Chapter Nine

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The next few days were long and hard for Ena. With Jaryn and Kerry still in the infirmary, she had to triple the work each day to maintain the horses. She loved getting the experience, but wasn't to happy about her cut in free time. As all the others boys headed off to lunch, she stayed behind to finish brushing or bathing a horse. She rarely saw Horace for the next few days. The two of them were both very busy with their gruelling schedules. She felt the change in Horace, and she felt drawn towards him. She knew deep down that he needed her. He needed someone to be there for him.

   "Are you almost finished?" Ulf's voice came from behind her. She nodded and quickly finished brushing Kicker out.

"Is there something I can do for you, sir?" She asked as she collected Kickers brushes.

"Yes. I'd like you to run up to the Castle and fetch George Carter. He's a scribe student." He said. She rose an eyebrow. What would Ulf want with a scribe student?

"Anything else?" She asked.

"No. Just fetch him and bring him to my study." He said simply. She nodded and watched as he turned on his heels and headed back towards the school. Ena took Kickers lead and shrugged at him before locking him back in his paddock. Once she made sure everything was in order, she headed up to the castle. She found her old ward mate with his nose in a thick book in the court yard. He sat on the roots of an old elm tree. He heard her approaching and glanced up.

"En!" He called cheerfully. She returned his smile and held a hand out to help his stand. He took in gratefully and marked the page on his book before turning back to her. "What brings you up here?"

"Ulf requested that I fetch you and bring you to him. I don't know why though." She said. George rose an eyebrow.

"That is quite curious. Let's go find out." He said. He took her hand in his and she lead him down to the horse school. As they walked through the corridors, Georges eyes wandered, taking in his surroundings. He'd never been inside the horse school, so he was quite interested. She led him to the study and knocked three times on the door.

"Come in." She heard Ulfs broad voice announce. She opened the latch on the door and stepped into the dim study.

"George Carter, sir. Would that be all?" Ena asked.

"I'd like you to stay, Ena." Ulf's voice stopped her from grabbing the handle of the door. She glanced over at George, who looked especially confused. They both took a seat in front of the horse masters desk.

"Several of my fourth year students are taking a trip up to Castle Araluen to pick up a dozen horses. They'll be gone for around two weeks. They have requested two first years to accompany them to take care of the horses during the trip home. Malvin has offered to spare you, and another boy will join you." Ena glanced at George again. Why was he there then? As if Ulf had read her mind, he turned to George. "As for you, you are going to join them so you can fill out the paper work." George rose an eyebrow.


"Every horse has it's papers. To legally pass them onto the Redmont fife, someone needs to legally sign them, and you have that authority."

"I'm only an apprentice, sir. I don't think my master would agree I'm ready to take on such a big task." George muttered. Ulf rolled his eyes.

"I've already spoken to Nigel. He thinks you're ready. You leave with Ena and the other boys tomorrow morning." Ulf said smiling.

"Tomorrow morning? That's a little short notice, sir!" Ena exclaimed. Ulf waved it off.

"No it's not. Just make sure you pack the horses brushes and any medical supplies you think you might need." Ena's eyes widened at the thought. The older students wouldn't force her to medically treat a horse if she wasn't ready! Would they?

"We'll be ready, sir. Now if you'll excuse me, I must speak to my master to sort everything out." George said standing. Ena stood with him, and Ulf dismissed them with the nod of his head.

   Ena led George out of the school and they walked along the grassy slopes leading up to the castle.

"Wow, who'd of thought we'd get out first big assignments together?" George was beaming at the thought of him finally progressing in scribe school.

"I didn't think I'd be doing this sort of thing till I was an older student. But I'm glad we get to share the excitement." Ena said smiling. They walked in silence the rest of the way to the castle.

"Well, I'll see you in the morning, I guess." He gave her a small smile once they reached the castle yard.

"Bright an early, George. Don't be late." She teased.

"Yes ma'am." He saluted to her in a joking matter and bid her farewell before disappearing behind the castle walls.


"Why didn't you tell me you signed me up for this!?!" Ena asked Malvin that evening.

"I was already going, so I assumed you'd want to tag along. It'll be fun, Ena." He promised.

"What about our horses? The ones that are not coming? Who will take care of them?"

"We will." A voice claimed from behind her. She spun around on her heels to come face to face with Jaryn and Kerry.

"You're back!" She squealed excitedly. She hugged them tightly. While the boys were in the infirmary, Ena and Malvin were forbidden to see them.

"Yeah we are, kid." Kerry said, wrapping her in an embrace. "And now you're leaving us for two weeks!" He pouted his lip, and Ena smiled.

"Well I can leave comfortably knowing our horses will be cared for." She grinned.

"Leave? Leave where?" An all too familiar voice asked. Horace stood in the entry way of the stables. His face was contorted with confusion. "You'll be back, right?" She couldn't help but detect the slight hint of panic in his voice. She gave Malvin a look and he understood what she wanted. He grabbed Jaryn and Kerry by their collars and dragged them out of the stables, out of hearing range. "Ena please don't tell me you're transferring to a different horse school! Oh Gosh, I've heard of these sorts of things. Transferring never goes down well. You'll have no friends..." Ena smiled as Horace continued to ramble, his face was tinged crimson, and tears were on the verge of escaping.

"Horace!" She cut him of, chuckling slightly. He closed his mouth, confused still at the predicament. "I'm not transferring horse schools. This is my home. I'm only taking a trip up to Castle Araulen for a couple of weeks." She explained. It touched her knowing how distraught Horace would be if she left. Horace's face was washed over with relief and he took her hand, pulling her to his chest. He buried his face in her neck and let out a deep breath.

"You scared me, En!" He shuddered. "I really thought you were going to leave me." Ena's heart fluttered slightly at his words. Battle school really has changed him.

"I'll be back soon, Horace." She whispered. She didn't quite trust her voice. Why was he making her feel this way? She almost felt giddy as he held her in his arms. Horace stepped back, and she immediately felt the absence of his strong hold. He awkwardly cleared his throat, looking everywhere but at her.

"Alright. Good. I'll see you in two weeks then?" He asked, scratching the side of his neck. She nodded.

"Yes." She said simply. He gave her a small embarrassed smile.

"Um...sorry for that. I guess I panicked a bit." He said, blushing.

"Don't be sorry. I think it's cute how much you care. You're the best big brother." She said, causing him to blush even more. He pulled her in for another tight hug.

"I'll see you soon, En." He said, quickly kissing her forehead. He then waved goodbye and ran out of the stables. What just happened? She could still faintly feel the light touch of his lips on her forehead. Maybe I really do need a two week vacation. She thought to herself as she watched him disappear.


This chapter was actually kind of difficult to write. I couldn't figure everything out. But I really like it! Please comment and vote! And please check out my new RA fanfic, it's called Morgaraths Daughter. Love you all! You're the best!


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