Unwanted (BoyxBoy) ~Completed~

By xXPsychodicPandaXx

279K 8.9K 1.6K

(WARNING!: DEPRESSING CONTENT, POORLY WRITTEN: READ AT YOUR OWN RISK) "I deserve just as much pain as she... More

Unwanted Ch.1
Unwanted Ch.2
Unwanted Ch.3
Unwanted Ch.4
Unwanted Ch.5
Unwanted Ch.6
Unwanted Ch.7
Unwanted Ch.8
Unwanted Ch.9
Unwanted Ch.10
Unwanted Ch.11
Unwanted Ch.12
Unwanted Ch.13
Unwanted Ch.14
Unwanted Ch.15
Unwanted Ch.16
Unwanted Ch.17
Unwanted Ch.18
Unwanted Ch.19
Unwanted Ch.20
Unwanted Ch.21
Unwanted Ch.22
Unwanted Ch.23
Unwanted Ch.24
Unwanted Ch.25
Unwanted Ch.27
Unwanted Ch.28
Unwanted Ch.29
Last Note Ever!!! Promise
Unwanted Ch.30
Unwanted Ch.31

Unwanted Ch.26

4.9K 185 48
By xXPsychodicPandaXx

 Dedicated to every person reading this :)


"I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me and I walk alone

I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
When the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk alone"

Green Day- Blvd. of Broken Dreams


Mark's POV. (Luke's Dad)

"Sarah you can't  do this." I said frustrated at her. What is she thinking of kicking me out like this? And for that kid nonetheless.

 "You...are...getting the fuck..... out of my house!" She said walking back and forth from the dresser taking out all my stuff and packing it in a suitcase. I walked to her and snatched my shirt from her hand roughly and put it back in the dresser.

"But you love me and I love you. You can't leave me for our faggot son. Can't you see how messed up this whole situation is? We can't have such a thing in our family when he is just a disgrace to the family name." I told her. Why can't she get this through her head.

"A disgrace? Really, that's what you think?" She said glaring coldly at me and I noticed she had finished packing up the second suitcase. Wow she worked quick.

"No sweetie, it's what I know. If we keep Luke in our family, don't you know how society would look at us. We would be such a shameful family and that can't happen. What would your sister think? And I don't even want to think of the rest of the family's reaction. We need to have him out before it's too late." I told her and she smiled sweetly at me. There we go, guess she finally understood.

"You know what, your right. This family is turning into a disgrace. Oh but honey the problem isn't Luke." She said as her smile widened and she started walking closer to me. I backed up a little trying to understand that weird glimmer in her eye. What did she mean it wasn't Luke? Of course this was his entire fault.

"No? Than who's the problem?" I said as I hit the back wall of our room and she stopped right in front of me

"You, you fucking bastard." And before I could properly register her words, the sound of a slap to my left cheek echoed across the room. I looked back towards her as I lifted my hand and pressed it against my now stinging red cheek. She smiled at me and walked out of the room with the two suitcases in hand and tossed them down the stairs as I quickly ran over and saw them crashing down until they hit the floor. I looked back at her now glaring serious face and I couldn't help but gulp at the sudden dryness in my throat. She was serious. I looked back at my suitcases and proceeded on down the stairs, releasing my anger with every step I took for being kicked out of my own home.

Once I reached the bottom, I picked up the suitcases and headed towards the door with Sarah in tow behind me. Turning once more to look at her, I searched for some sort of sign in her eyes telling me this was all a joke. That she truly wasn't doing this to me and would soon fall into my arms again. As her deep green eyes were surrounded with nothing but darkness, I knew I wasn't getting what I expected. I cleared my throat and opened my mouth to give my farewell.

"I guess you don't have true love for me if this is what your willing to do." I said now in my most controlled tone as I tried leveling my anger. Her eyes turned into slits glaring furiously at me. She walked closer to me and pointed her finger against my chest harshly.

"I used to love you. But now the only person worthy of my love is the one laying on a hospital bed close to dying. Now get the hell out before I get you out myself." She said unlocking the door and waiting for me to exit. Releasing one last breath, I walked out of the house and possibly out of her life. I looked back at her and came face to face with a closed door.

"You know what, fine choose that faggot over me. But soon you'll realize what a mistake you've made and will be begging for me to come back home. When you lose your job and realize that I am the reason this family can pay for everything, than you'll see how much you need me." I shouted and received nothing but silence. What a stupid woman.

I walked to my car and put the suitcases in the trunk than got in. Oh what a fucked up day. Starting the car, I pulled out of the driveway and headed to the nearest hotel. Guess I'll be bunking there until I find a place to stay. Ridiculous how I was the one kicked out when that messed up thing I sadly called a son was the one suppose to be leaving. How could he do such a thing? How could he crush his father's dreams like this. He was suppose to find a beautiful wife and give me lots of grandchildren. But instead finding a husband and having to adopt, uh gross I can't even imagine it. That's just really sick.


Andy's POV.

As I paced back and forth in the cell, I couldn't stop the thoughts of worry passing through my head. Was Luke ok? Would he make it? How would he react to everything that happened if he woke up? Thought after thought kept me awake all night in this freaking cell. How long before I would be able to get out and see Luke? How long would all this take?

I sat back down as Ann started to move besides me and woke up suddenly screaming. I looked at her as her eyes roamed the entire room and finally settled on me. She closed her eyes tightly and than opened them as she took in deep breaths trying to calm down. I moved over to her side and looked at her whispering softly.

"Was it bad dream again?" I asked and she nodded after a second fully awake now. This has been going on and off every time she shuts her eyes. I see now why she hates sleeping. I know exactly what those nightmares do to you and up to now I still have small ones. Thankfully though they allow me to get through the night without screaming like Ann did.

"I thought the cops said you would be moved to another cell?" Ann said to me while I looked through the cell bars at the empty white room. The only other person there was a sleeping guard officer who had some drool coming out of his mouth snoring and seating on a chair by the entrance. I shrugged my shoulders and rested my head on the back wall.

"Guess they're still filing papers and all that shit. You know how long it takes sometimes to deal with our so called 'laws'. What? Trying to get rid of me already?" I said putting air quotes around laws and smiling. I soon feel a hand gently being placed into mine and I sat up to see Ann looking at me with an unreadable expression.

"No, I don't want them to take you." She said slowly tracing patterns on the palm of my hand and than grasping it tightly in her small ones as if afraid I'd disappear suddenly.

"What's wrong?" I asked looking at her face that had lost it's smile and was now staring at our intertwined hands deeply lost in thought. She looked back at me and a thoughtful look was now there.

"What would you do if you loved Luke but knew you couldn't have him?" She asked surprising me. Hm, what would I do?

"I would fight for him because he is everything I have. I wouldn't let whatever it is that's keeping us apart separate us." I can't even imagine not having Luke. It's like asking if I could live without air. Just impossible and that's why Luke has to get better. If he doesn't I think you all know the answer to what will happen.

"I wish it were that easy. But that would never happen." Ann said letting go of my hand with that same sad look. Uh god that's really bothering me.

"Ann come on. Tell me what your thinking. Do you like someone but they don't love you back or something?" I asked now registering her words and trying to figure out the puzzle. She looked into my eyes as if trying to tell me something with them but I just couldn't figure it out.

"Yeah something like that. It's very complicated." She said her voice going lower in the end.

"How is it complicated?" I asked taking hold of her hand again and she tried to pull away but I just held on tighter and she stopped fighting my hold.

"Have you ever loved a girl?" She suddenly asked as my face turned into one of shock now really understanding what she was saying. Was she talking about me? Was I the one she couldn't love?

"Ann wait. Look we're friends and all that but Luke and I-

"I know and I understand. You and Luke have something so special, so beautiful, and I would never break that. Ever. I just wanted to know, well...what you think....of me." She finished now dropping her head down and staring at the floor. I lifted her head back gently by her chin and than softly placed my hand on her cheek. She leaned into the touch absorbing all the comfort I could offer.

"Ann your a beautiful, funny, and very strong girl. You've gone through so much hell. Your living in a hell yet you don't let it show. And one day, a very lucky guy will have you in his arms. But that guy just can't be me. I'm sorry." I told her dropping my hand and looked at her face for a response. She nodded knowing that's what I would say and I felt really bad for her. It hurt because now I knew she liked me but she just couldn't get that back. I can't love her like that.

"Ann I really do love you, but, well more as a best friend than anything else." I said stating it clearly.

"I know. I get it. I just wanted to let it out because its been in there for a while and I guess it just needed to be told. I feel better now though. And besides, Luke is a brother to me. I would never think of breaking you two apart and just know that I'll try to move on. I'll try my hardest to forget this stupid little crush because that's all it ever was." She said but I could hear the hurt behind those words. Someone listening would just listen to the smiling tone she had on but I could hear through that barrier and the brokenness of it. She felt even worse, and that was because of me now.

"Ann please. You said you understood. That the feeling to tell me was free now and you felt better ." I said upset now with myself as well.

"And I do. But you know how fucked up love can be. It stays in your heart for a while and well it doesn't just vanish. Sure I'm upset but it's not like there's anything I can do about it. I just have to wait for it to fade and well forget." She said placing that all too fake smile again. Boy I just want to scream at her right now because she doesn't have to pretend like that. Doesn't she know that hiding pain just makes it worse? Before I could talk again, keys jingled and I saw a officer come in. The one sleeping quickly shot up and stood in attention as if that's what he had been doing the whole time. So stupid.

"Annabelle Maxwell. Your father has just paid the fine. Your free to go." The officer said to Ann and I quickly turned to look at her. Her face had drained of all color and I literally knew what she felt right now. She had the same look I had when my step mother had found me. She was pale and visibly shaking. The officer unlocked the cell and Ann was still frozen in place. I walked to her trying to snap her out of it but nothing.

"Ann listen to me. You'll be ok. I'll try to do something. I'll figure out how to help." I told her and that seemed to catch her attention.

"I....I  d-didn't think he would get m-me out. Andy no please please please don't tell. Don't say a word ok? Promise me like Luke promised. Don't let these officers know." She whispered to me shakily her voice faltering with every breath she took. I was pissed off. Her dad was going to kill her for this. He abuses her and now he had to waste money to get her out of jail. He must be furious and I know something bad will happen. And I can't let it go on.

"I promise." I told her but knew I was lying between my teeth. She took it and started to make her way out of the cell. Before she left I went and pulled her into a tight hug and I could feel her relax.

"I'll be out soon and by your side in a matter of days." I told her and she nodded. With that I let her go and she left with the officer. The other one came and locked the cell again as I took a seat on the hard bench on my own now. Ann just hold on please. Ugh my mind can't take all this when now I have two people to constantly worry about.


Ann's POV.

I tried calming my nerves down as my body continued to shake. He's going to kill me. He's going to kill me. He's going-

"Ann how nice to see you again." That cold voice hit me like a thousand waves drowning me into a lifeless clump. Looking at him he's eyes showed the anger behind them and I could feel the room grow colder at just being near him.

"What? No hug for your father? Oh Ann I raised you better than that. Come on, come on I know you missed being in my arms." He said and I knew the meaning behind those words. He pulled me against his chest pretending to be the all too loving father I knew he could never be. We walked out of the police station after signing some papers and that's when I knew he dropped his fake act.

"You bitch. Do you know how much money I had to spend to get your lousy ass out of there? Your not even worth that much. Your barely worthy of living." He spat out in a disgusted tone as if I was nothing but shit to him.

"You wouldn't have had to pay if you had let me stay the week." I shot back knowing he wouldn't take that too kindly. When he slammed the car door after getting in, I knew I had just added more flames to the fire. He looked at me smiling a devious smile with a wicked glint in his eyes.

"Oh but little Annabelle. I couldn't wait a week when I have some friends back home." He said starting the car and right there I could feel my heart drop.

"Friends. What f-friends?" I asked him terrified. No he couldn't do this.

"Some friends that paid me a heck of a lot of money for you to be their slut today. I get money plus it's a perfect punishment for you ending up in jail. See two wins in a row for me and nothing for you. And who knows, I might even join them." He laughed pulling into the driveway. Why couldn't we live further away from the police station? I felt paralyzed. No literally I couldn't move. When my dad yelled at me to get out of the car, it didn't register in my mind that I had to move my body to get out. I just sat there, as if made of stone. I heard my dad sigh angrily and opened my door pulling me out. My legs collapsed under me and before I could hit the ground my dad pulled me up and tossed me over his shoulder.

"Always got to make things hard for your old man huh?" He said shaking his head in disappointment. I felt him go up the apartment stairs and up to our front door. Looking for his keys, I could already hear loud laughter and shouts inside. Unlocking the door the noise stopped and I could feel all eyes turn towards us.

"Well look at that ass. Is that what we're getting tonight Pete?" I heard a man's voice say and I could hear his footsteps as he got up and walked towards me. His hand pressed against my ass and I whimpered scared for what they would do. My body was still unresponsive as if being shut down from the fear and I hated how I couldn't do anything.

"Oh you can bet on that. She's all yours tonight." My dad said like I was just a whore ready to give myself to them. He walked me over and tossed me on the living room couch. I yelped at the sudden movement and my body turned into defense mode finally moving as I sank back into the couch wishing it would swallow me up. I looked around and there were three men opposite from me. One had a shiny bald head that resembled my father's with a scar running across his eye. He looked to be in his forties and had a beard made into a braid making him look like a goat. He had that biker look that freaked me out as his eyes hungrily ran across my body. That was the one that touched me I assumed.

Next to him was a man that had some missing teeth in the front and his black hair was combed to the side looking greasy and gross. He had a thick moustache on his lip and his face showed nothing but lust. He was slightly thinner than the biker with a lose red t-shirt and ripped dirty jeans.

The last one seemed to be the youngest around eighteen or nineteen perhaps. He had short brown hair that nearly covered his eyes. His face held that all too charming look that any girl would swoon over. I would have found him attractive if he wasn't here to hurt me. In my eyes he was nothing but a dirty asshole.

"Alright boys. Enjoy yourself." My dad said and that's when I noticed a red headed whore looking woman clinging to his arm. Her breasts were nearly spilling out of that tiny tank top showing her flat stomach and a slutty skirt showing half her ass. I felt so grossed out right now that it was as if I was in a whore house instead of my own home. My dad left the room with the woman and I felt a hand touch my cheek.

"So young and beautiful. And not one ounce of innocence left." The biker said pulling me up and touching me. The one with the red shirt started kissing up my neck and tears started spilling out of my eyes. Both of them started to take off my clothes and I didn't even fight knowing it would just cause for them to hit me. I opened my eyes and noticed that the younger one wasn't even looking at me or even near me. What was he doing here than?

"Alec come here. Remember what I told you." The one with the red shirt said to who I'm guessing now is named Alec. He stood up and looked at me with eyes of regret. Why was he looking at me like that? Didn't he come here to do what these assholes are doing?

Once my clothes were ripped off, the biker backed away and Alec took his place. His eyes held nothing but shame and I felt like he didn't even want to be here. He got closer to me and whispered in my ear.

"I'm so sorry. Please, I beg you to forgive me." He said and started to kiss me. His words echoed in my mind. I knew this voice. I had heard this voice before. But it was different. Last time I heard a voice like this, it sounded younger, friendlier, and not full of regret. But where? I felt the biker start to touch me again behind me. His hands roaming up and down but all that disappeared when I focused on Alec's soft lips. They weren't forceful or hungry like the man's with the red shirt. His were slow and barley touching my own lips like he felt afraid. But why was he doing this when now I knew he didn't want to? And most importantly, why wasn't I grossed out or scared anymore of him and instead enjoyed his lips on mine? Was I literally turning into a whore?

Tears still feel down and Alec pulled away wiping them with his fingers. His face looked so upset and I nodded my head no. I didn't want him to feel so bad when he was the only one with some decency left.

"But I can't help the tears that pour from your eyes. Your being tortured." He said to me and I leaned into his soft touch still scared of the two other men.

"Alec enough. Your such a fucking weakling." The same man with the red shirt said taking his pants off. I grew terrified when he walked loser to me and pushed Alec out of the way sending him stumbling backwards. He smiled wickedly at me touching my breasts and I cried out when he pushed me back on the couch and entered me. No no no. He doesn't even have protection on. No this can't be happening. The biker started pressing himself against my mouth and I held it close tightly. I cried quietly now as the other one started moving faster inside me and before I could register what was going on he was pulled off me and sent back against the wall. The biker got off and stared at what was going on and that's when I noticed Alec hitting the man repeatedly.

"You can't fucking do this. I've had enough of this sick joke." Alec said to the man growing bloodier by the minute. The man fought back pushing Alec off him and started punching Alec harder. Both of them were wrestling on the floor and my dad soon rushed in hearing all the noise.

"What the fuck is going on here?" He said staring at the scene before him. He looked at me and glared.

"You caused this didn't you? You fucking bitch." He said slapping me hard on the cheek and sending me down to the floor. I clutched me cheek tightly feeling the blood pool in my hands from my broken lip. I cried out in pain as he started kicking me hard  on my ribs, losing hope and wishing the darkness would just take me already. From my eye that wasn't swollen I could see the biker quickly get dressed and leaving the scene with a final last glance back.

Alec was still trying to pry the man off him and tried getting to me but it was too late. My dad had hurt me so much that I couldn't move a muscle. And when he got off me he went over to the man and helped him hit Alec. Why was he hitting him too? What did he do?

"Boy remember what we did to your mother. Don't forget we'll do the same to Annabelle." My dad said to him and I was clueless. What did they do?

"Your...your already....killing her. There's... not... not much left...to her..... breaking point." Alec said trying to control his breathing taking in large breaths of air.

"Better like this than actually dead right?" My dad said with a smile. Alec looked at me with a look of helplessness and I was confused. So confused. I knew this guy. Those sharp light green eyes. I've seen them before. Ugh why can't I fucking remember. Is it the pain clouding my thoughts now? Who cares I just want to grasp that darkness. My eyes started to shut, too much pain filling me until I completely drifted away.


Andy's POV.

I sat there alone for hours until Officer Johnson walked in the room.

"Good news kid. Your appearance in court has been moved to tomorrow and I'll be there to help you. My buddy Chuck, he's a friend of mine and a very good lawyer will be there to represent you. I told him everything and I'm about ninety-five percent sure you'll be able to avoid prison." He said to me and I felt so grateful.

"Wait what about that five percent?" I asked.

"Well that's if Hanson has some way to figure out how to escape the dilemma he's in. He is close to losing his job for illegally assaulting you first. That's what will get you out of this mess kid. If we say he jumped you first for being gay." He said and I nodded. Not bad but hopefully it'll work out in the court room. I can only wait and see.


And there you go. Was it good or bad? I'm not too proud of this chapter because of the way it's written. I want to know seriously though your opinions and don't say it was good just to make me happy. I want to know if you actually enjoyed reading it or if I'm making you lose interest in the story. And yes I get that a lot of bad things go on but guys this is just how I like writing it and it will not end bad because I hate having an unhappy ending. And that's all I'm giving away because I also get that more things will have to be answered in the next chapters. Well luv you and thanks for reading <3>

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