BreakingPoint [h.s]

By stylsLvr

9.6K 231 26

"There are people I no longer want to associate with, by that I mean I don't want to sit in hour long lessons... More

chapter. 1
chapter. 2
chapter. 3
chapter. 7
Please read
chapter.13 part1
chapter.13 part2
chapter.15 part1
chapter.15 part2
Important note.
Final Author's Note
One more lol


262 7 0
By stylsLvr

An: so I guess my post about the concert just uploaded on this story, oops

Eliza POV
"Since when are you talking to him?" Juls asks as we get out of our seats to head to second period.

"He stopped by my house to check on me yesterday..." I trail off as I see him leaning against a set of lockers, watching me. "Juls your next class is on the other end of campus, you should hurry. I'll see you later. Bye." I wave her off as nicely as possible as I walk to next class.
I walk into my english class and sit next to Sam.

"Thank goodness you're alright. Sorry we didn't stop by yesterday." He said while smiling at me.

"It's all good, Sam. Don't sweat it." I smiled back. And with that class started and it drug on for the longest hour of my life.
When I get to the gym we go through the same routine we have the past few weeks. Coach took role then dismissed us to wander the rest of class. I go up to my usual spot at the back of the bleachers and put in my headphones. I watched as Harry conversed with a few of the other girls in the class. Anger boiling up inside of me at the sight.

"What the hell?" I mutter to myself while shaking my head and looking down to my phone.

I spend the next few minutes scrolling through my Twitter feed and letting the music of Ed Sheeran take my mind off of anything Harry related. When I look up from my phone I jump in my seat at the sight of Harry, right in front of me.

"Can I help you?" I ask, pausing my music and taking out my headphones.

"You and me. Tonight. Dinner at seven." He says while sitting right next to me.

"You gonna stand me up this time?" I ask while laughing dryly.

"I'll have you know, I have full intentions of picking you up and taking you to dinner. Good wholesome fun." He smiles brightly with both of his dimples showing. "So what'd you say, eh?" He asks while pushing his fringe out of his face.

"Tonight?" I ask him. He nods quickly, the smile never leaving his face. His eyes searching my face all the while. I look straight ahead and nod for a few moments. "Sure. But if you don't show, then never again Harry Styles." I look at him to see that stupid grin still there.

"Of course. I'll be there, babe." He winks.

"And stop with the babe stuff." I laugh and he nods his head.

"Okay. Liza is alright, yes? I know that was your sister's thing, but I like calling you that." He smiles shyly at me.

"It's quite alright Harry." I smile back as the bell rings and dismisses us to lunch.

He walks me to the cafeteria then disappears as I make my way to the line. My eyes scour the room to find his jade ones, but I fail. I collect my lunch then make my way to our table.

"You're staying over at mine Friday."  Julie says as I sit down. Sam laughs at her blatant command as he looks at me, waiting for my rebuttal.

"And what is the reason for this abrupt and irrefutable invitation?" I ask while looking at her and raising my brow.

"So you can explain to me why the hell you're suddenly texting Harry Styles." She says quietly so only us three can here.

I take a moment to look past Julie, a boy stood leaning against the wall. He was staring at me. It wasn't the kind that Harry gives, warm and comforting in ways. It was cold and more of a glare.

"It's nothing, Julie. But he is taking me out tonight." I say the last part quickly and almost under my breath in hopes she wouldn't hear. I look down to my lunch and carefully unwrap my small sandwich and take a bite.

"He's taking you out?" The two of them ask harshly, Julie's hands make hard contact with the table in shock and Sam gives me a quizzical look.

"Yes. Sort of like a date, you could say." I answer calmly. "He's not as bad as you made him out to be, Juls." I tell them honestly.

Julie scoffs quietly. "Your Brit is staring at you. It's kinda creepy." She says motioning behind me.

I turn in my seat to see Harry, indeed staring at me. He smirks knowing he's been caught and sends a wink my way. I feel a blush rise on my cheeks so I quickly look away.

"Just be careful, yea?" She warns as the bell rings and we get up to walk to next class.
An: sooooo I recently made a major plot decision involving a certain character that will slowly come in to play.

Also, Eliza's outfit for this and last chap is on my polyvore. Link in my bio

All the love :) xx

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