Chapter Twenty

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    Though Ena didn't want too, The physician and Ulf convinced her to wait in the infirmary while they tended to Dancer. She wanted to be by his side, to comfort him, but the nurses forced her to remain in bed.

"Is there anything we can get you, Miss Ena?" A nurse asked. Ena curled up on her cot.

"I want Horace and Will." She croaked. She nodded.

"I will send a page, Miss." She said. She hurried out of the room. Ena sat stiffly under her blanket, thinking of Dancer and how he was wounded for her. He put himself in harm's way so she wouldn't be hurt. She would do anything to make sure he was well cared for while he was wounded.

  Will and Horace burst in through the doors of the infirmary. Another figure ghosted behind then, supporting the weight of none other then Alda. Alda was limping badly, and his nose was bloodied. Ena shivered as she caught sight of him. Halt took him behind a curtain blocking him from her view, much to her relief.

"What happened Ena?" Will asked, rushing to her side. "Are you hurt?"

"She was attacked, sir. That boy the ranger just brought in tried to take advantage of her." The nurse explained solemnly. Ena bowed her head in shame not being able to even meet Will or Horaces gaze.

"He what?" Horace asked after a moment of silence. His voice was gruff and full of anger.

"I'm sorry, Horace. I tried to stop him, but I couldn't..." She croaked, tears once again running down her cheeks. Horace approached her cot and sat down next to her, hugging her tightly.

"It's not your fault, Alda is a prat." He said. She gave him a feint smile. Her smile quickly faded when Ulf and the Physician returned, both had looks of pain etched across their faces.

"He is badly wounded, Ena. He will live, but we don't know if his muscles or tendons are damaged. We can't keep him around to wait and see." Ulf said sorrowfully.

"What's this about?" Horace asked.

"Dancer, he saved Ena from Alda. Alda stabbed him in the shoulder." Ulf explained.

"Well surely there must be a way for him to heal with out you pressuring him?" Horace asked.

"We can't risk it. It could take months to let him heal without anyone working him. He will probably have trauma from the whole event, which could cause him to go wild. It's a waste of time and energy to keep him around." Ulf said irritability. Ena felt a cold hand clench her heart.

"What about old Bob? I'm sure he'd take him on." Will piped up.

"Who's old Bob?" Ulf said.

"He's the ranger horse trainer. He can house Dancer till he's back on his feet. Then Dancer can return to training." Will said. Ulf rolled his eyes.

"Come on, a ranger horse trainer? He wouldn't be able to handle a battle horse. A wild one if what I predict will come true." Ulf scoffed. Will glared at him.

"Old Bob is one of the finest horse trainers in Araluen." He defended.

"Than why haven't I heard of him?" Ulf laughed.

"Will, drop the matter." Halt's gruff voice called. Will let out a sigh. He gave Ena a sad glance, saying he tried.

"That settles the matter. If Dancer is not on his feet in three days,  He must be put to death."


"It's not fair. Giving you a time limit." Ena whispered to Dancer. Once she was released from the infirmary, she ran straight to Dancer's stall. He was laying on the ground in the straw, with his bad shoulder bandaged. The crimson stain could be seen seeping through. She knelt beside him and ran her fingers through his black mane. He kept glancing at her, but never raising his head.

"If only Ulf would listen to Will. Old Bob would take you in, I know he would."

A knock sounded on the stall door, and Malvin stepped in. He knelt down beside he and sighed.

"I'm sorry, Ena. It's been a rough day." He said. She nodded.

"That's an understatement." He laughed.

"Well come on. Ulf wants to see you in his study." He said. She sighed, leaning down and kissing Dancer on his cheek. She than stood and followed Malvin out.

   Once Ena stood in front of the wooden door, she felt a little irritated with Ulf. Why couldn't he do more for Dancer? Letting out a deep sigh, she knocked on the door. Ulf's voice penetrated through the wood, beckoning her to enter. She pulled on the heavy iron handle and it swung open to reveal Ulf's study. He stood as she entered, and gave her a sad smile. Gesturing for her to sit, he made his way to the fire and poured them both coffee, putting globs of honey in each one. He handed her the mug and sat down across from her.

"I'm sorry about everything that has happened." He said. She groaned.

"Why are you sorry? I keep telling people it's not their fault!" She exclaimed. He shook his head.

"No, it is my fault. When your father died, I promised I would look after you." She sat up straighter in her chair, eyeing him curiously.

"My father?" She asked. Ulf went pale, almost sick like.

"Yes." He admitted.

"You promised my father you'd look after me? Why was I put into the ward than?" Like a child finally being caught in a lie, Ulf's shoulders slumped in defeat.

"Your father and I were really good friends. Best friends, actually. When he died, I couldn't bare the thought of having to look after you knowing that..." He froze, refusing to finish his sentence.

"Knowing that what?" She asked. He gave her a look of shame before swallowing.

"Knowing that I'm the reason he's dead."


Hello, sorry to leave you on a cliffy! It's starting to get good! I've published a lot today because I wrote those last two chapters last night and thought I should hold off, but I don't want to anymore! Please comment and vote!


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