Too true to be

Von Ayrivynne

28.5K 1.7K 1K

Have you ever fallen in love with a person you've only seen online? Chatted with online? That's what happened... Mehr

You flatter me so
A lonely day at school (Arthur)
An everyday (Francis)
Who wouldn't?
I can't, I couldn't (Francis)
It's nothing..(Arthur)
Favor (Francis)
Wait..Wait what?
Fluff Night
Sunday Promise
Monday Chatter (Arthur)
And they lived...
A/N: Thank You

Saturday Shut in

1.3K 73 13
Von Ayrivynne

The creaking of the bed and the shift of weight slowly woke Arthur. He cracked opened his eyes and yawned. Events of yesterday started to roll in, senses starting to realize that he was in Francis's arms. He panicked for a slight second, heart jumping as he looked up. Francis was still asleep; Arthur sighed in relief. Why did he work up such a panic attack for.

"Francis." he muttered softly.

Last night even seemed like a dream. Everything about Francis seemed like a dream, he was lucky this wasn't. Waking up to find that his life was back to normal would really make him snap. His happiness a fake. His lover a fake. Everything FAKE.


His eyes moved up to Francis whose eyes were groggy, death plastered in his pupils. He stuttered softly as he shook his head. Francis brought a hand up to rub his eyes. Today wasn't as bad since he had gotten a chance to sleep in, but he still needed his coffee.

"I'm sorry, I get a bit crabby when I wake up." said Francis, "Runs in the family."

Arthur smiled softly and buried his face in the other's chest. It was a cute quirk, a scary one because he had no idea how far it got, but cute. Francis smiled and closed his eyes as he pulled Arthur closer, he wanted to spend every morning with him like this. 

"We should get up."


The late morning went on slow, both blonds going down for breakfast after they did their morning routine. Francis having to borrow a few things. They helped around the house as the older Kirkland brothers went to work and Mr. Kirkland went to get some business done with some coworkers. Mrs. Kirkland smiled as she saw her son and the Frenchman moving around together as they did small house chores.

"You two should be out and about. On a date." she said.

"Mother." said Arthur flushing.

"Oh Mrs. Kirkland, I think having Arthur here is a date enough already." smiled Francis.

She giggled and went off to the patio where some sweeping needed to be done. Arthur and Francis finished up in the living room then went back up to Arthur's room. Once there they began to talk, both asking questions more personal. How Francis deals with his hair, how it feels like to be the youngest child, life experiences, school life, etc..

"Arthur you really need to clean your closet." said Francis looking though it.

"What do you mean? It's clean as it is." said Arthur getting up to look at his own closet.

Clothes were hung orderly on hangers, pants folded and set on the shelves. Socks and undergarments neatly tucked in their own section. Nothing on the floor. Francis scrunched his eyebrows as he glanced at Arthur. Surely this wasn't clean. Not to Francis at least.

"Do you have a system?"

"For clothes? Not exactly." replied Arthur.

"Let me clean it for you." smiled Francis.

"What? No, I can't let you clean my closet." said Arthur.

"I insist, plus we're having a day in are we not? It gives me something to do."

After a few minutes of going back and forth Arthur eventually allowed Francis to 'clean' his closet while he went and continued to read his book. Francis happily went in and started to reorganize Arthur's closet. Back at home he has his clothes sorted in a particular fashion that seems complicated, but is quite easy to understand once you go through it a few times. Arthur went over and picked up a book he had on hold for a while.

"Well, now I have time to read a few chapters." Arthur said to himself.

His eyes scanned the words as Francis moved around in his closet. It was a bit unnerving, but he could trust him in ' cleaning ' is closet. Whatever that meant to him. Francis continued on organizing his closet as if it was his own. But he had to say that Arthur wore some pretty bland clothes.

After what seemed like forever, Francis was done. He smiled at his work and stepped back. It was just like at home, but with a twist of Arthur. He kept some things here and there, moving some sections around, but keeping them in their place. The Frenchman turned and looked at Arthur who was indulged in his book. Smiling, Francis walked over and sat behind him.

"I'm done mon amor." said Francis softly.

Arthur nodded and hummed as a response, eyes still scanning the pages of the hardback. His fingers flipped the pages. Francis smiled and looked over his shoulder. It seemed like an intricate read, no wonder he was so into it. Francis's arms wrapped around Arthur gingerly as his chin rested on his shoulder. Arthur glanced at him and smiled. Francis's gentle, affectionate gestures were perfect.

During the two hours of Arthur reading, Francis did small gentle actions like back rubs, warm hugs, snuggles. Time to time Arthur would look up and respond back, giving him a small smile, moving into his arms. He even mustered up his courage and pecked his cheek.

"Arthur? Francis? Lunch is almost ready." said Mrs. Kirkland.

Arthur looked up and set his book down, "Let us help you finish!"

Francis beamed and nodded, "That'd be a nice break from reading."

The two stood up stretching out their legs and arms before going down stairs. Mrs. Kirkland smiling as she saw the two. Today's lunch was Boeuf Bourguignon. Francis smiled as he recognized the dish, it was something his mother often made for lunch and dinner.

"Since Francis is over I took the liberty to make something from his country. This looked very similar to beef stew, so I thought it'd be one of the easiest and quickest to make."

"Boeuf Bourguignon it's called," said Francis, "It has a home dish feeling. Merci Madame."

She laughs softly, "It certainly is a pleasure. You two can set the table while I finish the dish up. Your brothers will be home for lunch soon, so don't forget extra plates and utensils."


As the sun glided across the sky, making the day pass by, Arthur and Francis stayed indoors only leaving the house for small chores they offered to do. It wasn't the funnest day, but it sure was the most affectionate so far. The slow progress they had really meant something to each other. A relationship was a new thing for them both and to have both partners in the same mindset was relieving.

"We need to get you some new clothes tomorrow Francis." said Arthur.

"I know, I know. I'd said I'd get something didn't I?" replied Francis as he sat on the bed, "Maybe I'll get something for Mama and Papa."

"That's really sweet of you Francis." commented Arthur.

The Brit once again quickly changed embarrassingly; Francis chuckling and stripping down the layers on himself as well. Another night and another day until Francis needed to return home. He was sure he was going to go back early as to get back home in the evening even if Allistor said Monday morning. 

Arthur walked back over to the bed and sat down, looking over at Francis. He was going home tomorrow; he didn't want him to leave yet. It was too soon. But he knew they had their separate lives to live...Just one more year. Just one more year of high school, then it's a maybe.

"Let's go to bed." said Francis, "We have a big day tomorrow! A lot of walking I presume."

Arthur smile, "A lot of walking indeed."

They both laid beside each other in the dark, arms slowly wrapping around each other. They smiled as their eyes met. Heart picking up speed as they held each other.



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