Sound The Bugle

De georgialou2601

3.9K 188 30

Daniel Cooper. The man who hasn't had fun in years. The man who has seen things he will never forget. The man... Mai multe



279 11 8
De georgialou2601

~Daniel Cooper to the side~

Daniel Cooper

People say that I was once a fun loving young lad. It's true. I was always at parties and out with mates. I had a girlfriend named Sophie. I loved her. Now I don't love anyone. Now I get called a living zombie. I haven't felt alive since I returned from my tour with the army.

I joined the Army at eighteen after I saw my brother be shot by a terrorist. He was one of those people that I loved. I knew that I had to join the army. I knew that I had to do something to protect other people who are as innocent as my brother was.

While in the Army, I was taken hostage for approximately three months or so. I was beaten, starved. I've been forced to kill people.

No one knows that though. I've never told a soul. I'm so ashamed. I was a coward. Why didn't I risk my own life? Why did I kill them before my self? Isn't that why I joined the Army? To protect innocent people. I'm a monster.

After three months of torture, I did manage to escape. What I did to get free, I'm not proud of and I won't talk about it. But anyway, I did get free and returned to my army base. They questioned me. I refused to answer anything. No one needs to know of how weakly I believe I acted.

When I came home, I was a different person, with physical and emotional scars. I no longer trusted anyone. Nor do I now for that matter. I don't go out anymore. My friends have tried to get through to me and to teach me how to have fun again, but I'm not interested.

My girlfriend tried to reach out to me, but I pushed her away. She kicked off, screamed at me and cried that I was neglecting her. I didn't care. Sophie lost all contact with me, I haven't heard from her in eight years.

I now work as a police officer as I was not allowed to re join the army due to PTSD. I got over it though, sort of, but they still refused me. All my life consists of is work, eating and sleeping. I work out and go to forced family dinners, but that's it. Even those forced family reunions are becoming an increasing rarity.

The shrill of my alarm awakes me from a nightmare filled sleep. Every night is the same. Memories of my time as a hostage. I'm covered in a light sheen of sweat and I'm tangled up in my sheet.

I de-tangle tired frame and drag myself out of bed, rewarding myself with a much needed stretch and a loud groan erupting from my mouth. It's winter and not even light outside. Actually, I think it's raining. But what else would you  expect from January in Britain. Forget January, all year round.

Crossing my room to my en-suit, I go in and turn the water on in the shower. I feel cold as I walk around in just a pair of boxers so waiting for the water heats up seems like a never ending period as I stand there shivering, watching goosebumps appear on my skin. It only takes a few seconds in reality, but it's too cold for any amount of seconds.

Once it's heated up, I waste no time in stepping in to the warm, steamy shower and under the hot water. I instantly feel the relief it brings to my cold body and my tense muscles begin to relax slowly.

As soon as I'm clean, I shut off the welcomed water and the goosebumps make another reappearance. In a swift motion, I grab the closest fluffy towel and dry my body before wrapping it securely around my waist.

I walk out of the bathroom and go to my large,brown wardrobe. Opening the door, I go to the built in draws and retrieve a pair of black boxers, slipping them on under my towel.

Today there is a meeting so I'll be wearing a suit, not my usual Police uniform. I take out black dress trousers and a grey button up shirt, then lay them gently on my bed.

After getting dressed, I add some silver cuff links to my shirt then leave my room, grabbing my phone, slipping it in to my inside pocket on my way out.

For breakfast, I make myself a small bowl of weetabix with grapes in it. I eat it quickly as I watch the news on the small TV in my kitchen. When I'm finished, I place my bowl in the dishwasher and turn it on.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and look at the time. 7:45am "Crap." I mutter under my breath. I'm supposed to be at the conference in twenty minutes and I said I'd bring my boss a coffee.

Hurrying to the door, I slip on my black, lace up shoes, grab the keys to my sliver Mazda and hurry out of my home to my car. I climb in and start the engine and pull out of the drive that belongs to my semi detached house.

I drive through my home town of Norwich. The rain pats on my windscreen persistently and the sun is slowly beginning to rise. Not that you can really see through the dark rain clouds that dominate the sky.

After ten minutes of battling with morning rush hour traffic, I arrive out side Costa. I park my car and jump out, I begin to rush inside to get out of the rain.

Just as I'm about to go inside, someone walks in to me, almost spilling their freshly bought coffee. I stick my hand out and catch it upright before it can spill it's boiling content over us.

I hand it back to the owner who I finally look at. The owner is a short woman with beautiful facial features. Her hair is a strawberry blonde colour and absolutely stunning as it falls around her face. Don't get me started on her bright green eyes, they're more like emeralds. Not even a day as dull as today could hinder their shine. I clear my throat and she smiles at me gratefully.

"Thank you so much." She says and I nod. The beautiful woman pushes some dampening hair back from her face, my eyes follow the movement.

"No problem." I say, but before I go to move past her, she thrusts her petite hand out to me.

"My name is Nikki." She smiles and I take her gentle hand in my own calloused one, shaking it gently.

"Nice to meet you, Nikki, I'm Daniel." I say politely, still studying her beautiful features. I may not be interested in a relationship, at all, but that doesn't mean I'm blind to beauty.

"You too, Daniel. I've got to go, goodbye and thanks again." She releases my hand.

"Good bye." I say in as kind a tone I can. She walks off at a quickened pace and I watch her retreating figure, which may I add, is amazing.

I shake the image of her from my mind and enter Costa, ordering two expressos to go, it's a race against time, being late to a meeting means you have to buy all the cakes and biscuits for the next one

Leaving the coffee shop, I climb back in to my car and drive the rest of the way to work without another thought on Nikki.

When I get there, the time on the clock in my car says, 8:02. I have three minutes to get inside. I get out my car with the coffee in my hands, lock the car door and hurry inside the police station. I flash my ID card at the security guard and hurry up the stairs to the conference room.

I open the door and everyone turns to me. "Hello, Officer Cooper." Says my boss with a smile. He's a middle age man with thick locks of black hair and bright blue eyes. I nod politely, handing him his coffee.

"Thank you, Cooper." He says then I move to my place on the large table with my own coffee in front of me, warming my winter chilled hands.

Once everyone has arrived and were all seated, Sergeant Duncan begins the meeting.

"We have uncovered some new information about case eighty one. He's a terrorist taking people hostage."

Then the room starts spinning and my vision blurs. My breathing becomes uneven and I can't even begin to think straight.

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