Battle Horse

By Avisknight

16.6K 1.2K 366

Growing up in the Redmont castle ward wasn't the easiest. Ena grew up in the shadows of her other ward mates... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven

Chapter Twenty Eight

352 36 8
By Avisknight

Ena was stuck in the Redmont holding cell for almost two weeks. No one was allowed to see her, so she sat miserably in her prison. At the end of the two weeks her gate was opened, and the guards led her out. She was taken to the castle court yard, where her ward mates had gathered to see her off. She gave them all one last smile before she was escorted away. A guard accompanied her to Old Bob's where she would fetch her things and be off. When the reached the cluster of buildings, Bob and a ranger were waiting for her. The guard was sent back to the castle.

"Ena. This is Ranger Gilan. He will see you to the border of Celtica." Bob explained. Gilan pulled down his cowl and she gave him a small smile. Bob had already packed her things, so she shouldered her pack and was ready to leave.

"One more thing, Ena." Bob disappeared into the barn, returning several minutes later with a saddled Dancer. Ena's eyes lit up.

"Bob! He's saddled!" She exclaimed.

"Yes, I've been working non stop with him the past two weeks. He's all trained up and ready to go." He said.

"You helped him in that short amount of time?" She asked.

"He just needed a bit of reminding that's all. And, he has a code now." Ena grinned.

"Well Horse school will be happy to have him back." She said.

"No, dear. He's yours. You're taking him with you." She looked at him confused. The thought of owning Dancer made her giddy, but that's what got her in trouble in the first place.


"I told Ulf how he had gone wild and kicked your ribs in. He told me that he didn't want him, that he was just a reminder of you. He insisted that I fix him and give him to you." He said. Ena felt tears welling up in her eyes.

"Thank you so much!" She squealed.

"Now his code phrase is, Bealtaine mé." Ena nodded and whispered the code in Dancers ear. He let out a nicker, shaking his mane as if accepting it. She smiled as she climbed into his saddle. She tied her pack to the back, and gave Bob one last smile.

"I'll miss you. Thank you for everything." She said. He returned the smile.

"Now get out of here before you get us in trouble. Take care of her Ranger Gilan." Bob said turning to the young ranger. He climbed into his own saddle and nodded.

"Of course Old Bob." He reassured him. Ena and Gilan than left the small clearing.

"So, how does it feel to be a known criminal?" Gilan asked. She scoffed at his question.

"I was just banished from my home by the king himself. It's not exactly pleasant." She replied. He gave her a charming smile.

"Just stay out of trouble in Celtica." He said.

"Yes sir." She said, giving him a fake salute. He rolled his eyes.

"Come on, we have three days to make it to the border."


As they travelled along the road, Gilan kept her entertained by telling her stories of his adventures as a ranger. She'd keep him occupied by telling embarrassing stories of Will when he was little. Gilan had met Will a few weeks before, and was good friends with him already. She figured he was gathering blackmail for the future. The thought pained her, that Gilan would be able to see her ward mate in the future, and she was exiled. But she realised she brought it upon herself.

Ena leaned forward and patted Dancer on the neck.

"What are you planning on doing once you're at the border?" Gilan asked on the second day.

"I'm headed to castle Celtica. A few of my friends are there. I'm hoping to bunker down, until I find a job." Ena explained. Gilan nodded.

"Your friends work in the royal house hold?" He asked.

"Well, sort of. One of them does." She said, shifting uncomfortably in her saddle. Dancer seemed to sense how tense she was. She was just banned from Araluen, it wasn't exactly the time to tell a Kings Ranger that she was planning on meeting up with the Crown Princess of Araluen.

"Well that's nice. Castles are always in need of help, so I doubt finding work will be difficult." He told her. His words did take a weight of her shoulders. She couldn't hide behind Evanlyn forever. She'd leave with Cassandra sooner or later to head home. A young girl and a battle horse would look rather suspicious as well. She'd need a reason for having Dancer. It was a problem she had been struggling with for several days. She had a few more days to think about it though.

Ena was ready to doze off in the saddle when Gilan had them set up camp. They watered Dancer and Blaze from the small creek, and began a fire in the cover of a few hedges. They had view of the road, but they were hidden from the roads view. Gilan began to make dinner, but Ena politely refused. She was exhausted from the ride on top of the past few weeks. She unfolded her bedroll and fell asleep in it.


The next morning held grey sky's and a slight drizzle of rain. It only made Enas mood darken even more. They reached the border late that evening, much to Ena's dread. Gilan let out a sigh.

"Here's where I leave you, En. I don't think I need to warn you not to come back." Gilan said grimly.

"I won't cause trouble, Gil. Tell my ward mates I'm alright, please?" He nodded, promising he would.

"Take care of yourself." He said. She smiled and hugged him.

"Thanks, for keeping me company." He returned the hug and mounted Blaze once more.

"Maybe we'll meet once more." He suggested. She nodded.

"I'd like that." She mounted Dancer and road over the border. She glanced back at where Gilan stood, mounted, watching her as she left. She let out a depressed sigh before disappearing over the hill.


Sorry it's been a while! The app was being irritating, but it updated, so I'm all good again! Things will get better for En! Don't worry about her. By the way, totally named my horse after Gilan's...Please comment and vote, I love feedback. Love you all!


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