Sharp Practice

By xXxCupcakeNinjaxXx

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Rhylee Jacobs aka Ginger is an Enlight; a person born with extraordinary abilities. The only others of her ki... More

CHAPTER TWO: Let Us Burn One
CHAPTER FOUR: The Blackout
CHAPTER SIX: A Seven for a Secret
CHAPTER TEN: Breathless
CHAPTER ELEVEN: This is Halloween
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: The Past Should Stay Dead
CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR: Tangled in the Great Escape

CHAPTER NINE: Dear Insanity, Happy Birthday

64 4 1
By xXxCupcakeNinjaxXx

Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved

Sharp Practice by Sierra B


The bell rings and I jerk my head from off the desk looking around confused until I see Kris smirking at me. I can feel the drool running down the side of my face and I grimace and wipe my mouth with the back of my hand. I had fallen asleep in fourth period which was now over. I groan and drop my head back onto the desk my cheek landing in the small puddle of spit I left on my desk, not ready to move.

“Come on Birthday Girl move your ass Skeigh is waiting for us,” Roan says nudging my shoulder smearing more spit on my face.

I groan and lift my head up to glare at her; she was wearing a navy blue “Hope” Mayday Parade shirt, a pair of cut off blue jean shorts, and a pair of bright red high top. She shakes her platinum blonde head and pulls a pack of tissue out of her bag; taking one out of the packet she wipes my face off and then the desk. “Come on we got some non-birthday stuff to do.”

I sigh and reluctantly let Kris who Roan ordered to “get me”, pull me out of my seat grabbing my bag in the process.

Skeigh was waiting for us outside the class, wearing a gray Minnie Mouse sweatshirt, a pair of jean capris, a gray pair of flats, and a red beanie. She had been leaning against the wall looking at her phone and looked up at us when we walked out. “What took you so long? It’s early release which means we’re supposed to get out of here early.

“Birthday Girl here fell asleep in class,” Roan smirks poking my side causing me to groan again.

“What’d you dream about?” Kris asks, readjusting my bag on his shoulder.

I shake my head, no way was I telling anyone I was dreaming about Trevor let alone Kris who happened to pretty much hate him and vice versa. I get a good look at Kris who looked kind of funny with my Waffles book bag hanging over his shoulder and snicker. The green of the bag was a stark contrast to his old beat up black leather nap sack on the other shoulder clad in his dusty looking burgundy long sleeved shirt, black skinny jeans, and gray slouch beanie. Instead of answering I nudge my shoulder into his arm. “Looking sexy with that teddy bear bag of yours, Sticky buns,” I tease.

He smirks, “I know. I can make Dora the Explorer look good.”

“As long as you have a black sharpie,” Roan smirks.

“Why a black sharpie?” Skeigh asks.

“So you can color over her clothes,” she smirks.

I giggle and start to add something when I see Trevor coming out of his classroom. “Hey Trevor,” I call causing snarls from both Kris and Skeigh.

Trevor turns and smiles at me. Walking over to our little group he says, “Hey Rhylee, I like your shirt.”

I look down at my black Alesana shirt with blue stitched up teddy bear holding a knife I had on over the pair of blue jean shorts and my old raggedy black low tops. I run my hand over the blue beanie the same color as the teddy bear on my shirt while I shrug and smile. “This old thing?”

You just got that this morning for your birthday from my mom you lovesick hag. Skeigh scoffs rolling her eyes.

"Where you guys heading off to?” Trevor asks glancing at my friends briefly.

“None of your business,” Skeigh grunts crossing her arms.

I shoot her a look and she thinks something snippy. Turning back to Trevor I smile and say, “Nowhere really, just hanging out celebrating my sixteenth birthday,” before he could reply to his cousin.

"What no party?”

"Nah, we make our own party.”

"Well speaking of your birthday, I got you something.” Trevor starts searching through his pocket and pulls out a turtle iPod cover. Handing it to me he smirks, “You hang out with my cousin so I figured you like turtles.”

Stupid son of a-

I beam at him, “Thanks so much.” I give him a hug and ignore the hater-ish thoughts of two of my friends.

When we pull back he grins similar to the one he did in my dream, “I’m gonna head off now.” He kisses my cheek, “See ya Rhylee. Text me.”

My cheeks heat up and I can feel my face turning red as he walks away. “Kay,” I squeak.

“Lovesick puppy,” Skeigh grunts, bumping my shoulder as she pushes past me.

“I am not!” I argue.

Roan and Kris cough disagreements as they follow behind Skeigh causing me to trail behind them. We walk outside the main building and into the blistering heat. The forecast called for the last short bearing day of the season before winter; eight degrees at the end of October. I thought the uncharacteristic heat wave was a bad omen considering it was my birthday but my friends dismissed the thought entirely. We walk to the park down the street from the school where Kris parks the Acura and climb into the truck, me having the privilege of front seat as usual.

“Okay Ginger,” Kris says after everyone got in, “where to?”

I shrug, “I don’t know what do you guys want to do?”

Roan shakes her head, “No, no, no, it’s your birthday you’re in control.”

I shrug again, “I don’t know what to do. I don’t wanna have everything focused on it being my birthday; I just wanna hang out with my friends and do mind numbing crap. And I know you guys got me presents even though I asked you not to so let’s just do the gift giving crap now and figure out what we’re gonna go do.”

All of them smile and start digging into their bags looking for the presents they got me. One by one they each give me a present; Roan got me a gray Pierce the Veil crewneck and a Sleeping with Sirens wristband, Skeigh got me a purple slouch beanie and a black Anthem Made tank top, and Kris gave me a big Funko Batman plushie.

I squeeze the Batman and burry my face into its neck, “Awe thanks Kris it’s adorable.”

“I thought you might like it,” he smiles. “I got you something else too.”

“Really?” I look up in time to see Kris start to unclasp the sampi chain from his neck. I realize what he was doing and wanted to protest but I was too stunned.

“Here,” he smiles offering me the chain.

I shake my head, “No way Kris. There is no way I can take that from you.”

“Why not? I’m offering, so take it.”

"But your mom gave it to you,” I frown.

He shrugs, “It’s nothing special.” I’d rather do without it.

I open my mouth and close it, no further protest coming to mind. Looking down I reluctantly turn and raise my hair out of the way letting him fasten it on my neck. I fix my hair and clear my throat refusing to look back at Kris as I resettle in the front seat, suddenly wishing I could switch spots with Skeigh.

“Are we gonna sit here or are we gonna go do something?” Skeigh asks leaning forward from the backseat looking at me pointedly.

I sigh and glance at Kris out the corner of my eye, “Onward slave, to the movies.”

"Nai ploíarcho,” he salutes and revs the engine.


“I wanna see Sinister,” Skeigh says staring at the billboard of the movie theater.

“I wanna see Silent Hill,” Roan says.

“I wanna see Seven Psychopaths,” Kris says. Looking at me he adds, “But we can see whatever you want.”

The girls look at me and frown, instantly feeling bad for not considering what I wanted to see first.

I shrug, “I kinda wanna see Paranormal Activity 4 or Sinister. Whichever is fine.”

Sinister wins!” Skeigh cries,

“Nuh uh!” Roan argues.

“Does too! Me and Ging makes two out of four.”

“That’s only half!”

“So! You’re the only one that wants to see Silent Hill, Cow!”

“My name isn’t Cow!”

“What’s a roan?” Skeigh asks smugly.

“Fuck you! Sinister didn’t win!” Roan stomps her foot and crosses her arms, her face turning red.

“Kris you’re the tie breaker,” Skeigh grunts rolling her eyes.

Kris looks at them with wide eyes, “Um what?”

“Choose which movie we see,” Roan barks still embarrassed by the ‘cow’ comment.

. Kris stands there uncomfortably wishing he could’ve stayed out of the argument. The heat of the other two’s glares cause a small blush to creep onto his cheeks. He looks at me for help but I shrug not really looking at him; he was on his own. He looks back at the other two, “Um… well… sorry but I gotta go with the birthday girl and say Paranormal Activity 4.”

“Ugh!” they both cry in unison.

It was Friday and most of the movies premiered last night at ten so the IMAX on Crossroads was insanely crowded. We stand in line for fifteen minutes before we make it to the front of the line and Kris asks for four tickets to see Paranormal Activity 4. I pull out a wad of birthday cash my parents left on the counter for me this morning but my friends make me put it back and say the whole night was on them. When we get out tickets we pushed our way inside and Roan and I bully our way up the concession line much to the annoyance of the people who were already in line.

We order an ass load of candy, soda, and popcorn and I manage to sneak a few bucks into the wad of money Skeigh shoves into the cashier’s hand. We each take a handful of goodies and somehow manage to give the ticket checker our tickets before heading to our right theater. We sit in the very back of the theater at the top under the projector; Roan sat on my left, Kris sat on my right, and Skeigh sat next to Kris. The theater was packed because it was opening night so I couldn’t kick my feet up like on the seat like I wanted to so I put it on Kris’ leg instead.

The lights start to dim and I can feel the buzz of anticipation through the thoughts of everyone in the theater. The movie starts and people whoop in excitement. A hush fells over the room as the movie proceeds as everyone gets sucked into the story line.

At the end of movie as the credits start to roll I look over Kris’ lap at Skeigh to ask her a question when my eye catches on someone in the seat by the isle. I squint at them trying to get a good look at their features in the dark; the person turns in my direction and smiles at me then darkness fills the theater and all the blood rushes out of my body.

            “Skeigh,” I whisper breathlessly. The guy at the end of the isle was gone but I knew it wasn’t my imagination; he had been there a second ago looking exactly has he did on that night, his brown hair flopping into his dark blue eyes, wearing a green T-shirt and a pair of blue jeans. “Skeigh,” I say again staring at the empty seat.

“What Ging?” she asks glancing at me while stuffing her face with the last of our candy.

“I saw him,” I mutter staring at the seat while everyone else files out of the theater. I could feel my stomach start to churn.

“Saw who?” Roan asks touching my arm.

I look at her then back at the seat, “Bryson.” As soon as I say his name all the candy and popcorn I just ate bubbles up into my throat and spews out onto the floor.

“Theós mou, Rhylee are you okay?” Kris asks grabbing my shoulders.

I shake my head spitting the vomit out of my mouth. “Skeigh I saw him,” I cry looking up at her. “I swear he was sitting right there,” I point to the seat. “He was sitting right there Skeigh. Right there!”

“Saw who? Who’s Bryson?” Kris asks looking confused.

I cringe at his name as I start to shake. I’m not crazy, I saw him. I saw him.

“Rhylee,” Skeigh says softly placing her hand on my knee. “No one was sitting there.”

“No! Skeigh I swear he was sitting right there. He smiled at me,” I turn to Roan. “He was sitting right there. You gotta believe me Roan. I’m not making this up I saw him, I swear I did.”

Roan doesn’t say anything she just stares at me wide eyed.

“Roan, say something! Say you believe me, say you believe me!” I cry.

She just stares too stunned to say anything but her thoughts say it all; she thought I was imagining things, Skeigh too.

“I didn’t imagine it!” I cry. “I saw him; he was sitting at the end of the row by the isle!”

“Rhylee…”Roan says gingerly.

“No! I’m not crazy! I saw him!”

My friends look at me with concern in their eyes but none of them believed me. Kris didn’t know what was going on and the girls thought I was just stressed out because of what happened. They all thought I was imagining things.

“I’m not crazy,” I breathe standing up. “He was sitting right there. I saw him.” I run out of the theater.

I havent updated in forever e.e Sorry to those who actually read this. Um yeah, idk. Dedicated to my bestie Sheyla cause she's awesome.

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