Bookshop Encounters (Chris Ke...

By mediagirl94

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Book 1 in the Fantastic Foursome Series *COMPLETED* When Rachel went to work, she expected another dull day o... More

Authors Note #1
Chapter One: Rachel Watts
Chapter Two: Bookshop Encounters
Chapter Three: Housing Issues
Chapter Four: Fantastic Foursome?
Chapter Five: Twenty Questions
Chapter Six: Secrets!
Chapter Seven: Wake Up
Chapter Eight: Home Sweet Home
Chapter Nine: Amber Alert
Chapter Ten: Calm Before The Storm
Chapter Eleven: Lifts and Betrayal
Chapter Twelve: Brighton & Board Games Pt.1
Chapter Thirteen: Brighton & Board Games Pt.2
Chapter Fourteen: Brighton & Board Games Pt.3
Chapter Fifteen: Brighton & Board Games Pt.4
Chapter Sixteen: Brighton & Board Games Pt.5
Chapter Seventeen: Meeting Zoella
Chapter Nineteen: Sugg Sunday Special
Chapter Twenty: Lazy Sunday Afternoon
Chapter Twenty One: Bookshop Encounters 2.0
Omegle Boy (Danisnotonfire) Book 2
Social Media!
YouTube Imagines Book
Achievement Hunter Imagines Book

Chapter Eighteen: Date Night

653 38 22
By mediagirl94

Chapter Eighteen: Date Night


You'd been back in London a few days since Brighton and you were already missing the seaside. Chris had decided that tonight would be date night and for it to work I was evicted from the flat until this evening; I didn't want to know what took a guy all day to prepare for. We'd had dates before, casual dates that didn't require much effort other than cuddling in front of Netflix or playing Xbox. I'd tried and failed to get information out of Dan and Phil, they normally broke easily but on this one they decided for once to keep quiet.

Because I had nothing to do until this evening I somehow managed to persuade Phil to go shopping with me in town to keep me occupied, this shocked Dan who refused to leave his browsing position. We were currently sitting in Starbucks which Phil had insisted on buying because he was a gem and I was very good at getting free stuff off of my friends.

"How are you and Chris Rachel?"

Phil's question took me a little by surprise; after all we'd just been talking about Game of Thrones and whether or not dragons would listen to us. I nearly choked on my coffee but stopped myself.

"Err Phil, why the personal question? Not that I mind or anything but it was a little off subject."

Phil scratched his head before answering.

"After the Amber incident I know you and him made up in Brighton, but Dan and I don't want to see you hurt again. We love Chris but you're like a little sister to me."

"Ah Phillip, come here you big softy."

I scooted off the sofa I was sitting on and slid next to Phil before wrapping my arms around his shoulders and squeezing him tight. Phil chuckled, probably slightly embarrassed since people were most likely watching us.

"Rachel, people are watching."

I released Phil and shrugged my shoulders before straightening my glasses.

"Who cares? I love you too Phil. You're like the best big brother anyone could ask for. Fans are probably well jealous of me right now."

"Let's take a selfie."

Phil took his phone out and I quickly primped my hair which I'd curled this morning before Chris kicked me out. We posed like two idiots and took around ten photos, each one progressively worse than the last. I chose the ones I liked and Phil sent them to me before he uploaded a couple onto Instagram and Tumblr.

"Prepare for the fanfics Phillip, there will be about five of them about us before the day is done."

Phil shook his head, he knew all too well about the murky world of fanfiction. Phan was very popular much to Dan and Phil's dislike; they just happened to have very dedicated fans who liked making up heartfelt and sometimes disturbing and not kid friendly stories about their idols.

After the Starbucks we browsed some of the bigger shops on Oxford Circus before Phil got swamped by fans and we decided to keep to the smaller shops away from lots of people. I still couldn't get over the fact that someone said Phil and I would be cute together and they shipped us. Phil went red as a tomato while I stood speechless before I composed myself and signed her phone case of all things, I nudged Phil who snapped out of his trance and also signed it for the eager fan.

I was back at Dan and Phil's and Dan instructed me to wear something nice for tonight. Chris really was going all out for this date. So I found myself sat in front of Dan's bedroom mirror as he straightened my hair, he offered and Phil was more than happy to mock him and film some of it. I told Phil he could do my nails if he wanted and that shut him up before he scurried out of the bedroom, Dan high fived me without so much as burning my neck. This boy had some skills.

Dan managed to get me into a black and white monochrome skater dress that had white stripes on the skirt after much protest from me. I was also forced into some black heels which wouldn't make me that much taller but matched the dress according to Dan, it was at this point I questioned his sexuality and he flipped his hair over his shoulder dramatically and said he'd always had a flare for fashion.

I stepped into the living room to get Phil's reaction of my outfit. I'd somehow swatted Dan away from touching my makeup because that boy would have gone over the top which Chris didn't like. My makeup was natural with my lips painted a dark shade of red to match my winged eyeliner, it was enough for me and I thought I looked like a girl for once. I cleared my throat to get Dan and Phil's attention as they sat on the sofa browsing Tumblr.

"My little girls all grown up, I'm a proud mother hen. Phil tell our little girl that she looks lovely."

Dan wiped away imaginary tears while I blushed. Phil smiled and patted Dan on the shoulder.

"You turned our baby girl into a princess Dan."

"Take a picture Phil; I want to frame it so I remember our girls special night."

Dan jumped off the sofa and came to stand next to me, he wrapped an arm around my shoulder while Phil laughed and pulled his phone out to take a picture. We did a couple of silly poses and then Phil swapped places with Dan and we took some serious ones. I made them promise not to upload them until after my date because I wanted my outfit to be a surprise for Chris.


I'd never been more nervous about something in my whole life. I'd sent Rachel away for the whole day with Dan and Phil while I got the flat ready for our date night. I didn't want to do our usual pizza, Netflix and Xbox night because she was special and I felt like I needed to go overboard after everything we'd gone through. I wasn't the greatest cook but I managed to cobble a three course meal together with some help from Delia Smith courtesy of Dan.

I'd also cleaned up the flat and lit Rachel's favourite candles which I found out from Phil. The dining table was set up with a candle in the middle along with a bottle of wine and two glasses. The only thing out of place were the mismatched knives, forks and plates which hopefully Rachel would overlook because she knew nothing in the kitchen matched for an odd unknown reason.

I made sure to tell Dan to get Rachel to dress up and I knew the boy wouldn't fail me because he had killer fashion sense when it came to women despite his love of black and leather. I put on my nicest non creased trousers and a black and white spotted short sleeve shirt, PJ advised me against any tie or bow tie and to just keep the top button undone so I looked formal but not to formal. I did have the greatest friends anyone could ask for and now I had the greatest girl, how did I get so lucky?

The door unlocked around 7:00pm which was the time I asked Dan and Phil to send Rachel back, I was in the kitchen putting the tomato and basil soup on simmer.

"Chris where are you?"

Rachel's angelic voice floated through the flat and I quickly turned the soup ring off and straightened my shirt before exiting the kitchen. My breath was taken away as soon as I laid eyes on her, so Dan had managed to put her in black but the colour suited her especially the white stripes on the skirt. God she was beautiful. Rachel blushed when she saw me looking and bowed her head.

"We kind of match Chris, black and white but you have spots and I have stripes. We really are one of those couples."

Rachel laughed under her breath and I joined her before closing the gap between us. She looked up at me and I cupped her chin before bending down to brush my lips gently against hers, she kissed me back before pulling away and smiling.

"Chris you didn't have to do all this for me."

"Yes I did because you're worth it Rachel and I wanted to try something different. Can I get you a glass of wine?"

She nodded and I led her over to the dining table, this was unfamiliar territory for me but so far it seemed that Rachel was enjoying herself. We toasted to being a cheesy couple and then I remembered about the soup.

"Shit the soup."

Rachel laughed from the doorway of the kitchen as I flapped around the kitchen like a demented penguin.

"And he cooks, what did I do to get so damn lucky?"

She wrapped her arms around my waist as I stirred the soup which looked ready.

"We're both losers and losers are drawn to each other. Now sit you ass down so I can make you eat the meal I've slaved over."

She laughed and saluted me before leaving the kitchen. I dished up the soup and carried it towards the table; Rachel rubbed her hands together as I put the bowl down in front of her.

"This is amazing Chris, thank you."

I sat down opposite her and shrugged my shoulders.

"You still have a main and a dessert coming your way so don't get your hopes up just yet. I still have time to mess up."

"I know you won't and even if you do I'll smile and eat it because I'm a good girlfriend."

She flipped her hair over her shoulder and dug into the soup, I surprised myself when I tasted it and it was alright. We joked about Dan and Phil and how they acted like a proud mum and dad when Rachel got ready for her date, I put her at ease by telling her Dan had styled and straightened my hair multiple times and had never once messed up. I nearly choked on the wine as Rachel tried to piece together that Dan really was gay but really good at covering it up.

For the main I made us a simple pasta dish and Rachel struggled to keep it together when I suggested we recreate the scene from Lady and the Tramp. But like a trooper she agreed, it was one of her favourite Disney films after all. Let's just say we failed and ended up with pasta sauce all over our faces. It made for some good Instagram pictures and memories for the future.

After the main course Rachel helped me clean up a little in the kitchen as we made room for dessert which was a hot chocolate fudge cake. In terms of helping she sat on the counter drying dishes while I did the actual washing up.

"Chris this has been the best date I've ever been on and I'm happy I got to experience it with you."

I was happy that she was happy. I washed the last dish and placed it in the rack before turning to face her. She smiled and wrapped her arms around my shoulders pulling me closer to her. We'd drunk two bottles of wine, so the equivalent of one each and I discovered that Rachel was a little bit of a light weight.

"Does this make the best boyfriend?"

She nodded and pulled me in for a kiss before briefly pulling back and smirking.

"Oh you win boyfriend of the year. How about we skip the cake, I'm craving a different kind of dessert Chris."

She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively which made me chuckle, but I liked where she was going with this idea. We could always eat the cake tomorrow, I wasn't about to turn down sex for chocolate cake even though it was tempting.

"Why don't you show me how thankful you are for tonight Rachel?"

"Okay Chris, now kiss me."

She bit her lip and before I knew what I was doing my body took over and I crashed my lips against hers. She gripped her fingers in my hair and tugged to keep me in place, I couldn't think of a better way to end a date.

"Jump Rachel."

She obliged and wrapped her legs around my waist never breaking the feverish kiss as I carried her towards the bedroom. I should do this romantic crap more often.

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