Chapter One

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"Try to eat something, Will. Tomorrow is a big day after all." Jenny gave Will a warm smile from across the table. Ena bit back her jealousy at Jenny's comment. No one was ever concerned if Ena didn't eat. It was always about Will or Horace. They fought a lot, so it was only natural for everyone to gravitate their attention towards the one who was getting bullied. Ena had nothing against Will at all. He was probably the most kind amoung her ward mates beside Alyss, and Jenny of course, and George, who can forget George. So basically, she liked everyone except Horace.

Jenny was right, tomorrow was a big day. The choosing would occur tomorrow. The day when they would choose their craft that they would serve in until...Well until they retired. Ena already knew that both Horace and Will were striving towards Battle school. But then again, what boy wasn't? Ena glanced over the table at George. Scratch that, George is a boy who isn't striving for battle school. But he was trying for scribe school. Jenny was eager for the choosing for her chance to be pupil under Master Chubb, the greatest cook in pretty much the country, or so Baron Arald had often told the wards. Alyss was already promised a spot under Lady Pauline, head of the diplomatic services. She was graceful and elegant, not to mention smart, which just so happened to be of some importance in the diplomacy.

Alyss tried to convince Ena on many occasions to join her as a courier. Ena was like Alyss in build, though slightly shorter. She had that elegant, graceful look to her that couriers just seemed to have. Lady Pauline promised Ena a place among the service as well if all didn't go as she planned; What she planned, wasn't exactly normal.

Ena planned on choosing Horse school. Rarely anyone chose this craft, ever, let alone a girl. The battle horses were huge, and difficult to handle, but Ena seemed drawn to them. It was a feeling she only ever got when she heard the whines of the battle horses training while she walked past the horse school. The only ones who knew of this though, was Alyss and Lady Pauline. Alyss was her best friend, or at least she considered her one, and hoped the feeling was mutual. She trusted her with the information, and it sealed their friendship. Alyss hadn't even told Will, which was shocking since she told Will everything.

Ena was in such deep thought that she was startled when Will bolted out of his chair with Horace not far behind. Horace called out the door as Will disappeared into the evening. The usual bickering between the two boys was more than annoying, but she always sided with Will. Horace had such poor arguments, typical for a future knight. Will on the other hand, was smart, and cunning. It was a mystery to Ena as to why Will would want to waste his talent on something as common as battle school.

"Horace, why can't you just ever leave him alone?" Alyss asked, sighing deeply. He glared at her and tucked into the rest of his food.

"When he learns to stop being so aggravating, then I'll stop." He said.

"Ohh, big word for a future knight of the realm." Ena teased. Horace's glare turned to her now, though she wasn't afraid of him like the others. He was simply a bully.

"Stay out of this, Ena." He snapped. Alyss flashed Ena a look and the two of them gathered up their plates and set them in the wash bin. Alyss led Ena to the girls dormitory, and they both sat down on their beds. The dormitory was empty, not even girls younger then their year were in there.

"Are you still going to go through with horse school?" Alyss asked quietly. Ena nodded.

"Yes. And please don't try to change my mind." She begged. Alyss gave her a warm smile and embraced her tightly.

"If things don't work out, you'll always have me." She said. Ena grinned and nodded.

"Thank you, Alyss."


Will hadn't returned that evening. Alyss stayed up most of the night waiting for him until Ena and Jenny finally convinced her to go to sleep. Once Alyss and Jenny had fallen asleep, Ena slipped out from underneath her covers and slipped on her boots. She grabbed a shawl, wrapping it tightly around her shoulders, and slipped out the door, into the night air. She glanced over at the huge fig tree growing in the castle yard. She saw the feint outline of Will's body as he rested in the higher branches of the tree. She knew that's where he'd always go to escape from Horace. She nodded her head in his direction and she saw him return the gesture.

Ena slipped out of the castle yard and ran quickly down the hill on which castle Redmont stood. She lived in Wensley village until she was four years old. Her mother had died of the flu when she was only a year old, and she lived with her father in the village. They had a small house closest to the outskirts of the village. This was so her father could travel to and from the horse school where he trained the battle horses. He would often take her with him and she would watch as they trained them to survive the gruelling matters of war. They were beautiful, and Ena had fallen in love at the age of two. When she was four years old, however, she was being watched by the village baker, who was quite fond of her when a constable arrived at the door, whispering in hushed tones to the baker. Ena was taken away that evening, and placed in the castle ward, joining three others, Will, Alyss, and Horace. Her father had been killed by a battle horse, and Baron Arald felt it only fitting to place her in the ward since her father had died preparing them for battle.

The horse school could be seen up a head, and Ena ghosted towards it, slipping pass the sentry's stationed there to guard the horses. One of the black geldings was in his paddock, enjoying the night air, and she smiled and reached to him through the bars of his gate. He came over to her and nibbled on her arm, smelling her and allowing her to give him a kiss on the nose.

"Hello, I'm Ena. You'll see me more in a few more days." She whispered.

"I can be the judge of that." Said a deep voice behind her. She startled and turned around to come face to face with the horse master, Ulf.


I hope you like it! This is a new fanfic idea I got for rangers apprentice, although I'm pretty sure you can read this even if you haven't read Rangers Apprentice, though I highly recommend it. This book will be focusing mainly on Ena, so Will might not be in this book very often. I don't own any of these characters accept Ena. Please comment and vote!


Battle HorseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora