The Fangirl In Kamisama Kiss?

By bubblegumwaffles

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Brooklyn Johnson is your average, typical 16 year old. She's a fangirl who spends most her days scrolling on... More

Brooklyn Marie Johnson
Chapter 1: Bookshops Are Indeed A Magical Place
Chapter 2: The 'Mighty Beast'
Chapter 3: A Hug?
Chapter 4: Childish Fox-Boy...
Chapter 5: Got Bit By A Chick!?
Chapter 6: Tomoe's Fanclub
Chapter 7: How Stupidly Thoughtful
Chapter 8: Opinions and A Talking Bird
Chapter 9: Happy Endings Aren't That Simple
Chapter 10: Feeling Like The Hulk
Chapter 11: First Day Of Hell
Chapter 12: Badass Nanami
Chapter 13: I Hate Choices!
Chapter 14: Jealous Much?
Chapter 15: I'm On My Own
Chapter 16: The Tengu Has A Grudge
Chapter 17: "Now Let's Go Home."
Chapter 18: Himemiko's Tea Party -Part 1-
Chapter 18: Himemiko's Tea Party -Part 2-
Chapter 19: I'm Getting Hitched With A Snake!
Chapter 20: Sweet Brooklyn
Chapter 21: Tap, Tap
Chapter 22: Being Too Personal And Being Too Happy
Chapter 23: Damnit, Damnit, Damnit!
Chapter 24: What's With The Competition?
Chapter 26: Just A Bunch Of Oblivious Psychopaths
Chapter 27: Hot Chocolate And Old Texts
Chapter 28: Lost and Found
Chapter 29: Running Away From Everything
Chapter 30: Is This A Joke?
Chapter 31: The Forest Life
Chapter 32: Unexpected Acts
Chapter 33: Be Careful From Mr. Smooth -Part 1-
Chapter 34: Villains, Antagonists, and The Bad Guys -Part 2-
Chapter 35: We're Going To The Seaside
Chapter 36: We're At The Seaside
Chapter 37: Dear Brooklyn
Chapter 38: Instructions for Future Dummies
Chapter 39: Doing Something

Chapter 25: "You Are Truly Ruthless."

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By bubblegumwaffles

~Photo of Brooklyn in dream~

Mizuki opened the incense burner which contained a strong, sweet smelling incense inside of it. Kinda smelt like cinnamon.

"What's that?" I questioned as I pointed at it.

"This, my lady, is a time-rotation incense burner," he said as he took the lid off, "now all you have to do is close your eyes and rest."

"And this will send me to the past? Amazing!" I blurted whilst I observed the incense burner's appearance and texture.

"Indeed, miss. Now, close your eyes and lay back and let the incense show you the past. The past of that coward."

I did what he said and couldn't help thinking if I was going to be in the same scene as Nanami in the book. If that was the case I knew what to do and knew where to hide.

However, some part of me does scare me that I will see something I don't want to be true, but if Tomoe knew where I came from and saw my old self then I would probably hide forever. As for him, he would most likely feel betrayed.

Should I feel betrayed? Betrayed that he didn't have the guts to tell me about his past.

If I was him I wouldn't want him to feel betrayed. I wouldn't want him to be upset.

I just want to let this story go on and the characters to get their happy endings because they are good people.

Is that too hard to ask?

~ • ~

"Wake her up!" Shouted a low, husky voice.

I could feel the cold rain against my raw skin. It was pouring because as I woke up I saw that my clothing was drenched, but the funny thing is I'm wearing clothes that don't even belong to me. Where am I?

My nails were still chewed, however had dirt stuck inside of them. My hair was now short and light brown. My emo fringe now has disappeared. Great. Now everyone can see my face.

My clothes were a short yellow kimono with black gladiator shoes. Why is my legs showing!? And why are my legs bleeding?

The hell?


I felt a sharp pain on the left side of my face, causing me to instinctively do the same back, but somebody grabbed my hand.

I looked up and was now face to face with an angry looking one-eyed yokai, coiling it's green, leather fingers around my small one.

"GAH!" I screamed loudly, falling back on a tree. I could now see four other yokai coming towards me, smiling and drooling.

This was not good.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?" I shouted shakily. One of them were about to grab my arm when I quickly lit up my godly fire and hit one of them with it. My godly fire works here? My eyes widened with shock and shortly after that a smirk started to appear on my face.

The disgusting beast rose up and ran towards me, but I shielded myself with my red force-field. I gave a wicked laugh (something I didn't know I had in me...) and pressed my hand against the red dome making it shatter around me.

"Don't mess with a pissed chick!" I shrieked. In this moment I felt alive for some strange reason. I wasn't scared, just excited. Was this normal?

I splashed through the wet, cold grass and it's puddles and raised my hands above my chest. "You have five seconds to leave me alone."

"Make me, time god!" Snarled the creature.

"One..." Time god? They know my identity?

"Two..." I started to light up my godly fire.

"Three...don't let me get to four, now!" I giggled, making my finger bones click, just trying to add tension to this scene.

" truly are noble, nobly stupid!" I stepped back and leaned back.

"Adios, asshole!" I pushed all my weight forward, thrusting the godly fire towards the yokai and I couldn't believe what happened next.

My godly fire impaled him. Blood droplets fell from his chest which gradually started to create a hole in his chest which was visibly see through to what was behind him.


Down he fell.

I just killed someone. Well, something. Reality started to kick in. I've just killed for the hell of it.

But it was out of self-defence!

Still murder, though.

Does that make me a monster?

All of them froze up. I snapped out of my trance. Quickly, I stood up and placed hand on my hip while the other hand held my godly fire. "Okay, one of you ugly bastards better tell me where the hell I am and what the hell you want! Or else..." I ordered angrily.

"You are truly ruthless. Oh, but I can tell you what they want," chuckled a voice.

"No, no, no! NO! AHH!" I turned my head quickly to where the screaming came from.

It came from yokai.

The rain was falling even faster and even more. I gulped as I saw the yokai's body lay on the wet, damp grass, and it's blood splattered on a small tree. The head was surrounded in a dark substance which I couldn't make out. Or maybe I didn't want to know.

"You are the time god, aren't you?" Uttered the dark voice. Please say it's not who I think it is.

"W-Who are you?" I stammered, lighting up my godly fire. I felt somewhat intimidated. But you would if a voice like that randomly started speaking to you. I don't even know who it is!

But I had a horrible gut feeling that I did know who it was, and I'm just denying it.

"Now, now, there's no need for violence!"


Another yokai's head was taken off.

"Says Mr-I'm-Always-Contradicting-Myself!" I yelled wearily, "NOW STOP CHOPPING PEOPLE'S HEADS OFF!"

For a few moments it was silent. I glanced around the area and all I saw was blood and fresh corpses. I take back what I said. I'm scared now. But I had to calm down. I could take this guy on.

That was until I heard another scream.

"Have we met, miss? I haven't seen your face. Well maybe on wanted signs," giggled the voice.

I was getting annoyed now, but hold on a minute. Wanted signs? Why? What have I done!?

"Stop playing games, I'm getting bored, damnit!" I snapped, looking for the missing yokai. I trod in the puddles, splashing my way to find the yokai. "Come out, or I swear to god-..."

I was stopped by the horrifying scene in front of me.

In front of me was the missing yokai, however, this kill was different to the others.

His gigantic, newly bloodstained limbs were torn apart from his body and were found in a different areas to the other parts, bleeding ever so much. A pool of thick blood surrounded each limb, however, the most thing I found disturbing was the face.

The mouth was opened slightly, and the eyes were dull. Blood was splattered all over the face. It's own blood. All I could see on it's face was mercy and forgiveness.

What cruel creature did this? Do they not have a heart?

Rage started to rush through my body. I snapped my head up to the sky and screamed, "COME OUT, YOU HEARTLESS JERK!"

A hand grabbed on to my shoulder and yanked me back.

"Cry for me, time god," commanded the voice quietly. We were facing each other now. And guess what?

My assumptions were right.

It was Tomoe.

I pushed him away from me. His dark, purple eyes sparked up and a playful smirk rested on his face. "Who ate your bowl of sunshine, thundercloud?" I joked.

Our eyes locked with each other, glaring at one another, but his look was more amuse than anger. "For a human god, you're quite a catch."

I really wanted to light him up with my godly fire, but I just couldn't let myself come to that.

"You don't say stuff like that to women, moron!" I exclaimed, as he earned a slap from me. He touched his swollen cheek, and continued looking at the ground. 

I rolled my eyes and started walking away, when I was pinned against a tree and I felt two cold hands snake around my neck, clasping on tightly to my small neck.

I can't breathe. I need air!

With every strength I had in my body, I tried pushing back but who was I kidding. Tomoe is stronger than me. Mentally and physically.

"Giving up so soon, Hikari?" Remarked Tomoe. My eyes were starting to close. I can't believe it. I just wanted to cry. Why did Mizuki show me that?

Those were the last words I heard, until everything went dark.

~ • ~

"AHH!" I screamed, shooting up from the ground. Where was I? I looked to both sides of me, and instantly recognised where I was.

I was back home in the shrine.

Sighing, I leaned against my wardrobe and slid down it, curling into a ball. It was just a dream. A horrible dream that felt so real. I gently clutched on to my neck, seeing if I could feel the marks. For some strange reason I couldn't feel them.

My body feels so damn heavy, yet so weak.

"You were out for such a long time," began Mizuki, as he entered the room with Onikiri and Kotetsu.

They ran and hugged on to the sides of my waist. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around them. "Don't worry guys, I'm okay now."

Mizuki picked up the burner and started to clean off the incense ashes off it. "I sent your soul to the past," explained Mizuki seriously, "what you saw was the past world linked to the present." 

I lifted myself of the ground and walked back to my bed. As I passed Mizuki I saw him give a wicked smile. "Did you meet Tomoe?"

I paused. "It's better if you don't speak to me or don't ask me that."

"Aha! So you did see Tomoe's true colours! You saw what he did to Hikari, and you saw how heartless he was! Why do you-..." He has already pissed me off showing me Tomoe's past, now he is pushing me to my limit.

"He is not any of those, you dumb snake! Don't you get it? I don't care about his past! In fact, I could give a rat's ass about his past. All I care about is him now, and I don't need anyone's approval, only mine. You can't stop love, Mizuki. If I like him, I like him! Nobody can change my opinion!"

When did love come in to the matter? I placed my head in my hands. This isn't me. Why am I sticking up for Tomoe?

"Brooke, listen to me-..."

"Don't call me, Brooke!" I hissed with venom laced in my words.

"You don't realise that Tomoe isn't all what he seems! He is a vile, disgusting, vicious fox who  couldn't give a care for anyone, only himself! He is ruthless, and when it comes to people he is merciless! Brooklyn, open your eyes!"

I pushed him against the wall and exclaimed, "SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!" Why was I acting like this? This wasn't me. I quickly took my hands off him.

"I'm so sorry, Mizuki." I looked at Onikiri and Kotetsu who were shocked and speechless. I placed a hand on my mouth and stepped back. "I've gotta-..."

I fell back, but somebody caught me it their arms. Tomoe. "Hey, Brooklyn," Tomoe said. Nanami slammed the shutter and put down her umbrella. "HEY HOBO-BUDDY!" She cried from the entrance.

They're back. I'm so happy.

"What is that snake doing here?" Growled Tomoe as he helped me up. I couldn't stop staring at Tomoe. This was the guy I saw in my dream (nightmare, more like) a while ago. He was strangling me, now he is holding me.

I couldn't resist it any longer. I wrapped my arms around him and cried into his school shirt. All I've wanted to do is hug him since that nightmare.

I'm just so happy that this is the Tomoe I know, not the dark or evil one anymore.

"What did you do to her, Mizuki?!" Scolded Nanami as she lay her hand on my shoulder.

"Hehe, it's a secret!" Whispered Mizuki as he placed his index finger to his lips.

"Get out," Tomoe threatened quietly, wrapping his arms around my sides delicately, "and don't you dare upset Brooke again, snake, or I will end your life next time!"

Mizuki transformed into his snake form and escaped from the opened shutter of the kitchen.

I released myself from Tomoe and mumbled, "Thank you." He then grabbed my hand and started dragging me with him.

"What are you doing?" I sniffled, wiping away my tears quickly. We were now in the main hallway. Where is he taking me?

"We're going to talk." Oh yeah, Tomoe wanted to speak to me. This better be good.

"Now?" I complained. He pulled me closer to him and shut the shutter to his room.



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