Chapter Twenty Seven

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Ena sat with her head resting against the wall in the dark cell. Bob sat in a cell opposite of hers, picking at his beard.

"I'm sorry, Bob. I never should have come to you, then we wouldn't be in this mess." She apologized. He waved it off.

"I wanted to help, Ena. We saved Dancer, didn't we." He said. She scoffed.

"Now look where that got us. He went wild and kicked my ribs in." She said grimacing.

"And got us arrested. Why couldn't we have stolen a farm pony?!?" Ena laughed at Bob's remark, causing them both the chuckle in amusement at their situation. The door opened and several pairs of boots could be heard heading their way. It was too dark to see, but Ena recognized the gait.

"George? Is that you?" She hissed.

"Yes, Alyss is here as well. Ena, what were you thinking?" He scolded.

"That I couldn't let a perfectly healthy horse die." She retorted.

"Ena, you jeopardized your life in the process." Alyss said calmly.

"I know. I will pay whatever consequences the baron sees fit. If it's death, than so be it, I deserve it." Ena said bravely.

"I think battle school would have been a better choice for you, rather than horseschool. You have a battle school cadets stupidity." George scoffed.

"I can't take back my actions, George. There is only forward." She said. They both sighed.

"I just hope the baron makes the right decision." George said. Ena reached through the bars of her cell, and gripped his hand, squeezing it tightly.

"I'll be alright, George." She whispered. He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles.

"You better, I can't bare the thought of you hanging." He said.

"Be careful Ena. These trials are brutal mostly, don't say anything I wouldn't." Alyss suggested.

"Oh Alyss, I believe I am far to past that advice." She chuckled. Alyss let out a deep sigh.

"Don't die, I still have to tell you all about my kiss with Will." She said. They both heard George groan as Ena grinned.

"I knew it!" The door opened once more and a voice called out.

"Time is up." The guard called. George squeezed her hand once more and the two of them bid farewell, heading out the door and disappearing.


Several guards came to fetch them the next morning. They were put in shackles and taken to the main hall, where an audience had gathered in front of the Baron. Sir Rodney and Ulf stood closest to the Baron, and Ena noticed Halt, Will and another ranger she had yet to recognize in the corner. Jenny, Alyss, and George stood close together, their eyes full of desperation. None of them had expected this to come of their ward mate. Her gaze finally met with Horace. It was a mixture of pity and anger that filled his eyes. The crowd parted to allow them full view of the Baron. As she walked past him, Horace grabbed her hand, squeezing it tightly before she was pulled away. The guards stopped them right in front of the Baron, the man who had taken pity on the small four year old who had lost her father.

"Ena Jorgen disappeared three weeks ago, taking the wounded battle horse with her. She was seen accompanied by this man, Old Bob." Nigel announced. The baron stood and approached Ena. He stopped in front her her and placed his hand on her cheek.

"Why, Ena?" He whispered. She dropped her gaze.

"I will tell you the answer I have provided to those who ask." She announced. "I was not about to let a perfectly good horse die." She glanced at Ulf, noticing the ashamed look in his eyes.

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