The Promises we Made

By poisonedapple1908

781 47 14

Katrina, abused by her parents and almost killed, is taken to a school of horrors by her best friend, Jake wi... More

The Promises we Made
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 8

35 3 2
By poisonedapple1908

Smack. "please Dad!" i screamed "stop it hurts!". He lifted the belt above his head and brought it down once more on my raw skin. "no more!" i pleaded.

"you get what you deserve!" he screamed back. I cried as the belt was yanked off my red skin. Then mom came into the white room. She was had nothing but her usual weapon to use on me; her hands. Dad made room for her and she bent down and slapped me. Her nice nails dragged across my face and i yelped in pain. She smacked everywhere there was skin. I rolled to get away but her demon claws follow. Then i hear a knock at the door.

"enter" Dad says. The door opens and...Miles? He walks in and Tanner follows.

"here she is" Dad says. He yanks me up by my hair and now im on my knees in front of Miles.

"go on Tanner" Miles whispers to Tanner. He looks at me with a smile. My hands lift against my will and the familiar electric current dances on my fingertips.

"told ya" Tanner boasts. Miles nodes. Then he snaps his fingers and 2 more boys come in. They pick me up by my arms and drag me to the door.

"thank you so much for your assistance" i hear Miles address my parents. Then he follows us into a dark room with strange things in it. There is...creatures. All have sharp teeth. Some have red face with nails sticking out every which way in their face. Some had several heads that were green with long snake toungs. Some even had knives for hands and they looked human except they were faceless.

"welcome to the army" Miles says and pushes me in the monsters cave.

I wake with a scream, cold sweat covering me. The dream was so irrational it could have been funny but in reality it had shaken me to my core. I pushed the hair from my face and sit up. A beam of light greets me and i look around. Im in Jake's bed. I still have the rob on. It was still covered in my blood from last I looked down to see Jake laying beside me. I had slept in Jake's bed! I got up slowly, careful not to wake him, and went into the bathroom. It was still blood spattered with glass shards everywhere. I pulled the bathrobe tighter around me and turned.

I put up my hands and brought the trashcan from the door forwards. It floated to me and then set down at my feet. Jake said i did need practice. I then turned my attention to the blood spattered room. I brought the blood forward and off the walls and into the trash. The way it worked was indescribable. I just thought about it and it happened. It floated so evenly and calmly through the air to where i wanted it to go. I looked at the mirror pieces and had no idea how i could fix it. I swept my arms inward, bringing the glass to one neat pile. The arm motions just helped some how.

I got on my knees in front of the pile and picked up a piece. I looked awful! My blond hair was matted with blood and dirt. My eyes were blood-shot and had bags under them. My skin was streaked with mud and tear tracks. My nails were raged and broken with dirt under what was left of them. I put the glass down in the pile, sat back, and crossed my legs. I closed my eyes and cleared my mind. I wanted 2 larger pieces that fit together. I lifted my hands and opened my eyes to see 2 floating pieces that fit together perfectly. I pushed my hands together and watched as the glass got closer as well. I closed my eyes again and thought about connecting the 2 pieces. I opened my eyes and the glass pieces were no longer separate. I plucked the glass from the air and shook it a bit. Good and sturdy. I put it down with the other pieces. I put my hands over the pile, palms down, and made the glass organize itself to look like a mirror again. Well besides the cracks. 

Fix it i though, closing my eyes once more. I felt a little tickle of power leaving my fingertips. I opened my eyes and the mirror was as it should be. It was perfectly fine! Well besides the pieces that were still attached to the cabinet. You would have never guessed an emotionally damaged girl sent a fist of fury through it.

I picked it up and put it up against the wall. I held it where it should be and made it one again. I pulled my hands back a little only to knock on it to see if it was sturdy. I opened it, as it was also a cabinet, and swung the door back and forth. As good as new. Now that the bathroom was clean, i myself needed to be. I closed the door quietly and then went and turned the water on. I dropped the bathrobe. I would clean it later. I stepped into the warm jets and sighed. Although i still felt like i would explode with emotion, i felt better. I picked up the shampoo and lathered up. I rinsed the blood and dirt off me then rinsed the shampoo. I did not think much in the shower, just did what i was supposed to and got out. The thinking is what caused my nervous breakdown anyways. I wrapped a white towel around me and went to the mirror. I wiped the steam off and looked at myself.

My reflection looked smug and...evil. I went to touch my face and my reflection did not mirror me. I waved and again, mirror me didn't copy.

"your going to kill him you know. Your the reason he's going to die" mirror me said in my voice but it wasn't me!

"what do you mean?" i asked in a shaky voice. She smiled but it was no kind smile. One that looked like she...i had just done something wrong.

"Jake hasn't trained in weeks. He sat by your bedside, waiting for you to wake up. He has a competition tomorrow, don't you remember? And still you take his time and explore your so called powers. Why you're nothing than a waste of time and Jake's going to die because of it. Because of you". She finished with a snear. Thats right, Jake had a competition...and i have been keeping him from training!

"no, this can't be" i said and ran a hand through my wet hair.

Mirror me laughed and said "spend your time with his wisely, dear, because your time with him is almost up". I turned around as she laughed and i flung my hands to my ears. Shut up! This can't be! was right! I turned back and it was me again. I peered closer and waved my hand. My reflection mirrored me. I had to do something.

As much as i could to prepare him. First, he needed a healthy breakfast. I got dressed in a simple tight black shorts, and dark blue tank with a black sweater on top with the sleeves only reaching my elbows. I put on black runners. Perfect for exercising. Then i put my hair up into a ponytail. I went into the kitchen and made Jake, and myself of course, a breakfast consisting of scrambled egg whites, fresh fruit, whole wheat toast, and lean turkey bacon. But it was strange how it was made. I got in the kitchen, decided on what to make, but dreaded making it and not knowing if Jake even had what i needed. I wished it was just made already. I looked up to find 2 plates with what i wanted sitting on the counter. I was puzzled. I even tried a bite and it was perfectly fine, delicious even! Steaming hot.

I put some cutlery out and poured each of us a glass of OJ. I went into Jake's room and shook him awake.He snorted awake and looked at me questioningly.

"Get up" i ordered.

"what are you doing Cat" Jake demanded, grabbing my wrist.

"getting you ready for tomorrow Jake. I am not going to see you die because i selfishly took all of your time and attention. Im so sorry but today im going to do as much as i can to help" i explained "c'mon, theres breakfast in the kitchen". He shook his head and slowly rose, releasing my wrist. I went into the kitchen to give him some privacy. He appeared a moment later looking like he was still asleep. He wore a loose white T-shirt and black track pants. He rubbed his head and sat down. He groped for the fork and stabbed whatever the fork could find first. He chewed and looked down at the plate, shocked.

"when did you make this? And with what?" Jake asked.

"you don't want to know" i murmured. He looked at me with a "c'mon" expression.

"well what i do want to know is what the hell that was last night?!" he said loudly. How to explain? I really didn't want to but i knew he deserved an explanation.

"it was my breaking point Jake. Its hard to cope with the fact that i have now killed people, i have freak powers, i am now homeless, my parents hate me, and that you could be killed tomorrow because im a selfish bitch" i shouted and finished in a rush. A tear escaped me.

Jake shook his head and said "what are you talking about? Im not going to die!" he said angrily. I can't believe we're fighting on the what, 3rd day of being a couple?

"i know that you stayed with me while i was in that coma! You haven't trained or gone to class in weeks! Because of me!" i sobbed.

"this was my choice, Cat. Besides, im alive aren't i? I have been doing this for a few years now. Im not going to lose all that in a month of not training" he soothed.

"well" i said, wiping my eyes "im still going to help you train today. Just like you helped me" i said.

"but i thought we were going to see what you can do with your powers?" Jake asked.

"well i have a few ideas on how to do that too. But first, we eat" i said. He chuckled and wolfed down the food. I think that meant it was good.

"oh and Cat?" Jake said after the last bite "you aren't homeless. You are staying with me, remember?" he said with a loving smile. I touched his face and he brushed my bangs out of my eyes. He leaned in and hesitantly pressed his lips to mine. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck. I deepened the kiss after a minute by tracing his lip with my toung. He broke off and trailed is kisses down my neck. I moaned and griped the fistful of his hair i had. He came back up to my lips and kissed me again. Adrenaline was pumping and i felt like i could fly. But we were wasting precious time. Well i guess not wasting so much as spending very well but it still could be spent on something better-Jake's life. We had time later to do this.

I broke away, still forehead to forehead, and whispered " we should go".

He nodded and said " i know. But promise me something. You will never pull anything like last night again".

"i promise" i replied.

"even if i do die, you can't hurt yourself" he said. I nodded.

"i love you" i whispered.

"i love you too" he replied. We separated and left Jake's place. Well, our place now. He walked to the gym place but it was packed to the brim. We couldn't train here even if i wasn't going to use powers. We ended back at the room. We needed to go somewhere else. I thought about going to my house to get my stuff. Hum.

"whats the date?" i asked Jake.

"July 27th. Why?" Jake replied. We are well into summer then.

"i know where we can go. But to get there..." i wondered. Could i take people with me?

Well it was worth a shot. "take me hands" i ordered, putting mine up. He took them without question. I closed my eyes and thought of the school i went to before this. Specifically, the gym. Go there. I wanted to be there, with Jake. I opened my eyes after the tingling sensation had stopped. We were in the gym. It had an old brown hardwood floor and plain white walls with a double red line going around the whole room.

"wow" Jake muttered. He nodded and smiled at me, a crooked inside joke kind of smile. "your amazing" he murmured.

I released his hands and walked into the center of the gym. Nothing but bad energy surrounded this room for me. Memories of being picked last for teams, being hit purposely by balls, or ,worst of all, being trapped in a locker in the locker room and was found by the janitor hours after school had been let out. I swallowed and bowed my head at the memories of being trapped in a locker that smelled like feet and wallowing in my shame. I felt a hand on my shoulder and i gave Jake a weak smile.

"do you want to talk about it?" he asked. I shook my head.

"alright, well what are we doing? Shouldn't we have weapons and matts and stuff?" Jake wondered. Well thats a problem.

"could you...?" Jake asked.

"i don't know" i replied " i guess i could try". I cleared my throat and closed my eyes. Matts. Weapons. Well for a start. I willed the items to be here. I felt the rush of power and knew it was working. I huffed and focused on the items needed. I felt a wave of dizziness and collapsed.

"Cat" Jake cried. I waved him off.

"im fine" i mumbled, getting up. I looked around and everything i wanted was there. I immediately focused on a simple knife-with a silver blade and shaft. I brought it over with lightning speed and put my hand up just in time to catch it. I balanced it on a finger. It was a very well crafted blade. I turned to Jake, the knife outstretched.

"what-" Jake began.

"c'mon. Lets practice" i said, slyly.

"i don't even have a knife" he wined.

"too bad" i said. He shook his head and stood there. I sighed, raised my hand, and brought forward 2 fingers willing a similar knife to fly straight into Jake's face.

He flinched and yelled "watch it Cat".

I chuckled and replied "scared are we?".

He winked and said "you wish". He rushed me and i spun, narrowly avoiding his attack. He spun to face me and brought the knife down on me which i caught with my own knife. He swung back and swung again on my lower half which i blocked. He went straight at me and i put my knife in the way so he slid off my knife and fell forward. He caught his feet in time to narrowly miss my stab at his left rib cage. He swung the knife across and i ducked. I planted my hands down and swung a leg out and tripped Jake. He landed on the blue matt on his back with a thud and a groan.

I stood over him and said "you give?". He got up with a grunt. He swung the knife at me again and i here literally jumped so high i was able to flip over his head easily. I spun to him and wrapped my arm around his neck, with my knife to his throat, and said "gotcha" and kissed his cheek.

He chuckled and said "you animal". I removed my knife and he turned to me. He brushed my hair back and grinned.

"round 2?" i wondered.

"maybe not. You have an unfair advantage, Cat, and i can't keep up. No one could keep up with that" he sighed.

"what?" i asked, a little hurt.

"you know how fast you were going, hun?". Jake asked.

"what are you talking about?" i was so confused.

"babe, that wasn't normal how fast how you could swing that sword!" he replied. Well it seem normal for me. So it wouldn't help him training with me. Well...maybe not with me.

"not a problem" i smiled and went to the edge of the matt. I sat down and closed my eyes. I thought about Jake's ex, Amy. She has...a long skinny sword and a switch blade in her back pocket. She's in front of Jake, the sword outstretched.

"Cat, what are you doing?" Jake called.

"would it be better to fight her?" i asked. She could die and Jake hated her and she couldn't do anything...more than human. I also gave her a..brain almost. This projection from my brain could do what she wanted without my thinking about her every moment but she would also just be fighting with Jake. No talking, emotions, or pain. Just a hollow shell to practice with.

"you want me to kill her?" Jake asked. To answer Amy began to fight with him. This is how the morning continued- Jake fighting people he dislikes or were even some he didn't know. I made each have different skills, weaknesses, and advantages. Jake did very well.

Around noon, Jake complained "im hungry and tired Cat, can we take a break?".

"you don't need my permission" i mumbled. He nodded and flopped down on the matt.

"got any food?" he wined.

"well, what do you want?" i asked.

"hum..." he thought " i want a nice, medium-rare, well tenderized, steak with a baked potato complete with bacon bit, sour cream, and chives. Oh, and with a nice beer to top it off". I pursed my lips. I guess i could do that. I walked over and sat next to Jake. I cleared my throat and smoothed my hands on my shorts. Like always, i closed my eyes. I thought about the food Jake wanted. Almost like my brain was a waiter and i placed the order for the food and my brain brought it out into the real world. And...a table? And cutlery! In the middle of the gym. I felt the tingle and opened my eyes. There it was, right where i wanted it. I grinned, feeling confident. I got up and Jake followed.

We sat down and Jake cut into the steak and took a bite. "mhhh" he moaned. Ill take that as a compliment.

"so what else can you do?" Jake asked around a piece of steak.

"well so far i can time travel, do things really fast, move objects without touching them, hear and see things very well, produce electricity, and i can heal" i said. "and make delicious food appear" Jake said again, taking a swing of beer. I chuckled.

"i wonder what else you can do?" Jake commented "maybe make fire?". I wiped my hands on my napkin and put my hands together. Heat. Heat between my hands, so hot it produced a flame. I want fire! I felt i burst of heat and opened my hands to see a flame dancing across my hands and fingertips like the blue current did. It didn't hurt but i felt the heat, a warm burning sensation. I wonder if i could expand it. At that thought a stream-line flame shooting up from my hands at an incredible rate. It hit the roof and set it a blase. I flinched and the flame stopped. Well on my hands anyways. The blase on the wooden roof was spreading.

"what do i do"i screamed. I was panicking, which probably wasn't the best reaction but i couldn't help it.

"" Jake stuttered "use you powers! Maybe a freezing power?" he yelled back. Okay. Yeah! I put my hands together and thought about coldness. Freeze. Cold. Thought but was interrupted the distinct cracking noise coming from the roof. I had exactly 2.5 second before a panel directly above Jake would fall. I burst into action and ran at Jake, knocking him to the side. I heard the panel give way and it fell.

Right on top of me.


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