I.R.L. (A MrMitch361 Story)

By ClumsyBek

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"Hey guys it's me Apple! And welcome back to the Cube Smp! Now, as many of you know I can't go to Pax because... More

Chapter 1- recording
Chapter 2- check twitter
Chapter 3- team speak
chapter 4- traveling
chapter 5- meeting mrmitch
chapter 6- getting settled
chapter 7- hanging with the guys
chapter 8- crayons, lions, and hot sauce
chapter 9- wake up calls
chapter 10- phone calls and failed jokes
chapter 11- late night with mitch
chapter 12- breakfast
chapter 13- title names are hard
chapter 14- weird friends (5k :D)
chapter 15- awkward conversations
chapter 16- downtown
chapter 17- that was... interesting
chapter 18- confusion and walks
chapter 19- two AM and FIFA
chapter 20- Fourth of July
chapter 21- FIFA with the hockeyheads
chapter 22- I'm going to kill Brayden
chapter 23- homesickness and pool fun
chapter 24- Adventure
chapter 25- told you so
chapter 26- an awkward wake up call
10k reads and Q&A!
chapter 27- music festival
Q&A Answers!
chapter 28- pizza
chapter 30- teasing and streaming
chapter 31- 100,000 and midnight cities
chapter 32- plaques and bubble wrap
chapter 33- goodbye
Chapter 34- home
Chapter 35- hello
Chapter 36- cubers and ubers
37- junk food and fries
A Conclusion of Sorts (an unofficial Chapter 38)

chapter 29- hanging with the hockeyheads

775 36 81
By ClumsyBek

"Please don't fall asleep in my truck." Mitch laughed. The movie had just ended and Mitch was putting all the blankets in the back seat. I walked right to the passenger door and buckled myself in. I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes. "Bek I'm serious." Mitch laughed as he got into the truck and closed the door. I grunted in response, I heard Mitch buckle his seat belt and start the truck. I could tell we were driving from the bumps that made my head hit the window over and over again. "If you give yourself a concussion, I swear to god." Mitch laughed,but his voice lacked the humor. He sounded worried instead. I turned my head away from the window and rested it on the chair, now I was facing Mitch.

"Shush, I wanna sleep." I reached over lazily and put a finger to his lips. Closing my eyes, I listened to the faint radio play in the background. Mitch chuckled and I could picture him rolling his eyes at me. I curled up in my seat, putting my feet on the seat and hugged my knees to my chest. I listened as Mitch drove, he wasn't saying anything but I could hear his soft breathing.

I was woken up by Mitch, who knows how much later. He was nudging my shoulder and I groaned. The lights were on in the car and the engine and radio were off. Mitch gave me a small smile as he continued to nudge me awake.

"Come on Bek, we're home. Wake up." He smiled as he nudged me again. I shook my head in response and he laughed. "Come on, you don't want to sleep in here, there's a nice comfy bed inside, now get up."

"Carry me." I mumbled tiredly to Mitch. He sighed and closed the door, only to reappear and open my door. He leaned over and unbuckled my seatbelt and with one arm he grabbed me from behind my knees and the other was on my back. He closed the case door with his foot and chuckled.

"The things I do for you." He laughed softly as he looked down at me. I leaned into him and my face had gotten pressed against his chest. We made it inside and Mitch set me down on the couch. "Sorry, I have to lock the door." I turned away as he left and closed my eyes. "Don't you want to sleep in your bed?" He asked with a laugh.

"No. I wanna sleep here." I mumbled tiredly

"Well then, let me get your glasses before you break them." He chuckled and took my glasses off of my face. The lights gotnturned off and then I felt the couch sink down next to me. "Scoot over and make room for me." I rolled over and Mitch slipped in next to me.

"Goodnight Mitch." I could feel how close he was, his face was only a few inches away from mine.

"Night Bek." Mitch whispered.


"Are you sure he said today?" I heard Ryan's voice when I woke up. Oh no. Not this again. I knew what was going to happen, and I was trying to brace myself for it.

"Yeah, his text said today. But I think we came a little earlier than he planned for us to be." I heard Brayden snicker. Oh no, Brayden's here. I meantaly groaned at the thought of what was about to happen.

"You thinking what in thinking?" I heard Ryan ask with an amused tone.

"Picture time" they both laughed together and I heard two phone cameras go off. Great.

"Shall we wake the happy couple?" Brayden laughed. I was going to kill him.

"I think we shall." Ryan answered laughing. I'm going to kill him too. But I only heard Brayden talking as I was being shaken awake.

"Come on Bek, rise and shine. Give your boyfriend a kiss good morning." Brayden laughed as he made kissy noises. I groaned and rolled on my side, only to hit what I was guessing was Mitch. I opened my eyes just a tiny bit to see that Mitch was doing the same. Brayden continued the kissy noises and we both groaned. I rolled back over the other way and Brayden continued the torture. "Aw, that's not a kiss. Come on Bek, you can do it we believe in you." Brayden giggled

"Brayden, if you don't shut up, I will punch you." I mumbled into the couch.

"It's been two months, justbkiss each other already-" but Brayden was cut short of his sentence by my fist coming in contact with his gut. I heard Ryan laugh as Brayden groaned and fell to the floor in a heap. "Holy shit, she can punch." He weazed from his new spot on the floor. I looked up to see Ryan laughing while holding up his phone. That traitor was video tapping the whole thing. I was brought out of my anger by Mitch.

"Good morning." He said in a low raspy voice. I smiled, he always sounded so different in the morning. Mitch smiled back, and I noticed how close our faces were. Our noses were practically touching and I looked away from his eyes. My eyes fell on his hair instead, I let out a laugh when I saw that his long shaggy hair was now sticking up in every possible direction.

"Nice hair." I chuckled as I tried to help him smooth it down.

"Thanks, I thought you would like it." He laughed as he sat up on the couch. I followed suit and sat up as well, taking the opposite side of the couch.

"So, what are you guys doing here?" I directed the question to Ryan since Brayden was still on the ground cluchuing his stomach and whispering profanities at me from under his breath.

"Mitch texted us last night telling us to come over. I guess we were a little early." He stopped and gave Mitch and I a seggestive look. "Sorry that we interrupted-" he stopped talking when I made my name into a fist and stood up. "No! I'm sorry! Don't punch me, punch Brayden instead!" He cowered and held his hands up in front of him to protect himself.

"No thanks, I'm good." Brayden groaned as he stood up slowly, using the couch to help him up. He was breathing normally now and he didn't look so in pain like he did earlier. "You know, if YouTube doesn't work out, have you ever thought about being a MMA fighter or something?"

"Brayden, I'm the youngest in a family of all boys. You learn how to throw a punch." I rolled my eyes as I plopped back down on the couch, I grabbed my glasses from the coffee table where Mitch set them last night. "So what are we doing today?" I asked as I cleaned my glasses on my shirt.

"We can just drive around and then choose from there?" Ryan suggested. We all agreed and Mitch and I walked upstairs to change. As we climbed the stairs together and approached the end of the hallway where our rooms are, Mitch turned to me.

"Sorry about them. I know it bothers you when they say that stuff." Mitch rubbed the back on his neck awkwardly.

"Mitch, I told you, it's not your fault. It's not like you do that stuff on purpose." I laughed awkwardly. Mitch started laughing too, but his sounded forced for some reason.

"Ha, yeah..." Mitch spoke quietly and looked at one of the picture frames on the wall instead of looking at me. "So we should probably change."

"Oh, yeah. See you in a bit." I walked into my room and closed the door behind me. I leaned against the door and sighed. Things were getting weird with Mitch. It was like he was the one person I could actually talk too and he would listen to me. But then again, at other times, it seemed like we couldn't get through a conversation without stuttering. What was going on? Mitch kjept running through my mind as I brushed my hair and teeth and got changed.

I walked down the stairs, one converse on my left foot, the other in my hand and saw Mitch talking to Brayden and Ryan. I sat down on the bottom stair so I could get my shoe on without falling.

"Ready?" Ryan asked as I finished tying the laces. I nodded and followed them to the door. Ryan was driving again, so we walked to his car. Well, the rest of us walked to the car, Brayden however sprinted in front of us to the car.

"Shotgun!" He screamed as he threw open the door and slammed it closed once he was inside. I turned to Mitch and he and I both rolled our eyes together. I walked to the door and took the seat behind Brayden.

"Idiot." I muttered as I smacked him lightly on the head. Mitch took the seat behind Ryan and we started to drive.

"Okay, there's one rule." Ryan said as he turned out of Mitch's driveway. "Bek doesn't get to pick the music." Brayden and Mitch nodded and agreed while I gasped.

"Oh come on!" I pouted and crossed my arms in front of my chest. You try to celebrate the fourth of July once and they shoot you down.


"We're here!" Ryan sang as he turned the engine off. I groaned as I opened the door and stepped out of the car. Apparently, the hockeyheads wanted to go bowling, so they decided while I was changing. I however, hate bowling. No matter how many times we went as a family or with my friends back home, I always ended up getting gutter balls. My high score was a bold 54 and that was with me cheating.

"Come on, Apple pie, it will be fun." Brayden smiled and nudged me as he walked by me. I groaned in response and trudged to the door. Once I walked in, I saw that Ryan was already paying. The guys were getting their shoes and Mitch motioned me over.

"I didn't know what size shoe you are." He smiled as he grabbed his shoes from the counter

"I wish you guys would let me pay for my things." I pouted as I told they lady behind the counter my shoe size.

"It's fine, we don't mind." He smiled as I grabbed my shoes. We walked together to the lane where Ryan and Brayden where.

"Yeah, but I mind." I sat down on one of the benches, Mitch sitting next to me as we both put on the bowling shoes.

"Stop complaining and come pick out a ball." Mitch laughed. I followed him to the rack of bowling balls. He picked out a bright green one and I picked out a dark blue one that was a bit lighter than his and we put them down at our lane.

"We put the names in." Brayden giggled at us before quickly walking away to pick out his own bowling ball and Ryan followed him, laughing loudly as he did so. Oh no, what did they do? Mitch and I both looked to the scoreboard where our names were.



•Mr Mitch

Mrs Mitch

I groaned as I read the last one. Of course. Ryan came back with his bowling ball and set it next to ours. Brayden followed and the both shared a smirk. I rolled my eyes and lightly hit Ryan's shoulder.

"Okay, let's bowl!" Ryan smiled enthusiastically. Brayden went first, getting a spare. Ryan followed, nocking down seven pins and then one pin. Mitch went next and almost got a strike. He went again but barely missed the pin. Then it was my turn. I groaned as I stood up. I grabbed the ball I picked out and lined up my shoot. Okay so far so good, and I spoke too soon. Gutter ball. I groaned and walked back to the ball return. I looked at the guys and they all clapped- I'm guessing it was sarcastically.

"Woo! Go Bek!" Brayden cheered loudly as Ryan clapped next to him. I frowned and looked at Mitch.

"You got it this time." He smiled and I rolled my eyes. I grabbed my ball and bowled again. Another gutter.

"I told you I was bad!" I frowned as I sat back down in between Ryan and Mitch. Brayden walked up to take his turn.

"You're not bad!" Mitch defended me "That was just a warm up bowl, you'll do better next time."

"I wouldn't count on it." I muttered as I turned Brayden's camera on him. The guys were all vlogging, even though Brayden was probably the only one who would post it. So it was my job to record whoever was bowling. Soon, it was my turn again. I handed Mitch back his camera and grabbed the bowling ball. I focused on the pins and bowled. Gutter. "Can I give up now?" I pouted to the guys.

"No. Come on." Mitch handed his camera to Ryan and stood up. I grabbed my ball and stood at the end of the lane. I was about to bowl again when in felt someone behind me. I turned my head around and saw Mitch. He gave me a shy smile. "Okay put your arm like this." He rested his hand on my wrist. He put his other hand on my waist for balance. "Ready?" I nodded and Mitch led my arm backwards and forwards. "Now release!" I watched as the ball rolled down the lane, Mitch still holding onto my waist and wrist. I could feel how close he was to me. Shaking the thoughts, I concentrated on the ball. It crashed into the pins and nocked eight of them down.

"I did it! Well, we did it!" I cheered loudly as I turned to Mitch.

"You did it." Mitch agreed as he laughed. I engulfed him into a hug. He was surprised at first, but then he hugged back.

"Ahem." Mitch and I let go of each other and turned to see Brayden. "Some of us would like to bowl here." He looked at us with a smirk.

The game continued, I vlogged for the guys while they bowled. Mitch helped me bowl whenever it was my turn and I beat my highscore for once with his help. The guys tweeted out the scores of our game and only after that did try remember what the names where.

"Whoops." Brayden laughed as he saw the tweets of the fans who were freaking out over Mitch's and my names that Brayden's and Ryan put in. I guess this ship thing was never going to end.

A/N: I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry im sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry im sorry for making you guys wait! :( I'm going through sometime right now that are making me feel like crap and they made me really sad and I would try to write but I kept getting sad. I'm so sorry!!! I feel really bad about making you guys wait so long for a chapter. I was trying to do some free writing because I heard that it helps so I may have a story I'll publish when I finish this one- sadly its not a cube fan fiction tho.

Please vote, comment, and follow! It would mean a lot to me

Promo: check out my kiani au- Band-Aid

Again, sorry for the wait, I'm just dealing with some ish right now. But I love you guys!
-Bek :)

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