Kyra (Completed)


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To think it all started with a broken ankle and a pair of keys... #1 Urban - March 2020 #1UrbanNovel - April... Еще

Authors Note
Before you begin reading.
11 (short)
Epilogue 1.
Epilogue 2.
New Book!


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I stood in the aisle of the corner store looking for snacks. I was surprised that Cam had let me go since I was ordered to the hospital tomorrow morning. It's the first of March and I'm still pregnant. I'm so relieved.

I'm so scared because as much as people try to tell it you it won't, it's going to hurt. It's going to hurt really bad and there's nothing you am so about it until the doctor's order.

I was terrified of what the contractions would feel like because whenever you seen them on movies or DH the women are always screaming like something is trying to kill them. I wasn't exactly excited about that.

I grabbed some Doritos and some skittles before turning down the aisle. I opened the door and grabbed a cold apple juice and made my way up to the front. That's when I noticed her.


She looked up and our eyes connected before they dropped to my belly. I wasn't sure if Cam ever had told her I was pregnant, but I thought he had. If he hadn't this was probably a huge surprise to her and by the way she looked, there was no way she knew.

She seemed stuck as she stared at me.


I didn't like her, but I wasn't immature either. "Yeah." I said turning in the direction of her.

"You're pregnant?"

I rolled my eyes. "Clearly,"

She looked up at me as I saw the flashes of anger and sadness in her facials. "By who?"

" Cam." I said biting my lip.

"Why would he get you pregnant?" I kissed my teeth and shook my head.

"You're so fucking ignorant." I mumbled. "He got me pregnant because he did. Because life happened! I don't even know why I'm wasting my time talking to you because you are nothing but drama. You ruined us. You just couldn't accept that he was happy."

"How happy could he have been with you if I was still a thought?" She said with a smirk.

"How happy could he have been with you if he left you to come back to me?"

He chuckled darkly. "Bitch, he's probably only with you for the baby. He wasn't even thinking about you. He told me he was over you. He told me he hated you. That you were nothing to him anymore..." Her words were hitting me like bricks.

If it was one thing about Chanel, she could say something and make you feel it.

"He was trying to get me back the whole time you two were together..."

I wasn't telling a story.  Cam would call and text me all the time, but I hardly ever answered. I bet she didn't even know that.

"But he didn't leave till he found out you were pregnant, and you look ready to bust so he was with me after he knew you were pregnant too huh?" She chuckled. "Kyra you are the definition of pathetic. That's why he stays with you...not because he loves you. Because you're pavement. He walks right over you."

She shook her head. "I wish you luck." She said before walking out the store. I stood there, me being the one who was now stuck.

Had I really been that naive?

I opened the door to my house and sat the bag on the kitchen counter. I was already over emotional and this wasn't helping. I was exhausted from always dealing with something.

If it wasn't my dad, it was my mom if it wasn't Cam it was Chanel. If it wasn't that is was something with Josh or I was sick or throwing up or getting bad news. I was sick and tired of nothing good ever happening to me. It was like I didn't deserve to have at least a week in peace.

Cam walked in the kitchen and kissed my forehead. I sat down in one of the chairs and just watched him as he pulled what he wanted out of the bag and opened it, the plastic obnoxiously ripping apart.

He looked up at me and chuckled. "You mighty quiet over there..."

" Cam, why did you wait two months to break up with Chanel?"

He shrugged. "I don't like breaking people's hearts. I felt bad when I actually did it. She was crying so hard. It was sad."

"Or was it because I'm pregnant?"

He looked up at me and furrowed his eyebrows. "What?"

"If I wasn't pregnant, you wouldn't be, here would you?"

He shrugged. "I doubt it. You'd probably be with Rashad. Let's be real Kyra, if you weren't pregnant, you'd be done with me. I'll fight for you, but I can't take you from nobody else's arms and you told me he lived in California. He ain't pop up out of nowhere Kyra. You went and saw him while you were out there."

"So, Josh makes you stay?"

He kissed his teeth. "No, you make me stay. I love you Kyra. I'd be with you without a baby, I'm just saying you wouldn't have taken me back but yeah, if I could, I would have been with you without Josh." He said walking over to me. "Where's all this coming from?"

"I just saw Chanel."

He kissed his teeth. "She lies a lot Kyra. You can't let her get to you."

"She said you told her I was nothing, you told her you were over me." He laughed. "She's still upset. I told her the exact opposite. I told her I loved you and I couldn't be with her or have her around if I wanted to be with you."

I ran my hands threw my hair and sighed. I felt his arms around me, and I laid into his chest. "You still don't trust me."

"I do, just not the way I used to." He nodded. "I've done everything in my power to show you who I stand for."

"I know. I just need some time to get over my personal problems."

He bit into his honey bun and raised it to my mouth I bit, and he smiled before kissing my lips.

"She's my past. We got too much to look forward to, to be worried about her."

"You're right." I said biting my lip.

His phone started ringing and he pulled it out of his pocket. "It's her."

I nodded and got up. "Answer it, end it." I said making my way upstairs with my skittles.


"Hello?" I said stepping out of the house. The hallway was empty and cold so I wanted to make this call short as I could.

I hated how Chanel got to Kyra like that. Chanel's words could be so mean and lethal sometimes and that's something I didn't like about because Chanel's really nice, it's just when she dislikes someone or she's mad, she's your worst enemy.

"I didn't know she was pregnant."

"It's none of your business." I mumbled.

She chuckled. " Cam, I don't care if she's pregnant. If that's why you thought you had to break up with me, it's okay. It's not a problem. I'll treat it like it's my own." She said in a peppy voice.

I huffed in annoyance. "Chanel do you remember the conversation we had last time I talked to you?"

"Yeah, and I'm telling you we can move on from this."

"Chanel, her being pregnant isn't why I broke up with you. Having a son and a girlfriend isn't the problem. You are. I don't love you anymore, you're not who it wants to be with anymore. Stop trying to work your way around the truth when I sat it on the table for you. If it was about the baby, I would have mentioned that. It has nothing to do with it."

" Cam, what is so damn special about her?!" She shouted causing me to roll my eyes.

"She's everything I've ever wanted. I'm happy, let me be happy Chanel. Let me live, every time I'm happy, you fuck it up. You're not messing this up. I have a family; I need to do what I gotta do for that family. I need you to stop calling me..."

I heard her soft cries and I sighed. I hated when she cried but I couldn't help her this time. It was over between us and she needed to accept that.

" Cam's, please don't do this to me. I need you!"

I chuckled. "Have a nice life Nelly. I hope you find someone special but it's not me." I said before hanging up.

I rested my back against the wall and sighed. "I'm proud of you."

I jumped at the voice and turned to see Cody. I let out a breath and gave him a hug. "You scared me."

He chuckled. "My bad. I was bored so I thought I'd come fuck with y'all for a minute." I nodded, opening the door.

"Where you coming from?"

"I had just flown in from TX. I went to see Arie. She's home sick." My face dropped. "I guess she not gone be here huh?"

He shook his head no. "She said she gone come during her spring break in April. Josh will be a little more responsive when she comes so it's all good." I nodded.

Kyra walked in the living room and her face lit up. "Cody!" She said happily as she hugged him. "Wassup Minnie!" He yelled. I chuckled.

I loved how close my family had grown to her. Cody treated her like one of us and I appreciated that because he was a hard nut to crack when it came to opening up to people. He had taken a liking to Kyra the first day he met her.

"Are Anna and Clinton here?" She asked.

"Yeah, they at Austin house. They gone be at the hospital tomorrow."

She nodded as the doorbell rang. I got up and answered the door.

Noni screamed and pulled me into a hug. I laughed and put her on my back, and I gave Michael a side hug.

We made our way into the living room and I put Noni down. Kyra smiled and kissed her dad before her, and Noni started talking about everything like they usually do.

"Want some coffee Mike?" He nodded and I led him to the kitchen. Kyra had made it for him before he got here. She's such a daddy's girl.

"Ready to enter the world of parenthood Cameron?" He asked as he sipped from his mug. I shrugged. "As ready as I'll ever be."


"You sure you have everything?"

I chucked at how nervous she was. "Kyra, you packed this damn bag, not me. Relax."

She took a deep breath and I carefully helped her out of the truck as we walked into the hospital.

"Where's my phone Cam?" I reached in her pocket and pulled it out. She sighed and grabbed it kissing my jaw.

We headed to level five and checked in. They assigned Kyra a room and the nurse led us to it.

"Is this where I'm having him?" She shook her head no. "They are going to move you when you're dilated enough which may or may not take long since your body is trying to have the baby early." She said smiling. "Here, put this on and I'll go get the doctor so we can get started."

She handed Kyra a gown and I chucked at the way she frowned at it. "It's ugly."

"That's why, I had a pretty one made." Lauren said walking in with Kyrie trailing behind. Kyra smiled and hugged her mother before kissing all over Kyrie's face. He gave me a high five and a hug making me laugh.

"You been good Ky?" She asked, he nodded touching her belly.

"There's a baby in here?" He asked amazed. She nodded. "You have a little niece or nephew in there. He's coming out today or tomorrow though."

Kyrie smiled. "Cool."

I noticed he had a handheld game system and I rubbed my hands together; I'd be occupied with Kyrie till Kyra had Josh. Thank god for kids. "Yo, Ky. Come chill with me little man." He happily skipped over to me as we got on the couch.


I sat on the edge of the bed talking to my mom. She asked me was I nervous and gave me some advice about keeping calm that soothed my nerves a little.

Anna walked in with the clan, and they all gave me hugs and kisses. "Pop my grandson out already Kyra, you've been pregnant forever." I chuckled. "Shut up."

"Hey, guys, this is my Mom Lauren and my little brother Kyrie."

"Mommy, these are Cam's parents. Anna and Clinton and Cam's brothers Cody and Austin." She smiled politely and shook hands with everyone going off to the side to talk to Anna.

"Kyra, you don't look in pain." Austin said. I kissed my teeth and Anna smacked him in the back of the head.

"They haven't induced her yet."

The doctor walked in and Cam glanced up from the game, watching him intently. "Kyra, how you are doing today."

I smiled. "I'm fine. Are we starting?"

He nodded and sat two cups in front of me. "This is Pitocin. We are going to see if this can start your contractions, if it isn't successful, we will try a different approach." I nodded.

"Are these safe?"  Cam asked.

He nodded. "They aren't harmful to the child. "They are going to attack your hormones a little."

I nodded and swallowed the pill drinking the water, he took the cups and walked out.

"Here we go..." I mumbled.

Kaylen entered the room and gave me a hug. "Hey, pretty. I have to get to work but I wanted to come see how you're holding up. I'll be here tomorrow morning, hopefully you'll still be screaming."

I kissed my teeth. "You're a bitch." I said laughing. She shrugged. "My dad will be stopping by tomorrow so be expecting." I nodded and she waved at everyone before leaving.

After an hour of everyone doing nothing, I started to get bored. I was playing games on my phone to pass the time. I didn't think it was going to take this long.

Anna handed me some Lays and an apple juice, and I thanked her. I bit into my third chip and a sharp pain sored through my body. I dropped the bag and let out a grunt.

"Are you okay?" My mom asked rubbing my back. I nodded as the pain started to fade. "That wasn't that bad."

Anna looked at my mom and they both laughed. "Just wait baby..."


"What the fuck!" I cried doubling over in pain, but Cam and my mom held me up before I could. "You gotta sit up Kyra."

"I can't do this." I cried shaking my head. Crocodile tears streamed down my cheeks as the contractions rippled throughout my body.

My contractions were an hour apart, but they still had me crying when they would come and go, and this had been going on for a while. My labor would be slow because I wasn't full term. It was slower and way more painful.

"They are down to 25 minutes. You're getting closer baby." Anna said rubbing my leg.

Cam wiped the years from my face as my body started to relax. He sighed and sat on the bed looking at me. "I hate seeing you in pain like this." He mumbled kissing my hand.

"And you want a house full of kids." I said laughing. He smiled. "Only, if it's healthy to happen."

"Baby, her having the baby early is what's different. The contractions are normal. I was screaming when I had Cody the same way. Arie, well, by then I'd had too many to feel it anymore." Kyra smiled. "Thank you."

Noni walked in the room and gave me a hug. "Sorry, we are back. Are you okay?" I nodded.

It was probably two in the morning. Noni and my dad had to fly home because my dad forgot his computer and he has to work while he's here. I told them I would be a while so they could go and come back. Then they called because the flight got delayed. Finally, they were here.

Cam tapped me and I looked up. He had a look on his face as if he was signal me to something, but I was lost. "What Cam? Stop playing mind games." I whispered as my dad made his way to me.

He kissed my forehead and smiled. "How you holding up?"

"I'm okay." I mumbled. He nodded.

Cam bent down to my ear to tell me something. "Your mom, your dad, same room." My eyes got big and I glanced over to my mom.

Her eyes were planted on my dad who hadn't even noticed her presence in the room. He was too busy talking to Clinton and Anna. Kyrie was busied with his game and I was instantly worried.

"This is going to be ugly."  Cam mumbled. I nodded.


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