Heart strong

De redballonhope

318 7 4

I wrote this when I was 15. I like to say that I'm a better writer now. Although this is where is started. Th... Mai multe

I want to share this
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
A past
Just running
New years
Saying Good Bye Could Be A New Hello.
All over again


10 0 1
De redballonhope

"I like this one," I said. I was trying on wedding dresses with Lila.
"But, you don't love it, so no not that one."
I went back into the dressing room to put in my regular clothes.
"Back to square one than," I said going back to the rows after rows of dresses.
I shuffled through them when I nearly stumbled.
"I found it, oh my God I found it," I frantically took it out and showed her.
"Oh, my God, yes. Try it on," she pushed me forward. "NOW."
I went into the dressing room where the dresser was waiting to lace me up.
It took quite a lot of tightening but it fit for a trial. I came out and Lila was in shock.
"Can I look now," I asked.
She nodded her head and I turned around. I put my hands over my mouth.
It was exactly what I dreamed of. The stap less sweet heart neck like, the lace dress, and the poofy bottom. I even wore a pair of high tops so I could get an idea.
"I love it," I smoothed out the skirt and turned to the taylor. "When's the earliest I can get it fitted," I asked.
"About two weeks normally it takes longer but my treat," she said in her Russian accent.
"Thank you so much," she helped me change out and I thanked her before I left.
When I got in the car I attacked Lila with information.
"So, Alec already booked the venues and he's meeting me at one for a cater test. He was supposed to pick his tux while I got my dress so that should be down. Um, later were supposed to pick flower arrangements and he's supposed to pick up the rings. God, I hope he doesn't mess up. Next, I need you to drop me off at the mission inn to taste the food. Then, oh while while we're there can you pick up the rings-"
"IRIS, I've got this, just enjoy the time coming up to it...ok," she said.
"Ok," I breathed.
"You good," she asked.
"Yeah, um...we should get going."
She nodded and turned on the car.

The drive was only a few minites and when I arrive Alec had bet me. He was sitting on the outside bench on his phone.
"Okay, I'll be back by three with the rings and flowers picked out, AND befor you sat any thing. Yes, I know which flowers, and the rings okay."
"Yeah, um...thank you so much Lila I couldn't have done it with out you."
"It's nothing, and don't forget your vlog camera," she handed me my purse.
"Bye," I closed the door and she drove off.
When I turned around Alec was behind me; I jumped back.
"Don't sneak up on me like that," I said taking a step forward to kiss him.
"Did you find a dress?"
"Yes, it's perfect but way to big, so I'm getting it fitted."
"Great, I also found my tux. So shall we go taste some food."

"Oh, my God I don't think I've had anything close to as good as that was," Alec said as we walked out of the mission inn.
"At one point I was convinced their was drugs in it," I said.
"Yeah, me too. So from here were going home right."
"No, I want to go to Lila's parents house. They pretty much were my parents when mine passed."
"Ok, I don't mind meeting your metaphorical parents," he laughed.
"Yeah, hopefully they like you."
"How can they not like me I'm perfect."
"Don't get cocky on me," I laughed.

We waited for about fifteen minutes since we got put early. Lila finally pulled up and apologized.
"Don't worry about it. Hey I was thinking we could go to Dave's and Ben's today."
"Yeah, you haven't seen them in forever," she said.
"They'll understand...they always do."
"Yeah, well get into the car so we could go," she indicated the car and we got in.
Dave's and Ben's was about fourth five minites away. Which is also a reason we didn't visit as often.
We pulled up to their pink house which for some reason every one loved. It was so them, their Gay personality that took over their house. I rememberwe were painting and we painted every room one color of the rainbow. When it came to the master bedroom were we had no more colors of the rainbow and a lot of left over paint. So we went crazy and had a paint fight, we splashed all the paint on the walls and ended up loving it. Down the hall way was all of out hand prints and the last one was mine. They always treated me like family, when Lila brought me to them they took me right in. It took them a while to get to me, but they got me to open up. I remember watching Mean Girls which was probably the gayest thing we every did, but they were like my parents.

I walked in and Dave and Ben were there to immediately great me.

"Iris, it's been so long how have you been," Ben asked.
"Good, oh this is Alec-"
"Well might I say if I wasn't gay I would go gay for you," Dave said.
Ben smaked him on the arm, "Dave that's now how we greet our guest," he turned back to Alec. "My apologizes, welcome to the family."
"Looks like it's going to be an adventure," Alec said in response.
We all laughed and they lead us into the living room.
"So, just get comfortable, where ever and we'll get the conversation rolling."
Dave and been sat in the love seat while the three of us sat on the couch.
"So, how did you meet," Dave asked Alec.
Dave and been looked like complete opposites. Ben had curly hair and brown eye, he was always so joyful and nice. While Dave was sarcastic and his almost green eyes with black died hair that was combed to the side, yet they were perfect together.

"We were in a coffee shop and I hear this girl order this highly caffeinated drink, and all I say is "some one needs to wake up". So she doesn't turn around to respond, but when she did she looked like she was about to whip me. When she just looked at me and I looked back. It was that moment when I knew I had to just marry this women. So, we started talking and talking until I just did it. I asked her to marry me.
"Aww, that's so sweet," Ben said looking to Dave.
"I remember when we meet."
"Yeah, at a gay bar. We were drunk, may have slept with each other and when I woke up. He was looking at me like a stalker and I kissed him. After we just acted like boy friends until we finnally were and a this year when the law passed we got married."

Alec smiled and looked to me, he was about to kiss me when I looked to Lila. He nodded and pulled back.

Ben stood up, "Ok I think the pasta is ready." He went to the kitchen and served us all. Ben was a better cook than...well every one.

He told the story of how they adopted Lila and their parenting fails with her. Dave told the story about how Lila would sometimes jump out of her bath and run around the house naked. I had to admit it was really funny.

At the end of the day we Lila drove us one after Ben gave us leftovers like a good parent and waved good bye.
"Oh my God, I missed them," I laughed.
"I know right, I still can't believe I did those things," Lila said driving to the freeway.
Alec grabbed my hand and looked down on me.
I look up "What," I asked.
He smiled and kissed me.
"Can you guys wait until you get out of my cat befor you start that," she said.
I laughed and pulled away from him, he looked a bit disappointed.
"In one month your going to be married holy crap," Lila said jumping up and down in her seat.
"You have the invites covered right," I asked.
"Yeah I'll send them out tonight but their all packed and beautiful,"
"Thank you so much Lila, for every thing," he said.
"Yeah, no problem," she said.

When we got home I knew I need to film a video, so I set up my camera and just sat and talked. I talked about how every thing has been crazy and advice about dealing with stress. I then posted a different picture of today to each social media sight. I grown used to fast editing to it took me an hour instead if my usual three to edit. The comments and tweets went off immediately after post. Sending me love and compassion for my trouble. I loved how right after a video I would get all these nice comments. Even the bad ones would be flooded out by the positive. I had to admit I loved the internet.

I changed out into more comfy clothes and sat on the couch to get caught up in Pretty little liers. I had to admit I'm obsessed, Alec kind of gave me a look as I fangirled and pointed. He soon left some where with out me noticing. I'm going to be hounest I don't blame him.

I made Vegan tacos because this was the only time I could eat what ever I wanted with out Alec picking at it. I was on the couch browsing Tumbler when Alec came in. I turned around and Mike and Ike who I may have forgotten about ran to the door and sat in Alec's path. Alec just steeped over them and came to the couch. I swallowed befor I kissed him.
"I don't want to me messed up, but...what the hell are those," he said pointing to my plate.
"Something I could only enjoy without you, leave me alone," I said hugging my food against my chest.
He threw his hands up, "I really don't care."
"Where did you go?"
"My friend Louis's, I kind of has to vent."
"I see also I'm on my period and I was going to text you if you could pick up...so," I said while handing him his keys the table.
"God, Iris," he sat up and left. I then fixed my self to a laying position on the couch and pressed play.
I must have fallen asleep because next thing I know Alec lifted me off the couch and into the bedroom. He pulled the sheet over me and I curled into a ball. He kissed me cheek and crawled into the sheet next to me.

Two weeks later:
"The wedding is tomorrow," I said pacing back in forth while Lila was looking at me board.
"Every thing was covered like two weeks ago, chill," she said scrolling through her phone.
"It's just this is the time every thing gets messed up."
She swung he hand with her phone down. We were at me an Irish house. Iris went to get her nails done, she wanted some breathing room befor the wedding, so she went alone. Lila was here because she was going to borrow Iris's tripod and I stopped her.
"My Dad's are perfectionist, trust me they could have a shirt messed up, especially not a weeding."
"Shouldn't Iris be the worrier while the husband has a party with stippers and stuff."
"I wouldn't do that even if I'm single," I said stopped in my tracks.
"You know if you keep pacing you'll burn holes in the carpet."
I went and sat on the couch while Lila grabbed the tripod. She was about to leave, befor she said, "go for a walk it calms the nerves."

About an half an hour after she left, I left a note for Lila and went for a walk. It was a perfect day hopefully the same for tomorrow. I decided to walk into the main town and get some coffee. While I walked I took in the beauty of town. The veins and flowers that seemed to be placed in the perfect place all over town. I walked down the street and the coffee house where I met Iris came into view. When I walked in it was pretty much empty, I ordered my usual and took a seat. I just pulled my phone out when a girl sat in frount of me. She had blond hair and green eyes, she had on one of Iris's merch t-shirts, I knew in an instant.
"My I help you," I asked hinting for her to get lost.
"Aren't you Iris Clare's soon to be husband," she asked. I rubbed my hand against my face.
"Please don't follow me home, take a picture, or take my empty coffee cup and do vodo on it," I said getting up.
"Can I tweet that," she asked.
I decided to just give in to the fandom. It was better than having them hate me.
"Not with out a picture," I said. She handed me her phone and I took about five pictures quickly.
"Oh, my God thank you," she said hugging me.
I then realized why Iris loved them so much.


"That's great, thank you so much," I said to the women paying and tipping her as I left the nail salon.
I got into my car with dry nails and went to the book store. I finished all the books I hadn't read over the two weeks. I need more books to keep my mind stressed free. I new I would be a little stressed but I didn't want it to be excessive. I turned on my car a drived to the barns and Noble that wasn't that far away. I drove in silence collecting my thoughts.

I was lucky enough find a frount row parking space. I walked in and the cold air hit me. It was a perfect day but the cold air still felt nice on the back of my neck. I walked over to the young adult section when I got a text. I reached into my pocket and pulled my phone out.
Alec: I just ran into one of your fans, I see why you love them.
I smiled and replied.
Iris: I would have been nothing with out them.

I went back to book searching and pulled out a book that looked ,from the context on the back,very interesting. I then went to the drama section. I pulled out one about a girl who was being influenced every day her boyfriend and the abuse he caused. I can't lie have a thing for twisted books.

I carried the stacked books over to the cheek out station.
"Hello," I said setting my books down onto the counter.
She looked down at them both, "you have and amazing taste"
"Why thank you," I said to the girl with purple contacts and blue hair.
"I love your hair," I said swiping my card and taking my book bag.
"Thanks, you'll look amazing with pastel purple tips."
"I'll consider it," I said walking out of the store and walking into my car.

I got into my car and set my bag next to me. I needed to go grocery shopping. The fridge and cabinet was bear and I was getting sick of take out. I drove over to the Winco that was a few miles away but I knew I would be able to get every thing.
I texted Alec to send me a list of what he wanted and instead he insisted I don't go inside till he comes. It was the day befor so I suppose it was appropriate. I waited a good fifthteen minites befor he came.
I mainly waited in my car with my ear phones in, until he pulled up next to me.
I got out of of the car and went to hug me. He was really tense, I pulled away.
"Relax," I said holding his hands. "Every thing will be fine okay."
He nodded and and picked me up to kiss him.
"Shall we go," he said, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

Alec was like a little kid wandering off and coming back with a ton of different foods. It was the cutest thing I've 3 ver seen him do. I had to send him back on some things but in allowed some things to be in the cart. After he paid and took the groceries with him because I had to stay at Lila's.

"Bye," I said kissing him and giving him a long kiss. I went into my car only for him to come into the passages seat. I was about to ask when he pushed my hair back and kissed me. He only kissed me like this once before but that was months ago. I began kissing him back pulling closer each time. I then pulled back.
"What was that for," I asked.
"Can't I just kiss you, love you, hold you. I don't get butterflies, I get fireworks. Can't I just wake up next to you every day, and kiss you ever night. Can't I just love you and only you for the rest of my life. I know I can but I want you to know that I always will."
And that was all he got out and went into his car, befor leaving. I put my head against the back of my seat, I bit my lip and turned on my car.

I arrived at Lila's and she had dinner ready. She looked up from her couch and stood and hugged me.
"Oh, dearest you look drained," she gave me a glass of wine which I sipped immediately.
"I can't be hung over for my wedding," I said setting the glass down.
"That's why I only poured a glass,now is the time to relax. Sit on the couch vlog a little, get into a browsing position and chill."
I took a seat and opened my lab top. I sent out a tweet saying, "I'm ready, wedding vlog up in a week must enjoy my honey moon first."
"You have your vows ready," she asked twirling her wine.
I rubbed my hands against my face, "yeah, but I know Alec's is going to be better."
"Why would you say that?"
"Let's just say he shot me some poetry befor he left."
"Scale from one to ten."
"Fifthteen,"I said sarcasticly.
"Ouch, wel, let me hear yours."
I opened my lab top an opened up the file.
"Alec, never did I think that guy I found was cute at the coffee house would be my husband. To be hounest I didn't think you would even call me. But when you did it was the beginning of something beautiful...the beginning of us. Despite my flaws you stuck around, to be hounest I suprised you didn't go running. I love how we love the same bands, I love how you listen, I love how you held me, and told me it was going to be ok. But most of all I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Wow, that's beautiful," she said taking a breath.
"Yeah, but I don't know if it's beautiful enough."
"Is it from the bottom of your heart?"
"The deepest depths," I said.
"Then it's perfect, it's getting late and you need some beauty sleep. Their isn't enough concealer in the world to cover those dark circles."
I went to sleep in the guest bed and I want worried about clothes because I had plenty left here. That night I has a dream, a dream of a wedding...a wonderful wedding.

I woke up at six, Lila was in the kitchen and was making something with the blender. I took one look around the corner and say immediately what she was making. She was already ready, with hair and make up ready but in casual clothes.
She turned her head and looked at me.
"Green juice, it's all your getting," she said.
"What, why?"
"I can't have you bloated while I lace the dress. Now take a shower while I set up my make up desk."
I finished the green juice and took a brief shower.
When I came out Lila put me in yoga pants and a baggy t-shirt. I did not feel beautiful on the day of my wedding. I knew that was about to change though.
Lila was quite with focus as a she blow dried and put all types of products in my hair. She then pulled out her styler, curler and all types of styling tools. She pined my hair and curled it piece by piece. May I say she did this all while I was browsing the internet.

She finished my hair about a hour later. She then started my make up and I'm not even going to say how long that took but it was hell. By the time we were done it was ten.
"I'm done, you can open your eyes," she said.
I looked into the mirror and nearly began crying. She got every aspect of how I wanted my hair and make up to the point. My gold eye lids, my pink lip stick, my pale light blush, just every thing. I turned around and hugged her.
"Thank you so much, if you didn't save me I wouldn't be here today," I breathed.
"Your welcome, now let's get to the wedding," she smiled.

We ran through the house grabbed every thing, from huge cameras we only use for home videos, to our lab tops and purses. We both grabbed out dresses and threw them over us and went into the car.

"Here," she said handing me a protein bar. "I don't need you fainting."

I quickly ate the bar I was so hungry. "Let's go," I said with my mouth full, putting my seat belt on.

We drove in silence to Fairmont. When we arrived I got put of the car and went into the building they had venues in but I wanted y wedding in the rose gardens. It was was a perfect day, their wasn't alot of people and the sun was shinning with a slight breeze..my kind of day.
Lila checked in and I rushed to the private room they had. Lila closed the door with a click.
"You ready," she asked.
"Never could be more ready."
I set up the camera on the tripod and pressed record.

Lila took the plastic off of the dress, while I took off my clothes outside of the cameras view.
I pulled on the gaurder and panties hoes befor I went over to Lila.
She helped with the petty coat first then laced that. Now came the dreaded corset. I sucked in while she pulled on the strings and made my back bend. Finnally the actual dress, she slid it onto me and laced it gently from the back. She set teh veil on top and draped it over the back of my dress. I pulled on my Converse and stood up straight,
"Turn away from the mirror while I get the camera," she said. I did as asked and waited. She mounted the camera and held it on her shoulder.
"Turn around."
I slowly turned around and immediately went into shock.
"Oh, my God. I think I'm reacting more than Alec would. It's perfect it's all so perfect."
She mounted the camera and went to hug me. I thanked her and took a seat while she did some imaging to go with the video.

We waited in that room for an hour and a half. We couldn't risk me coming out and Alec see me. We were in the middle of a conversation when Ben came in.
"It's time every thing is ready...every one is ready."
I looked towards Lila and she nodded.
I stood up and walked out, the staff clapping as I walked out.
I went out rushing until I reached the gates of the rose garden. The band played Here comes the bride. The rose bushs beautiful, as evey one turned around. The brides maids and grooms were lined up looking towards me. The flower pots was full of my favorite flowers and then my eyes meet Alec's. From there I didn't notice any one or any thing or any one of the five cameras...nothing but Alec. The flower girl who was Lila's little cusion Lisa went ahead. I locked arms with Dave and took the flowers from Tyler, who was on the verge of tears. I hugged him and went back to Dave.
I walked forward and saw Alec, in his navy blue tux that made his eyes pop more. I parted from Dave who kissed me on the forehead and nodded towards Alec. Alec smiled and took my hands, Ben got his Minister license online just for this.
"Are you ready," he asked. We both said yes.
"Okay, Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Iris Clare and Alec Iverson in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace.
Silence...until Tyler yelled, "Their perfect," and every one laughed.
"Okay, I've heard you both have your vows prepared," Ben jestered toward Alec. "Alec, would you like to go first."
Alec, reached inside his Jacket and pulled out a folded piece of papper and began to read.
"Iris, I love you, that's all I have to say. The moment I saw you I was ready to propose there. I love how you smile, all the time, you were all ways strong even at your worst. And when I was at my worst you were the strongest you could ever be. Just for me, that what I love most of about you. I have no idea what I would do with out you. I love you."
I smiled and breathed a bit befor Lila handed me my vows.
"Alec," I stopped their and folded my piece of paper over, he looked suprised. "Alec, you are all my love, all my hopes, all my dreams, and all I ever pray for all in one. Never did I think I would be as lucky as I am now to be with you. But it's not luck it's faith, and you are all the faith I need. I love you."
The tears rolled down both our faces and we joined hands agian befor Ben continued.
"You may now exchange the rings," Ben said. Alec pulled the ring from his pocket and Lila handed me Alec ring. We slowly slid it onto each others fingures.
"By the power vested in me by the State of California and the internet I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."
Alec pulled me in and kissed me like he never hand. He hand never kissed me like this, he melted into it. He pulled back and we put put hands into the air. We were married...and every good feeling was in me.

We walked down the aisle and held hands. They clapped up out as we went into the car and drove to the reseption. I lifted my skirts as we went into the car and Alec closed the door behind me. Our drive put up the divider leaving me and Alec together...some what alone.

"Wow," he said, holding me hand and looking into my eyes.
"I love you so much," I said and kissing him, he pressed me against his chest my arms pinned between us.
"You, looks so beautiful, I'm so lucky to have you and all that you are."
I hugged him and we sat there curled into each other until the car stopped and the drived opened the door. Alec came out of the car and opened the door of me. Every one was seated and stood up and we walked onto the dance floor.
The venue was beautiful, Dave did a beautiful Job. The light blue lighting against the white of every thing. The flowers were bright pops of color in each corner and scattered every where. There was stings of lights hanging above. It was absolutely beautiful Alec places his hands in my waist as I put my hands around his neck. We swayed and spun all along the dance floor, the music switched and every one else came to the dance floor and danced.

We danced for what felt like minute but what was actual hours. The food came out which was of course delicious. After we went to cut the cake. They brought it to the middle of the dance floor and we cut it together. Alec was about to take a bite when I grabbed a fist full and smashed it in his face. He was shocked but we ended up laughed in the end. He took a bit of frosting and put it on my noes. The cake was actually delicious, and now it was time for the speeches. Lila went up first.
"Hi, I'm Lila, the brides best friend," she said presenting her tittle proudly. "I remember when I was on the side of the road dragging this psycho into my car. I never thought she would be my best friend. Iris as been through every thing. I remember one day I sat on the side of her hospital bed,sobbing. I thought she was going to die," she sniffled. "I prayed that if she lived she would find some one that would appreciate all she's been through. Here he is, and never could I be more happy for her." She put the mike down and came to hug me, I buried my face into her hair. She pulled away and Alec's brother came to the mike.
"Hi, I'm Mike. I remember when Alec was and I were in High school he had all the girls over him. I of course president of he Chess club wad jelous," he lauhed. "Never did he have a girl friend in high school. I thought, what the hell like it this guy gay or something. Then one day I mentioned it at dinner,I said to the whole family, "Alec is gay." Alec looked at me and stood up and said, "I'm not gay I just happen to want to save my life for someone that I know I will be with forever." Then he sat down, we always said he had an old soul. Iris he is a virgin I promise you he's never dated and you were his first in every thing."

Alec put he head to the table and every one laughed. Joe dropped the mike and walked of the stage.
Alec's mom was next she walked up and picked up the mike of the floor.
"Well, I'm a mother in law now," she laughed. "Iris,I'm going to give you some advice about Alec. He is the pickiest eater you will ever meet. He would always call and ask you what type toilet paper you want if you send him to the store. Son," she paused. "It's all the same," we laughed. "But, over all he's saved him self all his life and I'm glad he can finnally get laid." That was by far the funniest thing I heard so far, Ben laughed so hard next to me he almost fell. While Alec was red with embarrassment.

It was a Dave next, Alec's mom handed him the mike.
"Ok, Alec, Iris is not a virgin...sorry," he said drink in hand. "She had this one boyfriend that was the biggest nerd I have ever seen. It wasn't so much he was unattractive, Iris has amazing taste, but his vocabulary was not English I'll give you that. She had another one that was like..." he paused to put he hands on his face. "Goals all over like DAM! And some how she found the perfect guy to marry. Iris we need to build a school and teach your ways girl," he yelled. "Any way to the happy couple." He raised his drink and chugged in and we put them down.

Ben was next, he helped his husband down first befor taking the mike and going up. "Best for last," he said making every one laugh. "I don't see how the truth is funny but ok. When Lila came in rolling this half dead girl into our house I thought she was crazy. Then I got to know that weel chair kid with the tube down her nose. I took her in she was a daughter of my own. To see her now so health so beautiful, I knew I did the right thing taking in that weel chair kid. I saw he flourish and every time I was on the verge of giving up I thought of her. She went from half dead and 70 pounds to the track team. She always pushed me, nothing was impossible. Alec take good care of my girl."
Ben came down and hugged me, I kissed him on the cheek and he went to sit next to his husband.
Lila stood up, "Iris, thow that bouquet, and don't let Tyler catch it."
"Bitch, you know I'm gonna catch it," Tyler yelled from the other table.
I grabbed my bouquet and went up to the stage. The crowd built up and I turned around. I thew the bouquet and heard Tyler screaming he caught it.
I laughed and Alec came up. We waited until every one was seated and talked.
"Thank you, for coming every one now it time for me to have my honey moon to god knows were." Every one cheered as we walked down and out to the car. Every thing to go into slow motion Alec was all I saw. The rose petals were being thrown at us, I lifted my skirts and went into car.
Alec went after me and our driver closed the door behind us.
The car moved forward, we seriously had no idea where we were going. It was Lila who said she would take care of all the honey moon situation.
"Wow," I said. "I seriously took your virginity."
"Well, yes."
I kissed him and he went back in surprise befor falling into it. He place his hands on my lower back. I slowly pulled away, he slowly opens his eyes and looked at me in amazement.
"Do you have any idea where were going," I asked.
"Not a clue but where ever it is I know it will be some where beautiful as long as I'm with you."
I leaned against him when I noticed something in the corner it was a large bag. I moved across the limo and reached for for the bag. When I grabbed grabbed a hold hold of it I immediately opened it. Their was a bikini, board shorts and a key. The key looked strangely familer.
"Alec, do you reconize this key?"
He leaned closrer, took it from my hand, and lauhed.
"What's so funny," I asked.
"This is the key to the beach house. How Lila knew I had a beach house is a question. How she knew which key is even a bigger question."
"Wow," I said leaning back in my seat. "Lila has her ways of knowing."
"Yeah, I guess she does."
The car came to a halt.
"I'm guessing we're here," he came out of the car and opened the door for me.
I lifted my skirts as a got out, he gave me his hand and helped me out. He closed the door and the car drove off.
Alec held my hand as we walked to the door. He let go of my hand to pull the key out of his pocket and open the door.
The door swung open and the place was covered in rose petals candles and smelled of sweet vanilla.
"Wow,was this you," I asked.
"Not at all," he said I awe of what he was seeing.
Along the stairs were strung lights.
He turned around and lifted me off my feet.
"Shall we."
I laughed and kissed him.

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