Chapter Twenty Six

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"Somethings wrong. I can feel it." Ena said thoughtfully. She and Bob were leaning against the fence watching as Dancer and Alroy bickered with each other. Bob figured it was a mere disagreement, but he started to believe Ena when Dancer lashed out at Alroy, sinking his teeth into Alroy's shoulder. Bob and Ena scrambled over the fence and ran to where the two stallions stood. Bob called to Alroy, and the old stallion pranced towards him. It wasn't a bad wound, but a bite wound none the less.

"What is wrong with him?" Ena asked, slightly shook up from the scene.

"I fear Ulf predicted correctly. Dancer has gone wild." Bob said grimly. Dancer stood several metres away from them, ears flattened as he watched them carefully. His leg was healed now, and he had no trouble standing, walking or running. The obvious trouble was now the wound within, a mental wound.

"Easy Dancer. We're here to help." Ena said soothingly. She slowly approached the wild battle horse, her hands held out as a sign of surrender. He let out a low rumble in his chest as she stepped closer.

"Ena. Back away from him now." Bob said, his voice full of authority.

"No! He knows me. He knows I would never hurt him." She insisted, slowing getting closer.

"Ena he has gone through a traumatic experience, as you have as well. He does not know better if he hurts you." Bob lectured. Ena ignored him, continuing her approach. She was only centimetres from touching him when he reared up, lashing out his front feet. Ena let out a squeal in fright, cowering to avoid the thrashing hooves that would surely mean her untimely death. She suddenly felt an arm wrap around her waist, dragging her out of the way. Bob's furious grip did not release her until Dancer was firmly on the ground once more. He spun her around to face him, his eyes full of anger.

"Don't ever disobey me again! You hear me? He could have killed you!" He snapped. Ena dropped her gaze, feeling suddenly ashamed.

"I'm sorry. I should have listened." She apologized.

"What is going on, Ena? You haven't been the same since your brother visited." He sounded concerned now, the anger had disappeared from his eyes.

"It's nothing, Bob. Just feeling homesick is all." She murmured. He let out a frustrated sigh.

"You knew the consequences of taking Dancer, Ena. He is your responsibility, and you need to see him through this." He explained. She nodded.

"I know. I don't plan on leaving him." She said hurriedly.

"But you do plan on leaving." He said. She fell silent.

"Bob, we can't stay here. As great as it has been, Dancer and I don't belong." She said grimly. He nodded.

"Agreed. So let's get Dancer under control. Before the two of you do something else rash." He said. She could detect the bitterness in his voice, and she knew he was hurt.

"Look, I'm sorry..." She began, but he cut her off.

"Let's get Alroy's shoulder patched up." He said, changing the subject.


That night, after they had gone to bed, Ena sneaked out. She made sure that Bob's snores were even, indicating he was fast asleep, before heading out the front door to the pastures. Alroy was in the barn, so Dancer stood out in the moonlit field by himself. Ena fetched an apple from the bin and slipped under the fencing. She grabbed his halter and lead off the gate and made her way over to the battle horse. Dancer was wide awake, eyeing her curiously.

"Look, Dancer. I have an apple. It's your favourite! Malvin  never let you have them, but I would sneak them too you when he wasn't looking." She said. She cut the apple into several chunks, holding them out on the palm of her hand. He slowly approached her, sniffing it before carefully moving his large lip over it, covering it and snatching it off her hand.

Battle HorseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora