without Them
Chapter 37: Jack's POV
Chapter 38: Jack's POV- Oh Wise One Danny
Chapter 39: Not To Toot My Own Horn
Chapter 40: Jack's POV
Chapter 41: Mash Potato
Chapter 42: Mothers Know Best
Chapter 43: I'm Not Stupid
Chapter 44: Those Cliché Moments
Chapter 45: Humpty Dumpty
Chapter 46: Pretty Girls
Chapter 47: I Understand
Chapter 48: This Was Going To Be Brilliant!
Chapter 49: Finally Becoming A Reality
Chapter 50: The Summer Dance And The Case Of The Missing Lipstick
Chapter 51: The Date
Chapter 52: No Strippers
Chapter 53: I Missed You
Chapter 54: The Wedding
Extra #1
Extra #2
Extra #3
Extra #4
Important A/N on Deciding! Sorry Not An Update
Extra #6
Officially The End
⭐️Some News!!⭐️

Extra #5

28 4 0
By GalaxyDefender1201

A/N Hiya, my advice, listen to this song^^^ play it softly in the background whilst reading!

Enjoy Xx


16 Months After The Wedding...

It couldn't be true could it?

Surely not...

This couldn't be happening, we hadn't even discussed it!

I stood in the front of the mirror; admiring my figure. I don't know how I hadn't noticed it sooner. The small bump that was forming on my tummy was a giveaway to the situation really. I mean Christmas was a few months ago- and it was true I'd had maybe a couple to many pigs in blankets- but I go to the gym at least once a week.

There was only one conclusion.

There was a little life growing inside of me. I was pregnant.

I was going to be a mom. I smiled as I placed a hand over the growing bump; choking on the tears that had escaped. Happy tears of course, I was laughing softly to myself as the tears flowed. This was amazing.

I was a mom.

God I was going to be a mom!

The first thing I did was go to the nearest chemist. I bought two pregnancy tests just to be a hundred percent sure. But the chances were very likely considering- upon reflection I realised- I hadn't been on my period for the last two, nearly three months.

I rushed home, drinking a bottle of water as well, if you know what I mean.

As soon as I got into the house I ran straight to the bathroom. I did what I had to do on both of the tests and then made my way into our bedroom.

The next three minutes were the longest of my life. I sat and literally counted the seconds.

When it reached the three minute mark, I stared at the test in front of me. I slowly picked it up and looked at the result.

Then I did it again with the second one.

I can't believe it. After all that.

I didn't even need to buy the tests.

I was pregnant.

Oh my God I'm pregnant. I squealed and jumped around a bit, subconsciously holding my bump. How would I tell Jack?

I mean, I'm only 23, Jack only 24. But I wouldn't want it any other way. This little baby- boy or girl, I don't care- was a part of this family.

"I haven't even met you yet, but I already love you with all my heart" I whispered with tears in my eyes.

I rang my mom soon after. It didn't take long before we were both sobbing down the phone. She was so pleased and excited.

I rang Beth afterwards.

"Hey hun are you okay?" She asked when she answered.

"Yeah I'm good thanks, how's Ryan?"

"Oh yeah, he's good I suppose. He's been practicing a lot recently. I mean it feels like he's never here" she sighed.

"Want to go shopping to take your mind off of things? I need to tell you something anyway"

"Ooo, tell me tell me" She pleaded childishly.

"I will in person, so is that a yes to shopping?"

"Yes, pick me up in half an hour"

I nodded even though she couldn't see me. "Okay, see you hun"

Quickly changing into a new top, I rushed downstairs, bag in hand and to my car. Beth and Ryan had a flat a few miles away. Gone were the days where we all lived within walking distance of each other.

When I arrived I sent her a quick text, telling her I was waiting. It didn't take long before she was skipping towards the car.

"Hey" I said as she shut the door.

"Hi, you okay?" I nodded and then we drove off. The radio was playing and we both started singing and dancing out. Adults we may be, but we're still kids at heart.

We did a bit of shopping and then went to sit down for a cake.

"So, whats up with you and Ryan?"

"Nothings up, its just his coach is dragging him out nearly everyday to practice" She sighed. "I mean I hardly ever get to see him"

I rubbed her hand comfortingly. "You still love him right?"

She nodded eagerly. "Of course, more than anything. I would never leave him. I just wish he was around more. We need to set a date as well"

I nodded. "Well, whenever it is, I'll be there" I gave her a wink and she chuckled.

"Thank you"

After we'd done a bit more gossiping, we did some more shopping. I still hadn't told her though.

But I had the perfect way.

I took her into a department store and made my way up to the baby section.

She didn't seem to notice where we were headed due to the fact she was on her phone.

I walked round, leaving her to her own devices.

Then I found the cutest pair of baby shoes. I smiled to myself.

"Beth!" I called. "Come here"

She made her way over, bumping into a couple of shelves and racks on her way.


"What do you think of these?" I asked, holding up the box labelled, 'Baby's First Shoes'.

She looked up and frowned. "You don't know anyone that they'll fit though"

"I do now" I said just loud enough for her to hear, and I put my hand over my belly, smiling to myself.

She looked at me, then at her phone. Then back at me, then the boots, then back to me.

"Wait, what?"

"I'm pregnant Beth" I said softly.

Her eyes widened but a smile took over her face. "Oh my god! Congratulations Jess, I'm so happy for you" She put her phone away and then engulfed me in a hug. I hugged her back as she started squealing and giggling. "I can't believe it, my best friend is pregnant. I'm over the moon for you Jess"

I giggled. "Thank you"

"Does Jack know?"

I shook my head. "No, I'm going to tell him when he gets home"

"Let me know what he says, okay?"


I bought the baby shoes. They were cream with pale blue, pink and lemon spots on them.

I still had a little while until Jack was due home, when I returned. It would give me time to formulate a plan.

It was nearly time for Jack to arrive home and everything was set up. I had printed tons of pictures of babies footprints made from paint. I made a pathway to where I was sat on our bed, with the tests in a small box in front of me.

I'd been sat there for only a few minutes, playing on my phone, when I heard the front door open with a click.

"Jess, I'm home" he called through the house and I couldn't keep the smile off of my face. I was pregnant with the man I loves child.

"Jess?" He shouted again. "Where are y- what the hell?" I assumed he'd found all the baby feet.

I heard his footsteps walking on the wood floor into our kitchen. Then back through the hallway and then up the stairs. I started to get nervous, what if he didn't want the baby? I couldn't and wouldn't get rid of it! What would happen?

"Jess you better me up here" He grumbled.

He pushed the door open and I smiled. He looked incredibly handsome. He had a pale blue shirt on, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He had on a pair of black dress pants and a red tie. He looked great everyday but when there was an official meeting at work, he was gorgeous. Suits always seem to make a man more attractive.

"Hey baby" he smiled. "Whats with all the baby feet? You weren't looking after the kids today were you?"

I shook my head. "Jack, come here"


I sighed and rolled my eyes. "For once in your life do as you're told please" I held out the box.

He grumbled and shuffled over. He took the box from my hand and started to remove the lid.

"Yes mom" He mumbled.

He lifted the lid. "Soon" I whispered. He looked in the box and then back at me with confusion written on his face.

"Jess?" He asked. "What is this?"

"What does it look like?"

He looked back down. "A pregnancy test"

Once he lifted his head back up, he looked at me in the eye. I nodded.

Jack took one out carefully, examining in it closely. Then he threw it on the bed and took out the other one.

"You're..." He trailed off and I nodded. "You're pregnant?"

"Yes Jack"

He didn't say anything after that; just kept looking at the test in his hand.

Oh great, he doesn't want it. I felt a stray tear dripping down my face. I wiped it away quickly, but more and more seemed to fall. I sniffed them back and Jack broke out of his trance and looked at me. Then his face fell. He put the box on the bed and cupped my face in his hands.

"Baby, whats wrong?"

I scoffed. "You don't want the baby" I wiped my nose with the back of my hand.

"I never said that. Jess, I want this baby" I looked at his face and saw him grinning at me.

"You do?"

"Of course I do, if they're anything like you why wouldn't I?"

I smiled a bit and stood up. "I'm gonna be a mom, Jack"

"I know" he grinned boyishly. "And I'm gonna be a dad"

I smiled and nodded. But then realization must have hit Jack. "Holy shit I'm gonna be a dad!"

He grinned but his breathing grew heavy and his head swayed.

Then, next thing you know, bam! He hits the floor, face first. I gasped, but giggled at the same time.

"Jack?" I asked softly. Nothing. I nudged his side with my foot. Nothing. "Jack" I said, dragging out the end of his name.

I sighed. Then an idea came to me and I did the only logical thing. I called in for back up.

10 minutes later, my troops had arrived.

Danny, Izzy, Callum, Lizzie, Beth, Ryan, Harriet and Aiden stood at the door. "Come on in guys"

They all shuffled in, one after another and gave me a hug each.

"So whats happened?" Beth smirked, her being the only one that knew.

"Well, I'm pregnant" I smiled and everyone gasped.

"Really? Congratulations Jess!" Izzy smiled and hugged me again.

"Yeah congratulations" everyone joined in.

"Does Jack know?" Callum asked.

"Thats the problem" I laughed. "I told him and he seemed excited and then bam, he hits the deck with a thud"

The others laughed. "So we're here because?" Danny asked, dragging out the end of the word.

"I want you boys to wake him up, in any way you see fit, while us girls have a catch up"

They all laughed and agreed. "Oh, on one condition... you have to video it"

So 15 minutes later, Beth, Izzy, Harriet, Lizzie and I were all sat in the living room, sipping on our coffee, while the boys were embarking on their mission.

We heard them all go upstairs and then it all went silent.

Until we heard a scream. A very girly scream that most definitely came from Jack.

"You asshole!" He screeched and it was followed by a round of laughter. Us girls decided to investigate and all followed the screeches.

When we arrived in my room, it sure was a sight to see.

Jack was tied to the bed, drenched in water- making his shirt almost see through, revealing his amazing abs and toned body- with feathers glued to his face, feet and hands.

They really went all out.

"What the fuck man?" Jack growled at his brother who was practically dying on the floor along with Danny and Aiden and Ryan.

So they explained what happened and Jack glared at us all.

"So the moral of the story is, never faint when you're pregnant wife tells you she's pregnant" Danny smiled innocently with his hands clasped together.

After they'd untied Jack and we'd all laughed a bit more, they left to give us some time alone.

"I can't believe you let them do that to me" Jack grumbled, rubbing his wet hair with a towel, due to the fact he'd just been in the shower.

"Like Danny said, you shouldn't have passed out on me"

"Yeah whatever" He sat on the bed in just his boxers while I got my daily fix of Cosmo.

"I'm so happy you're pregnant" He whispered.

"Me too"

Then I felt the bed move and he shuffled over and placed his head on my belly. I ran my fingers through his hair and I sighed in contentment.

"Hello in there" He whispered. "This is your dad speaking" I giggled at his corniness. "I just want to say, even though I haven't met you yet, I already love you. And so does your mommy. You'll love her too, because she's sweet and caring and kind and beautiful. I love her very much. And I'm going to promise you something, I'll never leave either of you like my dad. I'll stay and keep you safe. Tuck you in of a night, sing you a lullaby when you wake up from a nightmare. I'll tie your shoelaces and wipe away every tear when you're sad. I'll come to every football game, dance show, art showcase and Christmas play you're in. I promise" I wiped away the tears in my eyes as he kissed my stomach. Then he moved up the bed and kissed my lips. "I love you baby"

"I love you more"

"Not possible"

A Few Weeks Later...

"Mr and Mrs Stone?" the doctor called our names.

We both stood up and Jack gently took my hand.

We followed after the doctor and when we entered the room, she shut the door behind us.

"Hello, my name is Doctor Harris" she smiled and stuck her hand out and we both shook it.

"Nice to meet you" Jack smiled.

"So... lets have a look shall we?"

I nodded and stood up.

She got me to lay down on the bed and lift my top up slightly. Jack sat on the chair on the one side of the bed while the doctor stood on the other.

"Okay so this gel will be cold but it will help is to get a better image of the foetus"

I nodded and she put a bit of gel on my tummy; true to her words, it was cold.

She rubbed the scanner over my tummy and it tickled slightly.

I looked over at Jack and saw him smiling at me. I took his hand in mine and squeezed it gently.

"Okay, this is a sonograph of your baby"

I looked at the screen and everything, all of a sudden, became a bit more real. My heart swelled with happiness.

"Congratulations, the baby is perfectly healthy and their heartbeat seems perfectly normal" I nodded. "I'll give you both a minute"

She stood up and left. When I turned to face Jack, I was tears streaming down his face.

"Baby..." I whispered.

"I love you so, so much Jess. Thank you. God thank you so much for giving me this" he whispered back.

"I love you too"

I felt a tear run down my face and he wiped it away with the pad of his thumb. He took my hand and kissed the back of it, while we turned our heads back to our baby.

"I really do love you"

6 and a 1/2 months later...

"Ugghh I want this thing out of me" I growled.

Jack chuckled. "Oh you think this is funny?" I shot him a glare and he immediately shut up.

"No. Nope, not at all"

"Mmhmm, thats what I thought. Now get me some magic stars"

"Yes milady" he muttered under his breath. I rolled my eyes and watched as he sauntered off to get my little chocolate stars.

A few moments later he plopped back down on the sofa and handed me my little bag of starry goodness. I swung my lets up and onto his lap, getting myself comfortable.

"Massage me" I demanded and he sighed before complying.

I was a bitch. I mean I was trying not to be of course but its all these hormones  and the fact the baby was nearly two weeks late. I ache all over. In places I never knew existed never mind ached.

I tapped his shoulder and wiggled my finger telling him to come closer. I would've but the bump was in the way, restricting me from moving any more than a 15 degree angle; if I was lucky.

He leaned over to me and I kissed his cheek. "I'm sorry hunny"

He chuckled and shrugged. "Its fine, I understand"

I smiled, leaned back and ate my magic stars while Jack massaged my aching, swollen feet.

I went to bed early that night, carrying a baby was harder work than they made it out to be in the movies.

Jack came in a short while afterwards. I hate lying on my back, I much prefer sleeping on my side.

Yet another reason I want this baby out.

Jack and I decided we wanted to be surprised, so we didn't find out in the midway scan. But I have a feeling its a girl.

I've always wanted a daughter. A little girl I can dress in cute little dresses and do her hair in pigtails.

I wanted to watch her try on my heels and jewellery, acting like she was an adult even though in reality she'd be nowhere near that.

But if its a boy, I'm happy too. I just have a feeling it will be a girl.

I couldn't sleep, my tiredness obviously of no concern in my brain.

Eventually though I must have drifted off because I was having a nice dream about my magic stars at present. Although I was rudely awakened when a sharp pain went straight through me.

I felt my legs and pyjama bottoms were soaking wet and I realised what was happening.

Shit, the baby is coming!

"Jack" I said, unsuccessfully trying to wake him up.

"Jack!" I said a bit louder. He groaned.

So I elbowed him in the back. Hard.

"Holy crap!" He yelped. "What the hell?"

"The babys coming" I said and his eyes all of a sudden widened.

"Shit!" My thoughts exactly.

He jumped out if bed and grabbed our prepared bag from the wardrobe. He sprinted over to me and helped me out of bed and into my slippers.

We got in the car quickly and he drive at lighting pace towards the hospital.

We got in and into a room and soon the contractions were pretty much unbearable.

The doctor came in and gave me smile. How could she smile at a time like this?

I'm in a lot of fucking pain!

"Okay, lets deliver your baby" she said. "Would you like the epidural?"

"Fuck yes!" I all but screamed at her.

Everyone chuckled but I shot them all glare.

Soon it was time for me to start pushing. Jack was at my side, holding my hand while I squeezed it.

"Okay Jess start pushing"

So I did. It felt like I was being ripped in half. Holy shit this hurts!

I noticed Jack was sweating and breathing heavily, I could've swore he wasn't the one giving birth.

I was breathing just as heavy and sweating equally as much.

"Oka, slowly breath in and out, in and out"

I did as I was told and then heard someone hyperventilating next to me. Jack.

"Not. You" I gritted out. He looked and then nodded.

"Okay Jess, just a few more pushes"

I pushed again and screamed in agony.

"Shhh baby, you'll be fine. You're doing great" Jack cooed.

"Shut up!" I snapped. "I hate you, you did this to me!"

A few more pushes later and I was told the baby's head was finally out.

Then came the tricky part. The shoulders.

But I did it. The baby came out and took its first breath and first cry.

I looked at my little angel and cried.

"Congratulations on your baby boy" the doctor said as she brought him over to me.

I looked own at the little baby and smiled. He was so cute and beautiful. And tiny. His face was so small and his whole fist couldn't even fit around my finger.

Jack looked down at the baby and there was so much love, adoration and protection in his eyes that I couldn't help but smile.

God I hope he gets Jack's eyes.

"I love you baby" I whispered to the fragile little boy laying in my arms and kissed the top of his head.

A/N Hiya Guys! Aaww how cute right? Finally they have a baby.

I felt so emotional writing this extra!

Anyway I hope you liked it. Unfortunately, only one more to go!    :(

Sad right?!

Anyway, see you next update!

Love to you all ❤️❤️❤️

B- Xx

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