Chapter Twenty Four

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Horace rode along the uneven pathway leading away from Wensley Village. He was in a search party of eight people. Each party was to take a whole day to search for Ena and Dancer. So far the first three patrols came back empty handed with no findings at all. Ulf suggested taking the searches farther out of the Redmont region, knowing that Ena would not be so stupid as to stick around in Wensley Village with a full grown wounded battle horse. Horace was sent with his team to look in the outlying forests surrounding Redmont. After a long search, they came across a path behind the Rangers clearing. Will and Halt were currently at the ranger gathering in a disclosed location, so the search party took the liberty of finding out where it led to themselves.

   They had been riding for more than an hour with a few set backs due to horses not cooperating. They acted shifty towards the up coming road. A small collection of buildings came into view, and an old man popped out, gently patting the neck of a shaggy grey horse.

"How can I help ye boys?" He asked. He looked friendly enough.

"We're looking  for a girl, fifteen years of age. She'll be traveling with a wounded battle horse." A third year cadet announced.

"A girl? And a wounded horse? No I haven't seen any of them. I saw a girl last week in Wensley, she was about ten. Had cute little plaits." He said. Horace rose an eyebrow and glanced at his fellow cadets.

"We're looking for a specific girl. Horace, describe her for him." A cadet said irritability.

"Um... she has dark brunette hair, about waist length. Blue eyes. Fair skin. She's about as tall as my shoulder." He said, trying to give the old man details of his ward mate. The man scratched his beard thoughtfully.

"Well, I'd say you fancy the girl. You seem to know a bit about her." He teased. Horace's furrowed his eyebrows and scrunched up his nose in disgust.

"No! She's my sister!" He scoffed. It was simpler to tell the man Ena was his sister rather than his ward mate. He simply wouldn't understand their bond. They had a brother sister bond, not a bond like Will and Alyss. Even a blind person could see they fancied each other.

"Well why didn't you watch after your sister better?" The old man scoffed. Though Horace felt offended, he couldn't help but agree with the old goat. If he had just looked after her better, than she wouldn't have run away. He couldn't help but blame himself for her disappearance.

"Do you mind if we search your premise? You seem to have a lot of horses here." An older cadet said. The man shrugged.

"Feel free. I ain't hiding your little sister or any ol' wounded dog." He said gruffly. The search party dismounted and tied their horses to the old man's ties. They split up, searching high and low, in every pasture and paddock. Horace looked in the house, coming across two rooms with disheveled beds.

"How many people live here?" Horace asked the man.

"Only me." He said. Horace rose an eyebrow. He returned  to his search, noticing the old man smirking slightly.


Ena staggered her breathing as footsteps were heard right above her. Bob had returned from his trip of gathering water from the creek in a hurry, insisting that Ena take Dancer and hide under the barn. The barn was the biggest building on Old Bob's property, and it was where he stored grains and grasses for winter. It was also where horses who were ill would be kept. Bob rushed her in and cleared away a small patch under the straw covered floor to reveal a latch. He opened the latch and let down a ramp so Dancer could walk down easily. He than shut the small opening again, enclosing the girl and the horse in utter darkness. Ena wasn't afraid of the dark, but Dancer sure was.

  The soft thud of riding boots against the wooden flooring echoed throughout the small cellar. She sat stuck in between barrels of grains, holding Dancer's halter tightly so he would know she was there. What scared her was Dancer getting spooked and potentially killing her.

  The thudding stopped right above her, causing her breath to hitch in her throat. She silently prayed that Dancer wouldn't make a sound, giving them away. She couldn't let them find her. Stealing Dancer was a crime punishable by death. Meaning both she and Bob would hang if they were caught.

  The footsteps started again and gradually faded, allowing Ena to finally catch her breath. They weren't out of the dark yet, but she knew Bob would find a way to keep them safe.


"If you see or hear of anyone seeing the girl and the horse, please contact us. She won't leave the horse behind, so we know she is still close to Redmont." Frank, and third year cadet said. Horace focused his gaze on the old man, who seemed rather pleased.

"Of course, sirs. I'll be happy to help." He said. Frank nodded and the search party started back on the trail towards the castle. Horace stood still for a moment, his gaze fixated on the old man.

"Horace!" Frank called. Horace nodded and turned his way towards the trail, glaring at the man before setting Kicker into a canter to catch up with the others.


Short chapter, and it's been a while...sorry. This is more of a filler, but yeah.
So if you didn't get the memo, please check out my new RA fanfic that I am co-writing with SilverOakleaf, it's called 'Rangers Apprentice: Forgotten Ruins.'
Thanks for reading. Love you all. Please comment and vote!


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