picture imperfect

By aquapilot

748 204 48

Travel, love, heart-break. Casual things that occur in the lives of Kat, Claire, Destiny, and River. But wha... More

"Right Here"
"No Biggy"
"The Most Embarrising Thing"
"Doesn't Matter"
"Tamato, Tamoto"
"It Takes A Real Hero"
"Who's The Kid"
"My Only Chance"
"Agree To Disagree"
"This Is Gonna Be Epic"
"Story For Our Grandkids"
"All Torn Up"
"Shut Up"
"The Sky Silly"
"Coffee Anyone"
"People Do It All The Time"
"I Don't Feel..I Twerk"
"I'm Fine"
"We All Lost"
"Please Best Friend"
"Let Him Go"
"Baby Barakat"
"It Hurts"
"Amazing Bestfriend"
"It's Positive Hardcore Thursday"
"Señor Dimples"
"Mel Bell"
"Good Luck Kiss"
"You Got Two Minutes"
"Forrest Dumb"
"Blue-Headed, Sci-Fi Nerd"
"Everyone Stand Back"
"Last Time I Checked"
"Not Goodbye"
"Watch Me"
"Game On Bitch"
"I'm Not A Kid"
A Thousand Years (More Like 12)

"Muscle Spasm"

33 4 3
By aquapilot

~Kat's P.O.V~

"Mom, This is so weird but, do you mind turning around for a sec and helping me?" Tay laughed and pulled my head through the right hole. "Don't worry, Kat. You'll get used to it soon enough." I smiled and hugged her again. "Let's go find Dad, yeah?" I nodded vigorously and ran out of the door hearing a thud. Oops. I looked behind it seeing a girl clutching her nose. "Ow. Come on! Seriously?!" I stood there for a second but helped her up. "I'm so so so sorry! Are you okay?! Is it bleeding?!" I asked frantically. What? I just got back out into the free world. I couldn't have a law-suit....yet! She chuckled and shook her head letting it go. "Nah, it's cool. It just hurts a little." I smiled and gave a sigh of relief. "I'm Destiny, Destiny Barakat." I put out my hand. "I'm Kat." She shook it while having an eyebrow raised. I giggled. "What?" She shook her head. "Do you have a last name by any chance?" I face-palmed. "Sorry, i'm just getting used to this whole 'meeting new people thing'." She wrapped her arm around my shoulder. "Than let me show you the way." She stretched her arm out dramatically at nothing. I laughed. "The way to what?" She shrugged and let go facing me again. "How am i supposed to know? I just really wanted to say that..." We looked at each other for a second before bursting out laughing. "Nice holes in your face by the way.." She nods. "Thanks. My dad was mad at first but he got used to them." My jaw dropped. "You got them without him knowing?" She smiled and nodded. Tay came behind me and rested her hand on my shoulder. "Don't even think about it..." I sighed and pouted. "I wasn't..until now..." She rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Hey, Aunt Tay!" Tay looked at Destiny and smiled. "Hey, Des! Your dad's down that hall.." She nodded and looked back at me. "Sorry, i have to go but..to be continued?" I nodded. "Yeah, sure!" She smirked and ran down the hall. "To be continued..." I mumbled to myself. How does she know Destiny? Well, obviously that's her niece but how? I turned and looked up at her. "Mom, how is Destiny your niece?" She smirked. "You'll see later on tonight at the party." My face lit up. "PARTY?! WE'RE HAVING A PARTY?!" She smiled and nodded. "Who is gonna be there?" We started walking towards Alex. "Everyone we know besides Kellin, and Vic, and the girls.." I stopped and faced her. "Mom,..that's a lot of people i have to impress on my own." She frowned and kneeled in front of me, taking my hand. "No, it's a lot of people you have to meet. Sweetie, you don't have to impress anyone. You're perfect just the way you are..." I smiled and hugged her. "Thanks, Mom.." She gave a gentle squeeze and let go. "You're welcome, Kat. Now, let's go.." She stood up and grabbed my hand leading me to Alex again. "Oooh, someone looks niice." I giggled and did a little spin. "You like?" He nodded and did a terrible french accent. "Hon Hon it looks nice." We all laughed. "Nice accent." He bowed. "I'm here for the rest of your life.." I giggled and rolled my eyes. "Hey, dad?" He looked at me with wild eyes. I slowly showed an evil grin. "Wanna do some pranks?" He smiled wide. "I thought you'd never ask, Kit Kat." I giggled. "Okay, what about you, mom? You in?" She looked at our hopeful faces and groaned, giving in. "Sure. What do we do?" Me and Alex high-five and cheered. She rolled her eyes. "My little idiots..." We put on snooty faces. "Why thank you." Alex nodded. "Well put, Kathrine. Well put." He had a way better English accent than i did. I don't know why though. I giggled and got into the group huddle. "Okay, mom, you distract Kellin. Dad, you and me got some jokes to do." He laughed and we high-five again. Tay walked over to Claire and Kellin and smacked him in the face without warning. Me and Alex tried hard not to laugh so it came out as strange noises. Kellin shot up and looked around until his eyes landed on Tay. Me and Alex army crawled over and he handed me the whoopee cushion. I lurked up slightly and made a motion towards Tay. "Get him to stand up" She nodded and looked back at him. "Sorry, Kells. Muscle spasm. Hug?" He sighed and stood up to give her a soft embrace. Alex shot up and glared at the back of Kellin's head. I rolled my eyes and tossed it under where he was sitting. I snickered and sat back down next to Alex. "Dad, are you okay?" He nodded and took a deep breath. "I'm fine, Kit-Kat. Let's just hurry up an-" A loud fart exploded in the room sending us into hysterics on the floor. Kellin was glaring at us while standing up. Wait, if he's standing up then who sat on the cushion? I stood up and looked at the bed seeing Claire laying on top of it. Alex took out his phone and took a picture while I laughed again. "Even better!" Me, Tay, and Alex ran out of the room sitting back down in the lobby. I breathlessly lay across them. "That was fun and all but I'm tired." Alex chuckled and Tay brushed her fingers through my hair soothingly. "You should probably do more cardio, you're gonna need it." I nod and try to calm my breathing, closing my eyes. "Noted." Alex laughed again and Tay kissed my cheek softly.

"Mayday situation overload
I'm restless, obsessed with your future
And all my worries they don't bother you
Collected, you render me useless
But I carry on

Right now, I think that you think that I'm
Half drunk, searching for something of
Substance, casually dropping a line, designed
To keep you next to me
I can't awkwardly craft in advance
I know, that you wouldn't fall for that
You say 'Shut up and take my hand'
And we carry on

I don't wanna say goodnight
The city comes alive, when we're together
Why can't Thursday last forever
I don't wanna say goodnight
I've never been so sure
Just do it for the memories
Do it for Baltimore
And do it for me

Hot damn, look at me now
I'm all, caught up riding the high of my
Good luck, casually dropping a line, designed,
To keep you next to me
I bet you never thought you would fall again
So much for keeping this, just friends
Shut up and kiss me now
And we carry on

I don't wanna say goodnight
The city comes alive, when we're together
Why can't Thursday last forever
I don't wanna say goodnight
I've never been so sure
Just do it for the memories
Do it for Baltimore
And do it for me
(Do it for me)

Mayday situation overload
I'm restless, obsessed with your future
And all my worries they don't bother you
Collected, you render me useless
But I carry on

I don't wanna say goodnight
The city comes alive, when we're together
Why can't Thursday last forever
I don't wanna say goodnight
I've never been so sure
Just do it for the memories
Do it for Baltimore
And do it for me...."

I smiled. I actually feel loved. For once. I can't wait to officially call them family...

Picture above is Destiny. Yes, Jack has a kid. Are you really surprised, though? Nah, it would've happened sooner than later. Make sure to vote, comment, and read more!


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