The Promises we Made

By poisonedapple1908

781 47 14

Katrina, abused by her parents and almost killed, is taken to a school of horrors by her best friend, Jake wi... More

The Promises we Made
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 9

37 4 0
By poisonedapple1908

The searing pain knocked my breath out and i weezed a moan. I felt the fire charing my back. I gasped and felt it burning through my shirt also. i think being stabbed is better compared to the feeling of being burned alive. The wood was crushing into my and i struggled to move. Suddenly, i felt a burst of energy and rolled over, toppling the wood to one side. I felt the numbness spreading on my back and i could tell by the amount of time it took to heal, i knew they were third degree burns that were potentially deadly. While the burst of energy lasted, i put my hands together and willed the cold to magnify. I felt it at an okay size and thought about how the fire had exploded up and wanted the cold to do the same. I opened my hands and the wind and frost came shooting up making  my hair whip all around my face like a lions mane.

The cold froze the licks of flame on the roof and now they looked like icicles decorating the roof. I looked at a cowering Jake on the floor. Although he would never admit it, he was terrified of what happened and me. I would be too but he put on a brave face for me and accepted everything about me and for that i owe him the world.

I walked over, helped him up, and asked "are you okay?".

"yeah. Sure. Fine" he rambled, shaking slightly. Then i herd the distinct crack of ice. Right above Jake again. I heard the final crack, the silly girl grin wiped clean off my face, and heard the whistle of the icicle slicing through the air like butter. I dove on Jake and felt the ice enter me. It went a chilling pain up my spine and i screamed in agony. I felt like the cold hand of death itself was gripping my soul. I felt dizzy and rolled off Jake.

The icicle hadn't completely gone through me, although it was close, so Jake was fine. But rolling off was a big mistake. I rolled on my back, pushing the rest of the icicle through me. I arched my back with a scream lodged in my throat. The pain was overtaking. I couldn't think clearly. All i knew was i wasn't felling the numbness that always promised bliss. A pearl shaped tear escaped me and i rolled onto my side so the pressure wasn't on the wound.

"Jake " i coughed.

He crawled to me and whispered "Cat, baby... What do i do?". My breaths grew shallow and realized the ice and pierced my heart and i was bleeding out. My eyes rolled like a ball at full speeds. I should be healing! Maybe my wounds were too great. Or...maybe there was something in the way?

"Jake" i said, my voice barley a whisper " get it out" i spoke my last words before the blackness that had splotched my vision before, won over completely.


The first thing to register with me was a dull pain on my back but it was shrinking. The numbness was spreading through me. I sucking in a large breath, temporarily satisfying my lungs. I cracked my eyes open a little and say Jake face pass through my vision. Jake's gorgeous face. I had just died. Well that would make me...a zombie? I chuckled at the thought of me as a zombie. I blinked a few  times and rolled on my back.

"Cat! Oh my god, Cat! " Jake called. I sat up and looked at him to my left, my face still painted with a wide smile. "what the hell Cat! You just died and now you decide to crack up?! Are you okay? Do i need to take you to a hospital?" Jake yelled at me. My smile fell. What a buzz kill.

"no, im fine Jake" i said "are you okay? The ice didn't you did it?".

"no, im alright" Jake replied. I looked around and realized that all the matts, weapons, and food were gone. "where's all our stuff?" i murmured.

"they disappeared when you...died" he choked out. I nodded. I then looked up and the ceiling was burnt beyond repair and the ice still decorated the remainder. I crossed my legs and thought about the roof before i burnt it. Right down to the dust bunnys that always fell on us while doing suicides, which is a running exercise that literally made you want to commit suicide. I got up, satisfied with the repairs. Jake didn't say anything. I felt a breez on my back and realized my shirt had been burnt to a crisp. I willed the shirt to be whole again.

"well we should go. Im sure you want to train with Megan and im sure shes been looking all over for you" i announced. I put my hands out for him, to take us back to the school. He took and hands and i brought us back to the school within seconds. I was getting good at this. I took us to the hall outside the gym.

"i wonder where Megan is?" Jake wondered. She's coming down the hall to the gym. She just had lunch. I told Jake and he looked at me questioningly. I held up a finger and waited for Megan to turn the corner.

Right on cue, Megan rounds the corner and calls "Jake! I've been looking all around for you! Where have you been all morning?".

"umr...uh" Jake stuttered.

"he was with me. We trained for a while. Sorry that i pulled him away from you" i interjected. She cringed a little at the sound of my voice. Oh ya, i had hurt her. Guilt griped my stomach.

"ya!" Jake agreed, surly glad to not have the pressure to answer anymore.

We stood there awkwardly until i said "well i should go. Jake, i'll see you at home".

I turned on my heel and was going to walk away when i heard a tiny voice say "you're welcome to join us if you want". I turned and it was Megan that had spoke. She was making an effort and i really appreciated it.

I smiled warmly and replied "no thanks. Im sure you both have alot of work to do".

I had an idea. I mentally sent Jake "do you mind if i invite her over for dinner tonight? I still feel awful for..." i let the sentence train off  i looked at him and he nodded slightly.

"would you like to join us for dinner tonight" i asked. She was taken a back but bobbed a yes. "great...say 6:00?". She smiled and i felt a little better. "see you later" i called as i walked back to our dorm. As i was walking through the hall, i came across Ms. Cindy. She stumbled at the sight of me and squinted her eyes at me.

"hi Ms. Cindy" i cried, my voice dripping with sweetness and pep.

 "hello... Katherine was it?" she sneered.

"Katrina" i corrected.

"oh woops!" she said sarcastically "so how are you feeling from last time we met?". She was smug. Well 2 can play at that.

"im great! So sorry for my little...accident" i replied, referring to throwing up on her. He smile dropped slightly and she shuttered at the memorie.

"s'okay" she scoffed. Oh i know, although she wouldn't admit it, it really grinds her gears i got her at her own game. Powers echoed through my mind. Did Ms. Cindy poses powers? Oh God, i hope not. Secret powers. So no one knew. i didn't where i was hearing this but i just felt like i could trust it.

I leaned closer and whispered "i know what you are. I know what you can do" a flicker of worry in her eye. "is there somewhere private we can go?" i asked, slyly. She nodded weakly and lead me to he classroom. "i assure you, i don't know what you are talking about" she cowered. "cut the crap...Angelina? Can i call you that? Great" i continued without an answer "i know what you can do...control plants right? You could call yourself mother-nature. Now unless you want me to tell Miles, i sujest you stop murdering kids with your killer plants and actually do your job" i felt powerful. Although i was being cruel, what she was doing was worse. "clear?" i asked. She nodded, shocked. " if you'll excuse me" i left a dumb founded Ms.Cindy. I went back to the dorm, satisfied with out little chat. Manipulating plants? Well that was cool. I wonder if i could do that.

When i walked into Jake's room, i looked for a plant. I found a half dead plant on his dresser. I stared at it and wanted it to be healthier and bigger. I watched as the plant grew greener than a freash pear and entwined around Jake's dresser. Ha! I could do what she does! I smiled smugly. I knew it wasn't a good characteristic to have but i couldn't help it. i glanced at the clock on Jake's bedside table. 1:26pm. I had a few ours to kill before dinner. I inexplicably yawned and decided to have a nap. Worrying about Jake had kept me up half the night but now i felt confident in Jake after seeing him fight my mental projections. He was alive and has been doing this for a while so he should be good. Why would this be any different?...right? I pulled my shoes off, not bothering to shower, before climbing into Jake's bed.

I closed my eyes and within 10 minutes, drifted into bliss.


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