Behind the nerdy appearance

By KamisamaKissFreak

33K 1.2K 257

Ruined by her past Amu Hinamori, a girl with gorgeous honey colored eyes, a sweet like honey voice, and brigh... More

Friendship or hateship?
A Date
Hanging out
Bad Days
After school
girls (part 2)
Overwhelming emotions
Feild trip!
Authors note!
Pocky game!!
Authors note
Bad timing Saaya!
Authors note


2.3K 80 12
By KamisamaKissFreak

I grabbed my chin in thought as I compared the two different brands selling the same ingredients. I glanced down at Ami to make sure she was still there.

She stood beside me, holding my hand, anxiously moving around. She didn't like standing in one spot for to long. I smiled and shook my head.

I then decided on the product I wanted and grabbed it, turning to walk away when suddenly I ran smack into someone. "Ow!"

I stumbled backwards and looked up to see a shocking sight. Ikuto Tsukiyomi!!! "Do I know you?" He asked tilting his head. Ami yanked on my hand. "Onii-chan!!" She wailed.

My face heated up. How did this happen?! "N-no I don't think we've met before!! It's probably just a stupid coincidence..." I stutter, embarrassed. He smirks. "You're pretty cute."

Heat rises to my face. He just called me cute!! The most popular guy in my school just called me cute! "U-uh...!" I didn't know what to say!!

A flash of him smirking at me at school ran through my mind, rendering me paralyzed. "Sis! Who is this guy!" Ami shouted.

Oh that's right! "Uh... I don't know." I hope he doesn't notice me at school!! He smirks. "You go to my school? How could you not know me." He stated

Crap!! "Uh... Hahah um... Gotta go bye!" I go to run off but he grabs my arm, holding me in place. No! Let go you nasty play boy!

"Wait what's your name!" He asks. Eh? Uh my name? I can't tell him my real name! He'll find out who I am!

"It's Amu!" My sister suddenly pipes up. My eyes widen and I cover her mouth. "No!" I shout in a haste to quite her.

Ikuto gives me a weird look and I laugh nervously. "You silly girl! You always pronounce my name wrong! It's Amaya!" I giggled nervously.

I hope he didn't catch that! Ami looked at me confused and I gave her a look to keep her mouth shut. "Hmm... I'm Ikuto Tsukiyomi." He stated.

I looked back at him. "Uh... Well I have to go now!" I say as I dash off. I trip a little on my way to the cashier and my skirt flies up.

Thank god for spandex! I slam the things down on the counter and bounce up and down. Hurry up!!! Ikuto comes strolling over to me. "Onii-chan?!" Ami asked confused.

I give her a smile and hurriedly pull out some cash. "Why in such a rush to get away from me?" He asks. Suddenly a very annoying person enters. "Ikuto-kun!"

Saaya?! Oh come on!! I groan inwardly and turn back to the cashier. He hands me my bags and I pay. I run off and drag Ami with me.

We return home and I sigh, slumping over on the couch. "Amu? What happened?" Ami asked. I looked at her. "He's a boy from my school and I can't having knowing the real me!"

I explain to her and she nods. "Sorry..." She says. I shake my head and hug her. "It's okay, how about dinner?" I ask. She instantly cheers up.

"Yay!!!" She then helps me cook dinner and finally we sit down to eat. After eating I take a bath and think about the crazy day I just had.

Did Ikuto already know about me? I mean what's up with that weird smirk he gave me today in the hallway and then today at the store! He said I looked familiar.

Well technically he asked if he knew me but that means the same thing right? Whatever!! Gah! I'm blushing like crazy! Why?! I hate this! I hate him!!

I get out and the get dressed before tucking Ami into bed. Afterwards I go into my room and do my homework and Saaya's after that I go to bed, completely exhausted!

When I wake up I do my normal routine and then head off to school, taking Ami with me. I drop her off and wave goodbye as I leave. Suddenly I run smack into him! I look up at him and blush.

What if he noticed Ami! She doesn't wear a disguise! He looked at me completely emotionless. Maybe he doesn't know...? "S-sorry!" I stutter.

He scoffs. "Maybe you should slow down a little, dweeb." Dweeb?! I almost got angry but controlled myself. He's not worth my time! I look at my watch and almost lose it!

"Oh no! We're late!" I shout. I then run off and Ikuto holds me back. "We have 10 minutes till class starts." He stated. I glared at him. Is he trying to break my character?!

I stare at him surprised he's even touching me. "I'm five minutes late I usually get to school 15 minutes early!" I state, ripping my wrist from his grasp.

He looks at me and sighs. "You're really weird..." He says. That's my goal now let go of me you pervert! "L-let g-go!" I shout. He looks at me. "I did...?" He stated. Oh crap!

"O-oh... Uh... Well then goodbye." I then dash off. I completely broke my character!! Now he knows my real character!

I get to school and sigh as I put my bag in my locker. Then Saaya comes over. "Homework bitch!" She says. I hand her her homework and suddenly see Ikuto walking into the building.

What happened earlier replays in my mind and I blush profusely. Saaya seemed to noticed and grabbed my hair. "Don't look at him like that!" She snarled.

Ikuto suddenly spotted us and Saaya decided to bash my head into my locker. She then suddenly noticed Ikuto coming over. "I-Ikuto-kun!? I didn't know you were coming over here!!" She blushed nervously.

I held my head and went back to taking things out of my locker. "Oi, how come you bully her like that?" Ikuto asked. My eyes widened. H-he's asking about me!!?

Saaya was shocked as well and blushed. "Bully her?! No! She's just a klutz! She's actually a good friend!" Saaya grabbed me and hugged me.

I looked at her with are you kidding me face but then just sighed and nodded. "Best friends!" I smiled at Saaya and she gave me a look saying I was pushing my luck.

Ikuto sighed and then walked away. Saaya smacked my face. "How dare you make me look bad in front of Ikuto-kun!" She wailed before stomping off.

I sighed. She's such a bitch. I hate her but I'm suppose to be the nice nerdy girl so I have to keep my cool and spicy character under wraps.

I head to first hour and see my teacher and another teacher conversing. They looked serious and the other teacher looked rushed and nervous. Hm? I wonder what's going on.

Suddenly they caught me looking and my teacher gave me a look. I blushed and bowed before sitting down. After the bell rang and everyone sat down, the teachers brought the attention to them.

My teacher spoke first. "Class! My wife is in labor this morning so I'm going to be leaving. Miss Snatcher will bring her class in and you guys will be doing free reading. Please listen to Miss Snatcher. Goodbye class!" We said goodbye in unison and he left.

The girl teacher sighed and motioned for her class to come in. My eyes widened when I saw Ikuto, Kukai, and Utau come in. I quickly picked up my book and shove my face in it.

Don't pay attention to me! Don't pay attention to me!! Please just go to Saaya!! Ikuto passed by me and we connected eyes. I blushed and looked away. Crap! Why did I look?!!! Stupid Amu!!

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stu- "your books upside down." Ikuto whispered as he bent over at my desk. My eyes widened and I blushed. I scowled at him before turning my book the right way. "T-thanks!"

I go back to trying to read my book and he stands up. Saaya skips over and then glared at me before dragging him away. For once I'm glad Saaya was here!

I was completely speechless! I mean sure I really wanted to yell at him and tell him he's big pervert but that would be blowing my cover and I definitely can't have that! Especially with Ikuto!

It would be the end of me! If die as the laughing stalk of the entire school! Not to mention so old pervert other than Ikuto would chase after me and that made me really scared!

I shivered at the thought and shook my head. I just need to stop thinking about Ikuto and ignore him! He'll get the message and leave me alone. Right? Right!? Right?! Ugh! I'm confusing myself again!!

The bell rung after 26 grueling minutes and suddenly Ikuto popped up I from of me as we we're exiting class. He smirked but I tried my best to remain calm.

"Next time you have conversations with yourself remember not to make your facial expression seen!" He teased before walking away. My face burned with red. THAT PERVERT!!!

>Time skip to lunch<
I sighed and looked at the disgusting food that sat on my tray. I sweat dropped. Are they trying to kill us?

I grabbed the peach that I had on my tray and opened my milk. I took a drink and then bit into my peach.

The fuzzy outside bruised against my teeth giving me goosebumps and I shivered. Why am I eating this?! I hate the feel of the peach fix against my tongue and teeth!

Suddenly people sat down next to me. Huh? What's going on? Did they not see me sitting here? So strange that people are sitting beside me!

I look up to two blonde girls, a browned haired girl, a long dark purple haired boy, and a black haired boy.

Why the hell is Rima, Utau, Yaya, Naji, and Kairi sitting at my table?! I raise an eyebrow and Rima rolls her eyes. Utau sighs and speaks up.

"I hope you don't mind that were sitting with you!" She said, giving me a small friendly smile. I tried to return the gesture but it came out awkward and weird.

"Um... That's ok..." I blushed. Suddenly Ikuto, Kukai, and Saaya sat down as well. Are you kidding me? What did I do to deserve this! Now I'm really nervous!!

"I hope we can be friends!" Yaya cheered. I caught Saaya's eye and she glared at me. I gulped. "A-actually I'm done eating so, please excuse me!"

I quickly stood up and dashed off. Saaya would not be happy with me. I groaned and wandered around until I came to the schools roof top. I slumped to the ground and looked at the sky.

Why was this happening to me?! I mean not just Ikuto talking to me but having his whole group want to become my friend!! "It's cool up here..." A familiar voice stated.

I filled with dread and looked over to see Ikuto lazily laying on the ground, his arms folded back underneath his head. To be honest he look quiet attractive but let's not think about that!

"Ikuto!" I jumped up ready to bolt when he stopped me. "I figured you didn't like all the company so fast so I just brought myself up here." He explained.

I blushed. So it was him that asked them to come over. I should of know I mean come on! Like they would ever spontaneously want to be my friend.

"It would of been better if you hadn't just said that..." I mumbled. Ikuto sighed and sat up. A frown etched on his face. "Sorry... Guess I'm not use to talking to girls who don't swoon over me."

He shrugged and laid back down in a sunny spot, sort of like a cat taking a cat nap. I smiled slightly but then stopped myself. "Why did you really come up here?" I asked.

I don't think this was just some coincidence. It was more than just a mere lucky meeting! He came up here for something! I know it!

He's Ikuto Tsukiyomi he has to be looking for something other than just talking to me!! I'm a dweeb, like he mentioned earlier! I narrowed by skeptical eyes at him.

He sighed and say up. "I'll see you later." He smirked at me before strolling toward the door just as the bell for lunch to end was rung. My jaw dropped as I gaped at him.

I knew this wasn't a coincidence but for him to lead me on like that! He's such a pervert! I hate him! I really hate this guy! PERVERT!!!

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