Unwanted (BoyxBoy) ~Completed~

Door xXPsychodicPandaXx

279K 8.9K 1.6K

(WARNING!: DEPRESSING CONTENT, POORLY WRITTEN: READ AT YOUR OWN RISK) "I deserve just as much pain as she... Meer

Unwanted Ch.1
Unwanted Ch.2
Unwanted Ch.3
Unwanted Ch.4
Unwanted Ch.5
Unwanted Ch.6
Unwanted Ch.7
Unwanted Ch.8
Unwanted Ch.9
Unwanted Ch.10
Unwanted Ch.11
Unwanted Ch.12
Unwanted Ch.13
Unwanted Ch.14
Unwanted Ch.15
Unwanted Ch.16
Unwanted Ch.17
Unwanted Ch.18
Unwanted Ch.19
Unwanted Ch.20
Unwanted Ch.21
Unwanted Ch.22
Unwanted Ch.23
Unwanted Ch.25
Unwanted Ch.26
Unwanted Ch.27
Unwanted Ch.28
Unwanted Ch.29
Last Note Ever!!! Promise
Unwanted Ch.30
Unwanted Ch.31

Unwanted Ch.24

5K 190 93
Door xXPsychodicPandaXx

Dedicated to @OhEmGeeRandomTurtles

A lot of stuff goes on in this chapter so enjoy <3


"Screaming your name into the sky
Into the sky
Screaming your name into the sky

Were you just going to sit back
And watch him die?

He screamed your name straight to the sky
He screamed your name everyday

Rescue him from the fall
Rescue him, take his hand 
Take his hand 

I remember the day and
every sound and smell of it 

I remember the day
Just like it was in a photograph 
Where nothing ever changes
and always stays the same
Where nothing ever changes
The memory stands still"

Suicide Silence- In A Photograph


Andy's POV.

As I held Luke in my arms, all my surroundings vanished. The flashing lights, the screams, the paramedics telling me to let him go. Everything disappeared except Luke and I. His entire head was covered in blood and cuts. Terrified was and understatement to how I felt. I was literally about this close to having a serious meltdown.

"Sir, we really need to take him to the hospital. Please let us help." One of the paramedics told me and I helped lift him up with my shaking arms being extremely careful with his head injuries. Once he was loaded up and ready to go they allowed for one passenger to ride with him and I immediately rushed to get inside.

"Wait, that's my son. I'll be the one by his side." Luke's dad interrupted walking over to  the ambulance. I glared at him knowing this wasn't the time but I couldn't help it.

"No sir. I love your son and I will be the one by his side." I said sharply at him as he stood in shock, wide eyes in disbelief. No sooner did a fist collide with my jaw sending me stumbling backwards as I tried to regain my balance. Finally being able to stand straight, I wiped the blood dripping from my mouth and stared back at his face full of anger.

"I'm sorry sir but we can settle this later. Right now we have more important things to worry about and he is someone very dear to me. So if you excuse me, I'll be besides Luke. Goodbye." And with that said I hopped in the ambulance as the paramedics closed the doors leaving a frozen angry man standing right outside.

Looking back at Luke, I was scared and couldn't help the tears that escaped my eyes. Seeing all the needles being injected, the oxygen mask, them searching for a pulse, all I wanted to do at the moment was rewind time.

It was all my fault. I nearly killed him. My own love. The most beautiful person in the world was nearly killed by his boyfriend. I hate myself so much. I hate how I acted. If I hadn't said those things in the first place, none of this would've happened.

"Listen to me Luke. You have to live ok? You have to. You just have to or I'll be dead without you Luke. Please don't leave me. I'm so sorry. I'm so so so sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I kept repeating to him over and over again sobbing holding tightly to his now bandaged hand.

"We've got a pulse. It's slow but it's there." One of the medics said and my head shot up sending a giant thank you to whoever heard me. Tears of joy fell as well now that I knew he wasn't dead. No Luke you can never leave me. Ever.

I held onto his hand until we reached the hospital. Once there, they rushed him inside into a emergency room leaving me out and being told I couldn't go any further. I yelled at the doctors afraid to be away from him but once security was called, I was forced to sit in the intensive care waiting room unless I wanted to be kicked out. As I stood up not being able to sit still and paced back and forth, I was met with Luke's mother. Her face showed a deep expression of extreme agony and looked like she was ready to crumble into pieces. Looking behind her, I saw she was by herself. Where was his dad?

"H-how is h-he?" She managed to let out and I couldn't help but walk to her and pull her into a hug. She cried shaking uncontrollably as tears left my eyes as well.

"He was just rushed into surgery. That's as much as I know. I'm not allowed any further." I told her pulling back and holding her by her shoulders.

"Where's your husband?" I said with a small bitter tone at the end. She looked down sadly than looked back at me with sadder eyes if that was even possible.

"He uh. He didn't c-come. He said he h-hopes Luke dies. That he c-can't have him as a s-son any longer." She cried out through streams of tears. I paled at that, anger boiling inside me at how nasty that man could be to his own son. Just because of our love, he wants nothing to do with his son even when he could possibly be on his death bed. I wondered how bad this would affect Luke?

I looked at how crushed his mom was at everything and I couldn't help but ask her this.

"But are you ok with it? With us I mean?" I said waiting eagerly for her response.

"Of course I'm ok with it. I always knew there was something between you two. And I'm sorry my husband has acted like this. I actually thought he and Luke were getting along but this, I guess this just drove him off the bridge. He had such high expectations for him Andy. And now that he sees you two really were together it crushed all of his future plans for him. Gays have always been something he's dispised with his entire being, but wishing his own son was dead, that's just too much." She said pulling me into another hug. She was such a good mother to Luke and I wondered why he would hurt her so much if all she did was try to help.

As we both sat in the emergency room, waiting for our loved one to hopefully make it through, I couldn't get the image of that fucking bastard out of my head. How could he say that though? He finally liked his son but than let him down like this? No, not happening. I stood up suddenly heading out.

"Where are you going?" Luke's mom asked me. I looked back slowing down my walking but not stopping.

"I need to go handle something. Can I borrow your car?" I asked her. She gave a short nod tossing me her keys, her not knowing exactly where I was going. If she did, she would've never let me go. And I wouldn't be able to give Luke's dad what he deserved.

Walking into the evening air, rain suddenly started coming down hard. Unlocking the car and getting in, I pulled out of the hospital parking lot and drove over to Luke's house. Once I reached it, I stopped the car, not even bothering to turn it off, and marched outside in fury ready to face him. Knocking on his door harshly I waited for him to open up.

"Dammit can't you wait for me to- What the hell are you doing here?" He said as soon as he saw my face. I held my tongue back, jaw clenched tightly. And than I attacked him. Punching him straight in the face knocking him down in the process, I let out all the emotions I was feeling right there. Scared for Luke's life. Sad for being the one to cause it. And anger for this man I wanted to kill. He punched back hitting me a couple of times, but the rush of adrenaline I had at the moment, the fury I had locked up, was now showing with every hit and punch I threw at him. I stopped though knowing this was Luke's dad and I couldn't kill him and got off him. Wiping the blood pouring out of my nose, I spat out not caring it was his floor.

"You fucking bastard. You deserve to burn in hell. To rot and cry in agony. Your son's nearly dead and you could care less." I finished kicking his side as he tried holding himself up by his arms. He had a look of pain and pure hatred across his face and I couldn't help but feel satisfied at it.

"You can forget about me helping you out anymore. Hopefully that fucked up step mother of yours finds you and kills you." He shouted as I walked out of his house and into the rain.

"Yeah well, I can handle that myself. You weren't much help anyways." I said turning to him and than walking back to the car with one realization in my mind. Oh shit, I just beat up a cop.


Back in the hospital I walked the opposite way of the waiting room and headed over to the bathroom to wash up the blood off me. Didn't want to scare Luke's mom even more than I probably would. The black eye and broken nose were already a dead give away. Looking in the bathroom mirror, my blue hair was up in all directions and my face was really a mess. Oh well. I cleaned up as best as I could and than headed back out to find Luke's mom asleep on the chair. Sitting besides her, I couldn't help but let all the exhaustion of the day take over and no sooner did I fall asleep as well.


"Oh Andy. Wake up." A soft whisper in my ear made me move to the side on the bed. I didn't want to get up.

"Open your beautiful eyes Andy. I love you." I heard and I opened my eyes and saw Luke in front of me. He had a big smile on his face and I couldn't help but smile back and kiss him softly on his soft lips. He passed his hand through my hair, me shivering at the feeling when suddenly his face turned into one of pain. Confused at the sudden expression I asked him what was wrong but all he did was stare at me.

"Luke, Luke what's wrong?" I asked scared. Blood covered his body and I stood up frightened at the sight.

"Thank you Andy. Thank you for relieving my pain. I'll always love you." And with that his eyes shut close as I cried out his name.


"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" I shouted when suddenly someone started shaking me harshly making me shoot right up looking at my surroundings.

"Andy it's alright. It was just a dream." Luke's mom said gently pulling me to her as I shook in shock.

"No it's wasn't just a dream. I really did hurt Luke. I did it and it nearly caused his life." I couldn't control my shaking body as it fell into a state of shock. I knew I was close to a panic attack. I possibly killed him. I didn't want him to die and in the end......I'm the one that caused his life.

I fell on the floor not caring who passed by. I curled up and couldn't stop the sudden heartbreaking pain that shot through my chest. My entire life is a nightmare and once I finally seem to recover, I bring it shattering down. As screams come out my mouth, I feel a nurse try to get me to calm down but to no avail. She calls for back up and I feel myself being lifted up and placed on a gurney. Than they take me over to a hospital room and I'm just shouting at them to leave me alone.

No sooner I see a woman with a needle heading my way and feel it stick into my arm. I thrash around trying to escape their tight hold on me until my eyelids start to droop and my vision darkens. Oh Luke, I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt my only love.


Ann's POV.

I walk out on the empty rain covered streets. My mind is filled with all kinds of thoughts as I remember what my dad just did to me back at home.


"Oh Annabelle. Where are you hiding my little whore?" I hear dads voice call up the stairs. I locked the door to the attic and pushed the closet in front of it. Hopefully he wouldn't be able to come in. I sat on the floor with my knees pushed up to my chest and my arms wrapped around them. Looking out the tiny window, I looked at all the people passing by, having no idea what was happening inside this house. As I saw a little girl with her tiny arms wrapped around her dad's neck, I couldn't help but cry and wish I would've been able to do that.

"Annabelle. You naughty naughty girl. How could you keep your dad locked out. Come on, I know you can't wait to have my cock shoved up that nice tight-

"SHUT UP!!! SHUT UP!!! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!" I cried out bitterly as I stared at the door. Soon he started pushing hard against the door. I heard the lock twist and forgot he had  a key. How could I have been so fucking dumb? He starts pushing hard against the door, smashing into it and I panic as I see the closet start to move. I immediately stand up and look around me for some sort of weapon I can use to defend myself. Nothing but a metal curtain hanger. I run to it and grab it right when the closet falls to the ground and my dad smashes through the door. He has a evil lust filled glimmer in his eyes. One I've seem just too many times.

"Annabelle, dear Annabelle. Thought you could hide didn't you? Well now I'm here to take what  I want and you better deliver it with a smile." That fucking asshole said to me coming closer. Like I could ever smile at him. I have nothing but pure hatred for this man. He grabbed me and pulled my body to his. He smiled and crashed his nasty mouth to mine as I stood there not responding. With the metal pole in my hands I patiently wait for the right time. As he starts touching me, I hit him hard on his head making him pull back and clutch at his now bleeding bald head as I make a run for it.

"Why you little good for nothing little bitch." He says and before I can get far enough he grabs me again and takes the curtain hanger from me and throws it to the ground far from my reach. I cry out and know exactly what's coming next. I feel my dad's hand come hard against my face and no sooner are my pants ripped off and my blouse torn open. As  my cries fall on deaf ears, my dad's moans and grunts make bile rise up my throat and soon I can't hold it in anymore and puke. But no, this doesn't stop this sick man. He just keeps going until he is fully satisfied.

"Damn that was fucking good. Now clean up you dirty slut." He says once he gets off me and zips up his pants. He leaves the attic as I sit there in a mixture of tears, vomit, and blood. Once I'm able to move without falling down, I start cleaning up the vomit off the floor with shaky hands.

******End Flashback*****

I hold my head up high not wanting anyone to see me upset. The rain only grows harder until it's hard to make out anything more than a few feet away. As I keep walking, I finally reach the bridge I so greatly love. As I look around, I'm the only one there as cars pass by not really paying attention to the girl standing with a rope in her hands, staring at the flowing water beneath her.

I take the rope and make a tight knot on the bar of the bridge. I could just throw myself down cause it's quite the drop but than there could be that slight miracle that I survive. I don't want that miracle. I want to be sure that I will die and well hanging myself off a bridge is pretty secure to me.

Once I know that the knot is tight enough, I get the other end and put it around my neck. I climb up onto the bars and move my legs over it until I'm standing on the other side ready to jump. Well I guess this is goodbye. Before I even get the chance to jump, I feel my cellphone vibrate in my pocket. Who would call me at one in the morning. Deciding to hear one last voice before I go, I answer only to see it was Mrs. Hanson.

"Sorry to bother Ann but Luke was just in a accident. I thought you might like to come. It would mean a lot since you two are so close." I gasped at the sudden news. My Luke was hurt? Oh God please don't let nothing bad happen. It would kill Andy.

"I'm on my way there now." I told her not waiting for a reply and placing my cellphone back in my pocket. I swing my feet over the bars and landed safely on the other side. Untying the rope and removing it off my head, I put it away in my book bag zipping it up. Casting one last glance at the water, I walked away heading to the hospital. Guess this would just have to wait yet again. Will I ever get my escape?


I walked through the hospital doors and asked for Luke. I got told he was in intensive care and his mom was in the waiting room. I gave them a short thank you and rushed over to the second floor where they were at. As the elevator doors opened, I saw Mrs. Hanson sitting patiently with red eyes and a sad expression on her face. I rushed to her and hugged her tightly.

"I'm so sorry Mrs. Hanson. What happened?" I asked her, worry clear in my voice.

"Sit down dear and I'll tell you everything." I did as she said and took a sit besides her. Hm, weird Andy isn't here, figured he'd be the first one to be here. As she told me everything from her catching Luke with the pills to Andy having a panic attack, I couldn't help but let the tears I never wanted anyone to see slip out. Poor Andy and Luke. They deserved so much better than what they were going through. How can Mr. Hanson be so cruel and full of hatred. And to think I used to see him as a inspiring father figure. Now he is as good as shit for all I care.

When she finished I asked her if Andy could have any visitors and she said she hadn't heard from him yet but that I could ask. I nodded and walked over to one of the nurses passing by.

"Excuse me but can I go see Andy. Andy Green?" I asked and she looked down at her clip board searching for his name.

"Sure. He's in room 206. He might be a little shocked and dizzy from the heavy medication so be gentle with him and don't startle him or anything, ok?" She said assuring I wouldn't cause another panic attack but I reassured her I was just a friend, that I wouldn't do anything. She left with a nod and I waved at Mrs. Hanson than left in search of the room.

Finally finding it, I gave a small knock before opening up and coming inside. Looking at Andy laying there in the hospital bed with an expressionless look on his face, I was brought back to how Luke said that that was how he would always look when they first met.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him taking a seat besides his bed. His newly dyed hair was a mess and dark circles covered his eyes.

"Boy someone would think you were the one in the accident." I said trying to lighten the mood a little but it didn't work when his expression didn't change. I grew serious again and took his hand in mind as he suddenly pulled back neglecting my touch. I was a little hurt but than I grabbed it firmly in my hands and didn't let him go. He stared deeply into my eyes as tears rimmed his eyes.

"I nearly killed him." He said just above a whisper. I stared shocked and looked as a single tear rolled down his cheek.

"You didn't mean to Andy." I said trying to stop the stream of tears.

"But I did it. Nothing changes the fact that I was the one to hit him. I should have never said what I said to him." He said and I was clueless at what he was talking about.

"What do you mean?" I asked holding tighter to his hand hoping to lend some comfort. He sighed sadly and let out a pained whimper from his throat.

"I broke up with him. I said shit that was meant to hurt him. And all because I was mad at his father for making me stay away from Luke. He made me promise to not see Luke ever again. That he knew I liked him and that if he saw us together he would make sure I ended up on the streets and hated by society for sure. He's a cop, I know he has power and I was furious at him. I didn't tell Luke that part of course. So I just overreacted and ended things with him. When I left, I was crushed. I knew I had hurt him and when hours passed and I just drove around in misery, I couldn't care less. I said to hell with his dad and I drove to the nearest store and bought Luke a red apology bear and instantly drove over to his house. I didn't know he would run out on the street like that. When I saw him it was too late. His body had already collided with my car. I don't even know what would cause him to run out like that." He let out as he was crying now. I stared sadly at him

"You don't know do you?" I asked him when he lifted his face and stared at me.

"Know what?" He said and I regretted what I was about to say.

"Luke had tried to overdose on his depression pills. His mom caught him and that's what made him not pay attention to what he was doing. He tried to kill himself." I told him and I watched his face turn into one of pure pain.

"Oh god. Oh god god god." He kept repeating hysterically until I grew afraid and tried to calm him down but nothing was working. I quickly called a nurse and she came in with another needle that put him to sleep. When she left I stayed in the room and just sat there staring at Andy. He didn't deserve any of this. He's too much of a person to have to suffer so much.

I reached out my hand and ran it through his hair. Gosh he was so beautiful. Yes, sadly I had a crush on Andy. Don't worry, I would never break him and Luke up. Luke's my best friend, he's my brother and I would never hurt him like that. Anyways they're both gay, I have no chance. And I'll be leaving soon so they don't have to worry about my little crush.

I let out a small sigh and leaned in kissing him gently on his forehead. I than leaned back into my chair and let sleep overcome me. My eyelids dropped close, me still holding on to Andy's hand.

A short while later I woke up to a knock on the door. Seeing two officers walking in I grew worried and confused.

"What's wrong officers?" I asked them as they each had their notepads out.

"Is this Andy Green." One of the officers said signaling over to him on the bed.

"Yes sir. But what's wrong?" I asked again.

"He's under arrest."


Stayed home from school and spent the day writing the chapter for you guys so hope you liked it :) Anyways bye and keep the comments coming. Try to not lose it though, I don't want to get hate mail :/

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