The Promises we Made

By poisonedapple1908

781 47 14

Katrina, abused by her parents and almost killed, is taken to a school of horrors by her best friend, Jake wi... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

The Promises we Made

327 9 4
By poisonedapple1908

I guess I look alright. Not beautiful, every boy knocking my door down for a date beautiful, but i guess, even though it sounds cheap,  I have inner beauty. I had been told by a very distant ex whom had said that, but a couple days later I found him sleeping with my best friend. It turns out that he had been cheating on me from the second day we had started dating. That three years of my life wasted. But I'm afraid I have thought about it far to much.

I had nice thick blonde hair that flowed down to my lower back. My eyes were green and I think they are my best feature, because they are so striking. A little eye liner and mascara and I'm good to go. Plus a colour I'm feeling like to cover the lid and my eyes seem to be the crayon in the marker box. I am very proud of them. My face is slim, round, and unmarked. I take care of my skin because I just cant stand pimples. I don't weigh much. My lips are somewhat full but don't have very good colour. Nothing special about me. It was just... me. I liked myself well enough, though I know alot of girls who don't like themselves very much. They covered their eyes in eyeliner and look like raccoons. They are a makeup mess, looking like they faceplanted into a makeup pie. But they were nice enough.

I really didn't have any friends though. After losing Maggie to her cheating with my ex boyfriend, I never really replaced her. I had only one friend who doesn't go to my school, so no one knew I wasn't a total loner. I had herd a few girls taking and they had said "That girl is weird, ever since her boyfriend cheated on her she has been acting depressed and is a total loner. No wonder she doesn't have any friends. Whats her name... Katrina?" That was my name. Was what they said true?

That had upset me greatly and I faked a stomach ache and went home and cryed harder then usual. I cried alot. Not only was my social life was hopeless but so was my homelife. My parents loved my younger sister. I was just a distraction. Yeah, most girls say that they are ignored and make a big fuss about it just to get attention. I wish I was making this up. They looked at me with disgust , regret, and disappointment. I had to do all the chores including making dinner, take care of Lea and keep her entertained (my little sister), keep up with homework, and put up with my parents abuse, verbal and physical. I was dead to them and at the very least their slave. I put up with it though I don't know why.

The day the... events unfolded I snapped. I don't regret what I did. I was washing the dishes. Lea was crying in the living room and screaming cursing things at her parents, and i say that because i don't consider them my parents, because they wont let her go to her friends instead of grandma's funeral. Grandma had died a month or two ago, but we werent close. Princess the dog was tapping at the door to be let in, who would sadle the BOY dog with a name like princess- Lea did, selfish brat. My mind wandered. Mostly i thought about schoolwork. Math, science, socials, you name it. At the time I was thinking about french congregations. There had been a test on it the next day. I thought it through again. Silence. Wasn't Lea just yelling? Her tantrums are never that short. I was kind of glad for the rare break from her squabble. Her favorit three words were "i" "want" and " no". Then an ear splitting screech called from Lea and it near stoped my heart. I droped the expensive plate which happened to be Lea's and it clattered to the unforgiving tile and smashed to what seemed like a milion pieces. If Lea's screech didn't stop my heart well dropping the plate did. I was in for it now.

"... KATRINA!?!" my parents screeched in sync. I didn't say anything knowing whatever I would have said would be used against me. Thumping feet. Two pairs. Two angrey pairs. Closer, closer,closer. Drawing near. Almost there. Standing in front of me. My heart took off, beating faster then it ever had. If Lea had anything to do with this, I would be executed on the spot carried out be herself and the puppies she calls friends to shoot me until dead. Mom looked down at the shattered plate and then looked at me and slaped me across the face, dragging her perfect manicured nails across my face leaving a hand print and nail marks from cheekbone to mouth.

I wasn't ready for it. I was thrown back and into the porcelain pieces.  My hands took most of the impact. When I gathered my senses from the impact the first thing that registered in my mind was pain. A sharp throbbing pain. I reached to the back of my head where the pain was most prominent. I was shocked to see when I drew my hand back that not only was my head bleeding, quite heavily I might add, but my hands were cut and bleeding too. I was breathing faster and harder.

Trying to calm myself I thought of Jake. He was my best friend. Everyday we take a walk through the ravine I live next to and loop about back to my backyard where a very exquisite treefort stood. Originally it was for Lea but she said treeforts were lame the second day after completion. She said I could have it since I was as lame as the treefort. So Jake and I hung out there. It was our second home. We called it the J.K. because it stands for our names and its an acronym for just kidding and thats pretty much all we do is joke around in there.

But there was one thing I would change. He and I had never been romantically involved but I had feelings for him. He doesn't know so I suffer in silence. But I would take this then nothing. It was the best part of my day. He was very handsome in my opinion. He has thick brown hair with the bangs he has to brush to the side every 5 second with a flip of his head. He had nice honey smothered chocolate brown eyes framed with great eyelashs. His nose was a little crooked from the time when he got hit in the face with a baseball and it was slightly off center but you could only see if you got close enough. He had a slim face and was unusually pail. He had great abes. Ill admit it. I counted them.He should be on his way, living only half a block away. What if he walks in on me like this. On the ground surrounded by blood and broken dish pieces, tears streaming down my face from the sharp pains puncturing from different parts of my body, parents standing over me probably discussing what object to beat me with. Over a dish. My bad, Lea's dish.

I grabbed the dish towel next to me that i had dropped with that plate and plastered it to the back of my head to stop the heavy bleeding. I got on my knees to get up when my father pushed me back down, injuring my hands more.

"We aren't done with you" He said with a sneer.

On the outside my parents looks like normal people.  My father had brown thinning hair and was pasty white. He had a slim face with out dated glasses hanging on his small nose. But he had creepy eyes. Gray and piercing. I'm glad i didn't get my eyes from him, or my mother for that fact. I'm the only one with green eyes. My mother had blond pin straight hair that was thin. She had a slender tanned face and a great nose. Her eyes are blue. Her skin was, as is mine, flawless. My mother was a real estate agent and my father worked at a bank. I looked up at them, still in their work clothes, suits galore. They looked down on my their usual disapproving look mixed in with a little rage.

"well I'm finished with you." i said slowly through my teeth.

My mom kept her poker face but my dad's eyes showed the tiniest bit of shock. "don't you talk to us with such disrespect! We are your boss and you do what the boss says. Its time you learned-"

"no its time YOU learned" i cut off " that you don't control me. I'm finished here. I'm finished with you two. You aren't always going to get your way and control things in life. You can't and won't stop me from leaving. You are abusive. You are mean. And you can go to hell for all i care just as long as you stay away from me!" i finished breathless.

Anger burned within me with such power i was tingling. Power surged in me and it made me dizzy. It had most power around my fingers. I looked down and almost passed out, whether it was from all the blood loss or from what i saw. What looked almost electric, a current was dancing on my fingertips. It didn't hurt. The opposite really, it gave me strength. I flipped my hands a few times and the current suddenly diapered. Had it been my imagination? Possible. I realized my parents were still screaming at me.

"...and if we ever see you again-"

"enough" i screeched. " i don't care what you have to say. You don't have the right to speak to me any longer. I hate you. I hate everything about this family. Wait, what family" i sneered " this is NOT a family. And this is not the way I'm going to live my life. We are done here." they were infuriated, you could almost see the steam blowing out of their ears.

"well you know what?!" mother screeched. "your fired".

"I'm not your servant! I don't work for you I'm your  daughter. Like you would know the meaning of the word." i yelled back. I got up and stood right in their hideous faces and said "good riddance to you both and that menace you call my sister."

i was then about to turn on my heal and storm to my room to pack my few precious belongings when my father raised his hand to punch me. I automatically put my hands up to shield my face when my dad,what seemed, punched an invisible force field, separating them from me. He was shaken. He looked at me with shock. I had no idea what had happened. This wasn't even possible. My hands were still raised and i could feel the power flowing through my finger tips and surrounding me. I brought my hands down and looked at them again. For a split second i saw the electric current run through them before going dry and disappearing again. I wasn't protected anymore by the barrier that seem to come from me. My parents were staring at me with disgust and shock.

"..what are you?" my father stammered. I was breathing hard. My father went straight into action. He opened a near by drawr that was filled with random things and lifted the secret bottom that i had no idea about, and produced a gun. He pointed it at me. "good riddance to you too" he said slyly.

One tiny twitch of the finger can cause a world of pain. The pain was excruciating. The worst pain i have felt in my entire life. My knees gave out and i crumpled to the floor clutching where the bullet had entered. More porcelain to fall on. I tried to gather my senses but i was dizzy with pain. My vision began to change. Everything was spinning and unfocused. Then it would stop and focus the unfocused and did it again and again. My hearing was blotchy, catching only parts of what was going on. My left lung felt like it was squeezing and my breathing became short, ragged, and painful. Every breath felt like i was getting stabbed. Over and over and over. Blood was seething out everywhere from me. I was choking on blood. I was spitting it out. I couldn't talk. I couldn't move. I couldn't think. I couldn't breath. Slowly dad and mom came into my vision standing above me. Dad moved the gun so it was pointing at my head. Go ahead. Do it. End my pain already.

I thought of Jake again. He would kill me for not trying to live. Where is he? He should be here by now. Well I'm glad hes not here. I don't want him to see me like this. Here, staring death in the face. Everything was extremely slow. Too slow.  Well i guess spending my final minuts in slow motion was pretty darn cool. I looked at mom and dad they looked.. Eager.

I didn't was them to be final image i would see. I looked over towards the door where jake stood in the doorway. So much pain filled his expression. I had only seen that look on him once and that was at his dad's funeral. That look made me want to live. For Jake. I looked up just to see my dad pull the trigger.

I thought of some stupid movie me and Jake had watched in the tree fort in the summer. There was a man that could stop bullets with his mind. I thought that was cool.  I don't know why that image came to me but it did. The bullet, still in slow motion, came closer, closer, closer until it was about 2 centimeters away when it stopped. My brain felt powerful as it did when i had blocked dad's punch with the weird invisible force. The bullet dropped.

I blinked in confusion and pain. Dad dropped the gun, his mouth hanging so wide, you could catch a fly in there. Mom just stared, her face blank. More blood surged through my mouth and i was coughing and spuddering, trying to clear my lungs. Jake appeared above me, his face painted in worry and shock. I felt his arms go under me and he picked me up bridal style.

I faintly heard his say "stay with me Cat. Stay here. Everythings going to be fine. Your going to be fine."

Cat.. Why would he say cat? Oh yeah, that was my name. I forgot my own name. What was wrong with me? I was just bleeding out so i guess i have an excuse. Jake was running out of the house, tears dropping on me. "don't cry" i wanted to say but another gurgle of blood cut me off. We ran for what seemed like seconds, or maybe i passes out. First we were running in the cool afternoon sun and the next I'm being laid on his bed. Hes looking for something. That something must be awfully important to get it instead of taking me to the hospital. But a part of me knew it was probably already too late. I guess this would be an alright place to die. Jake's room smelt... Homely.

It was a pail green color with a small be in the far left corner. There was an old dresser behind his bed and small closet near the door. The carpet was a dirty white. Across from the bed was a T.V complete with his xbox and wii and games and DVD player. Altogether it was a nice room. Not where i imagined i would die but its not like i can change it. I was kind of floating. I could still feel every single thread of pain but i was also not really there. All i could do was watch in agony. Jake found what he was looking for. I didn't really see what he had but it was small. He put it on his wall and a door seemed to form from it. Crawling out, getting bigger and bigger until it formed the shape of a door leading somewhere that i couldn't see from the angle my head was on his bed. He turned to me with grief filled eyes and tears painting his cheeks. We locked gazes. It only lasted a second but our gazes told each other alot.

His gaze said "your going to be alright. You have to be alright. I don't know what i would do without you." and mine said "Jake you and i both know it would take a miracle for me to live this. You will move on. I'm just glad to have you for my final moments." or thats what i imagined what we would say. He came to me and picked me up again.

Stop it Jake, i don't want to move. Not like i could verbally protest because i could do about as much as a rag doll. He took me through the door on his wall, and i still had no idea this was possible. He brought me into a bright hallway. The walls were white with a bumpy looking texture. The tiles were yellow mixed with a little white. It looked like a school of some sort. There were a few students or people or whatever in the halls. About 20 or so. A few looked up when he entered and shock crossed their faces. Most just went about their business like this was normal. Jake ran through the crowd, oblivious to anything. He ran through the hallway in seconds. He was always a strong runner. He turned a sharp corner and turned into a room. There was medical supplies everywhere. It was like a hospital in one room. Even the walls were the shade of green traditional scrubs were. There was an operating table in the middle where Jake layed me on.

I get it now. He was still trying to save me. Why take me here though? Why not a hospital? Jake left the room for a minute or two and came back with a man who looked like a doctor.

I heard Jake saying "doc theres gotta be something you can do." and he responded "Jake, I'm sorry, there is nothing we can do unless she signs up. She must join us to be saved. If not, there is nothing i can do." Jake looked at me, fresh tears streaming down his face.

"get me the form" he said evenly toned, not breaking our stare.

The doctor looked shocked. "excuse me? You want me to.."

"get the form" Jake spoke through his teeth with angry tears rolling down his face. The doctor shuffled out looking between me and Jake with the same look my father had when the bullet somehow stopped.

Jake slowly walked towards me with a pitying look. "Cat when he comes back with that form you need to sign it. Yes it will condemn you but at least ill be there for you every step of the way. I don't have time to explain what this will do. I'm so sorry Cat. I wish there was another way." another way? What are you talking about? I couldn't say anything though because another gurgle of blood came up choking me further and this time i couldn't get it out.

I wasn't breathing. I needed air. I looked at Jake with pleading eyes, hoping he will know its a plead for help. I finally broke through my frozen stage and started thrashing. I grabbed for Jake's hand and kicked my legs. I pounded my head again and again against the steel slab-like bed i was laying on. I needed air now. Everything hurt so bad. Jake just sat there helpless. I knew he couldn't do anything. But i couldn't help it.

The doctor came in and took in the sight of me. Blood stained, tears running down my face, my face turning red from the lack of oxygen and me pounding my head against the bed. Jake ran over and took the piece of paper and pen from him and came back to me. I arched my back with pain.

"Cat you got to sign this. I can fill out the rest but you have to sign it for them to help you." he gestured to the doctor and surrounding nurses just waiting to pounce as soon as i signed the paper. I looked back at him but i was so weak. Jake put the pen in my hand and raised it to the page. I tried to do my usual signature but it looked nothing like it. It satisfied Jake though. The doctor and nurses began to work and one tried to escort Jake out but he said "no wait i have to tell her something" and ran over to me. I felt dizzy and needed oxygen NOW.

Jake was so close i could feel his breath. " Cat i have to tell you something. Something i should have said a long time ago. I.....I lov-"  i couldn't hold on any longer. Blackness won and took over completely.


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