Chapter Two

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   Ena's heart faultered when she heard his voice. She'd been caught. She'd come and visit the battle horses almost every night since her father died, but on the night before the choosing, she got caught. Ulf stood in front of her, with his arms folded and his foot tapping in anger. He wore a simple leather vest, leggings, and knee high riding boots. He was clean shaven, but had greying shoulder length brown hair. Ena hadn't even changed out of her nightgown. The night air chilled her as she stood shaking in her boots, wrapping her shawl tighter around her shoulders. Her dark hair blew in her face, making it difficult to see the furious horse master.

"What are you doing out here?" He asked slowly, his voice filled with anger. Ena flinched at the sound of his voice.

"I-I..." She began to stutter out. He stepped forward and grabbed her by the collar of her nightgown, dragging her towards the school connected to the stables. This is where the apprentices would learn different tactics for training the horses as well as the names of the equipment being used. It's also where their dormitories were. As Ulf marched furiously down the corridor, a torch in one hand and Ena in the other, boys appeared at the doors, peering out to see what the commotion was about. Most of them snickered at the unfortunate turn of events for Ena. She caught the gaze of one boy though, who looked a few years older then her. He was in his night shirt and his light blonde hair was ruffled from sleep. He looked sorry for her. A door suddenly shut in between her and the boy's gaze, causing Ena to snap back into reality.

"Sit." Ulf barked. It was a simple study, filled with books and reports on boys and horses alike. Bridles, bits, and spurs laid haphazardly around the study. Ena dropped down into an arm chair, sitting on the edge, poised for flight. Ulf walked over to the fire and prodded it's embers with a spoke before dropping another log on. It's warm light filled the room, making it feel less frightening. He walked behind his desk, and sat down, glaring at her darkly.

"My horses are heavily guarded and trained for the knights of Redmont fife. They aren't just some toy ponies little girls can run up and play with. They are dangerous creatures." He said. She dropped his gaze.

"Then you won't be pleased to hear I've been coming every night since I was four years old." She mumbled just loud enough for him to comprehend.

"You what!?!" He stood abruptly, placing his hands flat on his desk and leaning over it so he was right in her face. "How is that possible? We have them guarded!" Ena fiddled with her hands, trying not to make eye contact with him.

"My father trained here, sir. I used to accompany him." An eyebrow shot up in curiosity, and he dropped back into his chair.

"What is the name of your father?" He asked.

"Wilfred Jorgen, Sir." She said. Silence fell over the room, and Ulf stared at her as if she was a mysterious object he couldn't quite comprehend.

"Jorgen? You're Ena?" He said, suddenly coming to his senses. Ena nodded warily.

"You knew my father?" She asked. His face flustered, and though it was dim lighting, she could still see it. He cleared his throat and nodded.

"Yes, Jorgen was a fine young man. Now that you mention it, I do remember you accompanying him." He said awkwardly, scratching his neck. Ena smiled and nodded.

"Yes sir. And I want to be just like him. I want to train battle horses." She said. His eyebrows rose once more.

"But you're a girl." He said dully.

"What does that matter?" She asked, sticking up her chin. She needed to defend herself if she wanted to get into horse school.

"Don't you think you'll be a bit weak to handle the horses?" He asked.

"Who says my strength limitations are any less then one of your apprentices?" Ulf raised his eyes to the ceiling. He had an old friend who disliked people who answered a question with a question, and now he was finally starting to understand why.

"Your choosing is tomorrow, correct?" She nodded. "And you have planned on picking horse school?"

"For as long as I can remember." She answered.

"Alright then. I'll make you a deal." He said folding his hands on the desk. "I will give you a four month trial. By the end of that trial, if you want to leave, or if you haven't already left because it is to much for you to handle, you may choose your second choice of craft rather then go onto a farm. But if you can handle it, I will take you on as my apprentice." Ena thought for a moment about the deal. It was a win win. She got to go to horse school, and if it was to awful, she could continue as a courier. It sounded like a great idea.

"Deal." She said, holding out her hand. He smiled and shook her hand firmly.

"Welcome to Horse school then, Ena."


They waited anxiously outside the barons office the next morning. No one said anything, really. Even George looked nervous, and he was usually the one to give them statistics to keep their minds off of what was to come. Ena sat in between George and Will. As she fiddled with a string on her dress, she couldn't help but feel excited. She didn't need to feel nervous like the others, since she had already gotten what she wanted.

"Where were you last night?" Will whispered to her. Will had seen her leave, and he knew she usually didn't take very long. Every once in a while, he'd wait for her and accompany her inside the ward. If he had waited last night, he would have noticed she was gone longer then usual.

"Got caught up." She replied. Only Alyss knew of her frequent visits to the horse school. Everyone else simply believed she was visiting friends down in Wensely village. Will said nothing else, just stared ahead, probably going over scenarios in his head of what was to come. "Hey, you'll do fine." She placed a comforting hand on his arm. He gave her a small smile in thanks.

"ALL RIGHT, CANDIDATES! THIS WAY! AND LOOK LIVELY!" Martin, the Barons Secretary shouted. They shuffled into around, waiting for someone else to make the first move. Alyss took the lead, and then everyone was willing to follow. Typical Alyss.

   Martin put them in a line, tallest to shortest. With Horace in the front, and Will last. Ena was placed in between George and Jenny.

Everything played out as expected. Horace and Alyss both got accepted into their crafts. When it reached Ena's turn, she stepped out of line and presented herself to the Baron.

"Ena Jorgen, My Lord." She announced.

"What craft will you choose today, Ena?" Baron Arald asked. Ena was about to speak, when Ulf and Lady Pauline stepped forward.

"Ena has already been dealt with, my Lord." Lady Pauline said. Ulf's gaze met Ena's and gave her a small wink. Ena stepped back into line and saw Alyss give her a curious glance. Ena gave her a smile and Alyss knew what she was saying. She was accepted into horse school.


   Things are getting exciting and it's only the second chapter!?! So far I'm really proud of this book. I love horses as well, so I'm basically portraying Ena as myself, but that's what most people do with their characters. Please comment and vote! I hope you liked it!


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